Source code for sfepy.discrete.state

Module for handling state variables.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import Struct
import six

[docs]class State(Struct): """ Class holding/manipulating the state variables and corresponding DOF vectors. Manipulating the state class changes the underlying variables, and hence also the corresponding equations/terms (if any). Notes ----- This class allows working with LCBC conditions in time-dependent problems, as it keeps track of the reduced DOF vector that cannot be reconstructed from the full DOF vector by using the usual `variables.strip_state_vector()`. """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_variables(variables): """ Create a State instance for the given variables. The DOF vector is created using the DOF data in `variables`. Parameters ---------- variables : Variables instance The variables. """ parts = variables.get_state_parts() vec = variables.create_state_vector() for key, part in six.iteritems(parts): indx = variables.get_indx(key) vec[indx] = part return State(variables, vec)
def __init__(self, variables, vec=None, preserve_caches=False): """ Create a State instance for the given variables. Parameters ---------- variables : Variables instance The variables. vec : array, optional The (initial) DOF vector corresponding to the variables. preserve_caches : bool If True, do not invalidate evaluate caches of variables. """ Struct.__init__(self, variables=variables, vec=vec, r_vec=None) if self.vec is None: self.vec = variables.create_state_vector() self.variables.set_data(self.vec, preserve_caches=preserve_caches)
[docs] def copy(self, deep=False, preserve_caches=False): """ Copy the state. By default, the new state contains the same variables, and creates new DOF vectors. If `deep` is True, also the DOF vectors are copied. Parameters ---------- deep : bool If True, make a copy of the DOF vectors. preserve_caches : bool If True, do not invalidate evaluate caches of variables. """ if deep: other = State(self.variables, self.vec.copy(), preserve_caches=True) if self.r_vec is not None: other.r_vec = self.r_vec.copy() else: other = State(self.variables, preserve_caches=True) return other
[docs] def fill(self, value): """ Fill the DOF vector with given value. """ if self.r_vec is not None: self.r_vec.fill(value) self.vec.fill(value)
[docs] def init_history(self): """ Initialize variables with history. """ self.variables.init_history()
[docs] def apply_ebc(self, force_values=None): """ Apply essential (Dirichlet) boundary conditions to the state. """ self.variables.apply_ebc(self.vec, force_values=force_values)
[docs] def has_ebc(self): """ Test whether the essential (Dirichlet) boundary conditions have been applied to the DOF vector. """ return self.variables.has_ebc(self.vec)
[docs] def apply_ic(self, force_values=None): """ Apply initial conditions to the state. """ if self.r_vec is not None: raise ValueError('cannot re-apply initial conditions with LCBCs!') self.variables.apply_ic(self.vec, force_values=force_values)
[docs] def get_reduced(self, follow_epbc=False): """ Get the reduced DOF vector, with EBC and PBC DOFs removed. """ strip = self.variables.strip_state_vector if self.variables.has_lcbc: if self.r_vec is None: r_vec = strip(self.vec, follow_epbc=follow_epbc) # This just sets the correct vector size (wrong values)! r_vec = self.variables.mtx_lcbc.T * r_vec else: r_vec = self.r_vec else: r_vec = strip(self.vec, follow_epbc=follow_epbc) return r_vec
[docs] def set_reduced(self, r_vec, preserve_caches=False): """ Set the reduced DOF vector, with EBC and PBC DOFs removed. Parameters ---------- r_vec : array The reduced DOF vector corresponding to the variables. preserve_caches : bool If True, do not invalidate evaluate caches of variables. """ self.vec = self.variables.make_full_vec(r_vec) if self.variables.has_lcbc: self.r_vec = r_vec self.variables.set_data(self.vec, preserve_caches=preserve_caches)
[docs] def set_full(self, vec, var_name=None, force=False): """ Set the full DOF vector (including EBC and PBC DOFs). If `var_name` is given, set only the DOF sub-vector corresponding to the given variable. If `force` is True, setting variables with LCBC DOFs is allowed. """ if var_name is None: if self.variables.has_lcbc and not force: raise ValueError('cannot set full DOF vector with LCBCs!') self.vec = vec self.variables.set_data(self.vec) else: var = self.variables[var_name] if var.has_lcbc and not force: raise ValueError('cannot set full DOF vector with LCBCs!') self.variables.set_state_part(self.vec, vec, var_name) var.set_data(self.vec, self.variables.get_indx(var_name))
def __call__(self, var_name=None): """ Get the full DOF vector (including EBC and PBC DOFs). If `var_name` is given, return only the DOF vector corresponding to the given variable. """ if var_name is None: out = self.vec else: out = self.variables.get_state_part_view(self.vec, var_name) return out
[docs] def set_parts(self, parts, force=False): """ Set parts of the DOF vector corresponding to individual state variables. Parameters ---------- parts : dict The dictionary of the DOF vector parts. """ if self.variables.has_lcbc and not force: raise ValueError('cannot set full DOF vector with LCBCs!') self.variables.set_data(parts) for key, part in six.iteritems(parts): indx = self.variables.get_indx(key) self.vec[indx] = part
[docs] def get_parts(self): """ Return parts of the DOF vector corresponding to individual state variables. Returns ------- out : dict The dictionary of the DOF vector parts. """ return self.variables.get_state_parts(self.vec)
[docs] def get_vec(self, active_only): if active_only: vec = self.get_reduced() else: vec = self() return vec
[docs] def set_vec(self, vec, active_only): if active_only: self.set_reduced(vec, preserve_caches=True) else: self.set_full(vec)
[docs] def create_output_dict(self, fill_value=None, var_info=None, extend=True, linearization=None): """ Transforms state to an output dictionary, that can be passed as 'out' kwarg to Mesh.write(). Then the dictionary entries are formed by components of the state vector corresponding to unknown variables according to kind of linearization given by `linearization`. Examples -------- >>> out = state.create_output_dict() >>> problem.save_state('file.vtk', out=out) """ return self.variables.state_to_output(self.vec, fill_value, var_info, extend, linearization=linearization)
[docs] def get_weighted_norm(self, vec, weights=None, return_weights=False): """ Return the weighted norm of DOF vector `vec`. By default, each component of `vec` is weighted by the 1/norm of the corresponding state part, or 1 if the norm is zero. Alternatively, the weights can be provided explicitly using `weights` argument. Parameters ---------- vec : array The DOF vector corresponding to the variables. weights : dict, optional If given, the weights are used instead of the norms of the state parts. Keys of the dictionary must be equal to the names of variables comprising the DOF vector. return_weights: bool If True, return also the used weights. Returns ------- norm : float The weighted norm. weights : dict, optional If `return_weights` is True, the used weights. Examples -------- >>> err = state0.get_weighted_norm(state() - state0()) """ if weights is None: parts = self.get_parts() weights = {} for key, part in six.iteritems(parts): pnorm = nm.linalg.norm(part) if pnorm < 10.0 * nm.finfo(nm.float64).eps: pnorm = 1.0 weights[key] = 1.0 / pnorm else: if set(weights.keys()) != self.variables.state: raise ValueError('weights keys have to be in %s!' % self.variables.state) wvec = vec.copy() for key in six.iterkeys(weights): indx = self.variables.get_indx(key) wvec[indx] *= weights[key] norm = nm.linalg.norm(wvec) if return_weights: return norm, weights else: return norm