Source code for sfepy.scripts.test_install

#!/usr/bin/env python
Simple script for testing various SfePy functionality, examples not
covered by tests, and running the tests.

The script just runs the commands specified in its main() using the
`subprocess` module, captures the output and compares one or more key
words to the expected ones.

The output of failed commands is saved to 'test_install.log' file.
import time
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
import shlex
import subprocess
import logging
import re

DEBUG_FMT = '*' * 55 + '\n%s\n' + '*' * 55

def _get_logger(filename='test_install.log'):
    Convenience function to set-up output and logging.
    logger = logging.getLogger('')

    console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

    file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename)


    return logger

logger = _get_logger()

[docs] def check_output(cmd): """ Run the specified command and capture its outputs. Returns ------- out : tuple The (stdout, stderr) output tuple. """ args = shlex.split(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = [ii.decode() for ii in p.communicate()] return out
[docs] def report(out, name, line, item, value, eps=None, return_item=False, match_numbers=False): """ Check that `item` at `line` of the output string `out` is equal to `value`. If not, print the output. """ try: if match_numbers: status = out.split('\n')[line] else: status = out.split('\n')[line].split() except IndexError: logger.error(' not enough output from command!') ok = False else: try: if match_numbers: pat = '([-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?[jJ]?)' matches = re.findall(pat, status) status_item = matches[item] else: status_item = status[item]' comparing: %s %s', status_item, value) if eps is None: ok = (status_item == value) else: try: ok = abs(float(status_item) - float(value)) < eps except: ok = False except IndexError: ok = False' %s: %s', name, ok) if not ok: logger.debug(DEBUG_FMT, out) if return_item: return ok, status[item] else: return ok
[docs] def report2(out, name, items, return_item=False): """ Check that `items` are in the output string `out`. If not, print the output. """ ok = True for s in items:' checking: %s', s) if s not in out: ok = False break' %s: %s', name, ok) if not ok: logger.debug(DEBUG_FMT, out) if return_item: return ok, s else: return ok
[docs] def report_tests(out, return_item=False): """ Check that all tests in the output string `out` passed. If not, print the output. """ from pyparsing import (Word, Combine, Suppress, Optional, OneOrMore, delimitedList, nums, Literal) from functools import partial integer = Word(nums).setName('integer') real = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Optional(Word(nums))).setName('real') equals = Suppress(OneOrMore('=')) _stats = {} def add_stat(s, loc, toks, key=None): if key is None: key = toks[1] _stats[key] = toks[0] return toks word = ((integer + 'failed') | (integer + 'passed') | (integer + 'deselected') | (integer + 'warnings')).setParseAction(add_stat) line = (equals + Optional(delimitedList(word)) + 'in' + (real + (Literal('s') | 'seconds')) .setParseAction(partial(add_stat, key='seconds')) + equals) line.searchString(out) keys = ['failed', 'passed', 'deselected', 'warnings', 'seconds'] stats = {key : _stats.get(key, '0') for key in keys} ok = stats['failed'] == '0' (' {failed} failed, {passed} passed, {deselected} deselected,' ' {warnings} warnings in {seconds} seconds').format(**stats) ) if not ok: logger.debug(DEBUG_FMT, out) if return_item: return ok, stats['failed'] else: return ok
[docs] def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.parse_args() fd = open('test_install.log', 'w') fd.close() eok = 0 t0 = time.time() out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/') eok += report(out, '...', -2, 1, '...done') out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/') eok += report(out, '...', -2, 1, '...done') out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk out.mesh') eok += report(out, '...', -2, 1, '...done') out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ --tile 2,2 meshes/elements/2_4_2.mesh out-per.mesh') eok += report(out, '...', -2, 1, '...done') out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ --extract-surface --print-surface=- meshes/various_formats/octahedron.node surf_octahedron.mesh') eok += report(out, '...', -4, 0, '1185') out, err = check_output("""python3 sfepy/scripts/ -c "ebc_2 : {'name' : 't2', 'region' : 'Gamma_Right', 'dofs' : {'t.0' : -5.0}}" sfepy/examples/diffusion/""") eok += report(out, '...', -8, 5, '2.308051e-16', eps=1e-15) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ sfepy/examples/diffusion/') eok += report(out, '...', -8, 5, '1.606408e-14', eps=1e-13) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/') eok += report(out, '...', -29, 5, '3.964886e-12', eps=1e-11) eok += report(out, '...', -9, 4, '2.58660e+01', eps=1e-5) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/ --format h5') eok += report(out, '...', -8, 5, '4.638192e-18', eps=1e-15) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ -d cylinder.h5') eok += report(out, '...', -2, 1, '...done') out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ --off-screen -o cylinder.png cylinder.h5') eok += report(out, '...', -2, 1, 'cylinder.png') out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ sfepy/examples/phononic/') eok += report(out, '...', -9, 0, '2.08545116e+08', match_numbers=True) eok += report(out, '...', -8, 1, '1.16309223e+11', match_numbers=True) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ sfepy/examples/phononic/ --phonon-phase-velocity') eok += report(out, '...', -2, 0, '4189.41229592', match_numbers=True) eok += report(out, '...', -2, 1, '2620.55608256', match_numbers=True) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ sfepy/examples/phononic/ --phonon-dispersion') eok += report(out, '...', -6, 1, '[0,') out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ sfepy/examples/phononic/') eok += report(out, '...', -9, 0, '4.58709531e+07', match_numbers=True) eok += report(out, '...', -8, 1, '1.13929200e+11', match_numbers=True) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ sfepy/examples/quantum/') eok += report(out, '...', -2, -2, '-0.01913506', eps=1e-4) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/scripts/ sfepy/examples/homogenization/') eok += report2(out, '...', ['computing EpA', 'computing PA_3', 'computing GA', 'computing EmA', 'computing KA']) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/examples/homogenization/ -n') eok += report(out, '...', -2, -1, '1.644e-01', match_numbers=True) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/examples/large_deformation/ -n') eok += report(out, '...', -8, 5, '1.068759e-14', eps=1e-13) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/') eok += report(out, '...', -18, 0, '1.62128841139e-14', eps=1e-13) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/ --opt-conf=xtol=0.5') eok += report(out, '...', -5, 0, '2', match_numbers=True) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/') eok += report(out, '...', -12, 5, '12142.11470773', eps=1e-13) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/examples/multi_physics/') eok += report(out, '...', -9, 5, '2.612933e-14', eps=1e-13) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/examples/diffusion/ output') eok += report(out, '...', -3, 5, '2.675866e-15', eps=1e-13) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/examples/diffusion/ -o output') eok += report(out, '...', -3, 5, '1.028134e-13', eps=1e-12) out, err = check_output('python3 sfepy/examples/dg/ -o output') eok += report(out, '...', -3, 3, 'moment_1D_limiter') out, err = check_output('mpiexec -n 2 python3 sfepy/examples/diffusion/ output-parallel -2 --silent -ksp_monitor') eok += report(out, '...', -2, 4, '8.021313824020e-07', eps=1e-6) out, err = check_output('mpiexec -n 2 python3 sfepy/examples/multi_physics/ output-parallel -2 --silent -ksp_monitor') eok += report(out, '...', -2, 4, '3.787214380277e-09', eps=1e-7) t1 = time.time() out, err = check_output("python3 -c \"import sfepy; sfepy.test('-v', '--disable-warnings')\"") tok, failed = report_tests(out, return_item=True) tok = {True : 'ok', False : 'fail'}[tok] t2 = time.time() fd = open('test_install_times.log', 'a+') fd.write('%s: examples: %.2f [s] (%d), tests: %.2f [s] (%s: %s)\n' % (time.ctime(t0), t1 - t0, eok, t2 - t1, tok, failed)) fd.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()