

Vibro-acoustic problem

3D acoustic domain with 2D perforated deforming interface.

Problem definition - find p (acoustic pressure), g (transversal acoustic velocity), w (plate deflection) and \ul{\theta} (rotation) such that:

c^2 \int_{\Omega} \nabla q \cdot \nabla p
- \omega^2 \int_{\Omega} q p
+ i \omega c \int_{\Gamma_{in}} q p
+ i \omega c \int_{\Gamma_{out}} q p
- i \omega c^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} (q^+ - q^-) g
= 2i \omega c \int_{\Gamma_{in}} q \bar{p}
\;, \quad \forall q \;,

- i \omega \int_{\Gamma_0} f (p^+ - p^-)
- \omega^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} F f g
+ \omega^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} C f w
= 0
\;, \quad \forall f \;,

\omega^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} C z g
- \omega^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} S z w
+ \int_{\Gamma_0} \nabla z \cdot \ull{G} \cdot \nabla w
- \int_{\Gamma_0} \ul{\theta} \cdot \ull{G} \cdot \nabla z
= 0
\;, \quad \forall z \;,

- \omega^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} R\, \ul{\nu} \cdot \ul{\theta}
+ \int_{\Gamma_0} D_{ijkl} e_{ij}(\ul{\nu}) e_{kl}(\ul{\theta})
- \int_{\Gamma_0} \ul{\nu} \cdot \ull{G} \cdot \nabla w
+ \int_{\Gamma_0} \ul{\nu} \cdot \ull{G} \cdot \ul{\theta}
= 0
\;, \quad \forall \ul{\nu} \;,

../_images/acoustics-vibro_acoustic3d_Gamma0.png ../_images/acoustics-vibro_acoustic3d_Omega1.png ../_images/acoustics-vibro_acoustic3d_Omega2.png

source code

Vibro-acoustic problem

3D acoustic domain with 2D perforated deforming interface.

Problem definition - find :math:`p` (acoustic pressure),
:math:`g` (transversal acoustic velocity),
:math:`w` (plate deflection) and :math:`\ul{\theta}` (rotation) such that:

.. math::
    c^2 \int_{\Omega} \nabla q \cdot \nabla p
    - \omega^2 \int_{\Omega} q p
    + i \omega c \int_{\Gamma_{in}} q p
    + i \omega c \int_{\Gamma_{out}} q p
    - i \omega c^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} (q^+ - q^-) g
    = 2i \omega c \int_{\Gamma_{in}} q \bar{p}
    \;, \quad \forall q \;,

    - i \omega \int_{\Gamma_0} f (p^+ - p^-)
    - \omega^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} F f g
    + \omega^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} C f w
    = 0
    \;, \quad \forall f \;,

    \omega^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} C z g
    - \omega^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} S z w
    + \int_{\Gamma_0} \nabla z \cdot \ull{G} \cdot \nabla w
    - \int_{\Gamma_0} \ul{\theta} \cdot \ull{G} \cdot \nabla z
    = 0
    \;, \quad \forall z \;,

    - \omega^2 \int_{\Gamma_0} R\, \ul{\nu} \cdot \ul{\theta}
    + \int_{\Gamma_0} D_{ijkl} e_{ij}(\ul{\nu}) e_{kl}(\ul{\theta})
    - \int_{\Gamma_0} \ul{\nu} \cdot \ull{G} \cdot \nabla w
    + \int_{\Gamma_0} \ul{\nu} \cdot \ull{G} \cdot \ul{\theta}
    = 0
    \;, \quad \forall \ul{\nu} \;,
import numpy as nm
from sfepy import data_dir
from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame

def define(sound_speed=343.0,

    filename_mesh = data_dir + filename_mesh

    c = sound_speed
    c2 = c**2
    w = wave_num * c
    w2 = w**2
    wc = w * c
    wc2 = w * c2

    regions = {
        'Omega1': 'cells of group 1',
        'Omega2': 'cells of group 2',
        'GammaIn': ('vertices of group 1', 'face'),
        'GammaOut': ('vertices of group 2', 'face'),
        'Gamma_aux': ('r.Omega1 *v r.Omega2', 'face'),
        'Gamma0_1': ('copy r.Gamma_aux', 'face', 'Omega1'),
        'Gamma0_2': ('copy r.Gamma_aux', 'face', 'Omega2'),
        'Gamma0': ('copy r.Gamma_aux', 'cell', None, {'mesh_dim': 2}),
        'Left_': ('vertices in (x < 0.001)', 'edge'),
        'Right_': ('vertices in (x > 0.299)', 'edge'),
        'Gamma0_Left': ('r.Gamma_aux *v r.Left_', 'edge'),
        'Gamma0_Right': ('r.Gamma_aux *v r.Right_', 'edge'),

    fields = {
        'pressure1': ('complex', 'scalar', 'Omega1', 1),
        'pressure2': ('complex', 'scalar', 'Omega2', 1),
        'tvelocity': ('complex', 'scalar', 'Gamma0', 1),
        'deflection': ('complex', 'scalar', 'Gamma0', 1),
        'rotation': ('complex', 'vector', 'Gamma0', 1),

    variables = {
        'p1': ('unknown field', 'pressure1', 0),
        'q1': ('test field', 'pressure1', 'p1'),
        'p2': ('unknown field', 'pressure2', 1),
        'q2': ('test field', 'pressure2', 'p2'),
        'g0': ('unknown field', 'tvelocity', 2),
        'f0': ('test field', 'tvelocity', 'g0'),
        'w': ('unknown field', 'deflection', 3),
        'z': ('test field', 'deflection', 'w'),
        'theta': ('unknown field', 'rotation', 4),
        'nu': ('test field', 'rotation', 'theta'),

    ebcs = {
        'fixed_l': ('Gamma0_Left', {'w.0': 0.0, 'theta.all': 0.0}),
        'fixed_r': ('Gamma0_Right', {'w.0': 0.0, 'theta.all': 0.0}),

    options = {
        'split_results_by': 'region',
        'output_dir': 'output',

    functions = {

    materials = {
        'ac': ({
            'F': -2.064e+00,
            'c': -1.064e+00,
            'T': 9.202e-01,
            'hG': thickness * 4.5e10 * nm.eye(2),
            'hR': thickness * 0.71,
            'h3R': thickness**3 / 3.0 * 0.71,
            'h3C': thickness**3 / 3.0 * stiffness_from_lame(2, 1e1, 1e0)}, ),

    equations = {
        'eq_p1': """
            %e * dw_laplace.5.Omega1(q1, p1)
        - %e * dw_dot.5.Omega1(q1, p1)
        + %s * dw_dot.5.GammaIn(q1, p1)
        - %s * dw_dot.5.Gamma0_1(q1, tr(Gamma0, g0))
        = %s * dw_integrate.5.GammaIn(q1)""" % (c2, w2, 1j * wc,
                                                1j * wc2, 2j * wc * p_inc),
        'eq_p2': """
        + %e * dw_laplace.5.Omega2(q2, p2)
        - %e * dw_dot.5.Omega2(q2, p2)
        + %s * dw_dot.5.GammaOut(q2, p2)
        + %s * dw_dot.5.Gamma0_2(q2, tr(Gamma0, g0))
        = 0""" % (c2, w2, 1j * wc, 1j * wc2),
        'eq_g0': """
        - %s * dw_dot.5.Gamma0(f0, tr(Gamma0_1, p1))
        + %s * dw_dot.5.Gamma0(f0, tr(Gamma0_2, p2))
        - %e * dw_dot.5.Gamma0(ac.F, f0, g0)
        + %e * dw_dot.5.Gamma0(ac.c, f0, w)
        = 0""" % (1j * w, 1j * w, w2, w2),
        'eq_w': """
            %e * dw_dot.5.Gamma0(ac.c, z, g0)
        - %e * dw_dot.5.Gamma0(ac.T, z, w)
        - %e * dw_dot.5.Gamma0(ac.hR, z, w)
            + dw_diffusion.5.Gamma0(ac.hG, z, w)
            - dw_v_dot_grad_s.5.Gamma0(ac.hG, theta, z)
        = 0""" % (w2, w2, w2),
        'eq_theta': """
        - %e * dw_dot.5.Gamma0(ac.h3R, nu, theta)
            + dw_lin_elastic.5.Gamma0(ac.h3C, nu, theta)
            - dw_v_dot_grad_s.5.Gamma0(ac.hG, nu, w)
            + dw_dot.5.Gamma0(ac.hG, nu, theta)
        = 0""" % (w2, ),

    solvers = {
        'ls': ('ls.auto_direct', {}),
        'nls': ('nls.newton', {
            'i_max': 1,
            'eps_a': 1e-4,
            'eps_r': 1e-6,

    return locals()