Source code for sfepy.mesh.bspline

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
from six.moves import range

import numpy as nm
from sfepy.base.base import Struct

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection

nm_f64_eps = nm.finfo(nm.float64).eps

[docs]def to_ndarray(a): if a is None: return None else: a = nm.asarray(a) if len(a.shape) == 0: a = a.reshape(1) return a
[docs]class BSpline(Struct): """ B-spline curve representation """ def __init__(self, degree=3, is_cyclic=False, ncp=0): """ Initialize B-spline class. Parameters ---------- degree : int The degree of the spline function. is_cyclic : bool Cyclic spline?. ncp : int The number of control points. """ = degree self.knot_type = None self.is_cyclic = is_cyclic self.ncp = ncp self.knots = None self.basis = None self.curve_coors = None self.cp_coors = None self.approx_coors = None self.t = None
[docs] def set_control_points(self, coors, cyclic_form=False): """ Set the B-spline control points. Parameters ---------- coors : array The coordinates of unique control points. cyclic_form : bool Are the control points in the cyclic form? """ coors = to_ndarray(coors) if self.is_cyclic and not cyclic_form: coors = nm.vstack((coors, coors[,:])) self.cp_coors = coors self.ncp = coors.shape[0]
[docs] def get_control_points(self): """ Get the B-spline control points. Returns ------- coors : array The coordinates of control points. """ if self.is_cyclic: return self.cp_coors[,:] else: return self.cp_coors
[docs] def set_param(self, t): """ Set the B-spline parametric vector. Parameters ---------- t : array The parameter vector of the B-spline. """ self.t = to_ndarray(t) if self.knots is not None: endval = self.knots[-( + 1)] idxs = nm.where(self.t == endval)[0] self.t[idxs] -= nm_f64_eps
[docs] def set_param_n(self, n=100, knot_range=(0.0, 1.0)): """ Generate the B-spline parametric vector using the number of steps. Parameters ---------- n : array The number of steps in the B-spline parametric vector. """ self.t = nm.linspace(knot_range[0], knot_range[1], n) self.t[-1] -= nm_f64_eps
[docs] @staticmethod def basis_function_dg0(t, knots, n): """ Basis function: degree = 0 Parameters ---------- t : array The parametric vector. knots : array The knot vector. n : int The number of intervals. Returns ------- bfun : array The spline basis function evaluated for given values. """ nt = len(t) bfun = nm.zeros((nt,n), dtype=nm.float64) for ii in range(n): idxs = nm.where(nm.logical_and(knots[ii] <= t, t < knots[ii + 1]))[0] bfun[idxs,ii] = 1.0 return bfun
[docs] @staticmethod def basis_function_dg(degree, t, knots, n): """ B-spline basis functions. Parameters ---------- degree : int The degree of the spline function. t : array The parametric vector. knots : array The knot vector. n : int The number of intervals. Returns ------- bfun : array The spline basis function evaluated for given values. """ if degree >= 1: bfun_dgm1 = BSpline.basis_function_dg(degree - 1, t, knots, n + 1) nt = len(t) bfun = nm.zeros((nt,n), dtype=nm.float64) for ii in range(n): c1 = t - knots[ii] c2 = knots[ii + degree] - knots[ii] if nm.abs(c2) > nm_f64_eps: bfun[:,ii] = c1 / c2 * bfun_dgm1[:,ii] c1 = knots[ii + degree + 1] - t c2 = knots[ii + degree + 1] - knots[ii + 1] if nm.abs(c2) > nm_f64_eps: bfun[:,ii] += c1 / c2 * bfun_dgm1[:,ii + 1] else: bfun = BSpline.basis_function_dg0(t, knots, n) return bfun
[docs] def make_knot_vector(self, knot_type='clamped', knot_data=None, knot_range=(0.0, 1.0)): """ Create a knot vector of the requested type. Parameters ---------- knot_type : str The knot vector type: clamped/cyclic/userdef. knot_data : The extra knot data. """ if self.is_cyclic and 'cyclic' not in knot_type: knot_type = 'cyclic' ncp = self.ncp dg = n_knots = dg + ncp + 1 n_inter = n_knots - 2 * dg aux = nm.linspace(knot_range[0], knot_range[1], n_inter) if knot_type == '' or knot_type == 'cyclic': dd = aux[1] self.knots = nm.hstack((nm.arange(-dg, 0) * dd, aux, nm.arange(1, dg + 1) * dd + 1)) elif knot_type == 'clamped': self.knots = nm.array([aux[0]]* dg + list(aux) + [aux[-1]]* dg, dtype=nm.float64) else: raise NotImplementedError self.knot_type = knot_type
[docs] def set_knot_vector(self, knots): """ Set the knot vector. Parameters ---------- knots : array The knot vector. """ self.knot_type = 'userdef' self.knots = to_ndarray(knots)
[docs] def get_knot_vector(self): """ Return the knot vector. Returns ------- knots : array The knot vector. """ return self.knots
[docs] def insert_knot(self, new): """ Insert a new knot into the knot vector. Parameters ---------- new : float The new knot value. """ kn = self.knots dg = ncp = self.ncp cp = self.cp_coors idx = nm.where(nm.logical_and(kn[:-1] <= new, new < kn[1:]))[0] if len(idx) > 0: multi = len(nm.where(kn == new)[0]) if multi < dg: # new knot newkn = nm.zeros((len(kn) + 1,), dtype=nm.float64) newkn[:(idx + 1)] = kn[:(idx + 1)] newkn[idx + 1] = new newkn[(idx + 2):] = kn[(idx + 1):] u1 = idx - dg + 1 u2 = idx + 1 # new control points newcp = nm.zeros((ncp + 1, cp.shape[1]), dtype=nm.float64) newcp[:u1,:] = cp[:u1,:] newcp[u2:,:] = cp[(u2 - 1):,:] for ii in range(u1, u2): kn1 = kn[ii] kn2 = kn[ii + dg] dd = kn2 - kn1 newcp[ii,:] = (kn2 - new) / dd * cp[ii - 1] + \ (new - kn1) / dd * cp[ii] self.knots = newkn self.cp_coors = newcp self.ncp = newcp.shape[0] # evaluate B-spline base functions for new configuration self.eval_basis() else: print('knot insertion failed: multiplicity = spline degree!') else: print('knot insertion failed: out of bounds!')
[docs] def eval_basis(self, t=None, return_val=False): """ Evaluate the basis of the bpsline. Parameters ---------- t : array The parameter vector of the B-spline. """ if t is not None: self.set_param(t) if self.knots is None: self.make_knot_vector() if self.t is None: self.set_param_n() self.basis = self.basis_function_dg(, self.t, self.knots, self.ncp) if return_val: return self.basis
[docs] def eval(self, t=None, cp_coors=None): """ Evaluate the coordinates of the bpsline curve. Parameters ---------- t : array The parameter vector of the B-spline. cp_coors : array The coordinates of the control points. """ if cp_coors is not None: self.set_control_points(cp_coors) self.eval_basis(t) self.curve_coors =, self.cp_coors) return self.curve_coors
[docs] def draw(self, ret_ax=False, ax=None, color='r', cp_id=True): """ Draw B-spline curve. Parameters ---------- ret_ax : bool Return an axes object? ax : axes object The axes to which will be drawn. color : str Line color. cp_id : bool If True, label control points. """ if self.curve_coors is None: self.eval() cc = self.curve_coors cp = self.cp_coors ci = self.approx_coors if ci is not None and self.is_cyclic: ci = nm.vstack((ci, ci[0,:])) if cc.shape[1] == 3: if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.plot(cc[:,0], cc[:,1], cc[:,2], color + '-') if cp_id: ax.plot(cp[:,0], cp[:,1], cp[:,2], 'ko:', alpha=0.6) if ci is not None: ax.plot(ci[:,0], ci[:,1], ci[:,2], 'b--', alpha=0.6) else: if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(cc[:,0], cc[:,1], color + '-') if cp_id: ax.plot(cp[:,0], cp[:,1], 'ko:', alpha=0.6) for jj, icp in enumerate(self.cp_coors): ax.text(icp[0], icp[1], 'N%d' % (jj + 1), fontsize=10) if ci is not None: ax.plot(ci[:,0], ci[:,1], 'b--', alpha=0.6) ax.set_aspect('equal') if ret_ax: return ax else:
[docs] def draw_basis(self): """ Draw B-spline curve. """ plt.figure() plt.plot(self.t,self.basis) plt.legend(['b%d' % (ii + 1) for ii in range(self.basis.shape[1])])
[docs] def approximate(self, coors, ncp=None, knot_type='clamped', knots=None, alpha=0.5, do_eval=False, do_param_correction=False): """ Approximate set of points by the B-spline curve. Parameters ---------- coors : array The coordinates of the approximated points. ncp : int The number of control points. knot_type : str The knot vector type. knots : array The knot vector. alpha : float The parameter vector distribution: 1.0 = chordal 0.5 = centripetal do_eval : bool Evaluate the curve coordinates? do_param_correction : bool Perform parametric corrections to improve the approximation? """ coors = to_ndarray(coors) dg = if ncp is not None: if self.is_cyclic: ncp += dg self.ncp = ncp self.make_knot_vector(knot_type) if knots is not None: self.knots = knots self.knot_type = 'userdef' ncp = len(knots) - dg - 1 self.ncp = ncp # param vector dist = nm.linalg.norm(coors[:-1,:] - coors[1:,:], axis=1) dista = nm.power(dist, alpha) self.t = nm.zeros((coors.shape[0],), dtype=nm.float64) self.t[1:] += dista.cumsum() / dista.sum() self.t[-1] -= nm_f64_eps while True: self.basis = self.basis_function_dg(dg, self.t, self.knots, ncp) A =, self.basis) b =, coors) # cyclic spline if self.is_cyclic: nred = ncp - dg R = nm.zeros((ncp, nred), dtype=nm.float64) for ii in range(nred): R[ii,ii] = 1.0 for ii in range( R[nred + ii,ii] = 1.0 A =,, R)) b =, b) self.cp_coors =,, b)) else: self.cp_coors =, b) self.approx_coors = coors if not do_param_correction: break if do_eval: self.curve_coors =, self.cp_coors)
[docs] def set_approx_points(self, coors): """ Set the coordinates of approximated points. Parameters ---------- coors : array The coordinates of approximated points. """ self.approx_coors = to_ndarray(coors)
[docs]class BSplineSurf(Struct): """ B-spline surface representation """ def __init__(self, degree=(3,3), is_cyclic=(False, False)): """ Initialize B-spline class. Parameters ---------- degree : tuple of int The degree of the spline functions. is_cyclic : tuple of bool Cyclic splines?. """ self.splines = [None, None] for ii in range(2): self.splines[ii] = BSpline(degree[ii], is_cyclic=is_cyclic[ii]) self.surf_coors = None self.cp_coors = None self.approx_coors = None
[docs] def set_control_points(self, coors, cyclic_form=False): """ Set the B-spline control points. Parameters ---------- coors : array The coordinates of unique control points. cyclic_form : bool Are the control points in the cyclic form? """ coors = to_ndarray(coors) if self.splines[0].is_cyclic and not cyclic_form: coors = nm.vstack((coors, coors[0:self.splines[0].degree,:,:])) if self.splines[1].is_cyclic and not cyclic_form: coors = nm.hstack((coors, coors[:,0:self.splines[1].degree,:])) self.cp_coors = coors for ii in range(2): self.splines[ii].ncp = coors.shape[ii]
[docs] def get_control_points(self): """ Get the B-spline surface control points. Returns ------- coors : array The coordinates of control points. """ aux = self.cp_coors if self.splines[0].is_cyclic: aux = aux[:-self.splines[0].degree,:,:] if self.splines[1].is_cyclic: aux = aux[:,:-self.splines[1].degree,:] return aux
[docs] def make_knot_vector(self, knot_type=('clamped', 'clamped'), knot_data=(None, None)): """ Create a knot vector of the requested type. Parameters ---------- knot_type : tuple of str The knot vector types. knot_data : tuple of ANY The extra knot data. """ for ii in range(2): self.splines[ii].make_knot_vector(knot_type[ii], knot_data[ii])
[docs] def set_param_n(self, n=(100, 100)): """ Generate the B-spline parametric vector using the number of steps. Parameters ---------- n : tuple of array The number of steps in the B-spline parametric vectors. """ for ii in range(2): self.splines[ii].set_param_n(n[ii])
[docs] def set_approx_points(self, coors): """ Set the coordinates of approximated points. Parameters ---------- coors : array The coordinates of approximated points. """ self.approx_coors = to_ndarray(coors)
[docs] def eval(self, t=(None, None), cp_coors=None): """ Evaluate the coordinates of the bpsline curve. Parameters ---------- t : tuple of array The parametric vector of the B-splines. cp_coors : array The coordinates of the control points. """ if cp_coors is not None: self.set_control_points(cp_coors) for ii in range(2): self.splines[ii].eval_basis(t[ii]) nt = (len(self.splines[0].t), len(self.splines[1].t)) ncp = (self.splines[0].ncp, self.splines[1].ncp) aux = nm.zeros((nt[0], ncp[1], 3), dtype=nm.float64) for ii in range(ncp[1]): aux[:,ii,:] =[0].basis, self.cp_coors[:,ii,:]) self.surf_coors = nm.zeros(nt + (3,), dtype=nm.float64) for ii in range(nt[0]): self.surf_coors[ii,:,:] =[1].basis, aux[ii,:,:]) return self.surf_coors
[docs] def draw(self, ret_ax=False, ax=None): """ Draw B-spline surface. Parameters ---------- ret_ax : bool Return an axes object? ax : axes object The axes to which will be drawn. """ if self.surf_coors is None: self.eval() fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) coors = self.surf_coors cs = coors.shape for ii in range(cs[0] - 1): for jj in range(cs[1] - 1): verts = nm.array([coors[ii,jj,:], coors[ii,jj + 1,:], coors[ii + 1,jj + 1,:], coors[ii + 1,jj,:]]) quad = Poly3DCollection([verts], facecolors='gray', edgecolor='k', linewidths=0.2, alpha=0.5) ax.add_collection3d(quad) cp = self.cp_coors for ii in range(cp.shape[1]): ax.plot(cp[:,ii,0], cp[:,ii,1], cp[:,ii,2], 'ro--', linewidth=2.0) for ii in range(cp.shape[0]): ax.plot(cp[ii,:,0], cp[ii,:,1], cp[ii,:,2], 'ro--', linewidth=2.0) ax.set_aspect('equal')
[docs] def approximate(self, coors, ncp, do_eval=False): """ Approximate set of points by the B-spline surface. Parameters ---------- coors : array The coordinates of the approximated points. ncp : tuple of int The number of control points. """ coors = to_ndarray(coors) nsc = coors.shape[0:2] aux = nm.zeros((nsc[0], ncp[1], 3), dtype=nm.float64) spl1 = self.splines[1] for ii in range(nsc[0]): spl1.approximate(coors[ii,...], ncp[1]) aux[ii,...] = spl1.get_control_points() self.cp_coors = nm.zeros((ncp[0], ncp[1], 3), dtype=nm.float64) spl2 = self.splines[0] for ii in range(ncp[1]): spl2.approximate(aux[:,ii,:], ncp[0]) self.cp_coors[:,ii,:] = spl2.get_control_points() self.approx_coors = coors
[docs] def write_surface_vtk(self, filename, float_format='%.6f'): """ Write the spline surface to VTK file. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the VTK file. float_format: str Float formating. """ coors = self.surf_coors cs0, cs1 = coors.shape[0:2] nquads = (cs0 - 1) * (cs1 - 1) quads = nm.zeros((nquads, 4), dtype=nm.int64) kk = 0 for ii in range(cs0 - 1): offs = ii * cs1 for jj in range(cs1 - 1): quads[kk] = nm.array([jj + offs, jj + offs + cs1, jj + 1 + offs + cs1, jj + 1 + offs]) kk += 1 f = open(filename, 'w') f.write('# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n') f.write('spline surface\nASCII\nDATASET POLYDATA\n') ff3 = ' '.join([float_format] * 3) + '\n' f.write('POINTS %d float\n' % (cs0 * cs1)) for ii in range(cs0): offs = ii * cs1 for jj in range(cs1): f.write(ff3 % tuple(coors[ii,jj,:])) f.write('POLYGONS %d %d\n' % (nquads, nquads * 5)) for ii in quads: f.write('4 %s\n' % (' '.join([str(jj) for jj in ii]))) f.close()
[docs] def write_control_polygon_vtk(self, filename, float_format='%.6f'): """ Write the control polygon to VTK file. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the VTK file. float_format: str Float formating. """ coors = self.cp_coors cs0, cs1 = coors.shape[0:2] lines = [] nlines = cs0 + cs1 nlpts = 0 for ii in range(cs0): lines.append(nm.arange(cs1) + ii * cs1) nlpts += cs1 for ii in range(cs1): lines.append(nm.arange(cs0) * cs1 + ii) nlpts += cs0 f = open(filename, 'w') f.write('# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n') f.write('spline control polygon\nASCII\nDATASET POLYDATA\n') ff3 = ' '.join([float_format] * 3) + '\n' f.write('POINTS %d float\n' % (cs0 * cs1)) for ii in range(cs0): for jj in range(cs1): f.write(ff3 % tuple(coors[ii,jj,:])) f.write('LINES %d %d\n' % (nlines, nlines + nlpts)) for ii in lines: f.write('%d %s\n' % (len(ii), ' '.join([str(jj) for jj in ii]))) f.close()
[docs]def get_2d_points(is3d=False): """ Returns the set of points. Parameters ---------- is3d : bool 3D coordinates? """ out = nm.array([(-0.87, 0.15, 0), (-0.70, 0.54, 0), (-0.32, 0.80, 0), (0.15, 0.70, 0), (0.37, 0.26, 0), (0.70, -0.07, 0), (0.67, -0.49, 0), (0.07, -0.81, 0), (-0.44, -0.72, 0), (-0.80, -0.34, 0)]) if is3d: return out else: return out[:,:2]
[docs]def approximation_example(): """ The example of using BSplineSurf for approximation of the surface given by the set of points. """ # define sample points in 2D spts0 = get_2d_points(is3d=True) # define sample points in 3D spts = nm.array([spts0, spts0 * 0.7 + nm.array([0.1,0,0.5]), spts0 * 0.8 + nm.array([0.2,0,1.5]), spts0 * 1.2 + nm.array([0.4,0,2.5])]) cyclic=(False, True) spl1 = BSplineSurf((3, 3), is_cyclic=cyclic) spl1.approximate(spts, (4,8)) cp = spl1.get_control_points() spls2 = BSplineSurf((3, 3), is_cyclic=cyclic) spls2.set_control_points(cp) spls2.make_knot_vector() spls2.set_param_n((12, 24)) spls2.eval() spls2.draw()
[docs]def simple_example(): """ The example of using B-spline class. """ # define control points in 2D cp = get_2d_points() spl = BSpline(3, is_cyclic=True) spl.set_control_points(cp) spl.make_knot_vector() spl.set_param_n(150) spl.insert_knot(0.7) spl.insert_knot(0.7) spl.insert_knot(0.7) spl.eval() spl.draw()
[docs]def main(argv): # simple_example() approximation_example()
if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)