Source code for gen_gallery

#!/usr/bin/env python
Generate the images and rst files for gallery of SfePy examples.

The following steps need to be made to regenerate the documentation with the
updated example files:

1. remove doc/examples/*::

   $ rm -rf doc/examples/*

2. generate the files:

   $ ./tools/

3. regenerate the documentation::

   $ python htmldocs
import sys
import os
import tempfile
import glob
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from itertools import chain
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter

import numpy as nm
import matplotlib.image as image

import sfepy
from sfepy.base.base import (get_default, ordered_iteritems,
                             import_file, output, Struct)
from sfepy.base.ioutils import (ensure_path, locate_files, remove_files,
from sfepy.scripts.resview import pv_plot, get_camera_position
import pyvista as pv

omits = [

omit_images = [
    '', # Is parameterized.
    '', # Is parameterized.
    '', # Used in
    '', # Very long calculation.
    '', # Used in

omit_dirs = [

custom = {
    'acoustics/': {
        '_Gamma0': {'view_2d': True, 'max_plots': 2},
        '_Omega1': {'camera': [45, 55, 0.8]},
        '_Omega2': {'camera': [45, 55, 0.8]},
    'acoustics/': {
        '_Omega_1': {
            'camera': [75, 135, 1.4],
            'grid_vector1': [1.2, 0, 0],
        '_Omega_2': {
            'camera': [75, 135, 1],
            'grid_vector1': [1.2, 0, 0],
    'acoustics/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['imag.E:wimag.E:f10%:p0', 'mat_id:p1'],
            'force_view_3d': True,
            'grid_vector1': [1.1, 0, 0],
            'camera_position': [-9.22684,-8.37688,10.7623,
            'color_map': 'seismic',
    'diffusion/': {
        '': {'camera': [225, 55, 0.7]},
    'diffusion/': {
        '': {'camera': [225, 55, 0.7]},
    'diffusion/': {
        '': {'fields': ['phi:p0', 'phi:t50:p0']},
    'diffusion/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['t:wt:p0', 't:p0'],
            'force_view_3d': True,
            'camera_position': [0.243787,-1.51098,0.486608,
    'dg/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['p_modal0:r:wp_modal0:p0', '1:vw:p0',
                       'p_modal1:r:wp_modal1:p1', '1:vw:p1',
                       'p_modal2:r:wp_modal2:p2', '1:vw:p2'],
            'force_view_3d': True,
            'camera_position': [0.300893,-2.41044,0.408743,
            'grid_vector2': [0, 0, 55],
            'max_plots': 1,
            'color_map': 'cool',
    'diffusion/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['u1:wu1:p0', 'u1:vw:p0',
                       'u2:wu2:p1', 'u2:vw:p1'],
            'force_view_3d': True,
    'diffusion/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/diffusion/ -o output',
        'result': 'output/concentric_circles.vtk',
        'dim': 2,
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
    'diffusion/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/diffusion/ output',
        'result': 'output/hanging.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': ['u:wu', '1:vw'],
                'camera_position': [-1.27046,-1.02066,2.28476,
    'diffusion/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/diffusion/',
        'result': 'laplace_shifted_periodic.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': ['u:wu:f0.5', '1:vw'],
                'camera_position': [-1.42703,0.70237,1.33953,
    'diffusion/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['t:wt:p0', 't:vw:o0.4:p0'],
            'force_view_3d': True,
            'camera': [30, 60, 1.],
    'diffusion/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/diffusion/ output-parallel -2 --shape=101,101',
        'result': 'output-parallel/sol.h5',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': ['u:wu', '1:vw'],
                'camera_position': [-1.00607,-1.49437,0.843106,
    'diffusion/': {
        'command': 'sfepy-run sfepy/examples/diffusion/',
        'result': 'output/r_omega1/circles_in_square_0_1_2_3_4_5_6.vtk',
        'dim': 2,
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
    'diffusion/': {
        '_t': {
            'fields': ['t:wt:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
            'force_view_3d': True,
            'camera': [0, -45, 1.],
        '_grad': {
            'fields': ['grad:g:f0.01:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
            'force_view_3d': True,
            'camera': [0, -45, 1.5],
    'diffusion/': {
        '': {
            'isosurfaces': 10,
            'outline': True,
            'camera': [-50, -230, 1],
    'diffusion/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/diffusion/ -p',
        'image': 'time_poisson_interactive_probe_04.png',
        'result': 'domain.10.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
    'homogenization/': {
        'command': 'sfepy-run sfepy/examples/homogenization/',
        'result': 'output/corrs_le.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'max_plots': 3,
                'camera_position': [-8.57147,2.10122,2.76537,
                'show_labels': False,
                'show_scalar_bars': False,
    'homogenization/': {
        'command': 'sfepy-run sfepy/examples/homogenization/',
        'result': 'output/corrs_3d_2ch.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '_etaA_YM': {
                'camera_position': [-1.69531,-0.966016,2.3648,
            '_etaB_YM': {
                'camera_position': [-1.69531,-0.966016,2.3648,
            # '_gamma_A_1_YA': {
            #     'camera_position': [-0.96887,-2.21765,1.25047,
            #                         1,0.4,0.5,
            #                         0.107002,0.198813,0.974179],
            #     'grid_vector1': [1.2,0,0],
            # },
            # '_gamma_A_2_YA': {
            #     'camera_position': [-0.96887,-2.21765,1.25047,
            #                         1,0.4,0.5,
            #                         0.107002,0.198813,0.974179],
            #     'grid_vector1': [1.2,0,0],
            # },
            # '_gamma_A_3_YA': {
            #     'camera_position': [-0.96887,-2.21765,1.25047,
            #                         1,0.4,0.5,
            #                         0.107002,0.198813,0.974179],
            #     'grid_vector1': [1.2,0,0],
            # },
            # '_gamma_B_1_YB': {
            #     'camera_position': [-0.96887,-2.21765,1.25047,
            #                         1,0.4,0.5,
            #                         0.107002,0.198813,0.974179],
            #     'grid_vector1': [1.2,0,0],
            # },
            # '_gamma_B_2_YB': {
            #     'camera_position': [-0.96887,-2.21765,1.25047,
            #                         1,0.4,0.5,
            #                         0.107002,0.198813,0.974179],
            #     'grid_vector1': [1.2,0,0],
            # },
            # '_gamma_B_3_YB': {
            #     'camera_position': [-0.96887,-2.21765,1.25047,
            #                         1,0.4,0.5,
            #                         0.107002,0.198813,0.974179],
            #     'grid_vector1': [1.2,0,0],
            # },
            # '_gamma_m_YM': {
            #     'camera_position': [-1.69531,-0.966016,2.3648,
            #                         0.480252,0.486045,0.46669,
            #                         0.51024,0.292658,0.808707],
            # },
            '_gamma_p_YM': {
                'camera_position': [-1.69531,-0.966016,2.3648,
            # '_oneA_YM': {
            #     'camera_position': [-1.69531,-0.966016,2.3648,
            #                         0.480252,0.486045,0.46669,
            #                         0.51024,0.292658,0.808707],
            # },
            # '_oneB_YM': {
            #     'camera_position': [-1.69531,-0.966016,2.3648,
            #                         0.480252,0.486045,0.46669,
            #                         0.51024,0.292658,0.808707],
            # },
            # '_piA_YA': {
            #     'max_plots': 2,
            #     'camera_position': [-2.02509,0.148141,3.9141,
            #                         0.913524,1.35355,0.462869,
            #                         0.714983,0.186315,0.673859],
            #     'grid_vector1': [1.2,0,0],
            # },
            # '_piB_YB': {
            #     'max_plots': 2,
            #     'camera_position': [-2.02509,0.148141,3.9141,
            #                         0.913524,1.35355,0.462869,
            #                         0.714983,0.186315,0.673859],
            #     'grid_vector1': [1.2,0,0],
            # },
    'homogenization/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/homogenization/ -n',
        'result': 'corrs_elastic.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'max_plots': 2,
                'camera_position': [1.16983,0.660181,7.63496,
    'large_deformation/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/large_deformation/ -n',
        'image': 'pressure_displacement.png',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
    'large_deformation/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/large_deformation/ -pn',
        'image': 'gen_yeoh_tl_up_comparison.png',
        'result': 'domain.10.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': ['stress:wu:f1:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
                'camera_position': [-1.89068,-2.47529,0.674151,
    'large_deformation/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/large_deformation/ -pn',
        'image': 'hyperelastic_tl_up_comparison.png',
        'result': 'domain.10.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': ['stress:wu:f1:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
                'camera_position': [-4.04955,-6.37091,3.78116,
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        'command_0': 'python3 sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/ meshes/2d/special/circle_in_square.mesh --log-std-waves --eigs-only --no-show',
        'command_1': 'python3 sfepy/scripts/ output/frequencies.txt -o output/frequencies.png -n',
        'image': 'output/frequencies.png',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['u:wu:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
            'camera': [225, 55, 0.7],
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['u:wu:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
            'camera': [225, 55, 0.7],
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {'fields': ['von_mises_stress:r:wu:p0', '1:vw:p0']},
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['u:wu:f1e3:p0', '1:vw:p0',
                       'cauchy_strain:p1', 'cauchy_stress:p2'],
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        'command_0': 'python3 sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/ --output-dir=output/edi',
        'image_0': 'output/edi/res00004.png',
        'command_1': 'python3 sfepy/scripts/ output/edi/pars.txt -o output/edi/pars.png -n',
        'image_1': 'output/edi/pars.png',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        'command_0': 'sfepy-run sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/',
        'command_1': 'sfepy-probe sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/ its2D.h5',
        'image_0': 'its2D_0.png',
        'image_1': 'its2D_1.png',
        'result': 'its2D.h5',
        'dim': 2,
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        'command': 'sfepy-run sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/',
        'image_0': 'its2D_probe_line0.png',
        'image_1': 'its2D_probe_line1.png',
        'result': 'its2D.vtk',
        'dim': 2,
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/ -p',
        'image_0': 'its2D_interactive_probe_0.png',
        'image_1': 'its2D_interactive_probe_1.png',
        'result': 'its2D_interactive.vtk',
        'dim': 2,
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['u:wu:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
            'camera': [-45, 55, 1],
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/',
        'result': 'linear_elasticity.vtk',
        'dim': 2,
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': ['u:wu:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        'command': 'sfepy-run sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/',
        'image_0': 'cylinder_probe_line.png',
        'image_1': 'cylinder_probe_circle.png',
        'image_2': 'cylinder_probe_ray.png',
        'result': 'cylinder.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': ['cauchy_stress:wu:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
                'camera_position': [-0.0496419,-0.132205,0.0339214,
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {'camera': [225, 75, 0.88]}
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/  -s 31,31 -n 3',
        'result': 'eigenshapes.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': ['strain000:wu000:f10%:p0', '1:vw:p0',
                           'strain001:wu001:f10%:p1', '1:vw:p1',
                           'strain002:wu002:f10%:p2', '1:vw:p2'],
                'camera_position': [1.1,-0.1,5.41561,
                'grid_vector1': [1.2,0,0],
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['u003:wu003:f30%:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
            'camera_position': [-2.30562,-2.2604,-0.325838,
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['u:wu:e'],
            'force_view_3d': True,
            'camera_position': [0.175,0.125,0.735014,
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['u:wu:f1:p0', '1:vw:p0', 'u:gu:p0'],
            'force_view_3d': True,
            'camera_position': [0.0565,0.0434999,19.8951,
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['cauchy_stress:wu:f10:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['u_disp:wu_disp:p0', '1:vw:p0',
                       'u_rot:p1', '1:vw:p1'],
            'camera': [-45, 75, 1],
            'grid_vector1': [1, 0, 0],
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/ -t bend --plot --no-show output',
        'image': 'output/shell10x_cantilever_convergence_bent.png',
        'result': 'output/shell10x_cantilever.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': ['u_disp:wu_disp:p0', '1:vw:p0',
                           'u_rot:p1', '1:vw:p1'],
                'camera': [-45, 75, 1],
                'grid_vector1': [1, 0, 0],
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {
            'view_2d': True,
            'fields': ['u:wu:p0', '1:vw:p0', 'S:e:p1'],
            'grid_vector1': [0, 2, 0],
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '_Solid': {
            'fields': ['u_solid:wu_solid:f1e3:p0'],
            'camera_position': [-5.912, -6.64883, 1.80888,
                                5.05199, 2.28013, -1.49468,
                                0, 0, 1],
        '_Struct': {
            'fields': ['u_struct:wu_struct:f1e3:p0'],
            'camera_position': [-5.912, -6.64883, 1.80888,
                                5.05199, 2.28013, -1.49468,
                                0, 0, 1],
    'linear_elasticity/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['u:wu:f1:p0', '1:vw:wu:f1:p0'],
            'camera_position': [-1.39408,-2.02778,0.937677,

    'linear_elasticity/': {
        'command': 'sfepy-run sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/',
        'result': 'beam_w14.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': ['u:wu:e:o0.5'],
                'camera_position': [0.927482,-0.574865,0.307926,
    'miscellaneous/': {
        'command_0': 'python3 sfepy/examples/miscellaneous/ -o output',
        'command_1': 'python3 sfepy/scripts/ output/live_plot.txt -o output/live_plot.png -n',
        'image_1': 'output/live_plot.png',
        'command_2': 'python3 sfepy/scripts/ output/live_plot2.txt -o output/live_plot2.png -n',
        'image_2': 'output/live_plot2.png',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
    'miscellaneous/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/miscellaneous/ --max-order=5 --max-refine=2 --fig-suffix=.png --no-show',
        'image': 'output/h-refinement-0-laplace-lagrange-primme-none-a.png',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
    'multi_physics/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/multi_physics/ output-parallel',
        'result': 'output-parallel/sol.h5',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': ['u:t1000:p0', '1:vw:o0.1:p0', 'p:p1'],
                'camera_position': [-0.740809,-2.67483,2.43604,
                'grid_vector1': [1.2, 0, 0]
    'multi_physics/': {
        '': {'fields': ['u:g:p0', 'cauchy_strain:p1',
                        'elastic_stress:p2', 'piezo_stress:p3'],
             'grid_vector1': [1.2, 0, 0],
             'max_plots': 4},
    'multi_physics/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['p:wu:f2000:p0', '1:vw:wu:f2000:p0'],
            'camera_position': [-0.0125588,-0.00559266,0.0117482,
            'color_map': 'inferno',
    'multi_physics/': {
        'command': 'python3 sfepy/examples/multi_physics/',
        'result': 'sfepy/examples/multi_physics/output/circle_in_square.vtk',
        'dim': 2,
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '.el': {
            '.10': {
    'multi_physics/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['T:wu:f1e3:p0', '1:vw:p0'],
            'camera': [-45, 75, 1],
    'multi_physics/': {
        '': {'camera': [225, 75, 0.9]}
    'navier_stokes/': {
        '': {
            'fields': ['u:g:f.25:p0', 'u:o.4:p0', 'p:p1'],
            'camera': [-45, 55, 1],
            'grid_vector1': [0, 1.2, 0]
    'phononic/': {
        'command': 'sfepy-run sfepy/examples/phononic/ --phonon-band-gaps --phonon-plot -O plot_options={show=False,legend=True},fig_suffix=\'.png\'',
        'image': 'sfepy/examples/phononic/output/band_gaps/band_gaps.png',
        'result': 'sfepy/examples/phononic/output/band_gaps/evp.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'camera_position': [1.8,-1.2,7.28269,
                'grid_vector1': [1.2, 0, 0],
                'grid_vector2': [0, -1.2, 0],
                'max_plots': 4,
                'show_labels': False,
                'show_scalar_bars': False,
    'phononic/': {
        'command': 'sfepy-run sfepy/examples/phononic/ --phonon-band-gaps --phonon-plot -O plot_options={show=False,legend=True},fig_suffix=\'_rigid.png\'',
        'image': 'sfepy/examples/phononic/output/band_gaps_rigid/band_gaps_rigid.png',
        'result': 'sfepy/examples/phononic/output/band_gaps_rigid/evp.vtk',
        'sfepy-view-options': {
            '': {
                'fields': list(chain(
                    *[[f'u{ii:03d}:vs:o.4:p{ii}', f'u{ii:03d}:g:p{ii}']
                      for ii in range(12)]
                'camera_position': [1.8,-1.2,7.28269,
                'grid_vector1': [1.2, 0, 0],
                'grid_vector2': [0, -1.2, 0],
                'max_plots': 4,
                'show_labels': False,
                'show_scalar_bars': False,
    'quantum/': {
        '': {'fields': ['Psi000:p0', 'Psi001:p1', 'Psi002:p2', 'Psi003:p3'],
             'grid_vector1': [1.2, 0, 0],
             'max_plots': 4},
    'quantum/': {
        '': {'fields': ['Psi000:p0', 'Psi001:p1', 'Psi002:p2', 'Psi003:p3'],
             'grid_vector1': [1.2, 0, 0],
             'max_plots': 4},
    'quantum/': {
        '': {'fields': ['Psi000:p0', 'Psi001:p1', 'Psi002:p2', 'Psi003:p3'],
             'grid_vector1': [1.2, 0, 0],
             'max_plots': 4},
    'quantum/': {
        '': {'fields': ['Psi000:p0', 'Psi001:p1', 'Psi002:p2', 'Psi003:p3'],
             'grid_vector1': [1.2, 0, 0],
             'max_plots': 4},

[docs] def resview_plot(filename, filename_out, options): pv.set_plot_theme("document") plotter = pv.Plotter(off_screen=True) plotter = pv_plot([filename], options, plotter=plotter, use_cache=False) if options.axes_visibility: plotter.add_axes(**dict(options.axes_options)) if options.view_2d: plotter.view_xy(), window_size=(800, 600)) else: if options.camera_position is not None: cpos = nm.array(options.camera_position) cpos = cpos.reshape((3, 3)) elif zoom =[2] if len( > 2 else 1. cpos = get_camera_position(plotter.bounds,[0],[1], zoom=zoom) else: cpos = None, screenshot=filename_out, window_size=(800, 600))
[docs] def run_resview_plot(*args): """ A fix for the problem that calling :func:`resview_plot()` directly often terminates the program. """ from multiprocessing import Process process = Process(target=resview_plot, args=args) process.start() process.join()
def _omit(filename, omits, omit_dirs): omit = False base = os.path.basename(filename) if base in omits: omit = True for omit_dir in omit_dirs: if omit_dir(filename) is not None: omit = True break return omit
[docs] def ebase2fbase(ebase): return os.path.splitext(ebase)[0].replace(os.path.sep, '-')
def _make_fig_name(fig_base, fig_filename): return fig_base + '-' + os.path.basename(fig_filename) def _get_image_names(custom_options): for key, val in custom_options.items(): if key.startswith('image'): yield val def _get_fig_filenames(ebase, images_dir): fig_base = ebase2fbase(ebase) if ebase in custom: custom_options = custom.get(ebase) if 'sfepy-view-options' in custom_options: custom_view_options = custom_options['sfepy-view-options'] for fig_filename in _get_image_names(custom_options): yield os.path.join(images_dir, _make_fig_name(fig_base, fig_filename)) else: custom_view_options = custom_options if custom_view_options: suffixes = sorted(custom_view_options.keys()) for suffix in suffixes: yield os.path.join(images_dir, fig_base + suffix + '.png') else: yield os.path.join(images_dir, fig_base + '.png') def _get_fig_filename(ebase, images_dir, suffix): fig_base = ebase2fbase(ebase) return os.path.join(images_dir, fig_base + suffix + '.png') def _make_sphinx_path(path, relative=False): if relative: aux = path.replace(sfepy.data_dir, '') prefix = ('..' + os.path.sep) * aux.count(os.path.sep) sphinx_path = prefix[:-1] + aux else: sphinx_path = path.replace(sfepy.data_dir, '/..') return sphinx_path def _apply_commands(custom_options, ebase, images_dir): for key, val in custom_options.items(): if key.startswith('command'): cmd = custom_options[key] if key.startswith('image'): shutil.copy(val, os.path.join(images_dir, _make_fig_name(ebase2fbase(ebase), val)))
[docs] def apply_view_options(views, default): out = {} for kview, view in views.items(): ov = default.copy() for k, v in view.items(): if k == 'fields': fv = [k.split(':') for k in v] fv = [(k[0], ':'.join(k[1:])) for k in fv] setattr(ov, k, fv) else: setattr(ov, k, v) out[kview] = ov return out
[docs] def generate_images(images_dir, examples_dir, pattern='*.py'): """ Generate images from results of running examples found in `examples_dir` directory. The generated images are stored to `images_dir`, """ from sfepy.applications import solve_pde from sfepy.solvers.ts_solvers import StationarySolver prefix = output.prefix output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() trunk = os.path.join(output_dir, 'result') options = Struct(output_filename_trunk=trunk, output_format='vtk', save_ebc=False, save_ebc_nodes=False, save_regions=False, save_regions_as_groups=False, solve_not=False) view_options = Struct(step=0, fields=[], fields_map=[], outline=False, isosurfaces=0, show_edges=False, warp=None, factor=1., opacity=1., color_map='viridis', color_limits=None, axes_options=[], axes_visibility=False, grid_vector1=None, grid_vector2=None, max_plots=3, show_labels=False, label_position=[-1, -1, 0, 0.2], scalar_bar_size=[0.15, 0.06], scalar_bar_position=[0.04, 0.92, 0, -1.5], show_scalar_bars=True, camera=[225, 75, 1], camera_position=None, view_2d=False, force_view_3d=False, show_step_time=False) ensure_path(images_dir + os.path.sep) for ex_filename in locate_files(pattern, examples_dir): if _omit(ex_filename, omits + omit_images, omit_dirs): continue output.level = 0 output.prefix = prefix ebase = ex_filename.replace(examples_dir, '')[1:] output('trying "%s"...' % ebase) _ebase = ebase.replace(os.path.sep, '/') custom_options = custom.get(_ebase) if custom_options and 'sfepy-view-options' in custom_options: try: _apply_commands(custom_options, ebase, images_dir) filename = custom_options.get('result') dim = custom_options.get('dim') custom_view_options = custom_options['sfepy-view-options'] except subprocess.CalledProcessError: filename = None output('***** failed! *****') else: custom_view_options = custom_options try: problem, state = solve_pde(ex_filename, options=options) try: tsolver = problem.get_solver() except ValueError: suffix = None else: if isinstance(tsolver, StationarySolver): suffix = None else: suffix = tsolver.ts.suffix % (tsolver.ts.n_step - 1) filename = problem.get_output_name(suffix=suffix) dim = problem.get_dim() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: filename = None output('***** failed! *****') if filename is not None: if custom_view_options is not None: views = apply_view_options(custom_view_options, view_options) else: views = {'': view_options.copy()} for suffix, kwargs in views.items(): if dim in (1, 2) and not kwargs.force_view_3d: kwargs.view_2d = True kwargs.scalar_bar_position = [0.04, 0.92, 1.7, 0] if kwargs.grid_vector1 is None: kwargs.grid_vector1 = [1.2, 0, 0] if kwargs.grid_vector2 is None: kwargs.grid_vector2 = [0, -1.2, 0] fig_filename = _get_fig_filename(ebase, images_dir, suffix) fname = edit_filename(filename, suffix=suffix) output('displaying results from "%s"' % fname) disp_name = fig_filename.replace(sfepy.data_dir, '') output('to "%s"...' % disp_name.lstrip(os.path.sep)) run_resview_plot(fname, fig_filename, kwargs) output('...done') remove_files(output_dir) output('...done')
[docs] def generate_thumbnails(thumbnails_dir, images_dir, scale=0.3): """ Generate thumbnails into `thumbnails_dir` corresponding to images in `images_dir`. """ ensure_path(thumbnails_dir + os.path.sep) output('generating thumbnails...') filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(images_dir, '*.png')) for fig_filename in filenames: ebase = fig_filename.replace(sfepy.data_dir, '').lstrip(os.path.sep) output('"%s"' % ebase) base = os.path.basename(fig_filename) thumb_filename = os.path.join(thumbnails_dir, base) image.thumbnail(fig_filename, thumb_filename, scale=scale) output('...done')
_index = """\ .. _%s-index: %s %s .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 """ _image = '.. image:: %s' _include = """\ .. _%s: %s %s **Description** %s %s :download:`source code <%s>` .. literalinclude:: %s """
[docs] def generate_rst_files(rst_dir, examples_dir, images_dir, pattern='*.py'): """ Generate Sphinx rst files for examples in `examples_dir` with images in `images_dir` and put them into `rst_dir`. Returns ------- dir_map : dict The directory mapping of examples and corresponding rst files. """ ensure_path(rst_dir + os.path.sep) output('generating rst files...') dir_map = {} for ex_filename in locate_files(pattern, examples_dir): if _omit(ex_filename, omits, omit_dirs): continue ebase = ex_filename.replace(examples_dir, '')[1:] base_dir = os.path.dirname(ebase) rst_filename = ebase2fbase(ebase) + '.rst' dir_map.setdefault(base_dir, []).append((ex_filename, rst_filename)) for dirname, filenames in dir_map.items(): filenames = sorted(filenames, key=lambda a: a[1]) dir_map[dirname] = filenames # Main index. mfd = open(os.path.join(rst_dir, 'index.rst'), 'w') mfd.write(_index % ('examples', 'Examples', '=' * 8)) for dirname, filenames in ordered_iteritems(dir_map): # Subdirectory index. ifd = open(os.path.join(rst_dir, '%s-index.rst' % dirname), 'w') ifd.write(_index % (dirname + '-examples', dirname, '=' * len(dirname))) for ex_filename, rst_filename in filenames: full_rst_filename = os.path.join(rst_dir, rst_filename) output('"%s"' % rst_filename) ebase = ex_filename.replace(examples_dir, '')[1:] rst_base = os.path.splitext(rst_filename)[0] rst_ex_filename = _make_sphinx_path(ex_filename) try: docstring = get_default(import_file(ex_filename).__doc__, 'missing description!') except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: output('***** failed! *****') docstring = 'example import failed!' ifd.write(' %s <%s>\n' % (os.path.basename(ebase), rst_base)) fig_include = '' for fig_filename in _get_fig_filenames(ebase, images_dir): rst_fig_filename = _make_sphinx_path(fig_filename) if os.path.exists(fig_filename): fig_include += _image % rst_fig_filename + '\n' else: output(' warning: figure "%s" not found' % fig_filename) # Example rst file. fd = open(full_rst_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') fd.write(_include % (rst_base, ebase, '=' * len(ebase), docstring, fig_include, rst_ex_filename, rst_ex_filename)) fd.close() ifd.close() mfd.write(' %s-index\n' % dirname) mfd.close() output('...done') return dir_map
_rst_empty_item = """\ - .. """ _rst_item = """\ %s - .. figure:: %s :target: %s :ref:`%s <%s>` """ _gallery_table = """\ .. list-table:: :align: center :class: gallery """ _gallery_head = """\ .. only:: html .. _gallery-index: Gallery ======= """ helps = { 'doc_dir': 'top level directory of gallery files', 'pattern': 'example files search pattern [default: %(default)s]', 'no_images': 'do not (re)generate images', 'no_thumbnails': 'do not (re)generate thumbnails', 'output_filename': 'output file name [default: %(default)s]', }
[docs] def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-d', '--doc-dir', metavar='doc_dir', action='store', dest='doc_dir', default='doc', help=helps['doc_dir']) parser.add_argument('-p', '--pattern', metavar='pattern', action='store', dest='pattern', default='*.py', help=helps['pattern']) parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-images', action='store_false', dest='images', default=True, help=helps['no_images']) parser.add_argument('--no-thumbnails', action='store_false', dest='thumbnails', default=True, help=helps['no_thumbnails']) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='output_filename', action='store', dest='output_filename', default='gallery.rst', help=helps['output_filename']) options = parser.parse_args() rst_dir = 'examples' doc_dir = os.path.realpath(options.doc_dir) examples_dir = os.path.realpath('sfepy/examples') full_rst_dir = os.path.join(doc_dir, rst_dir) images_dir = os.path.join(doc_dir, 'images/gallery') thumbnails_dir = os.path.join(images_dir, 'thumbnails') output_filename = os.path.join(full_rst_dir, options.output_filename) if options.images: generate_images(images_dir, examples_dir, pattern=options.pattern) if options.thumbnails: generate_thumbnails(thumbnails_dir, images_dir) dir_map = generate_rst_files(full_rst_dir, examples_dir, images_dir, pattern=options.pattern) generate_gallery(examples_dir, output_filename, doc_dir, rst_dir, thumbnails_dir, dir_map)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()