

Functions common to DG examples

source code

Functions common to DG examples
import os
from glob import glob

import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import output
from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh
from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO
from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh

diffusion_schemes_implicit = {
          " + dw_dg_diffusion_flux.i.Omega(D.val, p, v)"
        + " + dw_dg_diffusion_flux.i.Omega(D.val, v, p)",
          " + dw_dg_diffusion_flux.i.Omega(D.val, p, v)"
        + " - dw_dg_diffusion_flux.i.Omega(D.val, v, p)",
        " + dw_dg_diffusion_flux.i.Omega(D.val, p, v)"}

diffusion_schemes_explicit = {
          " - dw_dg_diffusion_flux.i.Omega(D.val, p[-1], v)"
        + " - dw_dg_diffusion_flux.i.Omega(D.val, v, p[-1])",
          " - dw_dg_diffusion_flux.i.Omega(D.val, p[-1], v)"
        + " + dw_dg_diffusion_flux.i.Omega(D.val, v, p[-1])",
        " - dw_dg_diffusion_flux.i.Omega(D.val, p[-1], v)"}

functions = {}
def local_register_function(fun):
        functions.update({fun.__name__: (fun,)})

    except AttributeError:  # Already a sfepy Function.
        fun = fun.function
        functions.update({fun.__name__: (fun,)})

    return fun

def get_cfl_setup(CFL=None, dt=None):
    Provide either CFL or dt to create preprocess hook that sets up
    Courant-Friedrichs-Levi stability condition for either advection or

    CFL : float, optional
    dt: float, optional

    setup_cfl_condition : callable
        expects sfepy.discrete.problem as argument


    if CFL is None and dt is None:
        raise ValueError("Specifiy either CFL or dt in CFL setup")

    def setup_cfl_condition(problem):
        Sets up CFL condition for problem ts_conf in problem

            problem : discrete.problem.Problem
        ts_conf = problem.ts_conf
        mesh = problem.domain.mesh
        dim = mesh.dim
        first_field = list(problem.fields.values())[0]
        first_field_name = list(problem.fields.keys())[0]
        approx_order = first_field.approx_order
        mats = problem.create_materials(['a', 'D'])
            # make this more general?
            #  maybe require material name in parameter
            velo = problem.conf_materials['material_a__0'].values["val"]
            max_velo = nm.max(nm.linalg.norm(velo))
        except KeyError:
            max_velo = 1

            # make this more general?
            #  maybe require material name in parameter
            diffusion = problem.conf_materials['material_D__0'].values["val"]
            max_diffusion = nm.max(nm.linalg.norm(diffusion))
        except KeyError:
            max_diffusion = None

        dx = nm.min(problem.domain.mesh.cmesh.get_volumes(dim))

        output("Preprocess hook - setup_cfl_condition:...")
        output("Approximation order of field {}({}) is {}"
               .format(first_field_name, first_field.family_name, approx_order))
        output("Space divided into {0} cells, {1} steps, step size {2}"
               .format(mesh.n_el, len(mesh.coors), dx))

        if dt is None:
            adv_dt = get_cfl_advection(max_velo, dx, approx_order, CFL)
            diff_dt = get_cfl_diffusion(max_diffusion, dx, approx_order, CFL)
            _dt = min(adv_dt, diff_dt)
            output("CFL coefficient {0} ignored, dt specified directly"
            _dt = dt

        tn = int(nm.ceil((ts_conf.t1 - ts_conf.t0) / _dt))
        dtdx = _dt / dx

        ts_conf.dt = _dt
        ts_conf.n_step = tn
        ts_conf.cour = max_velo * dtdx

        output("Time divided into {0} nodes, {1} steps, step size is {2}"
               .format(tn - 1, tn, _dt))
        output("Courant number c = max(norm(a)) * dt/dx = {0}"
        output("Time stepping solver is {}".format(ts_conf.kind))
        output("... CFL setup done.")

    return setup_cfl_condition

def get_cfl_advection(max_velo, dx, approx_order, CFL):

    max_velo : float
    dx : float
    approx_order : int
    CFL : CFL

    dt : float
    order_corr = 1. / (2 * approx_order + 1)

    dt = dx / max_velo * CFL * order_corr

    if not (nm.isfinite(dt)):
        dt = 1
    output(("CFL advection: CFL coefficient was {0} " +
           "and order correction 1/{1} = {2}")
           .format(CFL, (2 * approx_order + 1), order_corr))
    output("CFL advection: resulting dt={}".format((dt)))
    return dt

def get_cfl_diffusion(max_diffusion, dx, approx_order, CFL,

    max_diffusion : float
    dx : float
    approx_order : int
    CFL : float
    do_order_corr : bool

    dt : float
    if max_diffusion is None:
        return 1

    if do_order_corr:
        order_corr = 1. / (2 * approx_order + 1)
        order_corr = 1

    dt = dx**2 / max_diffusion * CFL * order_corr

    if not (nm.isfinite(dt)):
        dt = 1
    output(("CFL diffusion: CFL coefficient was {0} " +
            "and order correction 1/{1} = {2}")
           .format(CFL, (2 * approx_order + 1), order_corr))
    output("CFL diffusion: resulting dt={}".format(dt))
    return dt

def get_gen_1D_mesh_hook(XS, XE, n_nod):

    XS : float
        leftmost coordinate
    XE : float
        rightmost coordinate
    n_nod : int
        number of nodes, number of cells is then n_nod - 1

    mio : UserMeshIO instance
    def mesh_hook(mesh, mode):
        Generate the 1D mesh.
        if mode == 'read':

            coors = nm.linspace(XS, XE, n_nod).reshape((n_nod, 1))
            conn = nm.arange(n_nod, dtype=nm.int32) \
                       .repeat(2)[1:-1].reshape((-1, 2))
            mat_ids = nm.zeros(n_nod - 1, dtype=nm.int32)
            descs = ['1_2']

            mesh = Mesh.from_data('uniform_1D{}'.format(n_nod), coors, None,
                                  [conn], [mat_ids], descs)
            return mesh

        elif mode == 'write':

    mio = UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)
    return mio

def get_gen_block_mesh_hook(dims, shape, centre, mat_id=0, name='block',
                            coors=None, verbose=True):

    dims : array of 2 or 3 floats
        Dimensions of the block.
    shape : array of 2 or 3 ints
        Shape (counts of nodes in x, y, z) of the block mesh.
    centre : array of 2 or 3 floats
        Centre of the block.
    mat_id : int, optional
        The material id of all elements.
    name : string
        Mesh name.
    verbose : bool
        If True, show progress of the mesh generation.

    mio : UserMeshIO instance
    def mesh_hook(mesh, mode):
        Generate the 1D mesh.
        if mode == 'read':

            mesh = gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, centre, mat_id=mat_id, name=name,
                                  coors=coors, verbose=verbose)
            return mesh

        elif mode == 'write':

    mio = UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)
    return mio

def clear_folder(clear_format, confirm=False, doit=True):
    Deletes files matching the format

    clear_format : str
    confirm : bool
    doit : bool
        if False do not delete anything no matter the confirmation

    deleted_anything :
        True if there was something to delete
    files = glob(clear_format)
    if confirm:
        for file in files:
            output("Will delete file {}".format(file))
        doit = input("--------------\nDelete files [Y/n]? ").strip() == "Y"

    if doit:
        for file in files:
    return bool(files)