sfepy.terms.terms_dg module¶
Discontinous Galekrin method specific terms
In einsum calls the following convention is used:
i represents iterating over all cells of a region;
n represents iterating over selected cells of a region, for example over cells on boundary;
b represents iterating over basis functions of state variable;
d represents iterating over basis functions of test variable;
k, l , m represent iterating over geometric dimensions, for example coordinates of velocity or facet normal vector or rows and columns of diffusion tensor;
q represents iterating over quadrature points;
f represents iterating over facets of cell;
- class sfepy.terms.terms_dg.AdvectionDGFluxTerm(name, arg_str, integral, region, **kwargs)[source]¶
Lax-Friedrichs flux term for advection of scalar quantity
with the advection velocity
given as a material parameter (a known function of space and time).
- Definition:
for upwind scheme,
for central scheme, and
is solution on the boundary of the element provided by element itself resp. its neighbor and
is advection velocity.
- Call signature:
(opt_material, material_advelo, virtual, state)
- Arguments 1:
material :
virtual :
state :
- Arguments 3:
material :
virtual :
state :
opt_material :
- alpha = 0¶
- arg_shapes = [{'material_advelo': 'D, 1', 'opt_material': '.: 1', 'state': 1, 'virtual': (1, 'state')}, {'opt_material': None}]¶
- arg_types = ('opt_material', 'material_advelo', 'virtual', 'state')¶
- integration = 'cell'¶
- modes = ('weak',)¶
- name = 'dw_dg_advect_laxfrie_flux'¶
- symbolic = {'expression': 'div(a*p)*w', 'map': {'a': 'material', 'p': 'state', 'v': 'virtual'}}¶
- class sfepy.terms.terms_dg.DGTerm(name, arg_str, integral, region, **kwargs)[source]¶
Abstract base class for DG terms, provides alternative call_function and eval_real methods to accommodate returning iels and vals.
- poly_space_basis = 'legendre'¶
- class sfepy.terms.terms_dg.DiffusionDGFluxTerm(name, arg_str, integral, region, **kwargs)[source]¶
Basic DG diffusion flux term for scalar quantity.
- Definition:
- Math:
is solution on the boundary of the element provided by element itself resp. its neighbour.
- Call signature:
(material, state, virtual)
(material, virtual, state)
- Arguments 1:
material :
state :
virtual :
- Arguments 2:
material :
virtual :
state :
- arg_shapes = [{'material': '1, 1', 'state/avg_state': 1, 'state/avg_virtual': 1, 'virtual/avg_state': (1, None), 'virtual/avg_virtual': (1, None)}]¶
- arg_types = (('material', 'state', 'virtual'), ('material', 'virtual', 'state'))¶
- integration = 'cell'¶
- modes = ('avg_state', 'avg_virtual')¶
- name = 'dw_dg_diffusion_flux'¶
- class sfepy.terms.terms_dg.DiffusionInteriorPenaltyTerm(name, arg_str, integral, region, **kwargs)[source]¶
Penalty term used to counteract discontinuity arising when modeling diffusion using Discontinuous Galerkin schemes.
- Definition:
- Math:
is solution on the boundary of the element provided by element itself resp. its neighbour.
- Call signature:
(material, material_Cw, virtual, state)
- Arguments:
material :
material :
state :
virtual :
- arg_shapes = [{'material': '1, 1', 'material_Cw': '.: 1', 'state': 1, 'virtual': (1, 'state')}]¶
- arg_types = ('material', 'material_Cw', 'virtual', 'state')¶
- get_fargs(diff_tensor, Cw, test, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- modes = ('weak',)¶
- name = 'dw_dg_interior_penalty'¶
- class sfepy.terms.terms_dg.NonlinearHyperbolicDGFluxTerm(name, arg_str, integral, region, **kwargs)[source]¶
Lax-Friedrichs flux term for nonlinear hyperpolic term of scalar quantity
with the vector function
given as a material parameter.
- Definition:
for upwind scheme,
for central scheme, and
is solution on the boundary of the element provided by element itself resp. its neighbor.
- Call signature:
(opt_material, fun, fun_d, virtual, state)
- Arguments 1:
material :
material :
virtual :
state :
- Arguments 3:
material :
material :
virtual :
state :
opt_material :
- alf = 0¶
- arg_shapes = [{'material_fun': '.: 1', 'material_fun_d': '.: 1', 'opt_material': '.: 1', 'state': 1, 'virtual': (1, 'state')}, {'opt_material': None}]¶
- arg_types = ('opt_material', 'fun', 'fun_d', 'virtual', 'state')¶
- get_fargs(alpha, fun, dfun, test, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- integration = 'cell'¶
- modes = ('weak',)¶
- name = 'dw_dg_nonlinear_laxfrie_flux'¶
- symbolic = {'expression': 'div(f(p))*w', 'map': {'f': 'function', 'p': 'state', 'v': 'virtual'}}¶
- class sfepy.terms.terms_dg.NonlinearScalarDotGradTerm(name, arg_str, integral, region, **kwargs)[source]¶
Product of virtual and divergence of vector function of state or volume dot product of vector function of state and gradient of scalar virtual.
- Definition:
- Call signature:
(fun, fun_d, virtual, state)
(fun, fun_d, state, virtual)
- Arguments 1:
function :
virtual :
state :
- Arguments 2:
function :
state :
virtual :
TODO maybe this term would fit better to terms_dot?
- arg_shapes = [{'material_fun': '.: 1', 'material_fun_d': '.: 1', 'state/grad_state': 1, 'state/grad_virtual': 1, 'virtual/grad_state': (1, None), 'virtual/grad_virtual': (1, None)}]¶
- arg_types = (('fun', 'fun_d', 'virtual', 'state'), ('fun', 'fun_d', 'state', 'virtual'))¶
- modes = ('grad_state', 'grad_virtual')¶
- name = 'dw_ns_dot_grad_s'¶