Source code for sfepy.solvers.oseen

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as nm
import numpy.linalg as nla

from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, Struct
from sfepy.base.log import Log, get_logging_conf
from sfepy.base.timing import Timer
from sfepy.solvers.solvers import NonlinearSolver
from .nls import conv_test
import six

[docs]class StabilizationFunction(Struct): """ Definition of stabilization material function for the Oseen solver. Notes ----- - tau_red <= 1.0; if tau is None: tau = tau_red * delta - diameter mode: 'edge': longest edge 'volume': volume-based, 'max': max. of previous """ def __init__(self, name_map, gamma=None, delta=None, tau=None, tau_red=1.0, tau_mul=1.0, delta_mul=1.0, gamma_mul=1.0, diameter_mode='max'): Struct.__init__(self, name_map=name_map, gamma=gamma, delta=delta, tau=tau, tau_red=tau_red, tau_mul=tau_mul, delta_mul=delta_mul, gamma_mul=gamma_mul, diameter_mode=diameter_mode)
[docs] def setup(self, problem): """ Setup common problem-dependent data. """ variables = problem.get_variables() ns = self.name_map # Indices to the state vector. ii = {} ii['u'] = variables.get_indx(ns['u']) ii['us'] = variables.get_indx(ns['u'], reduced=True) ii['ps'] = variables.get_indx(ns['p'], reduced=True) self.indices = ii materials = problem.get_materials() # The viscosity. fluid_mat = materials[ns['fluid']] self.viscosity = fluid_mat.function()[ns['viscosity']] # The Friedrich's constant. self.c_friedrichs = problem.domain.get_diameter() self.sigma = 1e-12 # 1 / dt. self.b_norm = 1.0
[docs] def get_maps(self): """ Get the maps of names and indices of variables in state vector. """ return self.name_map, self.indices
def __call__(self, ts, coor, mode=None, term=None, problem=None, b_norm=None, **kwargs): """ The actual material function. """ if mode != 'qp': return if not hasattr(self, 'viscosity'): self.setup(problem) ns = self.name_map # Update stored b_norm. self.b_norm = get_default(b_norm, self.b_norm) output('|b|_max (mat_fun):', self.b_norm) gamma = self.viscosity + self.b_norm * self.c_friedrichs data = {} if self.gamma is None: _gamma = self.gamma_mul * gamma else: _gamma = nm.asarray(self.gamma_mul * self.gamma, dtype=nm.float64) _gamma = nm.tile(_gamma, (coor.shape[0], 1, 1)) if is None: # Element diameter modes. dm = {'edge': 0, 'volume': 1, 'max': 2}[self.diameter_mode] field = problem.fields[ns['velocity']] region = term.region vg, _ = field.get_mapping(region, term.integral, 'volume') cells = region.get_cells() d2 = problem.domain.get_element_diameters(cells, vg.volume, dm) self.diameters2 = d2 val1 = min(1.0, 1.0 / self.sigma) val2 = self.sigma * self.c_friedrichs**2 val3 = ((self.b_norm**2) * min((self.c_friedrichs**2) / self.viscosity, 1.0 / self.sigma)) n_qp = coor.shape[0] / self.diameters2.shape[0] diameters2 = nm.repeat(self.diameters2, n_qp) diameters2.shape = diameters2.shape + (1, 1) _delta = self.delta_mul * val1 * diameters2 / (_gamma + val2 + val3) else: val = nm.asarray(self.delta_mul *, dtype=nm.float64) _delta = nm.tile(val, (coor.shape[0], 1, 1)) if self.tau is None: _tau = self.tau_red * _delta else: _tau = nm.asarray(self.tau_mul * self.tau, dtype=nm.float64) _tau = nm.tile(_tau, (coor.shape[0], 1, 1)) data[ns['gamma']] = _gamma data[ns['delta']] = _delta data[ns['tau']] = _tau return data
[docs]def are_close(a, b, rtol=0.2, atol=1e-8): return False
# return abs(a - b) <= max(atol, rtol * abs(b))
[docs]def scale_matrix(mtx, indx, factor): ptr0 = mtx.indptr[indx.start] ptr1 = mtx.indptr[indx.stop][ptr0:ptr1] *= factor
[docs]class Oseen(NonlinearSolver): """ The Oseen solver for Navier-Stokes equations. """ name = 'nls.oseen' _parameters = [ ('stabil_mat', 'str', None, True, 'The name of stabilization material.'), ('adimensionalize', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, adimensionalize the problem (not implemented!).'), ('check_navier_stokes_residual', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, check the Navier-Stokes residual after the nonlinear loop.'), ('i_max', 'int', 1, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-10, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual, i.e. :math:`||f(x^i)||`.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1.0, False, """The relative tolerance for the residual, i.e. :math:`||f(x^i)|| / ||f(x^0)||`."""), ('macheps', 'float', nm.finfo(nm.float64).eps, False, 'The float considered to be machine "zero".'), ('lin_red', 'float', 1.0, False, """The linear system solution error should be smaller than (`eps_a` * `lin_red`), otherwise a warning is printed."""), ('lin_precision', 'float or None', None, False, """If not None, the linear system solution tolerances are set in each nonlinear iteration relative to the current residual norm by the `lin_precision` factor. Ignored for direct linear solvers."""), ] def __init__(self, conf, context=None, **kwargs): NonlinearSolver.__init__(self, conf, context=context, **kwargs) conf = self.conf log = get_logging_conf(conf) conf.log = log = Struct(name='log_conf', **log) conf.is_any_log = (log.text is not None) or (log.plot is not None) conf.problem = context conf = self.conf if conf.is_any_log: self.log = Log([[r'$||r||$'], ['iteration'], [r'$\gamma$', r'$\max(\delta)$', r'$\max(\tau)$']], xlabels=['', '', 'all iterations'], ylabels=[r'$||r||$', 'iteration', 'stabilization'], yscales=['log', 'linear', 'log'], is_plot=conf.log.plot is not None, log_filename=conf.log.text, formats=[['%.8e'], ['%d'], ['%.8e', '%.8e', '%.8e']]) else: self.log = None def __call__(self, vec_x0, conf=None, fun=None, fun_grad=None, lin_solver=None, status=None, problem=None): """ Oseen solver is problem-specific - it requires a Problem instance. """ conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) fun = get_default(fun, fun_grad = get_default(fun_grad, self.fun_grad) lin_solver = get_default(lin_solver, self.lin_solver) status = get_default(status, self.status) problem = get_default(problem, conf.problem, '`problem` parameter needs to be set!') timer = Timer() time_stats = {} stabil = problem.get_materials()[conf.stabil_mat] ns, ii = stabil.function.function.get_maps() variables = problem.get_variables() make_full_vec = variables.make_full_vec output('problem size:') output(' velocity: %s' % ii['us']) output(' pressure: %s' % ii['ps']) vec_x = vec_x0.copy() vec_x_prev = vec_x0.copy() vec_dx = None if self.log is not None: self.log.plot_vlines(color='r', linewidth=1.0) err0 = -1.0 it = 0 ls_n_iter = 0 ls_status = {} while 1: vec_x_prev_f = make_full_vec(vec_x_prev) variables[ns['b']].set_data(vec_x_prev_f, variables[ns['u']].indx) vec_b = vec_x_prev_f[ii['u']] b_norm = nla.norm(vec_b, nm.inf) output('|b|_max: %.12e' % b_norm) vec_x_f = make_full_vec(vec_x) vec_u = vec_x_f[ii['u']] u_norm = nla.norm(vec_u, nm.inf) output('|u|_max: %.2e' % u_norm) stabil.function.set_extra_args(b_norm=b_norm) stabil.time_update(None, problem.equations, mode='force', problem=problem) max_pars = stabil.reduce_on_datas(lambda a, b: max(a, b.max())) output('stabilization parameters:') output(' gamma: %.12e' % max_pars[ns['gamma']]) output(' max(delta): %.12e' % max_pars[ns['delta']]) output(' max(tau): %.12e' % max_pars[ns['tau']]) if (not are_close(b_norm, 1.0)) and conf.adimensionalize: adimensionalize = True else: adimensionalize = False timer.start() try: vec_r = fun(vec_x) except ValueError: ok = False else: ok = True time_stats['residual'] = timer.stop() if ok: err = nla.norm(vec_r) if it == 0: err0 = err; else: err += nla.norm(vec_dx) else: # Failure. output('residual computation failed for iter %d!' % it) raise RuntimeError('giving up...') if self.log is not None: self.log(err, it, max_pars[ns['gamma']], max_pars[ns['delta']], max_pars[ns['tau']]) condition = conv_test(conf, it, err, err0) if condition >= 0: break if adimensionalize: output('adimensionalizing') ## mat.viscosity = viscosity / b_norm ## vec_r[indx_us] /= b_norm timer.start() try: mtx_a = fun_grad(vec_x) except ValueError: ok = False else: ok = True time_stats['matrix'] = timer.stop() if not ok: raise RuntimeError('giving up...') timer.start() vec_dx = lin_solver(vec_r, x0=vec_x, mtx=mtx_a, status=ls_status) time_stats['solve'] = timer.stop() ls_n_iter += ls_status['n_iter'] vec_e = mtx_a * vec_dx - vec_r lerr = nla.norm(vec_e) if lerr > (conf.eps_a * conf.lin_red): output('linear system not solved! (err = %e)' % lerr) if adimensionalize: output('restoring pressure...') ## vec_dx[indx_ps] *= b_norm dx_norm = nla.norm(vec_dx) output('||dx||: %.2e' % dx_norm) for kv in six.iteritems(time_stats): output('%10s: %7.2f [s]' % kv) vec_x_prev = vec_x.copy() vec_x -= vec_dx it += 1 if conf.check_navier_stokes_residual: t1 = '+ dw_div_grad.%s.%s(%s.viscosity, %s, %s)' \ % (ns['i2'], ns['omega'], ns['fluid'], ns['v'], ns['u']) # t2 = '+ dw_lin_convect.%s(%s, %s, %s)' % (ns['omega'], # ns['v'], b_name, ns['u']) t2 = '+ dw_convect.%s.%s(%s, %s)' % (ns['i2'], ns['omega'], ns['v'], ns['u']) t3 = '- dw_stokes.%s.%s(%s, %s)' % (ns['i1'], ns['omega'], ns['v'], ns['p']) t4 = 'dw_stokes.%s.%s(%s, %s)' % (ns['i1'], ns['omega'], ns['u'], ns['q']) equations = { 'balance' : ' '.join((t1, t2, t3)), 'incompressibility' : t4, } problem.set_equations(equations) try: vec_rns0 = fun(vec_x0) vec_rns = fun(vec_x) except ValueError: ok = False else: ok = True if not ok: output('Navier-Stokes residual computation failed!') err_ns = err_ns0 = None else: err_ns0 = nla.norm(vec_rns0) err_ns = nla.norm(vec_rns) output('Navier-Stokes residual0: %.8e' % err_ns0) output('Navier-Stokes residual : %.8e' % err_ns) output('b - u: %.8e' % nla.norm(vec_b - vec_u)) output(condition) else: err_ns = None if status is not None: status['time_stats'] = time_stats status['err0'] = err0 status['err'] = err status['err_ns'] = err_ns status['condition'] = condition status['n_iter'] = it status['ls_n_iter'] = -1 status['time'] = sum(v for v in time_stats.values()) if conf.log.plot is not None: if self.log is not None: self.log(save_figure=conf.log.plot) return vec_x