This section purports to document the fish_heart internals.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import numpy as np
from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper
from sfepy.base.log import Log
# Options.
filename_mesh = 'meshes/rs2.mesh'
output_dir = 'output/aux3'
basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename('meshes/rs2.mesh'))[0]
convergence_log = basename + '_log.txt'
convergence_fig = basename + '_log.png'
loads_log = basename + '_loads_log.txt'
loads_fig = basename + '_loads_log.png'
globals_log = basename + '_globals_log.txt'
globals_fig = basename + '_globals_log.png'
# Time-stepping parameters.
t0 = 0.0
t1 = 2.0
n_step = 81
ts = TimeStepper(t0, t1, None, n_step)
# Sphere radii.
r0 = 1.0
r1 = 2.0
r2 = 2.5
eps = 1e-8
# Number of periods.
n_period = 2
cwd = os.path.split(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), __file__))[0]
def incwd(filename):
"""Prepend the directory of this file to filename."""
return os.path.join(cwd, filename)
def inodir(filename):
"""Prepend the output directory to filename."""
odir = incwd(output_dir)
if not os.path.exists(odir):
return os.path.join(odir, filename)
options = {
'nls' : 'newton',
'ls' : 'ls_d',
'ts' : 'ts',
'save_steps' : -1,
'output_format' : 'h5',
'output_dir' : incwd(output_dir),
'post_process_hook' : 'post_process',
# Log simulation parameters: activation of fibres and loads.
plog = Log([[r'$A_1$', r'$A_2$'], [r'$\pi$', r'$p$']],
xlabels=['time [s]', 'time [s]'],
ylabels=['activation', 'pressure'],
yscales=['linear', 'linear'],
formats=[['%.8f', '%.8f'], ['%.8g', '%.8g']])
# Log global indicators: fluid volume.
glog = Log([[r'$V_F$']],
xlabels=['time [s]'],
ylabels=['fluid volume'],
formats=[['%.8f', '%.8f']])
if filename_mesh.find('rs1') >= 0:
regions = {
'Omega' : ('all', {}),
'Omega1' : ('elements of group 1', {'forbid' : 'group 2 3 4'}),
'Omega2' : ('elements of group 2', {'forbid' : 'group 1 3 4'}),
'Omega12' : ('r.Omega1 +e r.Omega2', {}),
'Gamma' : ('nodes of surface', {}),
'Gamma0' : ('r.Gamma *n r.Omega1', {'can_cells' : True,
'forbid' : 'group 3 4'}),
'Gamma2' : ('r.Gamma *n r.Omega2', {'forbid' : 'group 3 4'}),
'Fix' : ('r.Gamma *n elements of group 3', {}),
elif filename_mesh.find('rs2') >= 0:
regions = {
'Omega' : ('all', {}),
'Omega1' : ('elements of group 1', {'forbid' : 'group 2 3 4'}),
'Omega2' : ('elements of group 2', {'forbid' : 'group 1 3 4'}),
'Omega12' : ('r.Omega1 +e r.Omega2', {}),
'Gamma0' : ('nodes by select_r0', {'can_cells' : True,
'forbid' : 'group 3 4'}),
'Gamma2' : ('nodes by select_r2', {'forbid' : 'group 3 4'}),
'Fix012' : ('node 120', {}),
'Fix02' : ('node 166', {}),
'Fix2' : ('nodes in (z < %.12e)' % eps, {}),
raise ValueError('unknown mesh! (%s)' % filename_mesh)
# Volume fractions in compact myocardium
vf_matrix = 0.5
vf_fibres1 = 0.2
vf_fibres2 = 0.3
# Volume fractions in spongious myocardium
vf_solid = 0.5
vf_fluid = 0.5
materials = {
# Perfused solid.
'ps' : ('Omega1', {
'mu' : 20e0, # shear modulus of neoHookean term
'k' : ts.dt * np.eye(3, dtype=np.float64), # reference permeability
'N_f' : 1.0, # reference porosity
# Solid.
's' : ('Omega2', {
'K' : vf_matrix * 1e3, # bulk modulus
'mu' : vf_matrix * 20e0, # shear modulus of neoHookean term
# Fibres.
'f1' : ('Omega2', None, 'get_pars_fibres1'),
'f2' : ('Omega2', None, 'get_pars_fibres2'),
# Surface pressure traction.
'traction' : ('Gamma0', None, 'get_traction'),
fields = {
'displacement': ((3,1), 'real', 'Omega12', {'Omega12' : '3_4_P1'}),
'pressure' : ((1,1), 'real', 'Omega1', {'Omega1' : '3_4_P1'}),
variables = {
'u' : ('unknown field', 'displacement', 0, 'previous'),
'v' : ('test field', 'displacement', 'u'),
'p' : ('unknown field', 'pressure', 1),
'q' : ('test field', 'pressure', 'p'),
# Dirichlet BC.
ebcs = {
'pressure' : ('Gamma0', {'p.0' : 'get_pressure'}),
if filename_mesh.find('rs1') >= 0:
ebcs['fix'] = ('Fix', {'u.all' : 0.0})
elif filename_mesh.find('rs2') >= 0:
ebcs['fix012'] = ('Fix012', {'u.all' : 0.0})
ebcs['fix02'] = ('Fix02', {'u.[0,2]' : 0.0})
ebcs['fix2'] = ('Fix2', {'u.2' : 0.0})
# Balance of forces.
integrals = {
'i1' : ('v', 'gauss_o1_d3'),
'i2' : ('s3', 'gauss_o2_d2'),
equations = {
: """dw_tl_he_neohook.i1.Omega1(, v, u )
+ dw_tl_bulk_pressure.i1.Omega1( v, u, p )
+ dw_tl_he_neohook.i1.Omega2(, v, u )
+ dw_tl_bulk_penalty.i1.Omega2( s.K, v, u )
+ dw_tl_fib_a.i1.Omega2( f1.fmax, f1.eps_opt, f1.s, f1.fdir, f1.act,
v, u )
+ dw_tl_fib_a.i1.Omega2( f2.fmax, f2.eps_opt, f2.s, f2.fdir, f2.act,
v, u )
+ dw_tl_surface_traction.i2.Gamma0( traction.pressure, v, u )
= 0""",
: """dw_tl_volume.i1.Omega1( q, u )
+ dw_tl_diffusion.i1.Omega1( ps.k, ps.N_f, q, p, u[-1])
= dw_tl_volume.i1.Omega1( q, u[-1] )"""
def post_process(out, problem, state, extend=False):
from sfepy.base.base import Struct, debug
from sfepy.fem import extend_cell_data
val = problem.evaluate("""dw_tl_he_neohook.i1.Omega1(, v, u )
+ dw_tl_he_neohook.i1.Omega2(, v, u )""",
state, call_mode='de_strain')
if extend: val = extend_cell_data(val, problem.domain, 'Omega12')
out['green_strain'] = Struct(name = 'output_data',
mode = 'cell', data = val,
dofs = None)
val = problem.evaluate("""dw_tl_he_neohook.i1.Omega1(, v, u )
+ dw_tl_he_neohook.i1.Omega2(, v, u )""",
state, call_mode='de_stress')
if extend: val = extend_cell_data(val, problem.domain, 'Omega12')
out['neohook_stress'] = Struct(name = 'output_data',
mode = 'cell', data = val,
dofs = None)
val = problem.evaluate("""dw_tl_bulk_pressure.i1.Omega1( v, u, p )
+ dw_tl_bulk_penalty.i1.Omega2( s.K, v, u )""",
state, call_mode='de_stress')
if extend: val = extend_cell_data(val, problem.domain, 'Omega12')
out['bulk_pressure'] = Struct(name = 'output_data',
mode = 'cell', data = val,
dofs = None)
val = problem.evaluate("""dw_tl_fib_a.i1.Omega2( f1.fmax, f1.eps_opt,
f1.s, f1.fdir, f1.act,
v, u )""",
state, call_mode='de_stress')
if extend: val = extend_cell_data(val, problem.domain, 'Omega2')
out['fibre_stress_1'] = Struct(name = 'output_data',
mode = 'cell', data = val,
dofs = None)
val = problem.evaluate("""dw_tl_fib_a.i1.Omega2( f2.fmax, f2.eps_opt,
f2.s, f2.fdir, f2.act,
v, u )""",
state, call_mode='de_stress')
if extend: val = extend_cell_data(val, problem.domain, 'Omega2')
out['fibre_stress_2'] = Struct(name = 'output_data',
mode = 'cell', data = val,
dofs = None)
val = problem.evaluate("""dw_tl_diffusion.i1.Omega1( ps.k, ps.N_f,
q, p, u[-1] )""",
state, call_mode='de_diffusion_velocity')
if extend: val = extend_cell_data(val, problem.domain, 'Omega1')
out['diffusion_velocity'] = Struct(name = 'output_data',
mode = 'cell', data = val,
dofs = None)
val = problem.evaluate("""dw_tl_volume.i1.Omega1( q, u )""",
state, call_mode='de_rel_volume')
if extend: val = extend_cell_data(val, problem.domain, 'Omega1')
out['J'] = Struct(name = 'output_data',
mode = 'cell', data = val,
dofs = None)
if problem.ts.step == 0:
dirs = {}
val = problem.evaluate("""de_volume_average_mat.i1.Omega2(f1.fdir, u,
state, shape=(3, 1))
if extend: val = extend_cell_data(val, problem.domain, 'Omega2', val=0.0)
dirs['dir1'] = Struct(name = 'output_data',
mode = 'cell', data = val,
dofs = None)
val = problem.evaluate("""de_volume_average_mat.i1.Omega2(f2.fdir, u,
state, shape=(3, 1))
if extend: val = extend_cell_data(val, problem.domain, 'Omega2', val=0.0)
dirs['dir2'] = Struct(name = 'output_data',
mode = 'cell', data = val,
dofs = None)
problem.save_state(problem.ofn_trunk + '_dirs.vtk', out=dirs)
# Log the simulation parameters.
args = (problem.ts, np.array([[0,0,0]]), 'qp')
act1 = problem.materials['f1'].function(*args)['act'].squeeze()
act2 = problem.materials['f2'].function(*args)['act'].squeeze()
pi = problem.materials['traction'].function(*args)['pressure'].squeeze()[0,0]
p = problem.variables['p'].eq_map.val_ebc[0]
ts = problem.ts
plog(act1, act2, pi, p, x=[ts.time, ts.time])
aux = ts.times[np.linspace(0, ts.n_step-1, 2*n_period+1).astype(np.int32)]
aux = (aux / ts.dt).astype(np.int32)
if hasattr(np, 'in1d'):
in1d = np.in1d
in1d = np.setmember1d
if in1d([int(ts.time / ts.dt)], aux):
plog.plot_vlines(color='r', linewidth=1)
# Log the global indicators.
val = problem.evaluate("""dw_tl_volume.i1.Omega1( q, u )""",
state, call_mode='de_volume')
total_fluid_volume = vf_fluid * val.sum()
glog(total_fluid_volume, x=[ts.time])
return out
# Solvers etc.
solvers = {
'ls_d' : ('ls.scipy_direct', {}),
'ls_i' : ('ls.petsc', {
'method' : 'bcgsl', # ksp_type
'precond' : 'ilu', # pc_type
'eps_a' : 1e-12, # abstol
'eps_r' : 1e-12, # rtol
'i_max' : 400, # maxits
'newton' : ('nls.newton', {
'i_max' : 7,
'eps_a' : 1e-10,
'eps_r' : 1.0,
'macheps' : 1e-16,
'lin_red' : 1e-2, # Linear system error < (eps_a * lin_red).
'ls_red' : 0.1,
'ls_red_warp': 0.001,
'ls_on' : 1.1,
'ls_min' : 1e-5,
'check' : 0,
'delta' : 1e-6,
'is_plot' : False,
'log' : {'text' : inodir(convergence_log),
'plot' : inodir(convergence_fig)},
'problem' : 'nonlinear', # 'nonlinear' or 'linear' (ignore i_max)
'ts' : ('ts.simple', {
't0' : t0,
't1' : t1,
'dt' : None,
'n_step' : n_step, # has precedence over dt!
'quasistatic' : False,
# FE assembling parameters.
fe = {
'chunk_size' : 100000,
'cache_override' : False,
# Functions.
def select_radius(coors, domain=None, radius=0.0, sense='in'):
"""Select nodes within (sense == 'in') or outside (sense == 'out') a
specified radius."""
x, y, z = coors[:,0], coors[:,1], coors[:,2]
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
if sense == 'in':
out = np.where((r <= radius))[0]
elif sense == 'out':
out = np.where((r >= radius))[0]
raise ValueError('unknown sense! (%s)' % sense)
return out
def get_scalar_pressure(tt):
"""Get scalar pressure given the normalized time tt."""
tt = max(tt - 0.0, 0.0)
val = 1e-0 * np.sin(tt)
return val
def get_traction(ts, coors, mode=None):
Pressure traction.
ts : TimeStepper
Time stepping info.
coors : array_like
The physical domain coordinates where the parameters shound be defined.
mode : 'qp' or 'special'
Call mode.
if mode != 'qp': return
tt = ts.nt * 2.0 * n_period * np.pi
dim = coors.shape[1]
val = get_scalar_pressure(tt) * np.eye(dim, dtype=np.float64)
shape = (coors.shape[0], 1, 1)
out = {
'pressure' : np.tile(val, shape),
return out
def get_pressure(ts, coor, bc):
"""Internal pressure Dirichlet boundary condition."""
tt = ts.nt * 2.0 * n_period * np.pi
val = np.zeros((coor.shape[0],), dtype=np.float64)
val[:] = 0.9 * get_scalar_pressure(tt)
return val
def get_pars_fibres(ts, coors, mode=None, which=0, vf=1.0):
ts : TimeStepper
Time stepping info.
coors : array_like
The physical domain coordinates where the parameters shound be defined.
mode : 'qp' or 'special'
Call mode.
which : int
Fibre system id.
vf : float
Fibre system volume fraction.
if mode != 'qp': return
fmax = 50.0
eps_opt = 0.01
s = 1.0
tt = ts.nt * 2.0 * n_period * np.pi
x, y, z = coors[:,0], coors[:,1], coors[:,2]
# Spherical coordinates.
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
theta = np.arccos(z / r)[:,None]
phi = np.arctan2(y, x)[:,None]
at = max(tt - np.pi / 2.0, 0.0)
if which == 0: # system 1 - meridians
fdir = np.c_[np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi),
np.cos(theta) * np.sin(phi),
- np.sin(theta)]
act = 0.5 * (1.0 + np.sin(at - (0.5 * np.pi)))
elif which == 1: # system 2 - parallels
fdir = np.c_[-np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi), np.zeros_like(phi)]
act = 0.5 * (1.0 + np.sin(at - (0.5 * np.pi)))
raise ValueError('unknown fibre system! (%d)' % which)
# Normalize fibre directions.
# The pole fibres are set to [0, 0, 1].
x, y, z = fdir[:,0], fdir[:,1], fdir[:,2]
nf = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)[:,None]
iz = np.where(nf < 0.1)[0]
io = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(nf.shape[0], dtype=np.int32), iz)
fdir[io] = fdir[io] / nf[io]
fdir[iz] = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
fdir.shape = fdir.shape + (1,)
print 'activation:', act
shape = (coors.shape[0], 1, 1)
out = {
'fmax' : vf * np.tile(fmax, shape),
'eps_opt' : np.tile(eps_opt, shape),
's' : np.tile(s, shape),
'fdir' : fdir,
'act' : np.tile(act, shape),
return out
functions = {
'select_r0' : (lambda coors, domain=None:
select_radius(coors, domain=domain, radius=r0 + eps,
'select_r2' : (lambda coors, domain=None:
select_radius(coors, domain=domain, radius=r2 - eps,
'get_traction' : (lambda ts, coors, mode=None, region=None, ig=None:
get_traction(ts, coors, mode=mode),),
'get_pressure' : (get_pressure,),
'get_pars_fibres1' : (lambda ts, coors, mode=None, region=None, ig=None:
get_pars_fibres(ts, coors, mode=mode, which=0,
'get_pars_fibres2' : (lambda ts, coors, mode=None, region=None, ig=None:
get_pars_fibres(ts, coors, mode=mode, which=1,