The transient advection-diffusion equation with a given divergence-free advection velocity.
Find such that:
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sfepy-view square_tri2.*.vtk -f u:wu 1:vw

The transient advection-diffusion equation with a given divergence-free
advection velocity.
Find :math:`u` such that:
.. math::
\int_{\Omega} s \pdiff{u}{t}
+ \int_{\Omega} s \nabla \cdot \left(\ul{v} u \right)
+ \int_{\Omega} D \nabla s \cdot \nabla u
= 0
\;, \quad \forall s \;.
View the results using::
sfepy-view square_tri2.*.vtk -f u:wu 1:vw
from __future__ import absolute_import
from sfepy import data_dir
filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/2d/square_tri2.mesh'
regions = {
'Omega' : 'all', # or 'cells of group 6'
'Gamma_Left' : ('vertices in (x < -0.99999)', 'facet'),
'Gamma_Right' : ('vertices in (x > 0.99999)', 'facet'),
fields = {
'concentration' : ('real', 1, 'Omega', 1),
variables = {
'u' : ('unknown field', 'concentration', 0, 1),
's' : ('test field', 'concentration', 'u'),
ebcs = {
'u1' : ('Gamma_Left', {'u.0' : 2.0}),
'u2' : ('Gamma_Right', {'u.0' : 0.0}),
# Units: D: 0.0001 m^2 / day, v: [0.1, 0] m / day -> time in days.
materials = {
'm' : ({'D' : 0.0001, 'v' : [[0.1], [0.0]]},),
integrals = {
'i' : 2,
equations = {
'advection-diffusion' :
dw_dot.i.Omega(s, du/dt)
+ dw_advect_div_free.i.Omega(m.v, s, u)
+ dw_laplace.i.Omega(m.D, s, u)
= 0
solvers = {
'ts' : ('ts.simple', {
't0' : 0.0,
't1' : 10.0,
'dt' : None,
'n_step' : 11, # Has precedence over dt.
'verbose' : 1,
'newton' : ('nls.newton', {
'i_max' : 1,
'eps_a' : 1e-10,
'ls' : ('ls.scipy_direct', {}),
options = {
'ts' : 'ts',
'nls' : 'newton',
'ls' : 'ls',
'save_times' : 'all',