sfepy.solvers.ls module

class sfepy.solvers.ls.CholeskySolver(conf, **kwargs)[source]

Interface to scikit-sparse.cholesky solver.

Kind: ‘ls.cholesky’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

use_presolvebool (default: False)

If True, pre-factorize the matrix.

use_mtx_digestbool (default: True)

If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!

name = 'ls.cholesky'
presolve(mtx, use_mtx_digest=True)[source]
class sfepy.solvers.ls.MUMPSSolver(conf, **kwargs)[source]

Interface to MUMPS solver.

Kind: ‘ls.mumps’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

use_presolvebool (default: False)

If True, pre-factorize the matrix.

use_mtx_digestbool (default: True)

If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!

memory_relaxationint (default: 20)

The percentage increase in the estimated working space.

static coo_is_symmetric(mtx, tol=1e-09)[source]

Symmetry check of the sparse matrix.

name = 'ls.mumps'
presolve(mtx, use_mtx_digest=True, factorize=True)[source]
class sfepy.solvers.ls.MultiProblem(conf, context=None, **kwargs)[source]

Conjugate multiple problems.

Allows to define conjugate multiple problems.

Kind: ‘ls.cm_pb’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

method{‘auto’, ‘umfpack’, ‘superlu’} (default: ‘auto’)

The actual solver to use.

use_presolvebool (default: False)

If True, pre-factorize the matrix.

use_mtx_digestbool (default: True)

If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!


The list of auxiliary problem definition files.


The list of coupling variables.

init_subproblems(conf, **kwargs)[source]
name = 'ls.cm_pb'
sparse_submat(Ad, Ar, Ac, gr, gc, S)[source]

A[gr,gc] = S

class sfepy.solvers.ls.PETScKrylovSolver(conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs)[source]

PETSc Krylov subspace solver.

The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see comm argument of PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()) and allows passing in PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side vector.

The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a conf object.

Convergence is reached when rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a), where, in PETSc, rnorm is by default the norm of preconditioned residual.

Kind: ‘ls.petsc’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

methodstr (default: ‘cg’)

The actual solver to use.


User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an object with setUp(self, pc) and apply(self, pc, x, y) methods. Has precedence over the precond/sub_precond parameters.

precondstr (default: ‘icc’)

The preconditioner.

sub_precondstr (default: ‘none’)

The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).

precond_side{‘left’, ‘right’, ‘symmetric’, None}

The preconditioner side.


User-defined function returning the linear system matrix and optionally a precoditioning matrix in a PETSc format. It is called as create_matrix(self, mtx, context, comm), where self is the solver instance, mtx is the matrix passed to self.__call__(), context is a user-supplied context and comm the PETSc communicator.


The number of degrees of freedom per node.

i_maxint (default: 100)

The maximum number of iterations.

eps_afloat (default: 1e-08)

The absolute tolerance for the residual.

eps_rfloat (default: 1e-08)

The relative tolerance for the residual.

eps_dfloat (default: 100000.0)

The divergence tolerance for the residual.

force_reusebool (default: False)

If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds to the mtx argument: it is always reused.


Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass all PETSc options supported by petsc.Options().

create_ksp(options=None, comm=None)[source]
create_petsc_matrix(mtx, comm=None)[source]
init_ksp(conf=None, comm=None)[source]
name = 'ls.petsc'
set_field_split(field_ranges, comm=None)[source]

Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with ‘fieldsplit’ preconditioner.

This function must be called before solving the linear system.

class sfepy.solvers.ls.PyAMGKrylovSolver(conf, context=None, **kwargs)[source]

Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers.

Kind: ‘ls.pyamg_krylov’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

methodstr (default: ‘cg’)

The actual solver to use.

setup_precondcallable (default: <function PyAMGKrylovSolver.<lambda> at 0x718278138310>)

User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}.


User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm.

i_maxint (default: 100)

The maximum number of iterations.

eps_rfloat (default: 1e-08)

The relative tolerance for the residual.


Additional parameters supported by the method.

name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov'
class sfepy.solvers.ls.PyAMGSolver(conf, **kwargs)[source]

Interface to PyAMG solvers.

The method parameter can be one of: ‘smoothed_aggregation_solver’, ‘ruge_stuben_solver’. The accel parameter specifies the Krylov solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver.

Kind: ‘ls.pyamg’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

methodstr (default: ‘smoothed_aggregation_solver’)

The actual solver to use.


The accelerator.


User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm.

i_maxint (default: 100)

The maximum number of iterations.

eps_rfloat (default: 1e-08)

The relative tolerance for the residual.

force_reusebool (default: False)

If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds to the mtx argument: it is always reused.


Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the ‘method:’ prefix for arguments of the method construction function (e.g. ‘method:max_levels’ : 5), and the ‘solve:’ prefix for the subsequent solver call.

name = 'ls.pyamg'
class sfepy.solvers.ls.PyPardisoSolver(conf, method=None, **kwargs)[source]

PyPardiso direct solver.

PyPardiso (https://github.com/haasad/PyPardiso) is a python package to solve large sparse linear systems of equations with the Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library PARDISO solver, a shared-memory multiprocessing parallel direct sparse solver. PyPardiso is not a python interface to the PARDISO Solver Project (https://panua.ch/pardiso).

Kind: ‘ls.pypardiso’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

use_presolvebool (default: False)

If True, pre-factorize the matrix. It is not needed for performance here, as it just calls pypardiso.spsolve() on zeros.

name = 'ls.pypardiso'
presolve(mtx, use_mtx_digest=True)[source]
class sfepy.solvers.ls.RMMSolver(conf, context=None, **kwargs)[source]

Special solver for explicit transient elastodynamics.

The solver uses the reciprocal mass matrix algorithm [1], [2] to directly construct a sparse inverse mass matrix. Instead of solving a linear system, calling the solver simply performs a sparse matrix multiplication.


  • Assumes that the density is constant in time.

  • Uses the direct EBC application, i.e., no EBC projection matrix.


González, J.A., Kolman, R., Cho, S.S., Felippa, C.A., Park, K.C., 2018. Inverse mass matrix via the method of localized Lagrange multipliers. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 113, 277–295. https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.5613


González, J.A., Kopačka, J., Kolman, R., Cho, S.S., Park, K.C., 2019. Inverse mass matrix for isogeometric explicit transient analysis via the method of localized Lagrange multipliers. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 117, 939–966. https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.5986

Kind: ‘ls.rmm’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:


The RMM term definition, see MassTerm.

debugbool (default: False)

If True, run in debug mode.

name = 'ls.rmm'
class sfepy.solvers.ls.SchurMumps(conf, **kwargs)[source]

Mumps Schur complement solver.

Kind: ‘ls.schur_mumps’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

use_presolvebool (default: False)

If True, pre-factorize the matrix.

use_mtx_digestbool (default: True)

If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!

memory_relaxationint (default: 20)

The percentage increase in the estimated working space.


The list of Schur variables.

name = 'ls.schur_mumps'
class sfepy.solvers.ls.ScipyDirect(conf, method=None, **kwargs)[source]

Direct sparse solver from SciPy.

Kind: ‘ls.scipy_direct’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

method{‘auto’, ‘umfpack’, ‘superlu’} (default: ‘auto’)

The actual solver to use.

use_presolvebool (default: False)

If True, pre-factorize the matrix.

use_mtx_digestbool (default: True)

If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!

name = 'ls.scipy_direct'
presolve(mtx, use_mtx_digest=True)[source]
class sfepy.solvers.ls.ScipyIterative(conf, context=None, **kwargs)[source]

Interface to SciPy iterative solvers.

The eps_r tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it.

Kind: ‘ls.scipy_iterative’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

methodstr (default: ‘cg’)

The actual solver to use.

setup_precondcallable (default: <function ScipyIterative.<lambda> at 0x718278117c70>)

User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup. It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}.


User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except the gmres method, where the argument is the residual.

i_maxint (default: 100)

The maximum number of iterations.

eps_afloat (default: 1e-08)

The absolute tolerance for the residual.

eps_rfloat (default: 1e-08)

The relative tolerance for the residual.


Additional parameters supported by the method.

name = 'ls.scipy_iterative'
class sfepy.solvers.ls.ScipySuperLU(conf, **kwargs)[source]

SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy.

Kind: ‘ls.scipy_superlu’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

use_presolvebool (default: False)

If True, pre-factorize the matrix.

use_mtx_digestbool (default: True)

If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!

name = 'ls.scipy_superlu'
class sfepy.solvers.ls.ScipyUmfpack(conf, **kwargs)[source]

UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy.

Kind: ‘ls.scipy_umfpack’

For common configuration parameters, see Solver.

Specific configuration parameters:

use_presolvebool (default: False)

If True, pre-factorize the matrix.

use_mtx_digestbool (default: True)

If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!

name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack'

Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear solvers.

sfepy.solvers.ls.solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None)[source]

Solve the linear system with the matrix mtx and the right-hand side rhs.

Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below.


Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers.