

Linear elasticity with given displacements.

Find \ul{u} such that:

\int_{\Omega} D_{ijkl}\ e_{ij}(\ul{v}) e_{kl}(\ul{u})
= 0
\;, \quad \forall \ul{v} \;,


D_{ijkl} = \mu (\delta_{ik} \delta_{jl}+\delta_{il} \delta_{jk}) +
\lambda \ \delta_{ij} \delta_{kl}

This example models a cylinder that is fixed at one end while the second end has a specified displacement of 0.01 in the x direction (this boundary condition is named 'Displaced'). There is also a specified displacement of 0.005 in the z direction for points in the region labeled 'SomewhereTop'. This boundary condition is named 'PerturbedSurface'. The region 'SomewhereTop' is specified as those vertices for which:

(z > 0.017) & (x > 0.03) & (x <  0.07)

The displacement field (three DOFs/node) in the 'Omega region' is approximated using P1 (four-node tetrahedral) finite elements. The material is linear elastic and its properties are specified as Lamé parameters \lambda and \mu (see

The output is the displacement for each vertex, saved by default to cylinder.vtk. View the results using:

$ ./ cylinder.vtk --wireframe -b --only-names=u -d'u,plot_displacements,rel_scaling=1'

source code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Linear elasticity with given displacements.

Find :math:`\ul{u}` such that:

.. math::
    \int_{\Omega} D_{ijkl}\ e_{ij}(\ul{v}) e_{kl}(\ul{u})
    = 0
    \;, \quad \forall \ul{v} \;,


.. math::
    D_{ijkl} = \mu (\delta_{ik} \delta_{jl}+\delta_{il} \delta_{jk}) +
    \lambda \ \delta_{ij} \delta_{kl}

This example models a cylinder that is fixed at one end while the second end
has a specified displacement of 0.01 in the x direction (this boundary
condition is named ``'Displaced'``). There is also a specified displacement of
0.005 in the z direction for points in the region labeled
``'SomewhereTop'``. This boundary condition is named
``'PerturbedSurface'``. The region ``'SomewhereTop'`` is specified as those
vertices for which::

    (z > 0.017) & (x > 0.03) & (x <  0.07)

The displacement field (three DOFs/node) in the ``'Omega region'`` is
approximated using P1 (four-node tetrahedral) finite elements. The material is
linear elastic and its properties are specified as Lamé parameters
:math:`\lambda` and :math:`\mu` (see

The output is the displacement for each vertex, saved by default to
cylinder.vtk. View the results using::

  $ ./ cylinder.vtk --wireframe -b --only-names=u -d'u,plot_displacements,rel_scaling=1'
from __future__ import absolute_import
from sfepy import data_dir
from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame

filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh'

regions = {
    'Omega' : 'all',
    'Left' : ('vertices in (x < 0.001)', 'facet'),
    'Right' : ('vertices in (x > 0.099)', 'facet'),
    'SomewhereTop' : ('vertices in (z > 0.017) & (x > 0.03) & (x < 0.07)',

materials = {
    'solid' : ({'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=1e1, mu=1e0)},),

fields = {
    'displacement': ('real', 'vector', 'Omega', 1),

integrals = {
    'i' : 1,

variables = {
    'u' : ('unknown field', 'displacement', 0),
    'v' : ('test field', 'displacement', 'u'),

ebcs = {
    'Fixed' : ('Left', {'u.all' : 0.0}),
    'Displaced' : ('Right', {'u.0' : 0.01, 'u.[1,2]' : 0.0}),
    'PerturbedSurface' : ('SomewhereTop', {'u.2' : 0.005}),

equations = {
    'balance_of_forces' :
    """dw_lin_elastic.i.Omega(solid.D, v, u) = 0""",

solvers = {
    'ls': ('ls.auto_direct', {}),
    'newton': ('nls.newton', {
        'i_max'      : 1,
        'eps_a'      : 1e-10,