Source code for sfepy.tests.test_term_consistency

import pytest

from sfepy import data_dir
import sfepy.base.testing as tst

filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/2d/special/circle_in_square.mesh'

dim = 2

fields = {
    'scalar_field' : ('real', 'scalar', 'Omega', 1),
    'vector_field' : ('real', 'vector', 'Omega', 1),

variables = {
    'us'  : ('unknown field',   'scalar_field', 0),
    'ts'  : ('test field',      'scalar_field', 'us'),
    'ps1' : ('parameter field', 'scalar_field', 'us'),
    'ps2' : ('parameter field', 'scalar_field', 'us'),
    'uv'  : ('unknown field',   'vector_field', 1),
    'tv'  : ('test field',      'vector_field', 'uv'),
    'pv1' : ('parameter field', 'vector_field', 'uv'),
    'pv2' : ('parameter field', 'vector_field', 'uv'),

regions = {
    'Omega' : 'all',
    'Left' : ('vertices in (x < -0.499)', 'facet'),

integrals = {
    'i' : 2,

materials = {
    'm' : 'get_pars',
    'm2' : ({'K' : [[3.0, 0.1], [0.3, 1.0]]},),

equations = {
    'eq' : """dw_diffusion.i.Omega(m2.K, ts, us) = 0"""

[docs]def get_pars(ts, coor, mode=None, term=None, **kwargs): if mode == 'qp': n_nod, dim = coor.shape sym = (dim + 1) * dim // 2 if 'biot' in val = nm.zeros((sym, 1), dtype=nm.float64) val[:dim] = 0.132 val[dim:sym] = 0.092 elif '_dot' in val = 1.0 / nm.array([3.8], dtype=nm.float64) elif 'diffusion' in val = nm.eye(dim, dtype=nm.float64) else: raise ValueError return {'val' : nm.tile(val, (coor.shape[0], 1, 1))}
functions = { 'get_pars' : (get_pars,), } # (eval term prefix, parameter corresponding to test variable, 'd' variables, # 'dw' variables (test must be paired with unknown, which should be at # index 2!), mat mode) test_terms = [ ('%s_biot.i.Omega(m.val, %s, %s)', ('dw', 'ps1', ('pv1', 'ps1'), ('pv1', 'ts', 'us', 'uv', 'tv'))), ('%s_biot.i.Omega(m.val, %s, %s)', ('dw', 'pv1', ('pv1', 'ps1'), ('tv', 'ps1', 'uv', 'us', 'ts'))), ('%s_diffusion.i.Omega(m.val, %s, %s)', ('dw', 'ps1', ('ps1', 'ps2'), ('ts', 'ps1', 'us'))), ('%s_dot.i.Omega(m.val, %s, %s)', ('dw', 'ps1', ('ps1', 'ps2'), ('ts', 'ps1', 'us'))), ] import numpy as nm def _integrate(var, val_qp): from sfepy.discrete import Integral from sfepy.discrete.common.mappings import get_jacobian integral = Integral('i', 2) det = get_jacobian(var.field, integral) val = (val_qp * det).sum(axis=1) / det.sum(axis=1) return val
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def problem(): import sys from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf conf = ProblemConf.from_dict(globals(), sys.modules[__name__]) problem = Problem.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False) return problem
[docs]def test_consistency_d_dw(problem): from sfepy.discrete import Variables ok = True for aux in test_terms: term_template, (prefix, par_name, d_vars, dw_vars) = aux, prefix, par_name, d_vars, dw_vars) term1 = term_template % ((prefix,) + d_vars) variables = Variables.from_conf(problem.conf.variables, problem.fields) for var_name in d_vars: var = variables[var_name] n_dof = var.field.n_nod * var.field.shape[0] aux = nm.arange(n_dof, dtype=nm.float64) var.set_data(aux) if prefix == 'd': val1 = problem.evaluate(term1, var_dict=variables.as_dict()) else: val1 = problem.evaluate(term1, call_mode='d_eval', var_dict=variables.as_dict())'%s: %s' % (term1, val1)) term2 = term_template % (('dw',) + dw_vars[:2]) vec, vv = problem.evaluate(term2, mode='weak', var_dict=variables.as_dict(), ret_variables=True) pvec = vv.get_vec_part(vec, dw_vars[2]) val2 =[par_name](), pvec)'%s: %s' % (term2, val2)) err = nm.abs(val1 - val2) / nm.abs(val1) _ok = err < 1e-12'relative difference: %e -> %s' % (err, _ok)) ok = ok and _ok assert ok
[docs]def test_eval_matrix(problem): problem.set_equations() problem.time_update(ebcs={}, epbcs={}) var = problem.get_variables()['us'] vec = nm.arange(var.n_dof, dtype=var.dtype) var.set_data(vec) val1 = problem.evaluate('dw_diffusion.i.Omega(m2.K, us, us)', mode='eval', us=var) mtx = problem.evaluate('dw_diffusion.i.Omega(m2.K, ts, us)', mode='weak', dw_mode='matrix') val2 =, mtx * vec) ok = (nm.abs(val1 - val2) / nm.abs(val1)) < 1e-14'eval: %s, weak: %s, ok: %s' % (val1, val2, ok)) assert ok
[docs]def test_vector_matrix(problem): problem.set_equations() problem.time_update() state = problem.create_state() state.apply_ebc() aux1 = problem.evaluate("dw_diffusion.i.Omega(m2.K, ts, us)", mode='weak', dw_mode='vector') problem.time_update(ebcs={}, epbcs={}) mtx = problem.evaluate("dw_diffusion.i.Omega(m2.K, ts, us)", mode='weak', dw_mode='matrix') aux2g = mtx * state() problem.time_update(ebcs=problem.conf.ebcs, epbcs=problem.conf.epbcs) aux2 = problem.equations.reduce_vec(aux2g, follow_epbc=True) ok = tst.compare_vectors(aux1, aux2, label1='vector mode', label2='matrix mode') if not ok:'failed') assert ok
[docs]def test_surface_evaluate(problem): from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable us = problem.create_variables(['us'])['us'] vec = nm.ones(us.n_dof, dtype=us.dtype) us.set_data(vec) expr = 'ev_integrate.i.Left(us)' val = problem.evaluate(expr, us=us) ok1 = nm.abs(val - 1.0) < 1e-15'with unknown: %s, value: %s, ok: %s' % (expr, val, ok1)) ps1 = FieldVariable('ps1', 'parameter', us.get_field(), primary_var_name='(set-to-None)') ps1.set_data(vec) expr = 'ev_integrate.i.Left(ps1)' val = problem.evaluate(expr, ps1=ps1) ok2 = nm.abs(val - 1.0) < 1e-15'with parameter: %s, value: %s, ok: %s' % (expr, val, ok2)) assert ok1 and ok2
[docs]def test_ev_grad(problem): var = problem.create_variables(['us'])['us'] val = nm.arange(var.n_dof, dtype=var.dtype) var.set_data(val) val1 = problem.evaluate('ev_grad.i.Omega(us)', us=var, mode='el_avg')'ev_grad(el_avg): min, max:', val1.min(), val1.max()) aux = problem.evaluate('ev_grad.i.Omega(us)', us=var, mode='qp') val2 = _integrate(var, aux) val2.shape = val1.shape'ev_grad(qp): min, max:', val2.min(), val2.max()) ok = tst.compare_vectors(val1, val2, label1='de mode', label2='dq mode') if not ok:'failed') assert ok
[docs]def test_ev_div(problem): var = problem.create_variables(['uv'])['uv'] val = nm.arange(var.n_dof, dtype=var.dtype) var.set_data(val) val1 = problem.evaluate('ev_div.i.Omega(uv)', uv=var, mode='el_avg')'ev_div(el_avg): min, max:', val1.min(), val1.max()) aux = problem.evaluate('ev_div.i.Omega(uv)', uv=var, mode='qp') val2 = _integrate(var, aux) val2.shape = val1.shape'ev_div(qp): min, max:', val2.min(), val2.max()) ok = tst.compare_vectors(val1, val2, label1='de mode', label2='dq mode') if not ok:'failed') assert ok