Source code for sfepy.solvers.optimize

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as nm
import numpy.linalg as nla

from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, pause, Struct
from sfepy.base.log import Log, get_logging_conf
from sfepy.base.timing import Timer
from sfepy.solvers.solvers import OptimizationSolver

import scipy.optimize as sopt
import scipy.optimize.linesearch as linesearch
import six
from six.moves import range

[docs]def conv_test(conf, it, of, of0, ofg_norm=None): """ Returns ------- flag : int * -1 ... continue * 0 ... small OF -> stop * 1 ... i_max reached -> stop * 2 ... small OFG -> stop * 3 ... small relative decrase of OF """ status = -1 output('opt: iter: %d, of: %e (||ofg||: %e)' % (it, of, ofg_norm)) if (abs(of) < conf.eps_of): status = 0 elif ofg_norm and (ofg_norm < conf.eps_ofg): status = 2 elif (it > 0) and (abs(of0 - of) < (conf.eps_rd * abs(of0))): status = 3 if (status == -1) and (it >= conf.i_max): status = 1 return status
[docs]def wrap_function(function, args): ncalls = [0] times = [] timer = Timer() def function_wrapper(x): ncalls[0] += 1 timer.start() out = function(x, *args) times.append(timer.stop()) return out return ncalls, times, function_wrapper
[docs]def check_gradient(xit, aofg, fn_of, delta, check): dofg = nm.zeros_like(aofg) xd = xit.copy() for ii in range(xit.shape[0]): xd[ii] = xit[ii] + delta ofp = fn_of(xd) xd[ii] = xit[ii] - delta ofm = fn_of(xd) xd[ii] = xit[ii] dofg[ii] = 0.5 * (ofp - ofm) / delta output('**********', ii, aofg[ii], dofg[ii]) diff = abs(aofg - dofg) aux = nm.concatenate((aofg[:,nm.newaxis], dofg[:,nm.newaxis], diff[:,nm.newaxis]), 1) output(aux) output(nla.norm(diff, nm.Inf)) aofg.tofile('aofg.txt', ' ') dofg.tofile('dofg.txt', ' ') diff.tofile('diff.txt', ' ') if check == 2: import pylab pylab.plot(aofg) pylab.plot(dofg) pylab.legend(('analytical', 'finite difference')) pause('gradient checking done')
[docs]class FMinSteepestDescent(OptimizationSolver): """ Steepest descent optimization solver. """ name = 'opt.fmin_sd' _parameters = [ ('i_max', 'int', 10, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_rd', 'float', 1e-5, False, 'The relative delta of the objective function.'), ('eps_of', 'float', 1e-4, False, 'The tolerance for the objective function.'), ('eps_ofg', 'float', 1e-8, False, 'The tolerance for the objective function gradient.'), ('norm', 'numpy norm', nm.Inf, False, 'The norm to be used.'), ('ls', 'bool', True, False, 'If True, use a line-search.'), ('ls_method', "{'backtracking', 'full'}", 'backtracking', False, 'The line-search method.'), ('ls_on', 'float', 0.99999, False, """Start the backtracking line-search by reducing the step, if :math:`||f(x^i)|| / ||f(x^{i-1})||` is larger than `ls_on`."""), ('ls0', '0.0 < float < 1.0', 1.0, False, 'The initial step.'), ('ls_red', '0.0 < float < 1.0', 0.5, False, 'The step reduction factor in case of correct residual assembling.'), ('ls_red_warp', '0.0 < float < 1.0', 0.1, False, """The step reduction factor in case of failed residual assembling (e.g. the "warp violation" error caused by a negative volume element resulting from too large deformations)."""), ('ls_min', '0.0 < float < 1.0', 1e-5, False, 'The minimum step reduction factor.'), ('check', '0, 1 or 2', 0, False, """If >= 1, check the tangent matrix using finite differences. If 2, plot the resulting sparsity patterns."""), ('delta', 'float', 1e-6, False, r"""If `check >= 1`, the finite difference matrix is taken as :math:`A_{ij} = \frac{f_i(x_j + \delta) - f_i(x_j - \delta)}{2 \delta}`."""), ('output', 'function', None, False, """If given, use it instead of :func:`output() <sfepy.base.base.output()>` function."""), ('yscales', 'list of str', ['linear', 'log', 'log', 'linear'], False, 'The list of four convergence log subplot scales.'), ('log', 'dict or None', None, False, """If not None, log the convergence according to the configuration in the following form: ``{'text' : 'log.txt', 'plot' : 'log.pdf'}``. Each of the dict items can be None."""), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): OptimizationSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) conf = self.conf log = get_logging_conf(conf) conf.log = log = Struct(name='log_conf', **log) conf.is_any_log = (log.text is not None) or (log.plot is not None) if conf.is_any_log: self.log = Log([[r'$||\Psi||$'], [r'$||\nabla \Psi||$'], [r'$\alpha$'], ['iteration']], xlabels=['', '', 'all iterations', 'all iterations'], yscales=conf.yscales, is_plot=conf.log.plot is not None, log_filename=conf.log.text, formats=[['%.8e'], ['%.3e'], ['%.3e'], ['%d']]) else: self.log = None def __call__(self, x0, conf=None, obj_fun=None, obj_fun_grad=None, status=None, obj_args=None): conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) obj_fun = get_default(obj_fun, self.obj_fun) obj_fun_grad = get_default(obj_fun_grad, self.obj_fun_grad) status = get_default(status, self.status) obj_args = get_default(obj_args, self.obj_args) if conf.output: globals()['output'] = conf.output output('entering optimization loop...') nc_of, tt_of, fn_of = wrap_function(obj_fun, obj_args) nc_ofg, tt_ofg, fn_ofg = wrap_function(obj_fun_grad, obj_args) timer = Timer() time_stats = {'of' : tt_of, 'ofg': tt_ofg, 'check' : []} ofg = None it = 0 xit = x0.copy() while 1: of = fn_of(xit) if it == 0: of0 = ofit0 = of_prev = of of_prev_prev = of + 5000.0 if ofg is None: ofg = fn_ofg(xit) if conf.check: timer.start() check_gradient(xit, ofg, fn_of,, conf.check) time_stats['check'].append(timer.stop()) ofg_norm = nla.norm(ofg, conf.norm) ret = conv_test(conf, it, of, ofit0, ofg_norm) if ret >= 0: break ofit0 = of ## # Backtrack (on errors). alpha = conf.ls0 can_ls = True while 1: xit2 = xit - alpha * ofg aux = fn_of(xit2) if self.log is not None: self.log(of, ofg_norm, alpha, it) if aux is None: alpha *= conf.ls_red_warp can_ls = False output('warp: reducing step (%f)' % alpha) elif and conf.ls_method == 'backtracking': if aux < of * conf.ls_on: break alpha *= conf.ls_red output('backtracking: reducing step (%f)' % alpha) else: of_prev_prev = of_prev of_prev = aux break if alpha < conf.ls_min: if aux is None: raise RuntimeError('giving up...') output('linesearch failed, continuing anyway') break # These values are modified by the line search, even if it fails of_prev_bak = of_prev of_prev_prev_bak = of_prev_prev if and can_ls and conf.ls_method == 'full': output('full linesearch...') alpha, fc, gc, of_prev, of_prev_prev, ofg1 = \ linesearch.line_search(fn_of,fn_ofg,xit, -ofg,ofg,of_prev,of_prev_prev, c2=0.4) if alpha is None: # line search failed -- use different one. alpha, fc, gc, of_prev, of_prev_prev, ofg1 = \ sopt.line_search(fn_of,fn_ofg,xit, -ofg,ofg,of_prev_bak, of_prev_prev_bak) if alpha is None or alpha == 0: # This line search also failed to find a better # solution. ret = 3 break output(' -> alpha: %.8e' % alpha) else: if conf.ls_method == 'full': output('full linesearch off (%s and %s)' % (, can_ls)) ofg1 = None if self.log is not None: self.log.plot_vlines(color='g', linewidth=0.5) xit = xit - alpha * ofg if ofg1 is None: ofg = None else: ofg = ofg1.copy() for key, val in six.iteritems(time_stats): if len(val): output('%10s: %7.2f [s]' % (key, val[-1])) it = it + 1 output('status: %d' % ret) output('initial value: %.8e' % of0) output('current value: %.8e' % of) output('iterations: %d' % it) output('function evaluations: %d in %.2f [s]' % (nc_of[0], nm.sum(time_stats['of']))) output('gradient evaluations: %d in %.2f [s]' % (nc_ofg[0], nm.sum(time_stats['ofg']))) if self.log is not None: self.log(of, ofg_norm, alpha, it) if conf.log.plot is not None: self.log(save_figure=conf.log.plot, finished=True) else: self.log(finished=True) if status is not None: status['log'] = self.log status['status'] = status status['of0'] = of0 status['of'] = of status['it'] = it status['nc_of'] = nc_of[0] status['nc_ofg'] = nc_ofg[0] status['time_stats'] = time_stats return xit
[docs]class ScipyFMinSolver(OptimizationSolver): """ Interface to SciPy optimization solvers scipy.optimize.fmin_*. """ name = 'nls.scipy_fmin_like' _i_max_name = { 'fmin' : 'maxiter', 'fmin_bfgs' : 'maxiter', 'fmin_cg' : 'maxiter', 'fmin_cobyla' : 'maxfun', 'fmin_l_bfgs_b' : 'maxfun', 'fmin_ncg' : 'maxiter', 'fmin_powell' : 'maxiter', 'fmin_slsqp' : 'iter', 'fmin_tnc' : 'maxfun', } _has_grad = ('fmin_bfgs', 'fmin_cg', 'fmin_l_bfgs_b', 'fmin_ncg', 'fmin_slsqp', 'fmin_tnc') _parameters = [ ('method', '{%s}' % ', '.join(sorted(repr(ii) for ii in _i_max_name.keys())), 'fmin', False, 'The actual optimization method to use.'), ('i_max', 'int', 10, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('*', '*', None, False, 'Additional parameters supported by the method.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): OptimizationSolver.__init__(self, conf, **kwargs) self.set_method(self.conf)
[docs] def set_method(self, conf): import scipy.optimize as so try: solver = getattr(so, conf.method) except AttributeError: raise ValueError('scipy solver %s does not exist!' % conf.method) self.solver = solver
def __call__(self, x0, conf=None, obj_fun=None, obj_fun_grad=None, status=None, obj_args=None): import inspect if conf is not None: self.set_method(conf) else: conf = self.conf obj_fun = get_default(obj_fun, self.obj_fun) obj_fun_grad = get_default(obj_fun_grad, self.obj_fun_grad) status = get_default(status, self.status) obj_args = get_default(obj_args, self.obj_args) timer = Timer(start=True) kwargs = {self._i_max_name[conf.method] : conf.i_max, 'args' : obj_args} if conf.method in self._has_grad: kwargs['fprime'] = obj_fun_grad if 'disp' in inspect.getargspec(self.solver)[0]: kwargs['disp'] = conf.verbose kwargs.update(self.build_solver_kwargs(conf)) out = self.solver(obj_fun, x0, **kwargs) if status is not None: status['time_stats'] = timer.stop() return out