Source code for sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Conversion of material parameters and other utilities.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os

import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import Struct
import six

[docs]def lame_from_youngpoisson(young, poisson, plane='strain'): r""" Compute Lamé parameters from Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. The relationship between Lamé parameters and Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio (see [1],[2]): .. math:: \lambda = {\nu E \over (1+\nu)(1-2\nu)},\qquad \mu = {E \over 2(1+\nu)} The plain stress hypothesis: .. math:: \bar\lambda = {2\lambda\mu \over \lambda + 2\mu} [1] I.S. Sokolnikoff: Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. New York, 1956. [2] T.J.R. Hughes: The Finite Element Method, Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis. New Jersey, 1987. """ mu = young/(2.0*(1.0 + poisson)) lam = young*poisson/((1.0 + poisson)*(1.0 - 2.0*poisson)) if plane == 'stress': lam = 2*lam*mu/(lam + 2*mu) return lam, mu
[docs]def stiffness_from_lame(dim, lam, mu): r""" Compute stiffness tensor corresponding to Lamé parameters. .. math:: {\bm D}_{(2D)} = \begin{bmatrix} \lambda + 2\mu & \lambda & 0\\ \lambda & \lambda + 2\mu & 0\\ 0 & 0 & \mu \end{bmatrix} .. math:: {\bm D}_{(3D)} = \begin{bmatrix} \lambda + 2\mu & \lambda & \lambda & 0 & 0 & 0\\ \lambda & \lambda + 2\mu & \lambda & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \lambda & \lambda & \lambda + 2\mu & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \mu & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \mu & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \mu\\ \end{bmatrix} """ sym = (dim + 1) * dim // 2 o = nm.array([1.] * dim + [0.] * (sym - dim), dtype=nm.float64) oot = nm.outer(o, o) do1 = nm.diag(o + 1.0) lam = nm.array(lam)[..., None, None] mu = nm.array(mu)[..., None, None] return (lam * oot + mu * do1)
[docs]def stiffness_from_youngpoisson(dim, young, poisson, plane='strain'): """ Compute stiffness tensor corresponding to Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. """ lam, mu = lame_from_youngpoisson(young, poisson, plane) return stiffness_from_lame(dim, lam, mu)
[docs]def stiffness_from_lame_mixed(dim, lam, mu): r""" Compute stiffness tensor corresponding to Lamé parameters for mixed formulation. .. math:: {\bm D}_{(2D)} = \begin{bmatrix} \widetilde\lambda + 2\mu & \widetilde\lambda & 0\\ \widetilde\lambda & \widetilde\lambda + 2\mu & 0\\ 0 & 0 & \mu \end{bmatrix} .. math:: {\bm D}_{(3D)} = \begin{bmatrix} \widetilde\lambda + 2\mu & \widetilde\lambda & \widetilde\lambda & 0 & 0 & 0\\ \widetilde\lambda & \widetilde\lambda + 2\mu & \widetilde\lambda & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \widetilde\lambda & \widetilde\lambda & \widetilde\lambda + 2\mu & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \mu & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \mu & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \mu\\ \end{bmatrix} where .. math:: \widetilde\lambda = -{2\over 3} \mu """ lam = - 2.0 / 3.0 * mu return stiffness_from_lame(dim, lam, mu)
[docs]def stiffness_from_youngpoisson_mixed(dim, young, poisson, plane='strain'): """ Compute stiffness tensor corresponding to Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for mixed formulation. """ lam, mu = lame_from_youngpoisson(young, poisson, plane) return stiffness_from_lame_mixed(dim, lam, mu)
[docs]def bulk_from_lame(lam, mu): r""" Compute bulk modulus from Lamé parameters. .. math:: \gamma = \lambda + {2 \over 3} \mu """ return lam + 2.0 * mu / 3.0
[docs]def bulk_from_youngpoisson(young, poisson, plane='strain'): """ Compute bulk modulus corresponding to Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. """ lam, mu = lame_from_youngpoisson(young, poisson, plane) return bulk_from_lame(lam, mu)
[docs]def lame_from_stiffness(stiffness, plane='strain'): """ Compute Lamé parameters from an isotropic stiffness tensor. """ lam = stiffness[..., 0, 1] mu = stiffness[..., -1, -1] if plane == 'stress': lam = - 2.0 * mu * lam / (lam - 2.0 * mu) return lam, mu
[docs]def youngpoisson_from_stiffness(stiffness, plane='strain'): """ Compute Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio from an isotropic stiffness tensor. """ lam, mu = lame_from_stiffness(stiffness, plane=plane) young = (3*lam*mu + 2*mu**2) / (lam + mu) poisson = lam / (2*lam + 2*mu) return young, poisson
[docs]def stiffness_from_yps_ortho3(young, poisson, shear): r""" Compute 3D stiffness tensor :math:`{\bm D}` of an orthotropic linear elastic material. Young's modulus (:math:`[E_1, E_2, E_3]`), Poisson's ratio (:math:`[\nu_{12}, \nu_{13}, \nu_{23}]`), and shear modulus (:math:`[G_{12}, G_{13}, G_{23}]`) are given. .. math:: {\bm C}_{(3D)} = \begin{bmatrix} 1/E_1 & -\nu_{21}/E_2 & -\nu_{31}/E_3 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ -\nu_{12}/E_1 & 1/E_2 & -\nu_{32}/E_3 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ -\nu_{13}/E_1 & -\nu_{23}/E_2 & 1/E_3 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1/G_{12} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1/G_{13} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1/G_{23} \end{bmatrix} .. math:: {\bm D}_{(3D)} = \mathrm{inv}({\bm C}_{(3D)}) .. math:: \nu_{21} = \nu_{12}\frac{E_2}{E_1},\quad \nu_{31} = \nu_{13}\frac{E_3}{E_1},\quad \nu_{32} = \nu_{23}\frac{E_3}{E_2} [1] R.M. Jones: Mechanics of composite materials. 1999. """ # symmetric order [11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23] compl = nm.zeros((6, 6), dtype=nm.float64) compl[0, 0] = 1. / young[0] compl[1, 1] = 1. / young[1] compl[2, 2] = 1. / young[2] compl[0, 1] = compl[1, 0] = -poisson[0] / young[0] compl[0, 2] = compl[2, 0] = -poisson[1] / young[0] compl[1, 2] = compl[2, 1] = -poisson[2] / young[1] compl[3, 3] = 1. / shear[0] compl[4, 4] = 1. / shear[1] compl[5, 5] = 1. / shear[2] stiff = nm.linalg.inv(compl) return stiff
[docs]class ElasticConstants(Struct): r""" Conversion formulas for various groups of elastic constants. The elastic constants supported are: - :math:`E` : Young's modulus - :math:`\nu` : Poisson's ratio - :math:`K` : bulk modulus - :math:`\lambda` : Lamé's first parameter - :math:`\mu, G` : shear modulus, Lamé's second parameter - :math:`M` : P-wave modulus, longitudinal wave modulus The elastic constants are referred to by the following keyword arguments: young, poisson, bulk, lam, mu, p_wave. Exactly two of them must be provided to the __init__() method. Examples -------- - basic usage:: >>> from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import ElasticConstants >>> ec = ElasticConstants(lam=1.0, mu=1.5) >>> ec.young 3.6000000000000001 >>> ec.poisson 0.20000000000000001 >>> ec.bulk 2.0 >>> ec.p_wave 4.0 >>> ec.get(['bulk', 'lam', 'mu', 'young', 'poisson', 'p_wave']) [2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 3.6000000000000001, 0.20000000000000001, 4.0] - reinitialize existing instance:: >>> ec.init(p_wave=4.0, bulk=2.0) >>> ec.get(['bulk', 'lam', 'mu', 'young', 'poisson', 'p_wave']) [2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 3.6000000000000001, 0.20000000000000001, 4.0] """ def __init__(self, young=None, poisson=None, bulk=None, lam=None, mu=None, p_wave=None, _regenerate_relations=False): """ Set exactly two of the elastic constants, and compute the remaining. """ self.names = ['bulk', 'lam', 'mu', 'young', 'poisson', 'p_wave'] if _regenerate_relations: self.relations = self._construct_relations() else: from . import elastic_constants as ec self.relations = ec.relations = ec ## print sorted(self.relations.keys()) ## print len(self.relations) self.init(young=young, poisson=poisson, bulk=bulk, lam=lam, mu=mu, p_wave=p_wave) def _construct_relations(self): """ Construct the dictionary of all relations among the six elastic constants and save it as `` module, that can be imported for reuse. Users should not call this! """ import sympy as sm relations = {} def _expand_keys(sols): for key, val in six.iteritems(sols): if len(val) == 2 and ( == 'poisson'): val = val[0] else: val = val[-1] skey = tuple(sorted([ for ii in val.atoms() if ii.is_Symbol])) + (,) if skey in relations: print('!', skey) relations[skey] = val bulk, lam, mu, young, poisson, p_wave = sm.symbols(self.names, real=True) _expand_keys(sm.solve(bulk - (lam + 2 * mu / 3))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(young - (mu * (3 * lam + 2 * mu) / (lam + mu)))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(poisson - (lam / (2 * (lam + mu))))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(p_wave - (lam + 2 * mu))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(bulk - (young / (3 * (1 - 2 * poisson))))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(p_wave - ((young * (1 - poisson)) / ((1 + poisson) * (1 - 2 * poisson))))) # Choose the correct root manually. ## relations[('p_wave', 'young', 'poisson')] \ ## = (young - p_wave + (-10*p_wave*young + young**2 + ## 9*p_wave**2)**(0.5))/(4*p_wave) _expand_keys(sm.solve(lam - (young * poisson / ((1 + poisson) * (1 - 2 * poisson))))) # Choose the correct root. ## relations[('lam', 'young', 'poisson')] \ ## = (lam + young - (2*lam*young + young**2 + ## 9*(lam**2))**(0.5))/(-4*lam) _expand_keys(sm.solve(mu - (young / (2 * (1 + poisson))))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(bulk - (young * mu / (3 * (3 * mu - young))))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(p_wave - (mu * (4 * mu - young) / (3 * mu - young)))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(young - (9 * bulk * (bulk - lam) / (3 * bulk - lam)))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(poisson - (lam / (3 * bulk - lam)))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(p_wave - (3 * bulk - 2 * lam))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(poisson - ((3 * bulk - 2 * mu) / (2 * (3 * bulk + mu))))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(p_wave - (bulk + 4 * mu / 3))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(p_wave - (lam * (1 - poisson) / poisson))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(p_wave - (2 * mu * (1 - poisson) / (1 - 2 * poisson)))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(p_wave - (3 * bulk * (1 - poisson) / (1 + poisson)))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(p_wave - (3 * bulk * (3 * bulk + young) / (9 * bulk - young)))) _expand_keys(sm.solve(young - ((lam*p_wave + p_wave**2 - 2*lam**2) / (lam + p_wave)))) fd = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ''), 'w') fd.write(""" from __future__ import division import sympy as sm names = ['bulk', 'lam', 'mu', 'young', 'poisson', 'p_wave'] bulk, lam, mu, young, poisson, p_wave = sm.symbols(names, real=True) relations = { %s } """ % ',\n'.join([' %s : %s' % (key, val) for key, val in six.iteritems(relations)])) fd.close() return relations
[docs] def init(self, young=None, poisson=None, bulk=None, lam=None, mu=None, p_wave=None): """ Set exactly two of the elastic constants, and compute the remaining. (Re)-initializes the existing instance of ElasticConstants. """ Struct.__init__(self, young=young, poisson=poisson, bulk=bulk, lam=lam, mu=mu, p_wave=p_wave) values = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): if (key in self.names) and (val is not None): sym = getattr(, key) values[sym] = val known = list(values.keys()) if len(known) != 2: raise ValueError('exactly two elastic constants must be provided!') known = [ for ii in known] unknown = set(self.names).difference(known) for name in unknown: key = tuple(sorted(known)) + (name,) val = float(self.relations[key].n(subs=values)) setattr(self, name, val)
[docs] def get(self, names): """ Get the named elastic constants. """ out = [getattr(self, name) for name in names] return out
[docs]class TransformToPlane(Struct): """ Transformations of constitutive law coefficients of 3D problems to 2D. """ def __init__(self, iplane=None): """ Parameters ---------- iplane : list The vector of indices denoting the plane, e.g.: [0, 1] """ if iplane is None: iplane = [0, 1] # Choose the "master" variables and the "slave" ones # ... for vectors i_m = nm.sort(iplane) i_s = nm.setdiff1d(nm.arange(3), i_m) # ... for second order tensors (symmetric storage) i_ms = {(0, 1) : [0, 1, 3], (0, 2) : [0, 2, 4], (1, 2) : [1, 2, 5]}[tuple(i_m)] i_ss = nm.setdiff1d(nm.arange(6), i_ms) Struct.__init__(self, iplane=iplane, i_m=i_m, i_s=i_s, i_ms=i_ms, i_ss=i_ss)
[docs] def tensor_plane_stress(self, c3=None, d3=None, b3=None): """ Transforms all coefficients of the piezoelectric constitutive law from 3D to plane stress problem in 2D: strain/stress ordering: 11 22 33 12 13 23. If `d3` is None, uses only the stiffness tensor `c3`. Parameters ---------- c3 : array The stiffness tensor. d3 : array The dielectric tensor. b3 : array The piezoelectric coupling tensor. """ mg = nm.meshgrid cs = c3[tuple(mg(self.i_ss, self.i_ss))] cm = c3[tuple(mg(self.i_ss, self.i_ms))].T if d3 is None: # elasticity only. A = cs Feps = cm Ainv = nm.linalg.inv(A) c2 = c3[tuple(mg(self.i_ms, self.i_ms))] \ -,, Feps)) return c2 else: dm = d3[tuple(mg(self.i_s, self.i_m))].T ds = d3[tuple(mg(self.i_s, self.i_s))] ii = tuple(mg(self.i_s, self.i_ss)) A = nm.r_[nm.c_[cs, b3[ii]], nm.c_[b3[ii].T, -ds]] #=> sym !!! F = nm.r_[nm.c_[cm, b3[tuple(mg(self.i_m, self.i_ss))]], nm.c_[b3[tuple(mg(self.i_s, self.i_ms))].T, -dm]] Feps = F[:, :3] FE = F[:, 3:] Ainv = nm.linalg.inv(A) c2 = c3[tuple(mg(self.i_ms, self.i_ms))] \ -,, Feps)) d2 = d3[tuple(mg(self.i_m, self.i_m))] \ -,, FE)) b2 = b3[tuple(mg(self.i_m, self.i_ms))].T \ -,, Feps)) return c2, d2, b2
[docs]def youngpoisson_from_wave_speeds(vp, vs, rho): r""" Compute the Young's modulus :math:`E` and Poisson's ratio :math:`\nu` from the P- and S-wave speeds in a homogeneous isotropic material. .. math:: E = {\rho v_s^2 (3 v_p^2 - 4 v_s^2) \over (v_p^2 - v_s^2)} .. math:: \nu = {(v_p^2/2 - v_s^2) \over (v_p^2 - v_s^2)} Parameters ---------- vp : float or array The P-wave speed. vs : float or array The S-wave speed. rho : float or array The density. Returns ------- young : float or array The Young's modulus. poisson : float or array The Poisson's ratio. """ vs2 = vs**2 vp2 = vp**2 aux = vp2 - vs2 return (vs2 * rho * (3.0*vp2 - 4.0*vs**2)/aux, (vp2/2.0 - vs2)/aux)
[docs]def wave_speeds_from_youngpoisson(young, poisson, rho): r""" Compute the P- and S-wave speeds from the Young's modulus :math:`E` and Poisson's ratio :math:`\nu` in a homogeneous isotropic material. .. math:: v_p^2 = {E (1 - \nu) \over \rho (1 + \nu) (1 - 2 \nu)} = {(\lambda + 2 \mu) \over \rho} .. math:: v_s^2 = {E \over 2 \rho (1 + \nu)} = {\mu \over \rho} Parameters ---------- young : float or array The Young's modulus. poisson : float or array The Poisson's ratio. rho : float or array The density. Returns ------- vp : float or array The P-wave speed. vs : float or array The S-wave speed. """ return (nm.sqrt(young * (1.0 - poisson) / (rho * (1.0 + poisson) * (1.0 - 2.0*poisson))), nm.sqrt(young / (2.0 * rho * (1.0 + poisson))))