Source code for sfepy.discrete.iga.plot_nurbs

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sfepy.discrete.fem.geometry_element import GeometryElement
from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import get_tensor_product_conn
import sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs as pd
from sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs import _get_axes

from sfepy.discrete.iga.iga import _get_knots_tuple
from six.moves import range

[docs]def plot_parametric_mesh(ax, knots): """ Plot the parametric mesh of a NURBS given by its knots. """ knots = _get_knots_tuple(knots) dim = len(knots) ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) uknots = [nm.unique(ii) for ii in knots] shape = [len(ii) for ii in uknots] ngrid = nm.mgrid[[slice(ii) for ii in shape]] coors = nm.r_[[uknots[ii][ig].ravel() for ii, ig in enumerate(ngrid)]].T conn, desc = get_tensor_product_conn(nm.array(shape)) gel = GeometryElement(desc) ax = pd.plot_mesh(ax, coors, conn, gel.edges) pd.plot_points(ax, coors) return ax
[docs]def plot_control_mesh(ax, control_points, label=False): """ Plot the control mesh of a NURBS given by its control points. """ dim = control_points.shape[-1] ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) shape = control_points.shape conn, desc = get_tensor_product_conn(nm.array(shape[:-1])) gel = GeometryElement(desc) coors = control_points.reshape((-1, dim)) ax = pd.plot_mesh(ax, coors, conn, gel.edges) pd.plot_points(ax, coors) if label: for ii, cc in enumerate(coors): ax.text(*cc, s='%d' % ii, color='g', fontsize=12, weight='bold') return ax
def _get_edges(n_ep, shape): dim = len(shape) aux = nm.arange(n_ep).reshape(shape) edges = [] if dim == 3: for ii in range(shape[2] - 1): edges.append(aux[0, 0, ii:ii+2]) edges.append(aux[-1, 0, ii:ii+2]) edges.append(aux[0, -1, ii:ii+2]) edges.append(aux[-1, -1, ii:ii+2]) for ii in range(shape[1] - 1): edges.append(aux[0, ii:ii+2, 0]) edges.append(aux[-1, ii:ii+2, 0]) edges.append(aux[0, ii:ii+2, -1]) edges.append(aux[-1, ii:ii+2, -1]) for ii in range(shape[0] - 1): edges.append(aux[ii:ii+2, 0, 0]) edges.append(aux[ii:ii+2, -1, 0]) edges.append(aux[ii:ii+2, 0, -1]) edges.append(aux[ii:ii+2, -1, -1]) elif dim == 2: for ii in range(shape[1] - 1): edges.append(aux[0, ii:ii+2]) edges.append(aux[-1, ii:ii+2]) for ii in range(shape[0] - 1): edges.append(aux[ii:ii+2, 0]) edges.append(aux[ii:ii+2, -1]) else: for ii in range(shape[0] - 1): edges.append(aux[ii:ii+2]) return nm.array(edges)
[docs]def plot_bezier_mesh(ax, control_points, conn, degrees, label=False): """ Plot the Bezier mesh of a NURBS given by its control points and connectivity. """ dim = control_points.shape[-1] ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) edges = _get_edges(conn.shape[1], nm.asarray(degrees) + 1) ax = pd.plot_mesh(ax, control_points, conn, edges) pd.plot_points(ax, control_points) if label: ax = pd.plot_global_dofs(ax, control_points, conn) return ax
[docs]def plot_iso_lines(ax, nurbs, color='b', n_points=100): """ Plot the NURBS object using iso-lines in Greville abscissae coordinates. """ dim = nurbs.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) gas = nurbs.greville() if dim == 1: ga = gas[0] x0 = nm.linspace(ga[0], ga[-1], n_points) vals = nurbs(x0) if vals.shape[1] == 1: ax.plot(x0, vals[:, 0], color) else: # Assume curve in 2D. ax.plot(vals[:, 0], vals[:, 1], color) elif dim == 2: ga0 = gas[0] ga1 = gas[1] x1 = nm.linspace(ga1[0], ga1[-1], n_points) for x0 in ga0: vals = nurbs(x0, x1) ax.plot(vals[:, 0], vals[:, 1], color) x0 = nm.linspace(ga0[0], ga0[-1], n_points) for x1 in ga0: vals = nurbs(x0, x1) ax.plot(vals[:, 0], vals[:, 1], color) else: ga0 = gas[0] ga1 = gas[1] ga2 = gas[2] x2 = nm.linspace(ga2[0], ga2[-1], n_points) for x0 in ga0: for x1 in ga1: vals = nurbs(x0, x1, x2) ax.plot(vals[:, 0], vals[:, 1], vals[:, 2], color) x1 = nm.linspace(ga1[0], ga1[-1], n_points) for x0 in ga0: for x2 in ga2: vals = nurbs(x0, x1, x2) ax.plot(vals[:, 0], vals[:, 1], vals[:, 2], color) x0 = nm.linspace(ga0[0], ga0[-1], n_points) for x1 in ga1: for x2 in ga2: vals = nurbs(x0, x1, x2) ax.plot(vals[:, 0], vals[:, 1], vals[:, 2], color) return ax
[docs]def plot_nurbs_basis_1d(ax, nurbs, n_points=100, x_axis='parametric', legend=False): """ Plot a 1D NURBS basis. """ ax = _get_axes(ax, 2) ga = nurbs.greville()[0] n_fun = nurbs.weights.shape[0] line = nm.linspace(ga[0], ga[-1], n_points) for ii in range(n_fun): field = nm.zeros(n_fun) field[ii] = 1.0 vals = nurbs.evaluate(fields=field, u=line) if x_axis == 'parametric': ax.plot(line, vals, label='%d' % ii) else: coors = nurbs(u=line)[:, x_axis] ax.plot(coors, vals, label='%d' % ii) if legend: ax.legend() return ax
[docs]def plot_bezier_nurbs_basis_1d(ax, control_points, weights, degrees, cs, conn, n_points=20): """ Plot a 1D NURBS basis using the Bezier extraction and local Bernstein basis. """ from sfepy.discrete.iga.iga import eval_variable_in_qp ax = _get_axes(ax, 2) n_fun = weights.shape[0] line = nm.linspace(0, 1, n_points)[:, None] for ii in range(n_fun): variable = nm.zeros((n_fun, 1)) variable[ii] = 1.0 coors, vals, dets = eval_variable_in_qp(variable, line, control_points, weights, degrees, cs, conn) plt.plot(coors[:, 0], vals) return ax