

Burgers equation in 1D solved using discontinous Galerkin method

source code

#!/usr/bin/env python
Burgers equation in 1D solved using discontinous Galerkin method
import argparse
import sys
from os.path import join as pjoin

import numpy as nm

from sfepy.examples.dg.example_dg_common import \
    clear_folder, get_gen_1D_mesh_hook
from sfepy.examples.dg.dg_plot_1D import load_and_plot_fun

# sfepy imports
from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct
from sfepy.base.base import Struct, configure_output, output
from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function,
                            Equation, Equations, Problem)
from sfepy.discrete.conditions import InitialCondition, EssentialBC, Conditions
from sfepy.discrete.dg.fields import DGField
from sfepy.discrete.dg.limiters import MomentLimiter1D
from sfepy.discrete.fem import FEDomain
from sfepy.solvers.ls import ScipyDirect
from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton
from sfepy.solvers.ts_dg_solvers import TVDRK3StepSolver
from sfepy.terms.terms_dg import Term

def parse_args(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Solve Burgers equation and display animated results, '
                    'change script code to modify the problem.',
        epilog='(c) 2019 T. Zitka , Man-machine Interaction at NTC UWB')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', default='.',
                        help='output directory')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--plot',
                        action='store_true', dest='plot',
                        default=False, help='plot animated results')
    options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
    return options

def main(argv=None):
    options = parse_args(argv=argv)

    # vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #
    approx_order = 2
    # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #

    # Setup output names
    outputs_folder = options.output_dir

    domain_name = "domain_1D"
    problem_name = "iburgers_1D"
    output_folder = pjoin(outputs_folder, problem_name, str(approx_order))
    output_format = "vtk"
    save_timestn = 100
    clear_folder(pjoin(output_folder, "*." + output_format))
    configure_output({'output_screen': True,

    # ------------
    # | Get mesh |
    # ------------
    X1 = 0.
    XN = 1.
    n_nod = 100
    n_el = n_nod - 1
    mesh = get_gen_1D_mesh_hook(X1, XN, n_nod).read(None)

    # -----------------------------
    # | Create problem components |
    # -----------------------------

    integral = Integral('i', order=approx_order * 2)
    domain = FEDomain(domain_name, mesh)
    omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all')
    left = domain.create_region('Gamma1',
                                'vertices in x == %.10f' % X1,
    right = domain.create_region('Gamma2',
                                 'vertices in x == %.10f' % XN,
    field = DGField('dgfu', nm.float64, 'scalar', omega,

    u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field, history=1)
    v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u')

    MassT = Term.new('dw_dot(v, u)', integral, omega, u=u, v=v)

    velo = nm.array(1.0)

    def adv_fun(u):
        vu = velo.T * u[..., None]
        return vu

    def adv_fun_d(u):
        v1 = velo.T * nm.ones(u.shape + (1,))
        return v1

    burg_velo = velo.T / nm.linalg.norm(velo)

    def burg_fun(u):
        vu = burg_velo * u[..., None] ** 2
        return vu

    def burg_fun_d(u):
        v1 = 2 * burg_velo * u[..., None]
        return v1

    StiffT = Term.new('dw_ns_dot_grad_s(fun, fun_d, u[-1], v)',
                      integral, omega,
                      u=u, v=v,
                      fun=burg_fun, fun_d=burg_fun_d)

    # alpha = Material('alpha', val=[.0])
    # FluxT = AdvectDGFluxTerm("adv_lf_flux(a.val, v, u)", "a.val, v,  u[-1]",
    #                          integral, omega, u=u, v=v, a=a, alpha=alpha)

    FluxT = Term.new('dw_dg_nonlinear_laxfrie_flux(fun, fun_d, v, u[-1])',
                     integral, omega,
                     u=u, v=v,
                     fun=burg_fun, fun_d=burg_fun_d)

    eq = Equation('balance', MassT - StiffT + FluxT)
    eqs = Equations([eq])

    # ------------------------------
    # | Create boundary conditions |
    # ------------------------------
    left_fix_u = EssentialBC('left_fix_u', left, {'u.all': 1.0})
    right_fix_u = EssentialBC('right_fix_u', right, {'u.all': 0.0})

    # ----------------------------
    # | Create initial condition |
    # ----------------------------
    def ghump(x):
        Nice gaussian.
        return nm.exp(-200 * x ** 2)

    def ic_wrap(x, ic=None):
        return ghump(x - .3)

    ic_fun = Function('ic_fun', ic_wrap)
    ics = InitialCondition('ic', omega, {'u.0': ic_fun})

    # ------------------
    # | Create problem |
    # ------------------
    pb = Problem(problem_name,
                 conf=Struct(options={"save_times": save_timestn},
                             ics={}, ebcs={}, epbcs={}, lcbcs={},
    pb.setup_output(output_dir=output_folder, output_format=output_format)

    # ------------------
    # | Create limiter |
    # ------------------
    limiter = MomentLimiter1D

    # ---------------------------
    # | Set time discretization |
    # ---------------------------
    CFL = .2
    max_velo = nm.max(nm.abs(velo))
    t0 = 0
    t1 = .2
    dx = nm.min(mesh.cmesh.get_volumes(1))
    dt = dx / max_velo * CFL / (2 * approx_order + 1)
    tn = int(nm.ceil((t1 - t0) / dt))
    dtdx = dt / dx

    # ------------------
    # | Create solver |
    # ------------------
    ls = ScipyDirect({})
    nls_status = IndexedStruct()
    nls = Newton({'is_linear': True}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)

    tss_conf = {'t0'     : t0,
                't1'     : t1,
                'n_step' : tn,
                'limiters': {"dgfu": limiter}}

    tss = TVDRK3StepSolver(tss_conf,
                           nls=nls, context=pb, verbose=True)

    # ---------
    # | Solve |
    # ---------
    state_end = pb.solve()

    output("Solved equation \n\n\t\t u_t - div(f(u))) = 0\n")
    output(f"With IC: {ic_fun.name}")
    # output("and EBCs: {}".format(pb.ebcs.names))
    # output("and EPBCS: {}".format(pb.epbcs.names))
    output(f"Approximation order is {approx_order}")
    output(f"Space divided into {mesh.n_el} cells, " +
           f"{len(mesh.coors)} steps, step size is {dx}")
    output(f"Time divided into {tn - 1} nodes, {tn} steps, step size is {dt}")
    output(f"CFL coefficient was {CFL} and " +
          f"order correction {1 / (2 * approx_order + 1)}")
    output(f"Courant number c = max(abs(u)) * dt/dx = {max_velo * dtdx}")
    output(f"Time stepping solver is {tss.name}")
    output(f"Limiter used: {limiter.name}")

    # ----------
    # | Plot 1D|
    # ----------
    if options.plot:
        load_and_plot_fun(output_folder, domain_name,
                          t0, t1, min(tn, save_timestn),

if __name__ == '__main__':