Source code for sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as nm

from sfepy.discrete.fem.mesh import find_map

periodic_cache = {}

# c: 05.05.2008, r: 05.05.2008
eps = 1e-9
[docs]def set_accuracy(eps): globals()['eps'] = eps
## # c: 18.10.2006, r: 05.05.2008
[docs]def match_grid_line(coors1, coors2, which, get_saved=True): """ Match coordinates `coors1` with `coors2` along the axis `which`. """ if coors1.shape != coors2.shape: raise ValueError('incompatible shapes: %s == %s'\ % (coors1.shape, coors2.shape)) key = coors1.shape + ('line', which) if key in periodic_cache and get_saved: return periodic_cache[key] else: c1 = coors1[:,which] c2 = coors2[:,which] i1 = nm.argsort(c1) i2 = nm.argsort(c2) if not nm.all(nm.abs(c1[i1] - c2[i2]) < eps): print(c1[i1]) print(c2[i2]) print(nm.abs(c1[i1] - c2[i2]).max()) raise ValueError('cannot match nodes!') periodic_cache[key] = (i1, i2) return i1, i2
## # 18.10.2006, c # last revision: 18.10.2006
[docs]def match_x_line(coors1, coors2, get_saved=True): return match_grid_line(coors1, coors2, 0, get_saved)
[docs]def match_y_line(coors1, coors2, get_saved=True): return match_grid_line(coors1, coors2, 1, get_saved)
[docs]def match_z_line(coors1, coors2, get_saved=True): return match_grid_line(coors1, coors2, 2, get_saved)
[docs]def match_plane_by_dir(coors1, coors2, direction, get_saved=True): """ Match coordinates `coors1` with `coors2` in a given direction. """ if coors1.shape != coors2.shape: raise ValueError('incompatible shapes: %s == %s'\ % (coors1.shape, coors2.shape)) key_dir = None if direction is None else tuple(direction) key = coors1.shape + ('dir', key_dir) if key in periodic_cache and get_saved: return periodic_cache[key] else: aux = coors2.copy() if direction is not None: direction = nm.asarray(direction, dtype=nm.float64).reshape((3, 1)) direction = direction[:coors1.shape[1]] direction /= nm.linalg.norm(direction) x0p = coors1[0] - coors2 dist = nm.linalg.norm(x0p -, direction) * direction.T, axis=1) idx = nm.where(dist < eps)[0] if len(idx) < 1: print(direction) print(dist) raise ValueError('cannot match nodes!') aux += coors1[0] - coors2[idx[0]] i1, i2 = find_map(coors1, aux, join=False) if i1.shape[0] != coors1.shape[0]: print(direction) print(coors1[i1]) print(coors2[i2]) print(nm.abs(coors1[i1] - coors2[i2]).max(0)) ii = nm.setdiff1d(nm.arange(coors1.shape[0]), i1) print(coors1[ii]) print(coors2[ii]) raise ValueError('cannot match nodes!') periodic_cache[key] = (i1, i2) return i1, i2
[docs]def get_grid_plane(idim): return nm.eye(3)[idim]
[docs]def match_x_plane(coors1, coors2, get_saved=True): return match_plane_by_dir(coors1, coors2, get_grid_plane(0), get_saved)
[docs]def match_y_plane(coors1, coors2, get_saved=True): return match_plane_by_dir(coors1, coors2, get_grid_plane(1), get_saved)
[docs]def match_z_plane(coors1, coors2, get_saved=True): return match_plane_by_dir(coors1, coors2, get_grid_plane(2), get_saved)
[docs]def match_grid_plane(coors1, coors2, idim, get_saved=True): return match_plane_by_dir(coors1, coors2, get_grid_plane(idim), get_saved)
[docs]def match_coors(coors1, coors2, get_saved=True): return match_plane_by_dir(coors1, coors2, None, get_saved)