Source code for sfepy.solvers.ls_mumps

import ctypes
import re
import numpy as nm
    from mpi4py import MPI
    use_mpi = True
except ImportError:
    use_mpi = False

AUX_LENGTH = 16 * 1024

c_pointer = ctypes.POINTER

mumps_int = ctypes.c_int
mumps_pint = c_pointer(mumps_int)
mumps_int8 = ctypes.c_uint64
mumps_real = ctypes.c_double
mumps_preal = c_pointer(mumps_real)
mumps_complex = ctypes.c_double
mumps_pcomplex = c_pointer(mumps_complex)

mumps_libs = {}

[docs]def dec(val, encoding='utf-8'): """ Decode given bytes using the specified encoding. """ import sys if isinstance(val, bytes) and sys.version_info > (3, 0): val = val.decode(encoding) return val
[docs]def load_library(libname): """Load shared library in a system dependent way.""" import sys if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # Windows system from ctypes.util import find_library lib_fname = find_library(libname) if lib_fname is None: lib_fname = find_library('lib' + libname) else: # Linux system lib_fname = 'lib' + libname + '.so' lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_fname) return lib
[docs]def load_mumps_libraries(): mumps_libs['dmumps'] = load_library('dmumps').dmumps_c mumps_libs['zmumps'] = load_library('zmumps').zmumps_c
[docs]def coo_is_symmetric(mtx, tol=1e-6): r, c = mtx.row, mtx.col odiag = nm.where(r != c)[0] if odiag.shape[0] == 0: return True odr, odc, odd = r[odiag], c[odiag],[odiag] idxs = nm.where(odc > odr)[0] if (idxs.shape[0] * 2) == odiag.shape[0]: odr[idxs], odc[idxs] = odc[idxs], odr[idxs] idxs = nm.lexsort((odc, odr)) odr, odc, odd = odr[idxs], odc[idxs], odd[idxs] d1 = nm.abs(nm.diff(nm.vstack([odr, odc]))).sum(axis=0) d2 = nm.diff(odd) if nm.all(d1[::2] == 0): vals = nm.abs(d2[::2]) idxs = nm.where(vals > nm.finfo(vals.dtype).resolution)[0] odd_rs = odd.reshape((vals.shape[0], 2)) vals[idxs] /= nm.abs(odd_rs).max(axis=1)[idxs] if nm.all(vals < tol): return True return False
[docs]class mumps_struc_c_x(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('sym', mumps_int), ('par', mumps_int), ('job', mumps_int), ('comm_fortran', mumps_int), ('icntl', mumps_int * 40), ('aux', ctypes.c_uint8 * AUX_LENGTH) ]
[docs]class mumps_struc_c_4(ctypes.Structure): # MUMPS 4.10.0 _fields_ = [ ('sym', mumps_int), ('par', mumps_int), ('job', mumps_int), ('comm_fortran', mumps_int), ('icntl', mumps_int * 40), ('cntl', mumps_real * 15), ('n', mumps_int), # ('nz_alloc', mumps_int), # /* Assembled entry */ ('nz', mumps_int), ('irn', mumps_pint), ('jcn', mumps_pint), ('a', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Distributed entry */ ('nz_loc', mumps_int), ('irn_loc', mumps_pint), ('jcn_loc', mumps_pint), ('a_loc', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Element entry */ ('nelt', mumps_int), ('eltptr', mumps_pint), ('eltvar', mumps_pint), ('a_elt', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Ordering, if given by user */ ('perm_in', mumps_pint), # /* Orderings returned to user */ ('sym_perm', mumps_pint), ('uns_perm', mumps_pint), # /* Scaling (input only in this version) */ ('colsca', mumps_preal), ('rowsca', mumps_preal), # /* RHS, solution, ouptput data and statistics */ ('rhs', mumps_pcomplex), ('redrhs', mumps_pcomplex), ('rhs_sparse', mumps_pcomplex), ('sol_loc', mumps_pcomplex), ('irhs_sparse', mumps_pint), ('irhs_ptr', mumps_pint), ('isol_loc', mumps_pint), ('nrhs', mumps_int), ('lrhs', mumps_int), ('lredrhs', mumps_int), ('nz_rhs', mumps_int), ('lsol_loc', mumps_int), ('schur_mloc', mumps_int), ('schur_nloc', mumps_int), ('schur_lld', mumps_int), ('mblock', mumps_int), ('nblock', mumps_int), ('nprow', mumps_int), ('npcol', mumps_int), ('info', mumps_int * 40), ('infog', mumps_int * 40), ('rinfo', mumps_real * 40), ('rinfog', mumps_real * 40), # /* Null space */ ('deficiency', mumps_int), ('pivnul_list', mumps_pint), ('mapping', mumps_pint), # /* Schur */ ('size_schur', mumps_int), ('listvar_schur', mumps_pint), ('schur', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Internal parameters */ ('instance_number', mumps_int), ('wk_user', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Version number: # length=14 in FORTRAN + 1 for final \0 + 1 for alignment */ ('version_number', ctypes.c_char * (14 + 1 + 1)), # /* For out-of-core */ ('ooc_tmpdir', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('ooc_prefix', ctypes.c_char * 64), # /* To save the matrix in matrix market format */ ('write_problem', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('lwk_user', mumps_int), ]
[docs]class mumps_struc_c_5_0(ctypes.Structure): # MUMPS 5.0.x _fields_ = [ ('sym', mumps_int), ('par', mumps_int), ('job', mumps_int), ('comm_fortran', mumps_int), ('icntl', mumps_int * 40), ('keep', mumps_int * 500), ('cntl', mumps_real * 15), ('dkeep', mumps_real * 130), ('keep8', mumps_int8 * 150), ('n', mumps_int), # ('nz_alloc', mumps_int), # /* Assembled entry */ ('nz', mumps_int), ('irn', mumps_pint), ('jcn', mumps_pint), ('a', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Distributed entry */ ('nz_loc', mumps_int), ('irn_loc', mumps_pint), ('jcn_loc', mumps_pint), ('a_loc', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Element entry */ ('nelt', mumps_int), ('eltptr', mumps_pint), ('eltvar', mumps_pint), ('a_elt', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Ordering, if given by user */ ('perm_in', mumps_pint), # /* Orderings returned to user */ ('sym_perm', mumps_pint), ('uns_perm', mumps_pint), # /* Scaling (input only in this version) */ ('colsca', mumps_preal), ('rowsca', mumps_preal), ('colsca_from_mumps', mumps_int), ('rowsca_from_mumps', mumps_int), # /* RHS, solution, ouptput data and statistics */ ('rhs', mumps_pcomplex), ('redrhs', mumps_pcomplex), ('rhs_sparse', mumps_pcomplex), ('sol_loc', mumps_pcomplex), ('irhs_sparse', mumps_pint), ('irhs_ptr', mumps_pint), ('isol_loc', mumps_pint), ('nrhs', mumps_int), ('lrhs', mumps_int), ('lredrhs', mumps_int), ('nz_rhs', mumps_int), ('lsol_loc', mumps_int), ('schur_mloc', mumps_int), ('schur_nloc', mumps_int), ('schur_lld', mumps_int), ('mblock', mumps_int), ('nblock', mumps_int), ('nprow', mumps_int), ('npcol', mumps_int), ('info', mumps_int * 40), ('infog', mumps_int * 40), ('rinfo', mumps_real * 40), ('rinfog', mumps_real * 40), # /* Null space */ ('deficiency', mumps_int), ('pivnul_list', mumps_pint), ('mapping', mumps_pint), # /* Schur */ ('size_schur', mumps_int), ('listvar_schur', mumps_pint), ('schur', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Internal parameters */ ('instance_number', mumps_int), ('wk_user', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Version number: # length=25 in FORTRAN + 1 for final \0 + 1 for alignment */ ('version_number', ctypes.c_char * (25 + 1 + 1)), # /* For out-of-core */ ('ooc_tmpdir', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('ooc_prefix', ctypes.c_char * 64), # /* To save the matrix in matrix market format */ ('write_problem', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('lwk_user', mumps_int), ]
[docs]class mumps_struc_c_5_1(ctypes.Structure): # MUMPS 5.1.x _fields_ = [ ('sym', mumps_int), ('par', mumps_int), ('job', mumps_int), ('comm_fortran', mumps_int), ('icntl', mumps_int * 40), ('keep', mumps_int * 500), ('cntl', mumps_real * 15), ('dkeep', mumps_real * 230), ('keep8', mumps_int8 * 150), ('n', mumps_int), # ('nz_alloc', mumps_int), # /* Assembled entry */ ('nz', mumps_int), ('nnz', mumps_int8), ('irn', mumps_pint), ('jcn', mumps_pint), ('a', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Distributed entry */ ('nz_loc', mumps_int), ('nnz_loc', mumps_int8), ('irn_loc', mumps_pint), ('jcn_loc', mumps_pint), ('a_loc', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Element entry */ ('nelt', mumps_int), ('eltptr', mumps_pint), ('eltvar', mumps_pint), ('a_elt', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Ordering, if given by user */ ('perm_in', mumps_pint), # /* Orderings returned to user */ ('sym_perm', mumps_pint), ('uns_perm', mumps_pint), # /* Scaling (input only in this version) */ ('colsca', mumps_preal), ('rowsca', mumps_preal), ('colsca_from_mumps', mumps_int), ('rowsca_from_mumps', mumps_int), # /* RHS, solution, ouptput data and statistics */ ('rhs', mumps_pcomplex), ('redrhs', mumps_pcomplex), ('rhs_sparse', mumps_pcomplex), ('sol_loc', mumps_pcomplex), ('irhs_sparse', mumps_pint), ('irhs_ptr', mumps_pint), ('isol_loc', mumps_pint), ('nrhs', mumps_int), ('lrhs', mumps_int), ('lredrhs', mumps_int), ('nz_rhs', mumps_int), ('lsol_loc', mumps_int), ('schur_mloc', mumps_int), ('schur_nloc', mumps_int), ('schur_lld', mumps_int), ('mblock', mumps_int), ('nblock', mumps_int), ('nprow', mumps_int), ('npcol', mumps_int), ('info', mumps_int * 40), ('infog', mumps_int * 40), ('rinfo', mumps_real * 40), ('rinfog', mumps_real * 40), # /* Null space */ ('deficiency', mumps_int), ('pivnul_list', mumps_pint), ('mapping', mumps_pint), # /* Schur */ ('size_schur', mumps_int), ('listvar_schur', mumps_pint), ('schur', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Internal parameters */ ('instance_number', mumps_int), ('wk_user', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Version number: # length=30 in FORTRAN + 1 for final \0 + 1 for alignment */ ('version_number', ctypes.c_char * (30 + 1 + 1)), # /* For out-of-core */ ('ooc_tmpdir', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('ooc_prefix', ctypes.c_char * 64), # /* To save the matrix in matrix market format */ ('write_problem', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('lwk_user', mumps_int), # /* For save/restore feature */ ('save_dir', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('save_prefix', ctypes.c_char * 256) ]
[docs]class mumps_struc_c_5_2(ctypes.Structure): # MUMPS 5.2.x _fields_ = [ ('sym', mumps_int), ('par', mumps_int), ('job', mumps_int), ('comm_fortran', mumps_int), ('icntl', mumps_int * 60), ('keep', mumps_int * 500), ('cntl', mumps_real * 15), ('dkeep', mumps_real * 230), ('keep8', mumps_int8 * 150), ('n', mumps_int), # ('nz_alloc', mumps_int), # /* Assembled entry */ ('nz', mumps_int), ('nnz', mumps_int8), ('irn', mumps_pint), ('jcn', mumps_pint), ('a', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Distributed entry */ ('nz_loc', mumps_int), ('nnz_loc', mumps_int8), ('irn_loc', mumps_pint), ('jcn_loc', mumps_pint), ('a_loc', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Element entry */ ('nelt', mumps_int), ('eltptr', mumps_pint), ('eltvar', mumps_pint), ('a_elt', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Ordering, if given by user */ ('perm_in', mumps_pint), # /* Orderings returned to user */ ('sym_perm', mumps_pint), ('uns_perm', mumps_pint), # /* Scaling (input only in this version) */ ('colsca', mumps_preal), ('rowsca', mumps_preal), ('colsca_from_mumps', mumps_int), ('rowsca_from_mumps', mumps_int), # /* RHS, solution, ouptput data and statistics */ ('rhs', mumps_pcomplex), ('redrhs', mumps_pcomplex), ('rhs_sparse', mumps_pcomplex), ('sol_loc', mumps_pcomplex), ('rhs_loc', mumps_pcomplex), ('irhs_sparse', mumps_pint), ('irhs_ptr', mumps_pint), ('isol_loc', mumps_pint), ('irhs_loc', mumps_pint), ('nrhs', mumps_int), ('lrhs', mumps_int), ('lredrhs', mumps_int), ('nz_rhs', mumps_int), ('lsol_loc', mumps_int), ('nloc_rhs', mumps_int), ('lrhs_loc', mumps_int), ('schur_mloc', mumps_int), ('schur_nloc', mumps_int), ('schur_lld', mumps_int), ('mblock', mumps_int), ('nblock', mumps_int), ('nprow', mumps_int), ('npcol', mumps_int), ('info', mumps_int * 80), ('infog', mumps_int * 80), ('rinfo', mumps_real * 40), ('rinfog', mumps_real * 40), # /* Null space */ ('deficiency', mumps_int), ('pivnul_list', mumps_pint), ('mapping', mumps_pint), # /* Schur */ ('size_schur', mumps_int), ('listvar_schur', mumps_pint), ('schur', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Internal parameters */ ('instance_number', mumps_int), ('wk_user', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Version number: # length=30 in FORTRAN + 1 for final \0 + 1 for alignment */ ('version_number', ctypes.c_char * (30 + 1 + 1)), # /* For out-of-core */ ('ooc_tmpdir', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('ooc_prefix', ctypes.c_char * 64), # /* To save the matrix in matrix market format */ ('write_problem', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('lwk_user', mumps_int), # /* For save/restore feature */ ('save_dir', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('save_prefix', ctypes.c_char * 256), # /* Metis options */ ('metis_options', mumps_int * 40), ]
[docs]class mumps_struc_c_5_3(ctypes.Structure): # MUMPS 5.3.x _fields_ = [ ('sym', mumps_int), ('par', mumps_int), ('job', mumps_int), ('comm_fortran', mumps_int), ('icntl', mumps_int * 60), ('keep', mumps_int * 500), ('cntl', mumps_real * 15), ('dkeep', mumps_real * 230), ('keep8', mumps_int8 * 150), ('n', mumps_int), ('nbl', mumps_int), # ('nz_alloc', mumps_int), # /* Assembled entry */ ('nz', mumps_int), ('nnz', mumps_int8), ('irn', mumps_pint), ('jcn', mumps_pint), ('a', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Distributed entry */ ('nz_loc', mumps_int), ('nnz_loc', mumps_int8), ('irn_loc', mumps_pint), ('jcn_loc', mumps_pint), ('a_loc', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Element entry */ ('nelt', mumps_int), ('eltptr', mumps_pint), ('eltvar', mumps_pint), ('a_elt', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Matrix by blocks */ ('blkptr', mumps_pint), ('blkvar', mumps_pint), # /* Ordering, if given by user */ ('perm_in', mumps_pint), # /* Orderings returned to user */ ('sym_perm', mumps_pint), ('uns_perm', mumps_pint), # /* Scaling (input only in this version) */ ('colsca', mumps_preal), ('rowsca', mumps_preal), ('colsca_from_mumps', mumps_int), ('rowsca_from_mumps', mumps_int), # /* RHS, solution, ouptput data and statistics */ ('rhs', mumps_pcomplex), ('redrhs', mumps_pcomplex), ('rhs_sparse', mumps_pcomplex), ('sol_loc', mumps_pcomplex), ('rhs_loc', mumps_pcomplex), ('irhs_sparse', mumps_pint), ('irhs_ptr', mumps_pint), ('isol_loc', mumps_pint), ('irhs_loc', mumps_pint), ('nrhs', mumps_int), ('lrhs', mumps_int), ('lredrhs', mumps_int), ('nz_rhs', mumps_int), ('lsol_loc', mumps_int), ('nloc_rhs', mumps_int), ('lrhs_loc', mumps_int), ('schur_mloc', mumps_int), ('schur_nloc', mumps_int), ('schur_lld', mumps_int), ('mblock', mumps_int), ('nblock', mumps_int), ('nprow', mumps_int), ('npcol', mumps_int), ('info', mumps_int * 80), ('infog', mumps_int * 80), ('rinfo', mumps_real * 40), ('rinfog', mumps_real * 40), # /* Null space */ ('deficiency', mumps_int), ('pivnul_list', mumps_pint), ('mapping', mumps_pint), # /* Schur */ ('size_schur', mumps_int), ('listvar_schur', mumps_pint), ('schur', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Internal parameters */ ('instance_number', mumps_int), ('wk_user', mumps_pcomplex), # /* Version number: # length=30 in FORTRAN + 1 for final \0 + 1 for alignment */ ('version_number', ctypes.c_char * (30 + 1 + 1)), # /* For out-of-core */ ('ooc_tmpdir', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('ooc_prefix', ctypes.c_char * 64), # /* To save the matrix in matrix market format */ ('write_problem', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('lwk_user', mumps_int), # /* For save/restore feature */ ('save_dir', ctypes.c_char * 256), ('save_prefix', ctypes.c_char * 256), # /* Metis options */ ('metis_options', mumps_int * 40), ]
[docs]class MumpsSolver(object): """MUMPS object.""" def __init__(self, is_sym=False, mpi_comm=None, system='real', silent=True, mem_relax=20): """ Init MUMUPS solver. Parameters ---------- sym : int 1 = symmetric system mpi_comm : MPI Communicator or None If None, use MPI.COMM_WORLD system : one of 'real', 'comples' Use real or complex linear solver. silent : bool If True, no MUMPS error, warning, and diagnostic messages. mem_relax : int The percentage increase in the estimated working space. """ self.struct = None if not use_mpi: raise AttributeError('No mpi4py found! Required by MUMPS solver.') if len(mumps_libs) == 0: load_mumps_libraries() if system == 'real': self._mumps_c = mumps_libs['dmumps'] elif system == 'complex': self._mumps_c = mumps_libs['zmumps'] self.mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD if mpi_comm is None else mpi_comm self._mumps_c.restype = None # determine mumps version self._mumps_c.argtypes = [c_pointer(mumps_struc_c_x)] self.struct = mumps_struc_c_x() self.struct.par = 1 self.struct.sym = 0 self.struct.comm_fortran = self.mpi_comm.py2f() self.struct.job = -1 self._mumps_c(ctypes.byref(self.struct)) arr = nm.ctypeslib.as_array(self.struct.aux) idxs = nm.where(nm.logical_and(arr >= ord('.'), arr <= ord('9')))[0] s = dec(arr[idxs].tobytes()) vnums = re.findall(r'^.*(\d)\.(\d+)\.\d+.*$', s)[-1] version = int(vnums[0]) + int(vnums[1]) * 1e-2 if version < 5: mumps_struc_c = mumps_struc_c_4 elif version >= 5 and version < 5.01: mumps_struc_c = mumps_struc_c_5_0 elif version >= 5.01 and version < 5.02: mumps_struc_c = mumps_struc_c_5_1 elif version >= 5.02 and version < 5.03: mumps_struc_c = mumps_struc_c_5_2 elif version >= 5.03: mumps_struc_c = mumps_struc_c_5_3 self.struct.job = -2 self.set_silent() self._mumps_c(ctypes.byref(self.struct)) # init mumps library self._mumps_c.argtypes = [c_pointer(mumps_struc_c)] self.struct = mumps_struc_c() self.struct.par = 1 self.struct.sym = 2 if is_sym else 0 self.struct.n = 0 self.struct.comm_fortran = self.mpi_comm.py2f() self._mumps_call(job=-1) # init self.rank = self.mpi_comm.rank self._data = {} # be silent if silent: self.set_silent() self.struct.icntl[13] = mem_relax
[docs] def set_silent(self): self.struct.icntl[0] = -1 # suppress error messages self.struct.icntl[1] = -1 # suppress diagnostic messages self.struct.icntl[2] = -1 # suppress global info self.struct.icntl[3] = 0
[docs] def set_verbose(self): self.struct.icntl[0] = 6 # error messages self.struct.icntl[1] = 0 # diagnostic messages self.struct.icntl[2] = 6 # global info self.struct.icntl[3] = 2
def __del__(self): """Finish MUMPS.""" if self.struct is not None: self._mumps_call(job=-2) # done self.struct = None
[docs] def set_mtx_centralized(self, mtx): """ Set the sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- mtx : scipy sparse martix The sparse matrix in COO format. """ assert mtx.shape[0] == mtx.shape[1] rr = mtx.row + 1 cc = mtx.col + 1 data = if self.struct.sym > 0: idxs = nm.where(cc >= rr)[0] # upper triangular matrix rr, cc, data = rr[idxs], cc[idxs], data[idxs] self.set_rcd_centralized(rr, cc, data, mtx.shape[0])
[docs] def set_rcd_centralized(self, ir, ic, data, n): """ Set the matrix by row and column indicies and data vector. The matrix shape is determined by the maximal values of row and column indicies. The indices start with 1. Parameters ---------- ir : array The row idicies. ic : array The column idicies. data : array The matrix entries. n : int The matrix dimension. """ assert ir.shape[0] == ic.shape[0] == data.shape[0] self._data.update(ir=ir, ic=ic, data=data) self.struct.n = n = ir.shape[0] if hasattr(self.struct, 'nnz'): self.struct.nnz = ir.shape[0] self.struct.irn = ir.ctypes.data_as(mumps_pint) self.struct.jcn = ic.ctypes.data_as(mumps_pint) self.struct.a = data.ctypes.data_as(mumps_pcomplex)
[docs] def set_rhs(self, rhs): """Set the right hand side of the linear system.""" self._data.update(rhs=rhs) self.struct.rhs = rhs.ctypes.data_as(mumps_pcomplex) self.struct.lrhs = rhs.shape[0] if len(rhs.shape) == 2: self.struct.nrhs = rhs.shape[1]
def __call__(self, job): """Set the job and call MUMPS.""" self._mumps_call(job)
[docs] def get_schur(self, schur_list): """Get the Schur matrix and the condensed right-hand side vector. Parameters ---------- schur_list : array The list of the Schur DOFs (indexing starts with 1). Returns ------- schur_arr : array The Schur matrix of order 'schur_size'. schur_rhs : array The reduced right-hand side vector. """ # Schur slist = schur_list + 1 schur_size = slist.shape[0] schur_arr = nm.empty((schur_size**2, ), dtype='d') schur_rhs = nm.empty((schur_size, ), dtype='d') self._schur_rhs = schur_rhs self.struct.size_schur = schur_size self.struct.listvar_schur = slist.ctypes.data_as(mumps_pint) self.struct.schur = schur_arr.ctypes.data_as(mumps_pcomplex) self.struct.lredrhs = schur_size self.struct.redrhs = schur_rhs.ctypes.data_as(mumps_pcomplex) # get matrix self.struct.schur_lld = schur_size self.struct.nprow = 1 self.struct.npcol = 1 self.struct.mblock = 100 self.struct.nblock = 100 self.struct.icntl[18] = 3 # centr. Schur complement stored by columns self.struct.job = 4 # analyze + factorize self._mumps_c(ctypes.byref(self.struct)) # get RHS self.struct.icntl[25] = 1 # Reduction/condensation phase self.struct.job = 3 # solve self._mumps_c(ctypes.byref(self.struct)) return schur_arr.reshape((schur_size, schur_size)), schur_rhs
[docs] def expand_schur(self, x2): """Expand the Schur local solution on the complete solution. Parameters ---------- x2 : array The local Schur solution. Returns ------- x : array The global solution. """ self._schur_rhs[:] = x2 self.struct.icntl[25] = 2 # Expansion phase self.struct.job = 3 # solve self._mumps_c(ctypes.byref(self.struct)) return self._data['rhs']
def _mumps_call(self, job): """Set the job and call MUMPS. Jobs: ----- 1: analyse 2: factorize 3: solve 4: analyse, factorize 5: factorize, solve 6: analyse, factorize, solve """ self.struct.job = job if ctypes is not None: self._mumps_c(ctypes.byref(self.struct)) if self.struct.infog[0] < 0: raise RuntimeError("MUMPS error: %d" % self.struct.infog[0])