from __future__ import absolute_import
import hashlib
import numpy as nm
import warnings
import scipy.sparse as sps
import six
from six.moves import range
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', sps.SparseEfficiencyWarning)
from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, assert_, try_imports
from sfepy.base.timing import Timer
from sfepy.solvers.solvers import LinearSolver
def solve(mtx, rhs, solver_class=None, solver_conf=None):
Solve the linear system with the matrix `mtx` and the right-hand side
Convenience wrapper around the linear solver classes below.
solver_class = get_default(solver_class, ScipyDirect)
solver_conf = get_default(solver_conf, {})
solver = solver_class(solver_conf, mtx=mtx)
solution = solver(rhs)
return solution
def _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx, chunk_size=100000):
def _gen_array_chunks(arr):
ii = 0
while len(arr[ii:]):
yield arr[ii:ii+chunk_size].tobytes()
ii += chunk_size
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indptr):
for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(mtx.indices):
for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(
digest = sha1.hexdigest()
return digest
def _is_new_matrix(mtx, mtx_digest, force_reuse=False):
if not isinstance(mtx, sps.csr_matrix):
return True, mtx_digest
if force_reuse:
return False, mtx_digest
id0, digest0 = mtx_digest
id1 = id(mtx)
digest1 = _get_cs_matrix_hash(mtx)
if (id1 == id0) and (digest1 == digest0):
return False, (id1, digest1)
return True, (id1, digest1)
def standard_call(call):
Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for linear solvers.
def _standard_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None,
timer = Timer(start=True)
conf = get_default(conf, self.conf)
mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx)
status = get_default(status, self.status)
context = get_default(context, self.context)
assert_(mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] == rhs.shape[0])
if x0 is not None:
assert_(x0.shape[0] == rhs.shape[0])
result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status,
context=context, **kwargs)
if isinstance(result, tuple):
result, n_iter = result
n_iter = -1 # Number of iterations is undefined/unavailable.
elapsed = timer.stop()
if status is not None:
status['time'] = elapsed
status['n_iter'] = n_iter
return result
return _standard_call
def petsc_call(call):
Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for PETSc-based linear
def _petsc_call(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None,
context=None, **kwargs):
timer = Timer(start=True)
conf = get_default(conf, self.conf)
mtx = get_default(mtx, self.mtx)
status = get_default(status, self.status)
context = get_default(context, self.context)
comm = get_default(comm, self.comm)
mshape = mtx.size if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat) else mtx.shape
rshape = [rhs.size] if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec) else rhs.shape
assert_(mshape[0] == mshape[1] == rshape[0])
if x0 is not None:
xshape = [x0.size] if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec) else x0.shape
assert_(xshape[0] == rshape[0])
result = call(self, rhs, x0, conf, eps_a, eps_r, i_max, mtx, status,
comm, context=context, **kwargs)
elapsed = timer.stop()
if status is not None:
status['time'] = elapsed
status['n_iter'] = self.ksp.getIterationNumber()
return result
return _petsc_call
class ScipyDirect(LinearSolver):
Direct sparse solver from SciPy.
name = 'ls.scipy_direct'
_parameters = [
('method', "{'auto', 'umfpack', 'superlu'}", 'auto', False,
'The actual solver to use.'),
('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False,
'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'),
('use_mtx_digest', 'bool', True, False,
"""If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its
SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called
manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!"""),
def __init__(self, conf, method=None, **kwargs):
LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs)
self.sls = None
if method is None:
method = self.conf.method
aux = try_imports(['import scipy.sparse.linalg as sls',
'import scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve as sls'],
'cannot import scipy sparse direct solvers!')
if 'sls' in aux:
self.sls = aux['sls']
raise ValueError('SuperLU not available!')
if method in ['auto', 'umfpack']:
aux = try_imports(['import scikits.umfpack as um'])
is_umfpack = True if 'um' in aux\
and hasattr(aux['um'], 'UMFPACK_OK') else False
if method == 'umfpack' and not is_umfpack:
raise ValueError('UMFPACK not available!')
elif method == 'superlu':
is_umfpack = False
raise ValueError('uknown solution method! (%s)' % method)
if is_umfpack:
def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs):
if not conf.use_presolve:
if conf.use_presolve:
self.presolve(mtx, use_mtx_digest=conf.use_mtx_digest)
# Matrix is already prefactorized.
return self.solve(rhs)
return self.sls.spsolve(mtx, rhs)
def clear(self):
if self.solve is not None:
del self.solve
self.solve = None
def presolve(self, mtx, use_mtx_digest=True):
if use_mtx_digest:
is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest)
is_new, mtx_digest = False, None
if is_new or (self.solve is None):
self.solve = self.sls.factorized(mtx.tocsc())
self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest
class ScipySuperLU(ScipyDirect):
SuperLU - direct sparse solver from SciPy.
name = 'ls.scipy_superlu'
_parameters = [
('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False,
'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'),
('use_mtx_digest', 'bool', True, False,
"""If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its
SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called
manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!"""),
def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='superlu', **kwargs)
class ScipyUmfpack(ScipyDirect):
UMFPACK - direct sparse solver from SciPy.
name = 'ls.scipy_umfpack'
_parameters = [
('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False,
'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'),
('use_mtx_digest', 'bool', True, False,
"""If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its
SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called
manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!"""),
def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, method='umfpack', **kwargs)
class ScipyIterative(LinearSolver):
Interface to SciPy iterative solvers.
The `eps_r` tolerance is both absolute and relative - the solvers
stop when either the relative or the absolute residual is below it.
name = 'ls.scipy_iterative'
_parameters = [
('method', 'str', 'cg', False,
'The actual solver to use.'),
('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False,
"""User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup.
It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the
matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one
of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}.
('callback', 'callable', None, False,
"""User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called
as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except
the gmres method, where the argument is the residual.
('i_max', 'int', 100, False,
'The maximum number of iterations.'),
('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False,
'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'),
('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False,
'The relative tolerance for the residual.'),
('*', '*', None, False,
'Additional parameters supported by the method.'),
# All iterative solvers in scipy.sparse.linalg pass a solution vector into
# a callback except those below, that take a residual vector.
_callbacks_res = ['gmres']
def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs):
import scipy.sparse.linalg as la
LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs)
solver = getattr(la, self.conf.method)
except AttributeError:
output('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % self.conf.method)
output('using cg instead')
solver =
self.solver = solver
self.converged_reasons = {
0 : 'successful exit',
1 : 'number of iterations',
-1 : 'illegal input or breakdown',
def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs):
solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf)
eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a)
eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r)
i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max)
setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None),
callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None),
self.iter = 0
def iter_callback(sol):
self.iter += 1
msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter)
if conf.verbose > 2:
if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res:
res = mtx * sol - rhs
res = sol
rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res)
msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm
output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1)
# Call an optional user-defined callback.
precond = setup_precond(mtx, context)
if conf.method == 'qmr':
prec_args = {'M1' : precond, 'M2' : precond}
prec_args = {'M' : precond}
if conf.method == 'gmres':
from packaging import version
import scipy as sp
if version.parse(sp.__version__) >= version.parse('1.4.0'):
solver_kwargs.update({'callback_type' : 'legacy'})
sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, atol=eps_a, rtol=eps_r,
maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback,
except TypeError:
sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r,
maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback,
output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)'
% (, self.conf.method,
info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter),
return sol, self.iter
class PyAMGSolver(LinearSolver):
Interface to PyAMG solvers.
The `method` parameter can be one of: 'smoothed_aggregation_solver',
'ruge_stuben_solver'. The `accel` parameter specifies the Krylov
solver name, that is used as an accelerator for the multigrid solver.
name = 'ls.pyamg'
_parameters = [
('method', 'str', 'smoothed_aggregation_solver', False,
'The actual solver to use.'),
('accel', 'str', None, False,
'The accelerator.'),
('callback', 'callable', None, False,
"""User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called
as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except
the gmres accelerator, where the argument is the residual norm.
('i_max', 'int', 100, False,
'The maximum number of iterations.'),
('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False,
'The relative tolerance for the residual.'),
('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False,
"""If True, skip the check whether the MG solver object corresponds
to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""),
('*', '*', None, False,
"""Additional parameters supported by the method. Use the 'method:'
prefix for arguments of the method construction function
(e.g. 'method:max_levels' : 5), and the 'solve:' prefix for
the subsequent solver call."""),
# All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into
# a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm.
_callbacks_res = ['gmres']
def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
import pyamg
except ImportError:
msg = 'cannot import pyamg!'
raise ImportError(msg)
LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None, **kwargs)
solver = getattr(pyamg, self.conf.method)
except AttributeError:
output('pyamg.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method)
output('using pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver instead')
solver = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver
self.solver = solver
def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs):
solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf)
eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r)
i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max)
callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None),
self.iter = 0
def iter_callback(sol):
self.iter += 1
msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter)
if conf.verbose > 2:
if conf.accel not in self._callbacks_res:
res = mtx * sol - rhs
res = sol
rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res)
msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm
output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1)
# Call an optional user-defined callback.
is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest,
if is_new or ( is None):
_kwargs = {key[7:] : val
for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs)
if key.startswith('method:')} = self.solver(mtx, **_kwargs)
self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest
_kwargs = {key[6:] : val
for key, val in six.iteritems(solver_kwargs)
if key.startswith('solve:')}
sol =, x0=x0, accel=conf.accel, tol=eps_r,
maxiter=i_max, callback=iter_callback,
return sol, self.iter
class PyAMGKrylovSolver(LinearSolver):
Interface to PyAMG Krylov solvers.
name = 'ls.pyamg_krylov'
_parameters = [
('method', 'str', 'cg', False,
'The actual solver to use.'),
('setup_precond', 'callable', lambda mtx, context: None, False,
"""User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup.
It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the
matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return one
of {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}.
('callback', 'callable', None, False,
"""User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called
as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector, except
the gmres method, where the argument is the residual norm.
('i_max', 'int', 100, False,
'The maximum number of iterations.'),
('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False,
'The relative tolerance for the residual.'),
('*', '*', None, False,
'Additional parameters supported by the method.'),
# All iterative solvers in pyamg.krylov pass a solution vector into
# a callback except those below, that take a residual vector norm.
_callbacks_res = ['gmres']
def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs):
import pyamg.krylov as krylov
except ImportError:
msg = 'cannot import pyamg.krylov!'
raise ImportError(msg)
LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mg=None,
context=context, **kwargs)
solver = getattr(krylov, self.conf.method)
except AttributeError:
output('pyamg.krylov.%s does not exist!' % self.conf.method)
self.solver = solver
self.converged_reasons = {
0 : 'successful exit',
1 : 'number of iterations',
-1 : 'illegal input or breakdown',
def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, context=None, **kwargs):
solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf)
eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r)
i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max)
setup_precond = get_default(kwargs.get('setup_precond', None),
callback = get_default(kwargs.get('callback', lambda sol: None),
self.iter = 0
def iter_callback(sol):
self.iter += 1
msg = '%s: iteration %d' % (, self.iter)
if conf.verbose > 2:
if conf.method not in self._callbacks_res:
res = mtx * sol - rhs
res = sol
rnorm = nm.linalg.norm(res)
msg += ': |Ax-b| = %e' % rnorm
output(msg, verbose=conf.verbose > 1)
# Call an optional user-defined callback.
precond = setup_precond(mtx, context)
sol, info = self.solver(mtx, rhs, x0=x0, tol=eps_r, maxiter=i_max,
M=precond, callback=iter_callback,
output('%s: %s convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)'
% (, self.conf.method,
info, self.converged_reasons[nm.sign(info)], self.iter),
return sol, self.iter
class PETScKrylovSolver(LinearSolver):
PETSc Krylov subspace solver.
The solver supports parallel use with a given MPI communicator (see `comm`
argument of :func:`PETScKrylovSolver.__init__()`) and allows passing in
PETSc matrices and vectors. Returns a (global) PETSc solution vector
instead of a (local) numpy array, when given a PETSc right-hand side
The solver and preconditioner types are set upon the solver object
creation. Tolerances can be overridden when called by passing a `conf`
Convergence is reached when `rnorm < max(eps_r * rnorm_0, eps_a)`,
where, in PETSc, `rnorm` is by default the norm of *preconditioned*
name = 'ls.petsc'
_parameters = [
('method', 'str', 'cg', False,
'The actual solver to use.'),
('setup_precond', 'callable', None, False,
"""User-supplied function for the preconditioner initialization/setup.
It is called as setup_precond(mtx, context), where mtx is the
matrix, context is a user-supplied context, and should return an
object with `setUp(self, pc)` and `apply(self, pc, x, y)` methods.
Has precedence over the `precond`/`sub_precond` parameters.
('precond', 'str', 'icc', False,
'The preconditioner.'),
('sub_precond', 'str', 'none', False,
'The preconditioner for matrix blocks (in parallel runs).'),
('precond_side', "{'left', 'right', 'symmetric', None}", None, False,
'The preconditioner side.'),
('i_max', 'int', 100, False,
'The maximum number of iterations.'),
('eps_a', 'float', 1e-8, False,
'The absolute tolerance for the residual.'),
('eps_r', 'float', 1e-8, False,
'The relative tolerance for the residual.'),
('eps_d', 'float', 1e5, False,
'The divergence tolerance for the residual.'),
('force_reuse', 'bool', False, False,
"""If True, skip the check whether the KSP solver object corresponds
to the `mtx` argument: it is always reused."""),
('*', '*', None, False,
"""Additional parameters supported by the method. Can be used to pass
all PETSc options supported by :func:`petsc.Options()`."""),
_precond_sides = {None : None, 'left' : 0, 'right' : 1, 'symmetric' : 2}
def __init__(self, conf, comm=None, context=None, **kwargs):
if comm is None:
from sfepy.parallel.parallel import init_petsc_args; init_petsc_args
from petsc4py import PETSc as petsc
converged_reasons = {}
for key, val in six.iteritems(petsc.KSP.ConvergedReason.__dict__):
if isinstance(val, int):
converged_reasons[val] = key
LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, petsc=petsc, comm=comm,
fields=None, ksp=None, pmtx=None,
context=context, **kwargs)
def set_field_split(self, field_ranges, comm=None):
Setup local PETSc ranges for fields to be used with 'fieldsplit'
This function must be called before solving the linear system.
comm = get_default(comm, self.comm)
self.fields = []
for key, rng in six.iteritems(field_ranges):
if isinstance(rng, slice):
rng = rng.start, rng.stop
size = rng[1] - rng[0]
field_is = self.petsc.IS().createStride(size, first=rng[0], step=1,
self.fields.append((key, field_is))
def create_ksp(self, options=None, comm=None):
optDB = self.petsc.Options()
optDB['sub_pc_type'] = self.conf.sub_precond
if options is not None:
for key, val in six.iteritems(options):
optDB[key] = val
ksp = self.petsc.KSP()
pc = ksp.getPC()
if self.conf.setup_precond is None:
if (pc.type == 'fieldsplit'):
if self.fields is not None:
msg = 'PETScKrylovSolver.set_field_split() has to be called!'
raise ValueError(msg)
side = self._precond_sides[self.conf.precond_side]
if side is not None:
return ksp
def create_petsc_matrix(self, mtx, comm=None):
if isinstance(mtx, self.petsc.Mat):
pmtx = mtx
mtx = sps.csr_matrix(mtx)
pmtx = self.petsc.Mat()
pmtx.createAIJ(mtx.shape, csr=(mtx.indptr, mtx.indices,,
return pmtx
def init_ksp(self, conf=None, comm=None):
if conf is None:
conf = self.conf
solver_kwargs = self.build_solver_kwargs(conf)
self.ksp = self.create_ksp(options=solver_kwargs, comm=comm)
return self.ksp
def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, comm=None, context=None,
eps_a = get_default(eps_a, self.conf.eps_a)
eps_r = get_default(eps_r, self.conf.eps_r)
i_max = get_default(i_max, self.conf.i_max)
eps_d = self.conf.eps_d
is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest,
if (not is_new) and (self.pmtx is not None):
pmtx = self.pmtx
is_new = True
pmtx = self.create_petsc_matrix(mtx, comm=comm)
self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest
self.pmtx = pmtx
if self.ksp is not None:
ksp = self.ksp
if is_new:
ksp = self.init_ksp(conf=conf, comm=comm)
ksp.setTolerances(atol=eps_a, rtol=eps_r, divtol=eps_d,
setup_precond = self.conf.setup_precond
if setup_precond is not None:
ksp.pc.setPythonContext(setup_precond(mtx, context))
if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec):
prhs = rhs
prhs = pmtx.getVecLeft()
prhs[...] = rhs
if x0 is not None:
if isinstance(x0, self.petsc.Vec):
psol = x0
psol = pmtx.getVecRight()
psol[...] = x0
psol = pmtx.getVecRight()
ksp.solve(prhs, psol)
output('%s(%s, %s/proc) convergence: %s (%s, %d iterations)'
% (ksp.getType(), ksp.getPC().getType(), self.conf.sub_precond,
ksp.reason, self.converged_reasons[ksp.reason],
if isinstance(rhs, self.petsc.Vec):
sol = psol
sol = psol[...].copy()
return sol
class MUMPSSolver(LinearSolver):
Interface to MUMPS solver.
name = 'ls.mumps'
_parameters = [
('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False,
'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'),
('use_mtx_digest', 'bool', True, False,
"""If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its
SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called
manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!"""),
('memory_relaxation', 'int', 20, False,
'The percentage increase in the estimated working space.'),
def coo_is_symmetric(mtx, tol=1e-9):
"""Symmetry check of the sparse matrix."""
row, col, data = mtx.row, mtx.col,
out_of_diag = (row != col)
row, col, data = row[out_of_diag], col[out_of_diag], data[out_of_diag]
idxs_u = nm.where(col > row)[0]
idxs_l = nm.where(col < row)[0]
if idxs_l.shape[0] != idxs_u.shape[0]:
return False
iu = nm.lexsort((row[idxs_u], col[idxs_u]))
il = nm.lexsort((col[idxs_l], row[idxs_l]))
err = nm.abs(data[idxs_u[iu]] - data[idxs_l[il]])
if nm.any(err/nm.abs(data[idxs_u].max()) >= tol):
return False
return True
def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
aux = try_imports(['import mumpspy as mumps', 'import mumps'],
'cannot import MUMPS!')
LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, mumps=aux['mumps'], mumps_ls=None,
mumps_presolved=False, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs):
if not conf.use_presolve:
self.presolve(mtx, use_mtx_digest=conf.use_mtx_digest)
return self.mumps_ls.solve(rhs)
def clear(self):
if self.mumps_ls is not None:
del self.mumps_ls
self.mumps_ls = None
def presolve(self, mtx, use_mtx_digest=True, factorize=True):
if use_mtx_digest:
is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest)
is_new, mtx_digest = False, None
if is_new or (self.mumps_ls is None):
if not isinstance(mtx, sps.coo_matrix):
mtx = mtx.tocoo()
is_sym = self.coo_is_symmetric(mtx)
if self.mumps_ls is None:
if self.mumps.__name__ == 'mumpspy':
system = 'complex' if'complex')\
else 'real'
mem_relax = self.conf.memory_relaxation
self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.MumpsSolver(system=system,
if self.conf.verbose:
self.mumps_ls = self.mumps.Context(self.conf.verbose)
if self.mumps.__name__ == 'mumpspy':
self.mumps_ls.set_mtx(mtx, factorize=factorize)
self.mumps_ls.set_matrix(mtx, symmetric=is_sym)
if factorize:
self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest
def __del__(self):
class CholeskySolver(ScipyDirect):
Interface to scikit-sparse.cholesky solver.
name = 'ls.cholesky'
_parameters = [
('use_presolve', 'bool', False, False,
'If True, pre-factorize the matrix.'),
('use_mtx_digest', 'bool', True, False,
"""If True, determine automatically a reused matrix using its
SHA1 digest. If False, .clear() has to be called
manually whenever the matrix changes - expert use only!"""),
def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, solve=None, **kwargs)
self.sls = None
aux = try_imports(['from sksparse.cholmod import cholesky'],
'cannot import cholesky sparse solver!')
if 'cholesky' in aux:
self.sls = aux['cholesky']
raise ValueError('cholesky not available!')
def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs):
if not conf.use_presolve:
self.presolve(mtx, use_mtx_digest=conf.use_mtx_digest)
return self.solve(rhs)
def presolve(self, mtx, use_mtx_digest=True):
if use_mtx_digest:
is_new, mtx_digest = _is_new_matrix(mtx, self.mtx_digest)
is_new, mtx_digest = False, None
if is_new or (self.solve is None):
self.solve = self.sls(mtx.tocsc())
self.mtx_digest = mtx_digest
class SchurMumps(MUMPSSolver):
Mumps Schur complement solver.
name = 'ls.schur_mumps'
_parameters = MUMPSSolver._parameters + [
('schur_variables', 'list', None, True,
'The list of Schur variables.'),
def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs):
if not conf.use_presolve:
schur_list = []
for schur_var in conf.schur_variables:
slc = self.context.equations.variables.adi.indx[schur_var]
schur_list.append(nm.arange(slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step, dtype='i'))
schur_list = nm.hstack(schur_list)
self.presolve(mtx, use_mtx_digest=conf.use_mtx_digest, factorize=False)
if self.mumps.__name__ == 'mumpspy':
# shur_list indexing starts from 1!
return self.mumps_ls.schur_solve(schur_list + 1, rhs)
return self.mumps_ls.solve_schur(rhs)
class MultiProblem(ScipyDirect):
Conjugate multiple problems.
Allows to define conjugate multiple problems.
name = 'ls.cm_pb'
_parameters = ScipyDirect._parameters + [
('others', 'list', None, True,
'The list of auxiliary problem definition files.'),
('coupling_variables', 'list', None, True,
'The list of coupling variables.'),
def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs):
ScipyDirect.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs)
def init_subproblems(self, conf, **kwargs):
from sfepy.discrete import Problem
from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
# init subproblems
problem = self.context
pb_vars = problem.get_variables()
# get "master" DofInfo and last index
pb_adi_indx = problem.equations.variables.adi.indx
self.adi_indx = pb_adi_indx.copy()
last_indx = -1
for ii in six.itervalues(self.adi_indx):
last_indx = nm.max([last_indx, ii.stop])
# coupling variables
self.cvars_to_pb = {}
for jj in conf.coupling_variables:
self.cvars_to_pb[jj] = [None, None]
if jj in pb_vars.names:
if pb_vars[jj].dual_var_name is not None:
self.cvars_to_pb[jj][0] = -1
self.cvars_to_pb[jj][1] = -1
# init subproblems
self.subpb = []
required, other = get_standard_keywords()
master_prefix = output.get_output_prefix()
for ii, ifname in enumerate(conf.others):
sub_prefix = master_prefix[:-1] + '-sub%d:' % (ii + 1)
kwargs['master_problem'] = problem
confi = ProblemConf.from_file(ifname, required, other,
pbi = Problem.from_conf(confi, init_equations=True)
pbi.equations.set_data(None, ignore_unknown=True)
sti = pbi.get_initial_state()
pbi_vars = pbi.get_variables()
self.subpb.append([pbi, sti, None])
# append "slave" DofInfo
for jj in pbi_vars.names:
if not(pbi_vars[jj].is_state()):
didx = pbi.equations.variables.adi.indx[jj]
ndof = didx.stop - didx.start
if jj in self.adi_indx:
if ndof != \
(self.adi_indx[jj].stop - self.adi_indx[jj].start):
raise ValueError('DOFs do not match!')
jj: slice(last_indx, last_indx + ndof, None)})
last_indx += ndof
for jj in conf.coupling_variables:
if jj in pbi_vars.names:
if pbi_vars[jj].dual_var_name is not None:
self.cvars_to_pb[jj][0] = ii
self.cvars_to_pb[jj][1] = ii
self.subpb.append([problem, None, None])
self.cvars_to_pb_map = {}
for varname, pbs in six.iteritems(self.cvars_to_pb):
# match field nodes
coors = []
for ii in pbs:
pbi = self.subpb[ii][0]
pbi_vars = pbi.get_variables()
fcoors = pbi_vars[varname].field.coors
dc = nm.abs(nm.max(fcoors, axis=0)\
- nm.min(fcoors, axis=0))
ax = nm.where(dc > 1e-9)[0]
if len(coors[0]) != len(coors[1]):
raise ValueError('number of nodes does not match!')
kdtree = KDTree(coors[0])
map_12 = kdtree.query(coors[1])[1]
pbi1 = self.subpb[pbs[0]][0]
pbi1_vars = pbi1.get_variables()
eq_map_1 = pbi1_vars[varname].eq_map
pbi2 = self.subpb[pbs[1]][0]
pbi2_vars = pbi2.get_variables()
eq_map_2 = pbi2_vars[varname].eq_map
dpn = eq_map_2.dpn
nnd = map_12.shape[0]
map_12_nd = nm.zeros((nnd * dpn,), dtype=nm.int32)
if dpn > 1:
for ii in range(dpn):
map_12_nd[ii::dpn] = map_12 * dpn + ii
map_12_nd = map_12
idx = nm.where(eq_map_2.eq >= 0)[0]
self.cvars_to_pb_map[varname] = eq_map_1.eq[map_12[idx]]
def sparse_submat(self, Ad, Ar, Ac, gr, gc, S):
A[gr,gc] = S
if type(gr) is slice:
gr = nm.arange(gr.start, gr.stop)
if type(gc) is slice:
gc = nm.arange(gc.start, gc.stop)
for ii, lrow in enumerate(S):
m = lrow.indices.shape[0]
idxrow = nm.ones((m,), dtype=nm.int32) * gr[ii]
Ar = nm.hstack([Ar, idxrow])
Ac = nm.hstack([Ac, gc[lrow.indices]])
Ad = nm.hstack([Ad,])
return Ad, Ar, Ac
def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs):
self.init_subproblems(self.conf, **kwargs)
max_indx = 0
hst = nm.hstack
for ii in six.itervalues(self.adi_indx):
max_indx = nm.max([max_indx, ii.stop])
new_rhs = nm.zeros((max_indx,), dtype=rhs.dtype)
new_rhs[:rhs.shape[0]] = rhs
# copy "master" matrices
pbi = self.subpb[-1][0]
adi_indxi = pbi.equations.variables.adi.indx
mtxc = mtx.tocsc()
aux_data = nm.array([], dtype=mtxc.dtype)
aux_rows = nm.array([], dtype=nm.int32)
aux_cols = nm.array([], dtype=nm.int32)
for jk, jv in six.iteritems(adi_indxi):
if jk in self.cvars_to_pb:
if not(self.cvars_to_pb[jk][0] == -1):
gjv = self.adi_indx[jk]
ii = gjv.start
for jj in nm.arange(jv.start, jv.stop):
ptr = mtxc.indptr[jj]
nn = mtxc.indptr[jj + 1] - ptr
sl = slice(ptr, ptr + nn, None)
aux_data = hst([aux_data,[sl]])
aux_rows = hst([aux_rows, mtxc.indices[sl]])
aux_cols = hst([aux_cols, nm.ones((nn,), dtype=nm.int32) * ii])
ii += 1
# copy "slave" (sub)matricies
mtxs = []
for kk, (pbi, sti0, _) in enumerate(self.subpb[:-1]):
x0i = sti0.get_state(pbi.active_only)
evi = pbi.get_evaluator()
mtxi = evi.eval_tangent_matrix(x0i, mtx=pbi.mtx_a)
rhsi = evi.eval_residual(x0i)
adi_indxi = pbi.equations.variables.adi.indx
for ik, iv in six.iteritems(adi_indxi):
if ik in self.cvars_to_pb:
if not(self.cvars_to_pb[ik][0] == kk):
giv = self.adi_indx[ik]
for jk, jv in six.iteritems(adi_indxi):
gjv = self.adi_indx[jk]
if jk in self.cvars_to_pb:
if not(self.cvars_to_pb[jk][0] == kk):
aux_data, aux_rows, aux_cols =\
self.sparse_submat(aux_data, aux_rows, aux_cols,
giv, gjv, mtxi[iv, jv])
new_rhs[giv] = rhsi[iv]
# copy "coupling" (sub)matricies
for varname, pbs in six.iteritems(self.cvars_to_pb):
idx = pbs[1]
pbi = self.subpb[idx][0]
mtxi = mtxs[idx]
gjv = self.adi_indx[varname]
jv = pbi.equations.variables.adi.indx[varname]
adi_indxi = pbi.equations.variables.adi.indx
for ik, iv in six.iteritems(adi_indxi):
if ik == varname:
giv = self.adi_indx[ik]
aux_mtx = mtxi[iv,:].tocsc()
for ll, jj in enumerate(nm.arange(jv.start, jv.stop)):
ptr = aux_mtx.indptr[jj]
nn = aux_mtx.indptr[jj + 1] - ptr
if nn < 1:
sl = slice(ptr, ptr + nn, None)
aux_data = hst([aux_data,[sl]])
aux_rows = hst([aux_rows, aux_mtx.indices[sl] + giv.start])
jjr = gjv.start + self.cvars_to_pb_map[varname][ll]
aux_cols = hst([aux_cols,
nm.ones((nn,), dtype=nm.int32) * jjr])
# create new matrix
new_mtx = sps.coo_matrix((aux_data, (aux_rows, aux_cols))).tocsr()
res0 = ScipyDirect.__call__(self, new_rhs, mtx=new_mtx)
res = []
for kk, (pbi, sti0, _) in enumerate(self.subpb):
adi_indxi = pbi.equations.variables.adi.indx
max_indx = 0
for ii in six.itervalues(adi_indxi):
max_indx = nm.max([max_indx, ii.stop])
resi = nm.zeros((max_indx,), dtype=res0.dtype)
for ik, iv in six.iteritems(adi_indxi):
giv = self.adi_indx[ik]
if ik in self.cvars_to_pb:
if pbi is self.subpb[self.cvars_to_pb[ik][1]][0]:
giv = self.cvars_to_pb_map[ik] + giv.start
resi[iv] = res0[giv]
if sti0 is not None:
sti = sti0.copy()
sti.set_state(-resi, pbi.active_only)
pbi.save_state(pbi.get_output_name(), sti)
self.subpb[kk][-1] = sti
return res[-1]
class RMMSolver(LinearSolver):
Special solver for explicit transient elastodynamics.
The solver uses the reciprocal mass matrix algorithm [1]_, [2]_ to directly
construct a sparse inverse mass matrix. Instead of solving a linear system,
calling the solver simply performs a sparse matrix multiplication.
- Assumes that the density is constant in time.
- Uses the direct EBC application, i.e., no EBC projection matrix.
.. [1] González, J.A., Kolman, R., Cho, S.S., Felippa, C.A., Park, K.C.,
2018. Inverse mass matrix via the method of localized Lagrange
multipliers. International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Engineering 113, 277–295.
.. [2] González, J.A., Kopačka, J., Kolman, R., Cho, S.S., Park, K.C.,
2019. Inverse mass matrix for isogeometric explicit transient
analysis via the method of localized Lagrange multipliers.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 117,
name = 'ls.rmm'
_parameters = [
('rmm_term', 'str', None, True,
"""The RMM term definition, see
:class:`MassTerm <sfepy.terms.terms_mass.MassTerm>`."""),
('debug', 'bool', False, False,
'If True, run in debug mode.'),
def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs):
LinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, mtx_im=None, a0=None,
def init_rmm(self, mtx):
from sfepy.discrete.evaluate import eval_equations, apply_ebc_to_matrix
problem = self.context
equations, variables = problem.create_evaluable(
self.conf.rmm_term, preserve_caches=True,
copy_materials=False, mode='weak',
vu = next(variables.iter_state())
mtx_a = eval_equations(equations, variables, preserve_caches=True,
mode='weak', dw_mode='matrix', term_mode='DPM',
if not problem.active_only:
apply_ebc_to_matrix(mtx_a, vu.eq_map.eq_ebc,
(vu.eq_map.master, vu.eq_map.slave))
mtx_ia = mtx_a.copy()
mtx_ia.setdiag(1.0 / mtx_a.diagonal())
mtx_c = eval_equations(equations, variables, preserve_caches=True,
mode='weak', dw_mode='matrix', term_mode='RMM',
mtx_im = mtx_ia @ (mtx_c @ mtx_ia)
if not problem.active_only:
apply_ebc_to_matrix(mtx_im, vu.eq_map.eq_ebc,
(vu.eq_map.master, vu.eq_map.slave))
if self.conf.debug:
mtx_m = eval_equations(
equations, variables, preserve_caches=True,
mode='weak', dw_mode='matrix', term_mode=None,
if not problem.active_only:
mtx_r = vu.eq_map.get_operator()
mtx_imr = mtx_r.T @ mtx_im @ mtx_r
mtx_mr = mtx_r.T @ mtx_m @ mtx_r
mtx_mor = mtx_r.T @ mtx @ mtx_r
mtx_imr = mtx_im
mtx_mr = mtx_m
mtx_mor = mtx
dim = problem.domain.shape.dim
output('total mass check: AMM:', mtx_mr.sum() / dim,
'RMM:', nm.linalg.inv(mtx_imr.toarray()).sum() / dim,
'M:', mtx_mor.sum() / dim)
return mtx_im
def __call__(self, rhs, x0=None, conf=None, eps_a=None, eps_r=None,
i_max=None, mtx=None, status=None, **kwargs):
if self.mtx_im is None:
self.mtx_im = self.init_rmm(mtx)
sol = self.mtx_im @ rhs
if self.a0 is not None:
# To make RMMSolver work with the standard Newton solver, a0 has to
# be set to the previous acceleration and M term has to be
# nullified (use dw_zero). This option is not used in the current
# implementation of CentralDifferenceTS.
sol += self.a0
return sol