Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid flow in 2D.
Find ,
such that:
The mesh is created by gen_block_mesh()
View the results using:
sfepy-view user_block.vtk -2

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid flow in 2D.
Find :math:`\ul{u}`, :math:`p` such that:
.. math::
\int_{\Omega} \nu\ \nabla \ul{v} : \nabla \ul{u}
+ \int_{\Omega} ((\ul{u} \cdot \nabla) \ul{u}) \cdot \ul{v}
- \int_{\Omega} p\ \nabla \cdot \ul{v}
= 0
\;, \quad \forall \ul{v} \;,
\int_{\Omega} q\ \nabla \cdot \ul{u}
= 0
\;, \quad \forall q \;.
The mesh is created by ``gen_block_mesh()`` function.
View the results using::
sfepy-view user_block.vtk -2
from __future__ import absolute_import
from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO
from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh
# Mesh dimensions.
dims = [0.1, 0.1]
# Mesh resolution: increase to improve accuracy.
shape = [51, 51]
def mesh_hook(mesh, mode):
Generate the block mesh.
if mode == 'read':
mesh = gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, [0, 0], name='user_block',
return mesh
elif mode == 'write':
filename_mesh = UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)
regions = {
'Omega' : 'all',
'Left' : ('vertices in (x < -0.0499)', 'facet'),
'Right' : ('vertices in (x > 0.0499)', 'facet'),
'Bottom' : ('vertices in (y < -0.0499)', 'facet'),
'Top' : ('vertices in (y > 0.0499)', 'facet'),
'Walls' : ('r.Left +v r.Right +v r.Bottom', 'facet'),
materials = {
'fluid' : ({'viscosity' : 1.00e-2},),
fields = {
'velocity': ('real', 'vector', 'Omega', 2),
'pressure': ('real', 'scalar', 'Omega', 1),
variables = {
'u' : ('unknown field', 'velocity', 0),
'v' : ('test field', 'velocity', 'u'),
'p' : ('unknown field', 'pressure', 1),
'q' : ('test field', 'pressure', 'p'),
ebcs = {
'1_Walls' : ('Walls', {'u.all' : 0.0}),
'0_Driven' : ('Top', {'u.0' : 1.0, 'u.1' : 0.0}),
'Pressure' : ('Bottom', {'p.0' : 0.0}),
integrals = {
'i' : 4,
equations = {
'balance' :
"""+ dw_div_grad.i.Omega(fluid.viscosity, v, u)
+ dw_convect.i.Omega(v, u)
- dw_stokes.i.Omega(v, p) = 0""",
'incompressibility' :
"""dw_stokes.i.Omega(u, q) = 0""",
solvers = {
'ls' : ('ls.scipy_direct', {}),
'newton' : ('nls.newton', {
'i_max' : 15,
'eps_a' : 1e-10,
'eps_r' : 1.0,