Source code for sfepy.discrete.fem.lcbc_operators

Operators for enforcing linear combination boundary conditions in nodal FEM
import numpy as nm
import scipy.sparse as sp

from sfepy.base.base import (basestr, output, assert_, find_subclasses,
                             Container, Struct)
from sfepy.discrete.common.dof_info import DofInfo, expand_nodes_to_equations
from sfepy.discrete.fem.utils import (compute_nodal_normals,
from sfepy.discrete.conditions import get_condition_value, Function
from sfepy.mechanics.tensors import dim2sym

[docs] class LCBCOperator(Struct): """ Base class for LCBC operators. """ def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, functions=None): Struct.__init__(self, name=name, regions=regions, dof_names=dof_names) if dof_map_fun is not None: self.dof_map_fun = get_condition_value(dof_map_fun, functions, 'LCBC', 'dof_map_fun') else: self.dof_map_fun = None self._setup_dof_names(variables) def _setup_dof_names(self, variables): self.var_names = [dd[0].split('.')[0] for dd in self.dof_names] self.all_dof_names = [variables[ii].dofs for ii in self.var_names]
[docs] def setup(self): pass
[docs] class MRLCBCOperator(LCBCOperator): """ Base class for model-reduction type LCBC operators. These operators are applied to a single field, and replace its DOFs in a given region by new DOFs. In case some field DOFs are to be preserved, those have to be "copied" explicitly, by setting the corresponding row of the operator matrix to a single value one (see, for example, :class:`NoPenetrationOperator`). """ def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, functions=None): Struct.__init__(self, name=name, region=regions[0], dof_names=dof_names[0]) self._setup_dof_names(variables) self.eq_map = variables[self.var_name].eq_map self.field = variables[self.var_name].field self.mdofs = self.field.get_dofs_in_region(self.region, merge=True) self.n_sdof = 0 def _setup_dof_names(self, variables): self.var_name = self.dof_names[0].split('.')[0] self.var_names = [self.var_name, None] self.all_dof_names = variables[self.var_name].dofs
[docs] def setup(self): eq = self.eq_map.eq meq = expand_nodes_to_equations(self.mdofs, self.dof_names, self.all_dof_names) self.ameq = eq[meq] assert_(nm.all(self.ameq >= 0)) if self.eq_map.n_epbc: self.treat_pbcs(meq, self.eq_map.master)
[docs] def treat_pbcs(self, dofs, master): """ Treat dofs with periodic BC. """ master = nm.intersect1d(dofs, master) if len(master) == 0: return # Remove rows with master DOFs. remove = nm.searchsorted(nm.sort(dofs), master) keep = nm.setdiff1d(nm.arange(len(dofs)), remove) mtx = self.mtx[keep] # Remove empty columns, update new DOF count. mtx = mtx.tocsc() indptr = nm.unique(mtx.indptr) self.mtx = sp.csc_matrix((, mtx.indices, indptr), shape=(mtx.shape[0], indptr.shape[0] - 1)) self.n_mdof = self.mtx.shape[0] self.n_dof_new = self.mtx.shape[1]
def _create_spin_matrix(coors): n_nod, dim = coors.shape if dim == 2: mtx = nm.empty((n_nod, dim, 1), dtype=nm.float64) mtx[:, 0, 0] = -coors[:, 1] mtx[:, 1, 0] = coors[:, 0] elif dim == 3: mtx = nm.zeros((n_nod, dim, dim), dtype=nm.float64) mtx[:, 0, 1] = coors[:, 2] mtx[:, 0, 2] = -coors[:, 1] mtx[:, 1, 0] = -coors[:, 2] mtx[:, 1, 2] = coors[:, 0] mtx[:, 2, 0] = coors[:, 1] mtx[:, 2, 1] = -coors[:, 0] else: raise ValueError('space dimension must be 2 or 3! (is %d)' % dim) return mtx
[docs] class RigidOperator(MRLCBCOperator): """ Transformation matrix operator for rigid LCBCs. """ kind = 'rigid' def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, ts=None, functions=None): MRLCBCOperator.__init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, functions=functions) coors = self.field.get_coor(self.mdofs) n_nod, dim = coors.shape n_rigid_dof = dim2sym(dim) mtx_e = nm.tile(nm.eye(dim, dtype=nm.float64), (n_nod, 1)) mtx_r = _create_spin_matrix(coors).reshape((n_nod * dim, -1)) self.mtx = nm.hstack((mtx_r, mtx_e)) # Strip unconstrained dofs. aux = dim * nm.arange(n_nod) indx = [aux + self.all_dof_names.index(dof) for dof in self.dof_names] indx = nm.array(indx).T.ravel() self.n_mdof = n_nod * len(self.dof_names) self.n_new_dof = n_rigid_dof self.mtx = self.mtx[indx]
[docs] class Rigid2Operator(LCBCOperator): r""" Transformation matrix operator for rigid body multi-point constraint LCBCs. For each dependent node :math:`i` in the first region, its DOFs :math:`u^i_j` are given by the displacement :math:`\bar{u}_j` and rotation :math:`r_j` in the single independent node in the second region: .. math:: u^i_j = \bar{u}_j + S_{ij} r_j where the spin matrix :math:`S_{ij}` is computed using the coordinates relative to the independent node, i.e. :math:`\ul{x} - \bar{\ul{x}}`. Functionally it corresponds to the RBE2 multi-point constraint in MSC/Nastran. A simplified version for fields without the rotation DOFs is also supported. """ kind = 'rigid2' def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, ts=None, functions=None): LCBCOperator.__init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, functions=functions) mvar, svar = variables[self.var_names[0]], variables[self.var_names[1]] is_rotation = mvar.n_components < svar.n_components dim = mvar.dim if is_rotation and dim not in (2, 3): raise ValueError('space dimension must be 2 or 3! (is %d)' % dim) mfield, sfield = mvar.field, svar.field mnodes = mfield.get_dofs_in_region(regions[0], merge=True) snodes = sfield.get_dofs_in_region(regions[1], merge=True) if len(snodes) != 1: raise ValueError('number of independent nodes must be 1! (is %d)' % len(snodes)) self.mdofs = expand_nodes_to_equations(mnodes, dof_names[0], self.all_dof_names[0]) self.sdofs = expand_nodes_to_equations(snodes, dof_names[1], self.all_dof_names[1]) meq, seq = mvar.eq_map.eq[self.mdofs], svar.eq_map.eq[self.sdofs] assert_(nm.all(meq >= 0)) assert_(nm.all(seq >= 0)) mcoors = mfield.get_coor(mnodes) scoors = sfield.get_coor(snodes) coors = mcoors - scoors n_nod = coors.shape[0] mtx_e = nm.tile(nm.eye(dim, dtype=nm.float64), (n_nod, 1)) if is_rotation: mtx_r = _create_spin_matrix(coors).reshape((n_nod * dim, -1)) mtx = nm.hstack((mtx_e, mtx_r)) else: mtx = mtx_e rows = nm.repeat(meq, len(seq)) cols = nm.tile(seq, len(meq)) n_dofs = [variables.adi.n_dof[ii] for ii in self.var_names] mtx = sp.coo_matrix((mtx.ravel(), (rows, cols)), shape=n_dofs) self.mtx = mtx.tocsr() self.ameq = meq self.aseq = seq self.n_mdof = len(nm.unique(meq)) self.n_sdof = len(nm.unique(seq)) self.n_new_dof = 0
[docs] class AverageForceOperator(LCBCOperator): r""" Transformation matrix operator for average force multi-point constraint LCBCs. Unlike in other operators, the `regions` and `dof_names` couples are ordered as (independent nodes/DOFs, dependent nodes/DOFs), to allow a simple interchange with the ``rigid2`` LCBC in a problem description. Functionally it corresponds to the RBE3 multi-point constraint in MSC/Nastran. Rotation DOFs in independent nodes are not supported (ignored), see the comment (*) in the code. This is because the independent field is assumed to come from solid elements. A simplified version for the dependent field without the rotation DOFs is also supported. """ kind = 'average_force' def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, ts=None, functions=None): regions = regions[::-1] dof_names = dof_names[::-1] LCBCOperator.__init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, functions=functions) mvar, svar = variables[self.var_names[0]], variables[self.var_names[1]] is_rotation = svar.n_components < mvar.n_components dim = svar.dim if is_rotation and dim not in (2, 3): raise ValueError('space dimension must be 2 or 3! (is %d)' % dim) mfield, sfield = mvar.field, svar.field mnodes = mfield.get_dofs_in_region(regions[0], merge=True) snodes = sfield.get_dofs_in_region(regions[1], merge=True) if len(mnodes) != 1: raise ValueError('number of dependent nodes must be 1! (is %d)' % len(mnodes)) self.mdofs = expand_nodes_to_equations(mnodes, dof_names[0], self.all_dof_names[0]) self.sdofs = expand_nodes_to_equations(snodes, dof_names[1], self.all_dof_names[1]) meq, seq = mvar.eq_map.eq[self.mdofs], svar.eq_map.eq[self.sdofs] assert_(nm.all(meq >= 0)) assert_(nm.all(seq >= 0)) mcoors = mfield.get_coor(mnodes) scoors = sfield.get_coor(snodes) coors = scoors - mcoors lengths = nm.linalg.norm(coors, axis=1) n_nod = scoors.shape[0] length = nm.mean(lengths) if length == 0.0: length = 1.0 sym = dim2sym(dim) dof_map_fun = self.dof_map_fun if dof_map_fun is None: dof_map_fun = lambda a, b: nm.ones((n_nod, sym), dtype=nm.float64) sweights = dof_map_fun(mcoors, scoors) sweights[:, dim:] *= length**2 if is_rotation: mtx_s = nm.zeros((n_nod, sym, sym), dtype=nm.float64) mtx_s[...] = nm.eye(sym, dtype=nm.float64) mtx_s[:, :dim, dim:] = _create_spin_matrix(coors) # Equivalent to: # W = nm.einsum('na,ab->nab', sweights, nm.eye(3)) # mtx_ix = nm.einsum('nic,nij,njk->ck', mtx_s, W, mtx_s) # i.e. X^{-1} = \sum_k (S_k^T W_k S_k) mtx_ws = (mtx_s * sweights[..., None]) mtx_ix = mtx_s.reshape((-1, sym)).T @ mtx_ws.reshape((-1, sym)) mtx_x = nm.linalg.inv(mtx_ix) # G_k = W_k S_k X mtx_g = mtx_ws @ mtx_x # (*) Rotation DOFs on independent nodes are ignored! mtx = mtx_g[:, :dim, :].reshape((-1, sym)).T else: # As above, but S = I(dim) -> simplified code. mtx_ws = (nm.eye(dim) * sweights[..., None]) mtx_ix = mtx_ws.sum(axis=0) mtx_x = nm.linalg.inv(mtx_ix) mtx_g = mtx_ws @ mtx_x mtx = mtx_g.reshape((-1, dim)).T rows = nm.repeat(meq, len(seq)) cols = nm.tile(seq, len(meq)) n_dofs = [variables.adi.n_dof[ii] for ii in self.var_names] mtx = sp.coo_matrix((mtx.ravel(), (rows, cols)), shape=n_dofs) self.mtx = mtx.tocsr() self.ameq = meq self.aseq = seq self.n_mdof = len(nm.unique(meq)) self.n_sdof = len(nm.unique(seq)) self.n_new_dof = 0
def _save_vectors(filename, vectors, region, mesh, data_name): """ Save vectors defined in region nodes as vector data in mesh vertices. """ nv = nm.zeros_like(mesh.coors) nmax = region.vertices.shape[0] nv[region.vertices] = vectors[:nmax] out = {data_name : Struct(name='output_data', mode='vertex', data=nv)} mesh.write(filename, out=out, io='auto')
[docs] class NoPenetrationOperator(MRLCBCOperator): """ Transformation matrix operator for no-penetration LCBCs. """ kind = 'no_penetration' def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, filename, variables, ts=None, functions=None): MRLCBCOperator.__init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, functions=functions) self.filename = filename dim = self.region.dim assert_(len(self.dof_names) == dim) normals = compute_nodal_normals(self.mdofs, self.region, self.field) can_save = (ts is None) or ((ts is not None) and ts.step == 0) if can_save and self.filename is not None: _save_vectors(self.filename, normals, self.region, self.field.domain.mesh, 'n') ii = nm.abs(normals).argmax(1) n_nod, dim = normals.shape irs = set(range(dim)) data = [] rows = [] cols = [] for idim in range(dim): ic = nm.where(ii == idim)[0] if len(ic) == 0: continue ir = list(irs.difference([idim])) nn = nm.empty((len(ic), dim - 1), dtype=nm.float64) for ik, il in enumerate(ir): nn[:,ik] = - normals[ic,il] / normals[ic,idim] irn = dim * ic + idim ics = [(dim - 1) * ic + ik for ik in range(dim - 1)] for ik in range(dim - 1): rows.append(irn) cols.append(ics[ik]) data.append(nn[:,ik]) ones = nm.ones((nn.shape[0],), dtype=nm.float64) for ik, il in enumerate(ir): rows.append(dim * ic + il) cols.append(ics[ik]) data.append(ones) rows = nm.concatenate(rows) cols = nm.concatenate(cols) data = nm.concatenate(data) n_np_dof = n_nod * (dim - 1) mtx = sp.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_nod * dim, n_np_dof)) self.n_mdof = n_nod * dim self.n_new_dof = n_np_dof self.mtx = mtx.tocsr()
[docs] class NormalDirectionOperator(MRLCBCOperator): """ Transformation matrix operator for normal direction LCBCs. The substitution (in 3D) is: .. math:: [u_1, u_2, u_3]^T = [n_1, n_2, n_3]^T w The new DOF is :math:`w`. """ kind = 'normal_direction' def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, filename, variables, ts=None, functions=None): MRLCBCOperator.__init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, functions=functions) self.filename = filename dim = self.region.dim assert_(len(self.dof_names) == dim) can_save = ((self.filename is not None) and ((ts is None) or ((ts is not None) and ts.step == 0))) filename = self.filename if can_save else None vectors = self.get_vectors(self.mdofs, self.region, self.field, filename=filename) n_nod, dim = vectors.shape data = vectors.ravel() rows = nm.arange(data.shape[0]) cols = nm.repeat(nm.arange(n_nod), dim) mtx = sp.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_nod * dim, n_nod)) self.n_mdof = n_nod * dim self.n_new_dof = n_nod self.mtx = mtx.tocsr()
[docs] def get_vectors(self, nodes, region, field, filename=None): normals = compute_nodal_normals(nodes, region, field) if filename is not None: _save_vectors(filename, normals, region, field.domain.mesh, 'n') return normals
[docs] class EdgeDirectionOperator(NormalDirectionOperator): r""" Transformation matrix operator for edges direction LCBCs. The substitution (in 3D) is: .. math:: [u_1, u_2, u_3]^T = [d_1, d_2, d_3]^T w, where :math:`\ul{d}` is an edge direction vector averaged into a node. The new DOF is :math:`w`. """ kind = 'edge_direction'
[docs] def get_vectors(self, nodes, region, field, filename=None): edirs = compute_nodal_edge_dirs(nodes, region, field) if filename is not None: _save_vectors(filename, edirs, region, field.domain.mesh, 'e') return edirs
[docs] class IntegralMeanValueOperator(MRLCBCOperator): """ Transformation matrix operator for integral mean value LCBCs. All DOFs in a region are summed to form a single new DOF. """ kind = 'integral_mean_value' def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, ts=None, functions=None): MRLCBCOperator.__init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, functions=functions) dpn = len(self.dof_names) n_nod = self.mdofs.shape[0] data = nm.ones((n_nod * dpn,)) rows = nm.arange(data.shape[0]) cols = nm.zeros((data.shape[0],)) mtx = sp.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_nod * dpn, 1)) self.n_mdof = n_nod * dpn self.n_new_dof = 1 self.mtx = mtx.tocsr()
[docs] class NodalLCOperator(MRLCBCOperator): r""" Transformation matrix operator for the general linear combination of DOFs in each node of a field in the given region. The DOFs can be fully constrained - then the operator corresponds to enforcing Dirichlet boundary conditions. The linear combination is given by: .. math:: \sum_{j=1}^n A_{ij} u_j = b_i \;,\ \forall i \;, where :math:`u_j`, :math:`j = 1, \dots, n` are the DOFs in the node and :math:`i = 1, \dots, m`, :math:`m < n`, are the linear constraint indices. SymPy is used to solve the constraint linear system in each node for the dependent DOF(s). """ kind = 'nodal_combination' def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, constraints, variables, ts=None, functions=None): MRLCBCOperator.__init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, functions=functions) import sympy as sm n_c = self.field.n_components dpn = len(self.dof_names) n_nod = self.mdofs.shape[0] assert_(dpn <= n_c) if (isinstance(constraints, basestr) or isinstance(constraints, Function)): fun = get_condition_value(constraints, functions, 'nodal', 'constraints') coors = self.field.get_coor(self.mdofs) mtx, rhs = fun(ts, coors, self.region) else: mtx, rhs = constraints mtx = nm.tile(mtx, (n_nod, 1, 1)) rhs = nm.tile(rhs, (n_nod, 1)) n_ceq = mtx.shape[1] assert_(n_ceq == rhs.shape[1]) assert_(dpn == mtx.shape[2]) assert_(n_ceq <= dpn) data = [] rows = [] cols = [] rhss = nm.zeros(n_nod * dpn, dtype=nm.float64) n_new = 0 us = [sm.Symbol('u%d' % ii) for ii in range(dpn)] for im, nmtx in enumerate(mtx): eqs = sm.Matrix(nmtx) * sm.Matrix(us) - rhs[im][:, None] sol = sm.solve(eqs) assert_(len(sol) == n_ceq) imasters = [] ifixed = [] islaves = set() ccs = [] for key, _poly in sol.items(): imaster = int([1:]) imasters.append(imaster) if not isinstance(_poly, sm.Float): poly = _poly.as_poly() # Workaround for poly.all_coeffs() not applicable to # multivariate polynomials. coefs = [] for ii, uu in enumerate(us): if poly.has(uu): coefs.append(poly.coeff_monomial(uu)) islaves.add(ii) coefs.append(poly.TC()) ccs.append(coefs) else: # Degenerated constraint - fixed master. ifixed.append(imaster) ccs.append([float(_poly)]) islaves = sorted(islaves) for ii, imaster in enumerate(imasters): coefs = ccs[ii] em = dpn * im + imaster rhss[em] = coefs[-1] if imaster in ifixed: continue # Master DOF is expressed in terms of slave DOFs. for ii, islave in enumerate(islaves): es = ii + n_new rows.append(em) cols.append(es) data.append(coefs[ii]) # Slave DOFs are copied. for ii, islave in enumerate(islaves): em = dpn * im + islave es = ii + n_new rows.append(em) cols.append(es) data.append(1.0) n_new += len(islaves) rows = nm.array(rows, dtype=nm.int32) cols = nm.array(cols, dtype=nm.int32) data = nm.array(data, dtype=nm.float64) mtx = sp.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_nod * dpn, n_new)) self.n_mdof = n_nod * dpn self.n_new_dof = n_new self.mtx = mtx.tocsr() self.rhs = rhss
[docs] class ShiftedPeriodicOperator(LCBCOperator): """ Transformation matrix operator for shifted periodic boundary conditions. This operator ties existing DOFs of two fields in two disjoint regions together. Unlike :class:`MRLCBCOperator` subclasses, it does not create any new DOFs. """ kind = 'shifted_periodic' def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, shift_fun, variables, ts, functions): LCBCOperator.__init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, functions=functions) mvar = variables[self.var_names[0]] svar = variables[self.var_names[1]] mfield = mvar.field sfield = svar.field nmaster = mfield.get_dofs_in_region(regions[0], merge=True) nslave = sfield.get_dofs_in_region(regions[1], merge=True) if nmaster.shape != nslave.shape: msg = 'shifted EPBC node list lengths do not match!\n(%s,\n %s)' %\ (nmaster, nslave) raise ValueError(msg) mcoor = mfield.get_coor(nmaster) scoor = sfield.get_coor(nslave) i1, i2 = self.dof_map_fun(mcoor, scoor) self.mdofs = expand_nodes_to_equations(nmaster[i1], dof_names[0], self.all_dof_names[0]) self.sdofs = expand_nodes_to_equations(nslave[i2], dof_names[1], self.all_dof_names[1]) meq = mvar.eq_map.eq[self.mdofs] seq = svar.eq_map.eq[self.sdofs] # Ignore DOFs with EBCs or EPBCs. mia = nm.where(meq >= 0)[0] sia = nm.where(seq >= 0)[0] ia = nm.intersect1d(mia, sia) meq = meq[ia] seq = seq[ia] num = len(ia) ones = nm.ones(num, dtype=nm.float64) n_dofs = [variables.adi.n_dof[ii] for ii in self.var_names] mtx = sp.coo_matrix((ones, (meq, seq)), shape=n_dofs) self.mtx = mtx.tocsr() if shift_fun is not None: self.shift_fun = get_condition_value(shift_fun, functions, 'LCBC', 'shift') self.shift = self.shift_fun(ts, scoor[i2], regions[1]) self.rhs = self.shift.ravel()[ia] self.ameq = meq self.aseq = seq self.n_mdof = len(nm.unique(meq)) self.n_sdof = len(nm.unique(seq)) self.n_new_dof = 0
[docs] class MatchDOFsOperator(ShiftedPeriodicOperator): """ Transformation matrix operator for match DOFs boundary conditions. This operator ties DOFs of two fields in two disjoint regions together. It does not create any new DOFs. """ kind = 'match_dofs' def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, ts, functions): ShiftedPeriodicOperator.__init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, None, variables, ts, functions=functions)
[docs] class MultiNodeLCOperator(LCBCOperator): r""" Transformation matrix operator that defines the DOFs at one (dependent) node as a linear combination of the DOFs at some other (independent) nodes. The linear combination is given by: .. math:: \bar u_i = \sum_{j=1}^n c^{j} u_i^j\;, for all :math:`i` in a given set of DOFs. :math:`j = 1, \dots, n` are the linear constraint indices and :math:`c^j` are given weights of the independent nodes. """ kind = 'multi_node_combination' def __init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, constraints, variables, ts, functions): LCBCOperator.__init__(self, name, regions, dof_names, dof_map_fun, variables, functions=functions) if dof_names[0] != dof_names[1]: msg = ('multi node combination EPBC dof lists do not match!' f' ({dof_names[0]}, {dof_names[1]})') raise ValueError(msg) mvar, svar = variables[self.var_names[0]], variables[self.var_names[1]] mfield, sfield = mvar.field, svar.field mnodes = mfield.get_dofs_in_region(regions[0], merge=True) snodes = sfield.get_dofs_in_region(regions[1], merge=True) if constraints is None: midxs, sidxs, constraints = \ self.dof_map_fun(mfield.get_coor(mnodes), sfield.get_coor(snodes)) else: midxs, sidxs = self.dof_map_fun(mfield.get_coor(mnodes), sfield.get_coor(snodes)) constraints = nm.tile(constraints, (len(midxs), 1)) sidxs0, smap = nm.unique(sidxs, return_inverse=True) self.mdofs = expand_nodes_to_equations(mnodes[midxs], dof_names[0], self.all_dof_names[0]) self.sdofs = expand_nodes_to_equations(snodes[sidxs0], dof_names[1], self.all_dof_names[1]) meq, seq = mvar.eq_map.eq[self.mdofs], svar.eq_map.eq[self.sdofs] # meq, seq = meq[meq >= 0], seq[seq >= 0] dpn = len(dof_names[0]) ncons = constraints.shape[1] smap = smap.reshape((-1, ncons)) n_dofs = [variables.adi.n_dof[ii] for ii in self.var_names] vals = nm.repeat(constraints, dpn, axis=0).T.ravel() rows = nm.tile(meq, ncons) aux = nm.arange(dpn)[None, :] idxs = [(snds[:, None] * dpn + aux).ravel() for snds in smap.T] cols = seq[nm.hstack(idxs)] mtx = sp.coo_matrix((vals, (rows, cols)), shape=n_dofs) self.mtx = mtx.tocsr() self.ameq = meq self.aseq = seq self.n_mdof = len(nm.unique(meq)) self.n_sdof = len(nm.unique(seq)) self.n_new_dof = 0
[docs] class LCBCOperators(Container): """ Container holding instances of LCBCOperator subclasses for a single variable. """ def __init__(self, name, variables, functions=None): """ Parameters ---------- name : str The object name. variables : Variables instance The variables to be constrained. functions : Functions instance, optional The user functions for DOF matching and other LCBC subclass-specific tasks. """ Container.__init__(self, name=name, variables=variables, functions=functions) self.markers = [] self.n_new_dof = [] self.n_op = 0 self.ics = None self.classes = find_subclasses(globals(), [LCBCOperator], omit_unnamed=True, name_attr='kind')
[docs] def add_from_bc(self, bc, ts): """ Create a new LCBC operator described by `bc`, and add it to the container. Parameters ---------- bc : LinearCombinationBC instance The LCBC condition description. ts : TimeStepper instance The time stepper. """ try: cls = self.classes[bc.kind] except KeyError: raise ValueError('unknown LCBC kind! (%s)' % bc.kind) args = (self.variables, ts, self.functions) if bc.arguments is not None: args = tuple(bc.arguments) + args op = cls('%d_%s' % (len(self), bc.kind), bc.regions, bc.dofs, bc.dof_map_fun, *args) op.setup() self.append(op)
[docs] def append(self, op): Container.append(self, op) self.markers.append(self.n_op + 1) self.n_new_dof.append(op.n_new_dof) self.n_op = len(self)
[docs] def finalize(self): """ Call this after all LCBCs of the variable have been added. Initializes the global column indices and DOF counts. """ adi = self.variables.adi keys = [k for k in adi.var_names if k not in adi.shared_dofs] self.n_master = {}.fromkeys(keys, 0) self.n_slave = {}.fromkeys(keys, 0) self.n_new = {}.fromkeys(keys, 0) ics = {} for ii, op in enumerate(self): self.n_master[op.var_names[0]] += op.n_mdof if op.var_names[1] is not None: self.n_slave[op.var_names[1]] += op.n_sdof self.n_new[op.var_names[0]] += op.n_new_dof ics.setdefault(op.var_names[0], []).append((ii, op.n_new_dof)) self.ics = {} for key, val in ics.items(): iis, ics = zip(*val) self.ics[key] = (iis, nm.cumsum(nm.r_[0, ics])) self.n_free = {} self.n_active = {} n_dof = adi.n_dof for key in keys: self.n_free[key] = n_dof[key] - self.n_master[key] self.n_active[key] = self.n_free[key] + self.n_new[key] def _dict_to_di(name, dd): di = DofInfo(name) for key in keys: val = dd[key] di.append_raw(key, val) return di self.lcdi = _dict_to_di('lcbc_active_state_dof_info', self.n_active) self.fdi = _dict_to_di('free_dof_info', self.n_free) self.ndi = _dict_to_di('new_dof_info', self.n_new)
[docs] def make_global_operator(self, adi, new_only=False): """ Assemble all LCBC operators into a single matrix. Parameters ---------- adi : DofInfo The active DOF information. new_only : bool If True, the operator columns will contain only new DOFs. Returns ------- mtx_lc : csr_matrix The global LCBC operator in the form of a CSR matrix. rhs_lc : array The right-hand side for non-homogeneous LCBCs. lcdi : DofInfo The global active LCBC-constrained DOF information. """ self.finalize() if len(self) == 0: return (None,) * 3 n_dof = self.variables.adi.n_dof_total n_constrained = nm.sum([val for val in self.n_master.values()]) n_dof_free = nm.sum([val for val in self.n_free.values()]) n_dof_new = nm.sum([val for val in self.n_new.values()]) n_dof_active = nm.sum([val for val in self.n_active.values()]) output('dofs: total %d, free %d, constrained %d, new %d'\ % (n_dof, n_dof_free, n_constrained, n_dof_new)) output(' -> active %d' % (n_dof_active)) adi = self.variables.adi lcdi, ndi, fdi = self.lcdi, self.ndi, self.fdi rows = [] cols = [] data = [] lcbc_mask = nm.ones(n_dof, dtype=bool) is_homogeneous = True for ii, op in enumerate(self): rvar_name = op.var_names[0] roff = adi.indx[rvar_name].start irs = roff + op.ameq lcbc_mask[irs] = False if op.get('rhs', None) is not None: is_homogeneous = False if not is_homogeneous: vec_lc = nm.zeros(n_dof, dtype=nm.float64) else: vec_lc = None for ii, op in enumerate(self): rvar_name = op.var_names[0] roff = adi.indx[rvar_name].start irs = roff + op.ameq cvar_name = op.var_names[1] if cvar_name is None: if new_only: coff = ndi.indx[rvar_name].start else: coff = lcdi.indx[rvar_name].start + fdi.n_dof[rvar_name] iis, icols = self.ics[rvar_name] ici = nm.searchsorted(iis, ii) ics = nm.arange(coff + icols[ici], coff + icols[ici+1]) if isinstance(op.mtx, sp.spmatrix): lr, lc, lv = sp.find(op.mtx) rows.append(irs[lr]) cols.append(ics[lc]) data.append(lv) else: _irs, _ics = nm.meshgrid(irs, ics) rows.append(_irs.ravel()) cols.append(_ics.ravel()) data.append(op.mtx.T.ravel()) else: coff = lcdi.indx[cvar_name].start lr, lc, lv = sp.find(op.mtx) ii1 = nm.where(lcbc_mask[adi.indx[cvar_name]])[0] ii2 = nm.searchsorted(ii1, lc) rows.append(roff + lr) cols.append(coff + ii2) data.append(lv) if vec_lc is not None: vec_lc[irs] += op.get('rhs', 0) rows = nm.concatenate(rows) cols = nm.concatenate(cols) data = nm.concatenate(data) if new_only: mtx_lc = sp.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_dof, n_dof_new)) else: mtx_lc = sp.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_dof, n_dof_active)) ir = nm.where(lcbc_mask)[0] ic = nm.empty((n_dof_free,), dtype=nm.int32) for var_name in adi.var_names: if var_name not in adi.shared_dofs: ii = nm.arange(fdi.n_dof[var_name], dtype=nm.int32) ic[fdi.indx[var_name]] = lcdi.indx[var_name].start + ii mtx_lc2 = sp.coo_matrix((nm.ones((ir.shape[0],)), (ir, ic)), shape=(n_dof, n_dof_active), dtype=nm.float64) mtx_lc = mtx_lc + mtx_lc2 mtx_lc = mtx_lc.tocsr() return mtx_lc, vec_lc, lcdi