Finite element reference mappings.
import numpy as nm
from sfepy import site_config
from sfepy.base.base import get_default, output
from sfepy.base.mem_usage import raise_if_too_large
from sfepy.discrete.common.mappings import Mapping, PyCMapping
from sfepy.discrete import PolySpace
from sfepy.linalg.utils import invs_fast, dets_fast
from sfepy.linalg import dot_sequences
def eval_mapping_data_in_qp(coors, conn, bf_g, weights,
ebf_g=None, is_face=False, eps=1e-15,
se_conn=None, se_bf_bg=None, ecoors=None):
Evaluate mapping data.
coors: numpy.ndarray
The nodal coordinates.
conn: numpy.ndarray
The element connectivity.
bf_g: numpy.ndarray
The derivatives of the domain basis functions with respect to the
reference coordinates.
weights: numpy.ndarray
The weights of the quadrature points.
ebf_g: numpy.ndarray
The derivatives of the field basis functions with respect to the
reference coordinates.
is_face: bool
Is it the boundary of a region?
eps: float
The tolerance for the normal vectors calculation.
se_conn: numpy.ndarray
The connectivity for the calculation of surface derivatives.
se_bf_bg: numpy.ndarray
The surface basis function derivatives with respect to the reference
ecoors: numpy.ndarray
The element nodal coordinates.
det: numpy.ndarray
The determinant of the mapping evaluated in integration points.
volume: numpy.ndarray
The element (volume or surface) volumes in integration points.
bfg: numpy.ndarray
The derivatives of the basis functions with respect to the spatial
coordinates. Can be evaluated either for surface elements if `bf_g`,
`se_conn`, and `se_bf_bg` are given.
normal: numpy.ndarray
The normal vectors for the surface elements in integration points.
if ecoors is None:
ecoors = coors[conn, :]
if bf_g.ndim == 4:
mtxRM = nm.einsum('cqij,cjk->cqik', bf_g, ecoors, optimize=True)
mtxRM = nm.einsum('qij,cjk->cqik', bf_g, ecoors, optimize=True)
n_el, n_qp = mtxRM.shape[:2]
if is_face:
# outward unit normal vector
dim = coors.shape[1]
normal = nm.ones((n_el, n_qp, dim, 1), dtype=nm.float64)
if dim == 1:
det = nm.tile(weights, (n_el, 1)).reshape(n_el, n_qp, 1, 1)
ii = nm.where(conn == 0)[0]
normal[ii] *= -1.0
elif dim == 2:
c1, c2 = mtxRM[..., 0], mtxRM[..., 1]
det0 = nm.sqrt(c1**2 + c2**2).reshape(n_el, n_qp, 1, 1)
det = det0 * weights[..., None, None]
det0[nm.abs(det0) < eps] = 1.0
normal[..., 0, :] = c2
normal[..., 1, :] = -c1
normal /= det0
elif dim == 3:
j012 = mtxRM[..., 0, :].T
j345 = mtxRM[..., 1, :].T
c1 = (j012[1] * j345[2] - j345[1] * j012[2]).T
c2 = (j012[0] * j345[2] - j345[0] * j012[2]).T
c3 = (j012[0] * j345[1] - j345[0] * j012[1]).T
det0 = nm.sqrt(c1**2 + c2**2 + c3**2).reshape(n_el, n_qp, 1, 1)
det = det0 * weights[..., None, None]
det0[nm.abs(det0) < eps] = 1.0
normal[..., 0, 0] = c1
normal[..., 1, 0] = -c2
normal[..., 2, 0] = c3
normal /= det0
# det0 = nm.linalg.det(mtxRM)
det0 = dets_fast(mtxRM)
if nm.any(det0 <= 0.0):
raise ValueError('warp violation!')
det = det0 * weights
det = det.reshape(n_el, n_qp, 1, 1)
normal = None
if ebf_g is not None:
if is_face and se_conn is not None and se_bf_bg is not None:
mtxRM = nm.einsum('cqij,cjk->cqik', se_bf_bg, coors[se_conn, :],
mtxRMI = invs_fast(mtxRM)
bfg = nm.einsum('cqij,cqjk->cqik', mtxRMI, ebf_g, optimize=True)
mtxRMI = invs_fast(mtxRM, det0)
es_arg2 = 'x' if ebf_g.shape[0] == 1 else 'c'
bfg = nm.einsum(f'cqij,{es_arg2}qjk->cqik', mtxRMI, ebf_g,
bfg = None
volume = nm.sum(det, axis=1).reshape((n_el, 1, 1, 1))
return det, volume, bfg, normal
class FEMapping(Mapping):
Base class for finite element mappings.
def __init__(self, coors, conn, poly_space=None, gel=None, order=1):
self.coors = coors
self.conn = conn
nm.take(self.coors, self.conn)
except IndexError:
output('coordinates shape: %s' % list(coors.shape))
output('connectivity: min: %d, max: %d' % (conn.min(), conn.max()))
msg = 'incompatible connectivity and coordinates (see above)'
raise IndexError(msg)
self.n_el, self.n_ep = conn.shape
self.dim = self.coors.shape[1]
if isinstance(gel, dict):
poly_space = {}
for k, v in gel.items():
poly_space[k] = PolySpace.any_from_args(None, v, order,
elif poly_space is None:
poly_space = PolySpace.any_from_args(None, gel, order,
self.poly_space = poly_space
self.indices = None
def get_geometry(self):
Return reference element geometry as a GeometryElement instance.
if isinstance(self.poly_space, dict):
return {k: v.geometry for k, v in self.poly_space.items()}
return self.poly_space.geometry
def eval_basis(self, coors, diff=False, grad_axes=None):
Evaluate basis functions or their gradients in given coordinates.
if isinstance(self.poly_space, dict):
bf = {k: v.eval_basis(coors[k], diff=diff)
for k, v in self.poly_space.items()}
bf = self.poly_space.eval_basis(coors, diff=diff)
indices = self.indices
if indices is not None:
ii = max(self.dim - 1, 1)
if isinstance(indices, dict):
# Treat elements with different facet types, e.g. wedges
n = max(len(v) for v in indices.values())
bf_ = nm.zeros((len(indices), bf[0].shape[0], ii, n),
if diff and grad_axes is not None:
for k, v in indices.items():
bf_[k, ..., :v.shape[0]] =\
bf[k][..., grad_axes[k], :][..., v]
for k, v in indices.items():
bf_[k, ..., :v.shape[0]] = bf[k][..., :ii:, v]
bf = bf_
bf = nm.ascontiguousarray(bf[..., :ii:, indices])
return bf
def set_basis_indices(self, indices):
Set indices to cell-based basis that give the facet-based basis.
self.indices = indices
def get_physical_qps(self, qp_coors):
Get physical quadrature points corresponding to given reference
element quadrature points.
qps : array
The physical quadrature points ordered element by element,
i.e. with shape (n_el, n_qp, dim).
bf = self.eval_basis(qp_coors)
if isinstance(bf, dict):
sh = self.conn.shape
nqp = max(v.shape[0] for v in bf.values())
bf_ = nm.zeros((sh[0], nqp, 1, sh[1]), dtype=nm.float64)
ft = nm.count_nonzero(nm.diff(nm.sort(self.conn)), axis=1) + 1
for k, v in bf.items():
idxs = ft == k
if nm.any(idxs):
bf_[idxs, :v.shape[0], :, :k] = v
qps = dot_sequences(bf_[..., 0, :], self.coors[self.conn])
qps = nm.dot(nm.atleast_2d(bf.squeeze()), self.coors[self.conn])
# Reorder so that qps are really element by element.
qps = nm.ascontiguousarray(nm.swapaxes(qps, 0, 1))
return qps
def get_mapping(self, qp_coors, weights, bf=None, poly_space=None,
ori=None, transform=None, is_face=False, fc_bf_map=None,
extra=(None, None, None)):
Get the mapping for given quadrature points, weights, and
polynomial space.
qp_coors: numpy.ndarray
The coordinates of the integration points.
The integration weights.
bf: numpy.ndarray
The basis functions.
poly_space: PolySpace instance
The PolySpace instance.
ori: numpy.ndarray
Element orientation, used by hierarchical basis.
transform: numpy.ndarray
The transformation matrix applied to the basis functions.
is_face: bool
Is it the boundary of a region?
fc_bf_map: tuple
The additional info to remap face derivatives of wedge elements:
- fc_bf_map[0]: id of face group (triangle or quad)
- fc_bf_map[1]: position of inplane derivatives (xy-axes)
extra: tuple
The extra data for surface derivatives:
- the derivatives of the field boundary basis functions with
respect to the reference coordinates
- the boundary connectivity
- the derivatives of the domain boundary basis functions with
respect to the reference coordinates
pycmap: PyCMapping instance
The domain mapping data.
poly_space = get_default(poly_space, self.poly_space)
if fc_bf_map is not None:
bf_g = self.eval_basis(qp_coors, diff=True, grad_axes=fc_bf_map[1])
bf_g = nm.ascontiguousarray(bf_g[fc_bf_map[0]])
bf_g = self.eval_basis(qp_coors, diff=True)
if nm.allclose(bf_g, 0.0) and self.dim > 1:
raise ValueError('zero basis function gradient!')
if not is_face:
ebf_g = poly_space.eval_basis(qp_coors, diff=True, ori=ori,
force_axis=True, transform=transform)
size = ebf_g.nbytes * self.n_el
raise_if_too_large(size, site_config.refmap_memory_factor())
se_conn, se_bf_bg = None, None
se_conn, se_bf_bg, ebf_g = extra
tdim = poly_space.geometry.dim
if not is_face and tdim < self.dim:
ecoors = tranform_coors_to_lower_dim(self.coors[self.conn, :],
ecoors = None
margs = eval_mapping_data_in_qp(self.coors, self.conn,
bf_g, weights, ebf_g, is_face=is_face,
se_conn=se_conn, se_bf_bg=se_bf_bg,
if bf is None:
bf = nm.array([[[[0.]]]])
elif len(bf.shape) == 3:
bf = bf[None, ...]
margs = (nm.ascontiguousarray(bf),) + margs + (tdim,)
pycmap = PyCMapping(*margs)
return pycmap