Source code for sfepy.tests.test_base

from sfepy.base.base import assert_

[docs]def test_struct_add(): from sfepy.base.base import Struct from copy import deepcopy a = Struct(f1=0, f2=[1, 2, 3], f3=Struct(ff='abc'), f4=3.14) a0 = deepcopy(a) b = Struct(f1=5, f2=[1], f3=Struct(ff='', gg=123), f5='new one') c = a + b assert_(c.f1 == 0) assert_(c.f2 == [1, 2, 3]) assert_(c.f3.ff == 'abc') assert_( == 123) assert_(c.f4 == 3.14) assert_(c.f5 == 'new one') assert_(a.f1 == a0.f1) assert_(a.f2 == a0.f2) assert_(a.f3.ff == a0.f3.ff) assert_(a.f4 == a0.f4)
[docs]def test_struct_i_add(): from sfepy.base.base import Struct a = Struct(f1=0, f2=[1, 2, 3], f3=Struct(ff='abc')) b = Struct(f1=5, f2=[1], f3=Struct(ff='', gg=123), f4='new one') a += b assert_(a.f1 == 0) assert_(a.f2 == [1, 2, 3]) assert_(a.f3.ff == 'abc') assert_( == 123) assert_(a.f4 == 'new one')
[docs]def test_container_add(): from sfepy.base.base import Struct, Container a = Struct(name='a') b = Struct(name='b') c1 = Container() c1 = c1 + c1 assert_(c1.names == []) c1 += Container([a, b]) assert_(c1.names == ['a', 'b']) c2 = c1 + c1 assert_(c2.names == 2 * ['a', 'b']) c2 += c2 assert_(c2.names == 4 * ['a', 'b'])
[docs]def test_verbose_output(): from io import StringIO from sfepy.base.base import Output, goptions fd = StringIO() output = Output('test', filename=fd) output('test1') goptions['verbose'] = False output('test2') goptions['verbose'] = 1 output('test3') _ok1 = bool(goptions['verbose']) _ok2 = fd.getvalue() == 'test test1\ntest test3\n' fd.close() ok = _ok1 and _ok2 assert_(ok)
[docs]def test_resolve_deps(): from sfepy.base.resolve_deps import resolve deps = { 'a' : ['a', 'b'], 'b' : ['a', 'b'], 'c' : ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], 'd' : ['c', 'e'], 'e' : ['d', 'e'], 'f' : ['e', 'f', 'g'], 'g' : ['g'], } order = resolve(deps) ok1 = order == [['g'], ['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 'e'], ['f']] deps = { 'a' : ['b'], 'b' : ['c'], 'c' : ['a'], } order = resolve(deps) ok2 = order == [['a', 'b', 'c']] assert_(ok1 and ok2)
[docs]def test_parse_conf(): from sfepy.base.parse_conf import list_dict from sfepy.base.conf import dict_from_string as parse_dict ld = list_dict() def parse(x): out = ld.parseString(x, True)[0] return out assert_(parse("1,2") == ([1,2],{})) assert_(parse("1,[2]") == ([1,[2]],{})) assert_(parse("1,[2,4],c=3") == ([1,[2,4]],{'c':3})) assert_(parse("1,(2),c:3,uu=7") == ([1,(2,)],{'c':3,'uu':7})) assert_(parse("'long string ([\"',(2,5),c:3") == (['long string (["',(2,5)],{'c':3})) assert_(parse_dict('') == {}) assert_(parse_dict('a:[]') == {'a':[]}) assert_(parse_dict('a:{}') == {'a':{}}) assert_(parse_dict('1:2,a:{},3:4') == {1:2,'a':{},3:4}) assert_(parse('') == ([],{})) assert_(parse('[ ]') == ([[]],{})) assert_(parse('[]') == ([[]],{})) assert_(parse('[[]]') == ([[[]]],{})) assert_(parse('[[[]]]')==([[[[]]]],{})) assert_(parse('a,{},[],None,True,False,"False"') == (['a',{},[],None,True,False,"False"],{}))