sfepy.mechanics.extmods.ccontres module

sfepy.mechanics.extmods.ccontres.assemble_contact_residual_and_stiffness(Gc, vals, rows, cols, GPs, ISN, IEN, X, Um, H, dH, gw, activeGPsOld, neq, npd, epss, keyContactDetection, keyAssembleKc)
sfepy.mechanics.extmods.ccontres.evaluate_contact_constraints(GPs, ISN, IEN, N, AABBmin, AABBmax, head, next, X, elementID, segmentID, npd, neq, longestEdge)
sfepy.mechanics.extmods.ccontres.get_AABB(X, longestEdge, IEN, ISN, elementID, segmentID, neq)
sfepy.mechanics.extmods.ccontres.get_longest_edge_and_gps(GPs, neq, elementID, segmentID, ISN, IEN, H, X)

The linked list initialization. The head array contains, at the position Ic, the index of the first point that belongs to the cell Ic, the second point index is then next[head[Ic]], the third point index is next[next[head[Ic]]] etc. - the next array points from the i-th point in each cell to the (i+1)-th point, until -1 is reached.