Source code for sfepy.discrete.dg.fields

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Fields for Discontinous Galerkin method
import numpy as nm
import six
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
from six.moves import range

from sfepy.base.base import (output, assert_, Struct)
from sfepy.discrete import Integral, PolySpace
from sfepy.discrete.common.fields import parse_shape
from sfepy.discrete.fem.fields_base import FEField
from sfepy.discrete.fem.mappings import FEMapping

[docs]def get_unraveler(n_el_nod, n_cell): """Returns function for unraveling i.e. unpacking dof data from serialized array from shape (n_el_nod*n_cell, 1) to (n_cell, n_el_nod, 1). The unraveler returns non-writeable view into the input array. Parameters ---------- n_el_nod : int expected dimensions of dofs array n_cell : int Returns ------- unravel : callable """ def unravel(u): """Returns non-writeable view into the input array reshaped to (n*m, 1) to (m, n, 1) . Parameters ---------- u : array_like solution in shape (n*m, 1) Returns ------- u : ndarray unraveledsolution in shape (m, n, 1) """ ustride1 = u.strides[0] ur = as_strided(u, shape=(n_cell, n_el_nod, 1), strides=(n_el_nod * ustride1, ustride1, ustride1), writeable=False) return ur return unravel
[docs]def get_raveler(n_el_nod, n_cell): """Returns function for raveling i.e. packing dof data from two dimensional array of shape (n_cell, n_el_nod, 1) to (n_el_nod*n_cell, 1) The raveler returns view into the input array. Parameters ---------- n_el_nod : param n_el_nod, n_cell: expected dimensions of dofs array n_cell : int Returns ------- ravel : callable """ def ravel(u): """Returns view into the input array reshaped from (m, n, 1) to (n*m, 1) to (m, n, 1) . Parameters ---------- u : array_like Returns ------- u : ndarray """ # ustride1 = u.strides[0] # ur = as_strided(u, shape=(n_el_nod*n_cell, 1), # strides=(n_cell*ustride1, ustride1)) ur = nm.ravel(u)[:, None] # possibly use according to # # ur = u.reshape(-1) return ur return ravel
# mapping between geometry element types # and their facets types # TODO move to sfepy/discrete/fem/ cell_facet_gel_name = { "1_2": "0_1", "2_3": "1_2", "2_4": "1_2", "3_4": "2_3", "3_8": "2_4" }
[docs]def get_gel(region): """ Parameters ---------- region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region Returns ------- gel : base geometry element of the region """ cmesh = region.cmesh for key, gel in six.iteritems(region.domain.geom_els): ct = cmesh.cell_types if (ct[region.cells] == cmesh.key_to_index[]).all(): return gel else: raise ValueError('Region {} contains multiple' ' reference geometries!'.format(region))
[docs]class DGField(FEField): """ Discontinuous Galerkin method approximation with Legendre basis. Class for usage with DG terms, provides functionality for Discontinous Galerkin method like neighbour look up, projection to discontinuous basis and correct DOF treatment. """ family_name = 'volume_DG_legendre_discontinuous' is_surface = False def __init__(self, name, dtype, shape, region, space="H1", poly_space_base="legendre", approx_order=1, integral=None): """ Creates DGField, with Legendre polyspace and default integral corresponding to 2 * approx_order. Parameters ---------- name : string dtype : type shape : string 'vector', 'scalar' or something else region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region space : string default "H1" poly_space_base : PolySpace optionally force polyspace approx_order : 0 for FVM, default 1 integral : Integral if None integral of order 2*approx_order is created """ shape = parse_shape(shape, region.domain.shape.dim) Struct.__init__(self, name=name, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, region=region) if isinstance(approx_order, tuple): self.approx_order = approx_order[0] else: self.approx_order = approx_order # geometry self.domain = region.domain self.region = region self.dim = region.tdim self._setup_geometry() self._setup_connectivity() # TODO treat domains embedded into higher dimensional spaces? self.n_el_facets = self.dim + 1 if self.gel.is_simplex else 2**self.dim # approximation space = space self.poly_space_base = poly_space_base self.force_bubble = False self._create_interpolant() # DOFs self._setup_shape() self._setup_all_dofs() self.ravel_sol = get_raveler(self.n_el_nod, self.n_cell) self.unravel_sol = get_unraveler(self.n_el_nod, self.n_cell) # integral self.clear_qp_base() self.clear_facet_qp_base() if integral is None: self.integral = Integral("dg_fi", order = 2 * self.approx_order) else: self.integral = integral self.ori = None self.basis_transform = None # mapping self.mappings = {} self.mapping = self.create_mapping(self.region, self.integral, "volume", return_mapping=True)[1] self.mappings0 = {} # neighbour facet mapping and data caches # TODO use lru cache or different method? self.clear_facet_neighbour_idx_cache() self.clear_normals_cache() self.clear_facet_vols_cache() self.boundary_facet_local_idx = {} def _create_interpolant(self): name = + '_DG_legendre' ps = PolySpace.any_from_args(name, self.gel, self.approx_order, base=self.poly_space_base, force_bubble=False) self.poly_space = ps # 'legendre_simplex' is created for '1_2'. if in ["2_4", "3_8"]: self.extended = True else: self.extended = False def _setup_all_dofs(self): """Sets up all the differet kinds of DOFs, for DG only bubble DOFs""" self.n_el_nod = self.poly_space.n_nod self.n_vertex_dof = 0 # in DG we will propably never need vertex DOFs self.n_edge_dof = 0 # use facets DOFS for AFS methods self.n_face_dof = 0 # use facet DOF for AFS methods (self.n_bubble_dof, self.bubble_remap, self.bubble_dofs) = self._setup_bubble_dofs() self.n_nod = self.n_vertex_dof + self.n_edge_dof \ + self.n_face_dof + self.n_bubble_dof def _setup_bubble_dofs(self): """Creates DOF information for so called element, cell or bubble DOFs - the only DOFs used in DG n_dof = n_cells * n_el_nod remap optional remapping between cells dofs is mapping between dofs and cells Returns ------- n_dof : int remap : ndarray dofs : ndarray """ self.n_cell = self.region.get_n_cells(self.is_surface) n_dof = self.n_cell * self.n_el_nod dofs = nm.arange(n_dof, dtype=nm.int32)\ .reshape(self.n_cell, self.n_el_nod) remap = nm.arange(self.n_cell) self.econn = dofs self.dofs2cells = nm.repeat(nm.arange(self.n_cell), self.n_el_nod) return n_dof, remap, dofs def _setup_shape(self): """What is shape used for and what it really means. Does it represent shape of the problem? """ self.n_components = self.val_shape = self.shape def _setup_geometry(self): """Setup the field region geometry.""" # get_gel extracts the highest dimension geometry from self.region self.gel = get_gel(self.region) def _setup_connectivity(self): """Forces self.domain.mesh to build necessary conductivities so they are available in self.get_nbrhd_dofs """ self.region.cmesh.setup_connectivity(self.dim, self.dim) self.region.cmesh.setup_connectivity(self.dim - 1, self.dim) self.region.cmesh.setup_connectivity(self.dim, self.dim - 1)
[docs] def get_coor(self, nods=None): """Returns coors for matching nodes # TODO revise DG_EPBC and EPBC matching? Parameters ---------- nods : if None use all nodes (Default value = None) Returns ------- coors : ndarray coors on surface """ if nods is None: nods = self.bubble_dofs cells = self.dofs2cells[nods] coors = self.region.cmesh.get_centroids(self.dim)[cells] eps = min(self.region.cmesh.get_volumes(self.dim)) / (self.n_el_nod + 2) if self.dim == 1: extended_coors = nm.zeros(nm.shape(coors)[:-1] + (2,)) extended_coors[:, 0] = coors[:, 0] coors = extended_coors # shift centroid coors to lie within cells but be different for each dof # use coors of facet QPs? coors += eps * nm.repeat(nm.arange(self.n_el_nod), len(nm.unique(cells)))[:, None] return coors
[docs] def clear_facet_qp_base(self): """Clears facet_qp_base cache""" self.facet_bf = {} self.facet_qp = None self.facet_whs = None
def _transform_qps_to_facets(self, qps, geo_name): """Transforms points given in qps to all facets of the reference element with geometry geo_name. Parameters ---------- qps : qps corresponding to facet dimension to be transformed geo_name : element type Returns ------- tqps : ndarray tqps is of shape shape(qps) + (n_el_facets, geo dim) """ if geo_name == "1_2": tqps = nm.zeros(nm.shape(qps) + (2, 1,)) tqps[..., 0, 0] = 0. tqps[..., 1, 0] = 1. elif geo_name == "2_3": tqps = nm.zeros(nm.shape(qps) + (3, 2,)) # 0. tqps[..., 0, 0] = qps # x = 0 + t tqps[..., 0, 1] = 0. # y = 0 # 1. tqps[..., 1, 0] = 1 - qps # x = 1 - t tqps[..., 1, 1] = qps # y = t # 2. tqps[..., 2, 0] = 0 # x = 0 tqps[..., 2, 1] = 1 - qps # y = 1 - t elif geo_name == "2_4": tqps = nm.zeros(nm.shape(qps) + (4, 2,)) # 0. tqps[..., 0, 0] = qps # x = t tqps[..., 0, 1] = 0. # y = 0 # 1. tqps[..., 1, 0] = 1 # x = 1 tqps[..., 1, 1] = qps # y = t # 2. tqps[..., 2, 0] = 1 - qps # x = 1 -t tqps[..., 2, 1] = 1 # y = 1 # 3. tqps[..., 3, 0] = 0 # x = 0 tqps[..., 3, 1] = 1 - qps # y = 1 - t elif geo_name == "3_4": # tqps = nm.zeros(nm.shape(qps) + (4, 3,)) raise NotImplementedError("Geometry {} not supported, yet" .format(geo_name)) elif geo_name == "3_8": # tqps = nm.zeros(nm.shape(qps) + (8, 3,)) raise NotImplementedError("Geometry {} not supported, yet" .format(geo_name)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Geometry {} not supported, yet" .format(geo_name)) return tqps
[docs] def get_facet_qp(self): """Returns quadrature points on all facets of the reference element in array of shape (n_qp, 1 , n_el_facets, dim) Returns ------- qps : ndarray quadrature points weights : ndarray Still needs to be transformed to actual facets! """ if self.dim == 1: facet_qps = self._transform_qps_to_facets(nm.zeros((1, 1)), "1_2") weights = nm.ones((1, 1, 1)) else: qps, weights = self.integral.get_qp(cell_facet_gel_name[]) weights = weights[None, :, None] facet_qps = self._transform_qps_to_facets(qps, return facet_qps, weights
[docs] def get_facet_base(self, derivative=False, base_only=False): """ Returns values of base in facets quadrature points, data shape is a bit crazy right now: (number of qps, 1, n_el_facets, 1, n_el_nod) end for derivatine: (1, number of qps, (dim,) * derivative, n_el_facets, 1, n_el_nod) Parameters ---------- derivative: truthy or integer base_only: do not return weights Returns ------- facet_bf : ndarray values of basis functions in facet qps weights : ndarray, optionally weights of qps """ if derivative: diff = int(derivative) else: diff = 0 if diff in self.facet_bf: facet_bf = self.facet_bf[diff] whs = self.facet_whs else: qps, whs = self.get_facet_qp() ps = self.poly_space self.facet_qp = qps self.facet_whs = whs if derivative: facet_bf = nm.zeros((1,) + nm.shape(qps)[:-1] + (self.dim,) * diff + (self.n_el_nod,)) else: facet_bf = nm.zeros(nm.shape(qps)[:-1] + (1, self.n_el_nod,)) for i in range(self.n_el_facets): facet_bf[..., i, :, :] = \ ps.eval_base(qps[..., i, :], diff=diff, transform=self.basis_transform) self.facet_bf[diff] = facet_bf if base_only: return facet_bf else: return facet_bf, whs
[docs] def clear_facet_neighbour_idx_cache(self, region=None): """ If region is None clear all! Parameters ---------- region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region If None clear all. """ if region is None: self.facet_neighbour_index = {} else: self.facet_neighbour_index.pop(
[docs] def get_facet_neighbor_idx(self, region=None, eq_map=None): """ Returns index of cell neighbours sharing facet, along with local index of the facet within neighbour, also treats periodic boundary conditions i.e. plugs correct neighbours for cell on periodic boundary. Where there are no neighbours specified puts -1 instead of neighbour and facet id Cashes neighbour index in self.facet_neighbours Parameters ---------- region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region Main region, must contain cells. eq_map : eq_map from state variable containing information on EPBC and DG EPBC. (Default value = None) Returns ------- facet_neighbours : ndarray Shape is (n_cell, n_el_facet, 2), first value is index of the neighbouring cell, the second is index of the facet in said nb. cell. """ if region is None or eq_map is None: # HOTFIX enabling limiter to obtain connectivity data without # knowing eq_map or region if in self.facet_neighbour_index: return self.facet_neighbour_index[] else: raise ValueError("No facet neighbour mapping for main " + "region {}".format( + " cached yet, call with region and " + "eq_map first.") if in self.facet_neighbour_index: return self.facet_neighbour_index[] dim, n_cell, n_el_facets = self.get_region_info(region) cmesh = region.cmesh cells = region.cells facet_neighbours = nm.zeros((n_cell, n_el_facets, 2), dtype=nm.int32) c2fi, c2fo = cmesh.get_incident(dim - 1, cells, dim, ret_offsets=True) for ic, o1 in enumerate(c2fo[:-1]): # loop over cells o2 = c2fo[ic + 1] # get neighbours per facet of the cell c2ci, c2co = cmesh.get_incident(dim, c2fi[o1:o2], dim - 1, ret_offsets=True) ii = cmesh.get_local_ids(c2fi[o1:o2], dim - 1, c2ci, c2co, dim) fis = nm.c_[c2ci, ii] nbrs = [] for ifa, of1 in enumerate(c2co[:-1]): # loop over facets of2 = c2co[ifa + 1] if of2 == (of1 + 1): # facet has only one cell # Surface facet. nbrs.append([-1, -1]) # c2ci[of1]) # append no neighbours else: if c2ci[of1] == cells[ic]: # do not append the cell itself nbrs.append(fis[of2 - 1]) else: nbrs.append(fis[of1]) facet_neighbours[ic, :, :] = nbrs facet_neighbours = \ self._set_fem_periodic_facet_neighbours(facet_neighbours, eq_map) facet_neighbours = \ self._set_dg_periodic_facet_neighbours(facet_neighbours, eq_map) # cache results self.facet_neighbour_index[] = facet_neighbours return facet_neighbours
def _set_dg_periodic_facet_neighbours(self, facet_neighbours, eq_map): """ Parameters ---------- facet_neighbours : array_like Shape is (n_cell, n_el_facet, 2), first value is index of the neighbouring cell the second is index of the facet in said nb. cell. eq_map : must contain dg_ep_bc a List with pairs of slave and master boundary cell boundary facet mapping Returns ------- facet_neighbours : ndarray Updated incidence array. """ # if eq_map. # treat DG EPBC - these are definitely preferred if eq_map.n_dg_epbc > 0 and not in ["1_2", "2_4", "3_6"]: raise ValueError( "Periodic boundary conditions not supported " + "for geometry {} elements.".format( dg_epbc = eq_map.dg_epbc for master_bc2bfi, slave_bc2bfi in dg_epbc: # set neighbours of periodic cells to one another facet_neighbours[master_bc2bfi[:, 0], master_bc2bfi[:, 1], 0] = \ slave_bc2bfi[:, 0] facet_neighbours[slave_bc2bfi[:, 0], slave_bc2bfi[:, 1], 0] = \ master_bc2bfi[:, 0] # set neighbours facets facet_neighbours[slave_bc2bfi[:, 0], slave_bc2bfi[:, 1], 1] = \ master_bc2bfi[:, 1] facet_neighbours[master_bc2bfi[:, 0], master_bc2bfi[:, 1], 1] =\ slave_bc2bfi[:, 1] return facet_neighbours def _set_fem_periodic_facet_neighbours(self, facet_neighbours, eq_map): """Maybe remove after DG EPBC revision in self.get_coor Parameters ---------- facet_neighbours : array_like Shape is (n_cell, n_el_facet, 2), first value is index of the neighbouring cell the second is index of the facet in said nb. cell. eq_map : eq_map from state variable containing information on EPBC and DG EPBC. Returns ------- facet_neighbours : ndarray Updated incidence array. """ # treat classical FEM EPBCs - we need to correct neighbours if eq_map.n_epbc > 0: # set neighbours of periodic cells to one another mcells = nm.unique(self.dofs2cells[eq_map.master]) scells = nm.unique(self.dofs2cells[eq_map.slave]) mcells_facets = nm.array( nm.where(facet_neighbours[mcells] == -1))[1, 0] # facets mcells scells_facets = nm.array( nm.where(facet_neighbours[scells] == -1))[1, 0] # facets scells # [1, 0] above, first we need second axis to get axis on which # facet indices are stored, second we drop axis with neighbour # local facet index, # # for multiple s/mcells this will have to be # something like 1 + 2*nm.arange(len(mcells)) - to skip double # entries for -1 tags in neighbours and neighbour local facet idx # set neighbours of mcells to scells facet_neighbours[mcells, mcells_facets, 0] = scells # set neighbour facets to facets of scell missing neighbour facet_neighbours[ mcells, mcells_facets, 1] = scells_facets # we do not need to distinguish EBC and EPBC cells, EBC overwrite # EPBC, we only need to fix shapes # set neighbours of scells to mcells facet_neighbours[scells, scells_facets, 0] = mcells # set neighbour facets to facets of mcell missing neighbour0 facet_neighbours[ scells, scells_facets, 1] = mcells_facets return facet_neighbours
[docs] @staticmethod def get_region_info(region): """ Extracts information about region needed in various methods of DGField Parameters ---------- region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region Returns ------- dim, n_cell, n_el_facets """ if not region.has_cells(): raise ValueError("Region {} has no cells".format( n_cell = region.get_n_cells() dim = region.tdim gel = get_gel(region) n_el_facets = dim + 1 if gel.is_simplex else 2 ** dim return dim, n_cell, n_el_facets
[docs] def get_both_facet_state_vals(self, state, region, derivative=None, reduce_nod=True): """Computes values of the variable represented by dofs in quadrature points located at facets, returns both values - inner and outer, along with weights. Parameters ---------- state : state variable containing BC info region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region derivative : compute derivative if truthy, compute n-th derivative if a number (Default value = None) reduce_nod : if False DOES NOT sum nodes into values at QPs (Default value = True) Returns ------- inner_facet_values (n_cell, n_el_facets, n_qp), outer facet values (n_cell, n_el_facets, n_qp), weights, if derivative is True: inner_facet_values (n_cell, n_el_facets, dim, n_qp), outer_facet values (n_cell, n_el_facets, dim, n_qp) """ if derivative: diff = int(derivative) else: diff = 0 unreduce_nod = int(not reduce_nod) inner_base_vals, outer_base_vals, whs = \ self.get_both_facet_base_vals(state, region, derivative=derivative) dofs = self.unravel_sol([0]) n_qp = whs.shape[-1] outputs_shape = (self.n_cell, self.n_el_facets) + \ (self.n_el_nod,) * unreduce_nod + \ (self.dim,) * diff + \ (n_qp,) inner_facet_vals = nm.zeros(outputs_shape) if unreduce_nod: inner_facet_vals[:] = nm.einsum('id...,idf...->ifd...', dofs, inner_base_vals) else: inner_facet_vals[:] = nm.einsum('id...,id...->i...', dofs, inner_base_vals) per_facet_neighbours = self.get_facet_neighbor_idx(region, state.eq_map) outer_facet_vals = nm.zeros(outputs_shape) for facet_n in range(self.n_el_facets): if unreduce_nod: outer_facet_vals[:, facet_n, :] = \ nm.einsum('id...,id...->id...', dofs[per_facet_neighbours[:, facet_n, 0]], outer_base_vals[:, :, facet_n]) else: outer_facet_vals[:, facet_n, :] = \ nm.einsum('id...,id...->i...', dofs[per_facet_neighbours[:, facet_n, 0]], outer_base_vals[:, :, facet_n]) boundary_cells = nm.array(nm.where(per_facet_neighbours[:, :, 0] < 0)).T outer_facet_vals[boundary_cells[:, 0], boundary_cells[:, 1]] = 0.0 # TODO detect and print boundary cells without defined BCs? for ebc, ebc_vals in zip(state.eq_map.dg_ebc.get(diff, []), state.eq_map.dg_ebc_val.get(diff, [])): if unreduce_nod: raise NotImplementedError( "Unreduced DOFs are not available for boundary " + "outerfacets") outer_facet_vals[ebc[:, 0], ebc[:, 1], :] = \ nm.einsum("id,id...->id...", ebc_vals, inner_base_vals[0, :, ebc[:, 1]]) else: # fix flipping qp order to accomodate for # opposite facet orientation of neighbours outer_facet_vals[ebc[:, 0], ebc[:, 1], :] = ebc_vals[:, ::-1] # flip outer_facet_vals moved to get_both_facet_base_vals return inner_facet_vals, outer_facet_vals, whs
[docs] def get_both_facet_base_vals(self, state, region, derivative=None): """Returns values of the basis function in quadrature points on facets broadcasted to all cells inner to the element as well as outer ones along with weights for the qps broadcasted and transformed to elements. Contains quick fix to flip facet QPs for right integration order. Parameters ---------- state : used to get EPBC info region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region for connectivity derivative : if u need derivative (Default value = None) Returns ------- outer_facet_base_vals: inner_facet_base_vals: shape (n_cell, n_el_nod, n_el_facet, n_qp) or (n_cell, n_el_nod, n_el_facet, dim, n_qp) when derivative is True or 1 whs: shape (n_cell, n_el_facet, n_qp) """ if derivative: diff = int(derivative) else: diff = 0 facet_bf, whs = self.get_facet_base(derivative=derivative) n_qp = nm.shape(whs)[1] facet_vols = self.get_facet_vols(region) whs = facet_vols * whs[None, :, :, 0] base_shape = (self.n_cell, self.n_el_nod, self.n_el_facets) + \ (self.dim,) * diff + \ (n_qp,) inner_facet_base_vals = nm.zeros(base_shape) outer_facet_base_vals = nm.zeros(base_shape) if derivative: inner_facet_base_vals[:] = facet_bf[0, :, 0, :, :, :]\ .swapaxes(-2, -3).T else: inner_facet_base_vals[:] = facet_bf[:, 0, :, 0, :].T per_facet_neighbours = self.get_facet_neighbor_idx(region, state.eq_map) # numpy prepends shape resulting from multiple # indexing before remaining shape if derivative: outer_facet_base_vals[:] = \ inner_facet_base_vals[0, :, per_facet_neighbours[:, :, 1]]\ .swapaxes(-3, -4) else: outer_facet_base_vals[:] = \ inner_facet_base_vals[0, :, per_facet_neighbours[:, :, 1]]\ .swapaxes(-2, -3) # fix to flip facet QPs for right integration order return inner_facet_base_vals, outer_facet_base_vals[..., ::-1], whs
[docs] def clear_normals_cache(self, region=None): """Clears normals cache for given region or all regions. Parameters ---------- region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region region to clear cache or None to clear all """ if region is None: self.normals_cache = {} else: if isinstance(region, str): self.normals_cache.pop(region) else: self.normals_cache.pop(
[docs] def get_cell_normals_per_facet(self, region): """Caches results, use clear_normals_cache to clear the cache. Parameters ---------- region: sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region Main region, must contain cells. Returns ------- normals: ndarray normals of facets in array of shape (n_cell, n_el_facets, dim) """ if in self.normals_cache: return self.normals_cache[] dim, n_cell, n_el_facets = self.get_region_info(region) cmesh = region.cmesh normals = cmesh.get_facet_normals() normals_out = nm.zeros((n_cell, n_el_facets, dim)) c2f = cmesh.get_conn(dim, dim - 1) for ic, o1 in enumerate(c2f.offsets[:-1]): o2 = c2f.offsets[ic + 1] for ifal, ifa in enumerate(c2f.indices[o1:o2]): normals_out[ic, ifal] = normals[o1 + ifal] self.normals_cache[] = normals_out return normals_out
[docs] def clear_facet_vols_cache(self, region=None): """Clears facet volume cache for given region or all regions. Parameters ---------- region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region region to clear cache or None to clear all """ if region is None: self.facet_vols_cache = {} else: if isinstance(region, str): self.facet_vols_cache.pop(region) else: self.facet_vols_cache.pop(
[docs] def get_facet_vols(self, region): """Caches results, use clear_facet_vols_cache to clear the cache Parameters ---------- region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region Returns ------- vols_out: ndarray volumes of the facets by cells shape (n_cell, n_el_facets, 1) """ if in self.facet_vols_cache: return self.facet_vols_cache[] dim, n_cell, n_el_facets = self.get_region_info(region) cmesh = region.cmesh if dim == 1: vols = nm.ones((cmesh.num[0], 1)) else: vols = cmesh.get_volumes(dim - 1)[:, None] vols_out = nm.zeros((n_cell, n_el_facets, 1)) c2f = cmesh.get_conn(dim, dim - 1) for ic, o1 in enumerate(c2f.offsets[:-1]): o2 = c2f.offsets[ic + 1] for ifal, ifa in enumerate(c2f.indices[o1:o2]): vols_out[ic, ifal] = vols[ifa] self.facet_vols_cache[] = vols_out return vols_out
[docs] def get_data_shape(self, integral, integration='cell', region_name=None): """Returns data shape (n_nod, n_qp, self.gel.dim, self.n_el_nod) Parameters ---------- integral : integral used integration : 'volume' is only supported value (Default value = 'volume') region_name : not used (Default value = None) Returns ------- data_shape : tuple """ if integration in ('cell',): # from FEField.get_data_shape() _, weights = integral.get_qp( n_qp = weights.shape[0] data_shape = (self.n_cell, n_qp, self.gel.dim, self.n_el_nod) # econn.shape[1] == n_el_nod i.e. number nod in element else: raise NotImplementedError('unsupported integration! (%s)' % integration) return data_shape
[docs] def get_econn(self, conn_type, region, trace_region=None): """Getter for econn Parameters ---------- conn_type : tuple or string ('cell', dim) or 'cell' is only supported region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region trace_region : ignored (Default value = None) Returns ------- econn : ndarray connectivity information """ ct = conn_type[0] if isinstance(conn_type, tuple) else conn_type if ct == 'cell': if == conn = self.econn else: raise ValueError("Bad region for the field") else: raise ValueError('unknown connectivity type! (%s)' % ct) return conn
[docs] def setup_extra_data(self, info): """This is called in create_adof_conns(conn_info, var_indx=None, active_only=True, verbose=True) for each variable but has no effect. Parameters ---------- info : set to """ # placeholder, what is this used for? # dct = info.dc_type.type = info
[docs] def get_dofs_in_region(self, region, merge=True): """Return indices of DOFs that belong to the given region. Not Used in BC treatment Parameters ---------- region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region merge : bool merge dof tuple into one numpy array, default True Returns ------- dofs : ndarray """ dofs = [] if region.has_cells(): # main region or its part els = nm.ravel(self.bubble_remap[region.cells]) eldofs = self.bubble_dofs[els[els >= 0]] dofs.append(eldofs) else: # return indices of cells adjacent to boundary facets dim = self.dim cmesh = region.cmesh bc_cells = cmesh.get_incident(dim, region.facets, dim - 1) bc_dofs = self.bubble_dofs[bc_cells] dofs.append(bc_dofs) if merge: dofs = nm.concatenate(dofs) return dofs
[docs] def get_bc_facet_idx(self, region): """Caches results in self.boundary_facet_local_idx Parameters ---------- region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region surface region defining BCs Returns ------- bc2bfi : ndarray index of cells on boundary along with corresponding facets """ if in self.boundary_facet_local_idx: return self.boundary_facet_local_idx[] bc2bfi = region.get_facet_indices() self.boundary_facet_local_idx[] = bc2bfi return bc2bfi
[docs] def create_mapping(self, region, integral, integration, return_mapping=True): """Creates and returns mapping Parameters ---------- region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region integral : Integral integration : str 'volume' is only accepted option return_mapping : default True (Default value = True) Returns ------- mapping : FEMapping """ domain = self.domain coors = domain.get_mesh_coors(actual=True) dconn = domain.get_conn() # from FEField if region.kind == 'cell': qp = self.get_qp('v', integral) # qp = self.integral.get_qp( iels = region.get_cells() geo_ps = self.gel.poly_space ps = self.poly_space bf = self.get_base('v', 0, integral, iels=iels) conn = nm.take(dconn, iels.astype(nm.int32), axis=0) mapping = FEMapping(coors, conn, poly_space=geo_ps) out = mapping.get_mapping(qp.vals, qp.weights, bf, poly_space=ps, ori=self.ori, transform=self.basis_transform) else: raise ValueError('unsupported integration geometry type: %s' % region.kind) if out is not None: # Store the integral used. out.integral = integral out.qp = qp = ps if return_mapping: out = (out, mapping) return out
[docs] def set_dofs(self, fun=0.0, region=None, dpn=None, warn=None): """Compute projection of fun into the basis, alternatively set DOFs directly to provided value or values either in main volume region or in boundary region. Parameters ---------- fun : callable, scalar or array corresponding to dofs (Default value = 0.0) region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region region to set DOFs on (Default value = None) dpn : number of dofs per element (Default value = None) warn : (Default value = None) Returns ------- nods : ndarray vals : ndarray """ if region is None: region = self.region return self.set_cell_dofs(fun, region, dpn, warn) elif region.has_cells(): return self.set_cell_dofs(fun, region, dpn, warn) elif region.kind_tdim == self.dim - 1: nods, vals = self.set_facet_dofs(fun, region, dpn, warn) return nods, vals
[docs] def set_cell_dofs(self, fun=0.0, region=None, dpn=None, warn=None): """ Compute projection of fun onto the basis, in main region, alternatively set DOFs directly to provided value or values Parameters ---------- fun : callable, scallar or array corresponding to dofs (Default value = 0.0) region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region region to set DOFs on (Default value = None) dpn : number of dofs per element (Default value = None) warn : not used (Default value = None) Returns ------- nods : ndarray vals : ndarray """ aux = self.get_dofs_in_region(region) nods = nm.unique(nm.hstack(aux)) if nm.isscalar(fun): vals = nm.zeros(aux.shape) vals[:, 0] = fun vals = nm.hstack(vals) elif isinstance(fun, nm.ndarray): # useful for testing, allows to pass complete array of dofs as IC if nm.shape(fun) == nm.shape(nods): vals = fun elif callable(fun): qp, weights = self.integral.get_qp( coors = self.mapping.get_physical_qps(qp) base_vals_qp = self.poly_space.eval_base(qp)[:, 0, :] # this drops redundant axis that is returned by eval_base due to # consistency with derivatives # left hand, so far only orthogonal basis # for legendre base this can be calculated exactly # in 1D it is: 1 / (2 * nm.arange(self.n_el_nod) + 1) lhs_diag = nm.einsum("q,q...->...", weights, base_vals_qp ** 2) rhs_vec = nm.einsum("q,q...,iq...->i...", weights, base_vals_qp, fun(coors)) vals = (rhs_vec / lhs_diag) # plot for 1D # from utils.visualizer import plot1D_legendre_dofs, reconstruct # _legendre_dofs # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plot1D_legendre_dofs(self.domain.mesh.coors, (vals,), fun) # ww, xx = reconstruct_legendre_dofs(self.domain.mesh.coors, 1, # vals.T[..., None, None]) # plt.plot(xx, ww[:, 0], label="reconstructed dofs") # return nods, vals
[docs] def set_facet_dofs(self, fun, region, dpn, warn): """Compute projection of fun onto the basis on facets, alternatively set DOFs directly to provided value or values Parameters ---------- fun : callable, scalar or array corresponding to dofs region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region region to set DOFs on dpn : int number of dofs per element warn : not used Returns ------- nods : ndarray vals : ndarray """ raise NotImplementedError( "Setting facet DOFs is not supported with DGField, " + "use values at qp directly. " + "This is usually result of using ebc instead of dgebc") aux = self.get_dofs_in_region(region) nods = nm.unique(nm.hstack(aux)) if nm.isscalar(fun): vals = nm.zeros(aux.shape) vals[:, 0] = fun vals = nm.hstack(vals) elif isinstance(fun, nm.ndarray): assert_(len(fun) == dpn) vals = nm.zeros(aux.shape) vals[:, 0] = nm.repeat(fun, vals.shape[0]) elif callable(fun): vals = nm.zeros(aux.shape) # set zero DOF to value fun, set other DOFs to zero # get facets QPs qp, weights = self.get_facet_qp() weights = weights[0, :, 0] qp = qp[:, 0, :, :] # get facets weights ? # get coors bc2bfi = self.get_bc_facet_idx(region) coors = self.mapping.get_physical_qps(qp) # get_physical_qps returns data in strange format, swapping # some axis and flipping qps order bcoors = coors[bc2bfi[:, 1], ::-1, bc2bfi[:, 0], :] # get facet basis vals base_vals_qp = self.poly_space.eval_base(qp)[:, 0, 0, :] # solve for boundary cell DOFs bc_val = fun(bcoors) # this returns singular matrix - projection on the boundary should # be into facet dim space #lhs = nm.einsum("q,qd,qc->dc", weights, base_vals_qp, base_vals_qp) # inv_lhs = nm.linalg.inv(lhs) # rhs_vec = nm.einsum("q,q...,iq...->i...", # weights, base_vals_qp, bc_val) return nods, vals
[docs] def get_bc_facet_values(self, fun, region, ret_coors=False, diff=0): """Returns values of fun in facet QPs of the region Parameters ---------- diff: derivative 0 or 1 supported fun: Function value or values to set qps values to region : sfepy.discrete.common.region.Region boundary region ret_coors: default False, Return physical coors of qps in shape (n_cell, n_qp, dim). Returns ------- vals : ndarray In shape (n_cell,) + (self.dim,) * diff + (n_qp,) """ if region.has_cells(): raise NotImplementedError( "Region {} has cells and can't be used as boundary region". format(region)) # get facets QPs qp, weights = self.get_facet_qp() weights = weights[0, :, 0] qp = qp[:, 0, :, :] n_qp = qp.shape[0] # get facets weights ? # get physical coors bc2bfi = self.get_bc_facet_idx(region) n_cell = bc2bfi.shape[0] coors = self.mapping.get_physical_qps(qp) # get_physical_qps returns data in strange format, # swapping some axis and flipping qps order # to get coors in shape (n_facet, n_qp, n_cell, dim) if len(coors.shape) == 3: coors = coors[:, None, :, :] # add axis for qps when it is missing coors = coors.swapaxes(0, 2) bcoors = coors[bc2bfi[:, 1], ::-1, bc2bfi[:, 0], :] diff_shape = (self.dim,) * diff output_shape = (n_cell,) + diff_shape + (n_qp,) vals = nm.zeros(output_shape) # we do not need last axis of coors, values are scalars if nm.isscalar(fun): if sum(diff_shape) > 1: output(("Warning: Setting gradient of shape {} " "in region {} with scalar value {}") .format(diff_shape,, fun)) vals[:] = fun elif isinstance(fun, nm.ndarray): try: vals[:] = fun[:, None] except ValueError: raise ValueError(("Provided values of shape {} could not" + " be used to set BC qps of shape {} in " + "region {}") .format(fun.shape, vals.shape, elif callable(fun): # get boundary values vals[:] = fun(bcoors) if ret_coors: return bcoors, vals return vals
[docs] def get_nodal_values(self, dofs, region, ref_nodes=None): """Computes nodal representation of the DOFs Parameters --------- dofs : array_like dofs to transform to nodes region : ignored ref_nodes: reference node to use instead of default qps Parameters ---------- dofs : array_like region : Region ref_nodes : array_like (Default value = None) Returns ------- nodes : ndarray nodal_vals : ndarray """ if ref_nodes is None: # poly_space could provide special nodes ref_nodes = self.get_qp('v', self.integral).vals base_vals_node = self.poly_space.eval_base(ref_nodes)[:, 0, :] dofs = self.unravel_sol(dofs[:, 0]) nodal_vals = nm.sum(dofs * base_vals_node.T, axis=1) nodes = self.mapping.get_physical_qps(ref_nodes) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.plot(nodes[:, 0], nodal_vals) # return nodes, nodal_vals
[docs] def create_output(self, dofs, var_name, dof_names=None, key=None, extend=True, fill_value=None, linearization=None): """Converts the DOFs corresponding to the field to a dictionary of output data usable by Mesh.write(). For 1D puts DOFs into vairables u_modal{0} ... u_modal{n}, where n = approx_order and marks them for writing as cell data. For 2+D puts dofs into name_cell_nodes and creates sturct with: mode = "cell_nodes", data and iterpolation scheme. Also get node values and adds them to dictionary as cell_nodes Parameters ---------- dofs : ndarray, shape (n_nod, n_component) The array of DOFs reshaped so that each column corresponds to one component. var_name : str The variable name corresponding to `dofs`. dof_names : tuple of str The names of DOF components. (Default value = None) key : str, optional The key to be used in the output dictionary instead of the variable name. (Default value = None) extend : bool, not used Extend the DOF values to cover the whole domain. (Default value = True) fill_value : float or complex, not used The value used to fill the missing DOF values if `extend` is True. (Default value = None) linearization : Struct or None, not used The linearization configuration for higher order approximations. (Default value = None) Returns ------- out : dict """ out = {} udofs = self.unravel_sol(dofs) name = var_name if key is None else key if self.dim == 1: for i in range(self.n_el_nod): out[name + "_modal{}".format(i)] = \ Struct(mode="cell", data=udofs[:, i, None, None]) else: interpolation_scheme = self.poly_space.get_interpol_scheme() unravel = get_unraveler(self.n_el_nod, self.n_cell) out[name + "_cell_nodes"] = Struct(mode="cell_nodes", data=unravel(dofs)[..., 0], scheme=interpolation_scheme) return out