Source code for sfepy.terms.terms_contact

import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import Struct
from sfepy.terms.terms import Term
from sfepy.terms.extmods import terms
import sfepy.mechanics.extmods.ccontres as cc

[docs] class ContactInfo(Struct): """ Various contact-related data of contact terms. """ def __init__(self, region, integral, geo, state): # Uses field connectivity (higher order nodes). sd = state.field.extra_data[f'sd_{}'] ISN = state.field.efaces.T.copy() nsd = region.dim ngp = geo.n_qp nsn = ISN.shape[0] fis = region.get_facet_indices() elementID = fis[:, 0].copy() segmentID = fis[:, 1].copy() # corresponds to the field approximation. H = nm.asfortranarray([0, :, 0, :]) gname = ib = 3 if gname == '3_8' else 0 bqpkey = (integral.order, sd.bkey) state.field.create_bqp(, integral) bqp = state.field.qp_coors[bqpkey] basis = state.field.create_basis_context() bfg3d = basis.evaluate(bqp.vals[ib], diff=True) bfg = bfg3d[:, :region.tdim - 1, state.field.efaces[ib]] if gname == '3_4': bfg = bfg[:, [1, 0], :] dH = nm.asfortranarray(bfg.ravel().reshape(((nsd - 1) * ngp, nsn))) GPs = nm.empty((len(elementID)*ngp, 2*nsd+6), dtype=nm.float64, order='F') Struct.__init__(self, name='contact_info_%s' %, sd=sd, nsd=nsd, ngp=ngp, neq=state.n_dof, nsn=nsn, npd=region.tdim - 1, elementID=elementID, segmentID=segmentID, IEN=state.field.econn, ISN=ISN, gw=bqp.weights, H=H, dH=dH, GPs=GPs)
[docs] def update(self, xx): longestEdge, GPs = cc.get_longest_edge_and_gps( self.GPs, self.neq, self.elementID, self.segmentID, self.ISN, self.IEN, self.H, xx) AABBmin, AABBmax = cc.get_AABB(xx, longestEdge, self.IEN, self.ISN, self.elementID, self.segmentID, self.neq) AABBmin = AABBmin - (0.5*longestEdge); AABBmax = AABBmax + (0.5*longestEdge); N = nm.ceil((AABBmax - AABBmin) / (0.5*longestEdge)).astype(nm.int32) head, next = cc.init_global_search(N, AABBmin, AABBmax, GPs[:,:self.nsd]) GPs = cc.evaluate_contact_constraints( GPs, self.ISN, self.IEN, N, AABBmin, AABBmax, head, next, xx, self.elementID, self.segmentID, self.npd, self.neq, longestEdge) return GPs
[docs] class ContactTerm(Term): r""" Contact term with a penalty function. The penalty function is defined as :math:`\varepsilon_N \langle g_N(\ul{u}) \rangle`, where :math:`\varepsilon_N` is the normal penalty parameter and :math:`\langle g_N(\ul{u}) \rangle` are the Macaulay's brackets of the gap function :math:`g_N(\ul{u})`. This term has a dynamic connectivity of DOFs in its region. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Gamma_{c}} \varepsilon_N \langle g_N(\ul{u}) \rangle \ul{n} \ul{v} :Arguments: - material : :math:`\varepsilon_N` - virtual : :math:`\ul{v}` - state : :math:`\ul{u}` """ name = 'dw_contact' arg_types = ('material', 'virtual', 'state') arg_shapes = {'material' : '.: 1', 'virtual' : ('D', 'state'), 'state' : 'D'} integration = 'facet' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Term.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.detect = 2 = None
[docs] def get_contact_info(self, geo, state, init_gps=False): if is None: = ContactInfo(self.region, self.integral, geo, state) return
[docs] def call_function(self, out, fargs): try: out, status = self.function(out, *fargs) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): terms.errclear() raise if status: terms.errclear() raise ValueError('term evaluation failed! (%s)' % return out, status
[docs] def eval_real(self, shape, fargs, mode='eval', term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): if mode == 'weak': out, status = self.call_function(None, fargs) else: out = nm.empty(shape, dtype=nm.float64) status = self.call_function(out, fargs) return out, status
[docs] @staticmethod def function_weak(out, out_cc): return out_cc, 0
[docs] @staticmethod def integrate(out, val_qp, geo, fmode): if fmode == 2: out[:] = val_qp status = 0 else: status = geo.integrate(out, val_qp, fmode) return out, status
[docs] @staticmethod def function(out, fun, *args): return fun(out, *args)
[docs] def get_fargs(self, epss, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): geo, _ = self.get_mapping(virtual) ci = self.get_contact_info(geo, state) X = nm.asfortranarray(state.field.coors) Um = nm.asfortranarray(state().reshape((-1, ci.nsd))) xx = nm.asfortranarray(X + Um) GPs = ci.update(xx) if mode == 'weak': Gc = nm.zeros(ci.neq, dtype=nm.float64) activeGPs = GPs[:, 2*ci.nsd+3] # gap = GPs[:, nsd + 2] # print activeGPs # print gap # print 'active:', activeGPs.sum() if diff_var is None: max_num = 1 keyContactDetection = self.detect keyAssembleKc = 0 else: max_num = 4 * (ci.nsd * ci.nsn)**2 * ci.ngp * GPs.shape[0] keyContactDetection = self.detect keyAssembleKc = 1 # print 'max_num:', max_num vals = nm.empty(max_num, dtype=nm.float64) rows = nm.empty(max_num, dtype=nm.int32) cols = nm.empty(max_num, dtype=nm.int32) aux = cc.assemble_contact_residual_and_stiffness( Gc, vals, rows, cols, ci.GPs, ci.ISN, ci.IEN, X, Um, ci.H, ci.dH,, activeGPs, ci.neq, ci.npd, epss, keyContactDetection, keyAssembleKc) Gc, vals, rows, cols, num = aux # print 'true num:', num # Uncomment this to detect only in the 1. iteration. #self.detect = max(0, self.detect - 1) if diff_var is None: from sfepy.discrete.variables import create_adof_conn rows = nm.unique(create_adof_conn(nm.arange(len(Gc)),, ci.nsd, 0)) out_cc = (Gc[rows], rows, state) else: out_cc = (vals[:num], rows[:num], cols[:num], state, state) return self.function_weak, out_cc elif mode in ('el_avg', 'qp'): fmode = {'el_avg' : 1, 'qp' : 2}[mode] if term_mode == 'gap': gap = GPs[:, ci.nsd + 2].reshape(-1, ci.ngp, 1, 1) gap[gap > 0] = 0.0 return self.integrate, gap, geo, fmode else: raise ValueError('unsupported term mode in %s! (%s)' % (, term_mode)) else: raise ValueError('unsupported evaluation mode in %s! (%s)' % (, mode))
[docs] def get_eval_shape(self, epss, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(state) if mode != 'qp': n_qp = 1 return (n_el, n_qp, 1, 1), state.dtype