sfepy.linalg.eigen module¶
- sfepy.linalg.eigen.cg_eigs(mtx, rhs=None, precond=None, i_max=None, eps_r=1e-10, shift=None, select_indices=None, verbose=False, report_step=10)[source]¶
Make several iterations of the conjugate gradients and estimate so the eigenvalues of a (sparse SPD) matrix (Lanczos algorithm).
- Parameters:
- mtxspmatrix or array
The sparse matrix
- precondspmatrix or array, optional
The preconditioner matrix. Any object that can be multiplied by vector can be passed.
- i_maxint
The maximum number of the Lanczos algorithm iterations.
- eps_rfloat
The relative stopping tolerance.
- shiftfloat, optional
Eigenvalue shift for non-SPD matrices. If negative, the shift is computed as
- select_indices(min, max), optional
If given, computed only the eigenvalues with indices min <= i <= max.
- verbosebool
Verbosity control.
- report_stepint
If verbose is True, report in every report_step-th step.
- Returns:
- vecarray
The approximate solution to the linear system.
- n_itint
The number of CG iterations used.
- norm_rsarray
Convergence history of residual norms.
- eigsarray
The approximate eigenvalues sorted in ascending order.