Source code for sfepy.parallel.plot_parallel_dofs

Functions to visualize the partitioning of a domain and a field DOFs.
import os

import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import ordered_iteritems
import sfepy.postprocess.plot_cmesh as pc
import sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs as pd

[docs]def mark_subdomains(ax, cmesh, cell_tasks, size=None, icolor=0, alpha=1.0, mask=False): """ Mark cells of subdomains corresponding to each task by a different color. Plots nothing in 3D. """ if size is None: size = cell_tasks.max() + 1 coors = cmesh.coors dim = cmesh.dim ax = pd._get_axes(ax, dim) if dim == 3: return ax conn = cmesh.get_conn(dim, 0) color = nm.zeros(4) color[-1] = alpha for ic, vertices in enumerate(conn.indices.reshape((conn.num, -1))): cv = coors[vertices] if dim == 2: if mask: cc = cv.mean(0) cv = cc + 0.3 * (cv - cc) if not mask or cell_tasks[ic] > 0: color[icolor] = (float(cell_tasks[ic]) + 1) / size ax.fill(*cv.T, color=color) return ax
[docs]def label_dofs(ax, coors, dofs, colors): """ Label DOFs using the given colors. """ from sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs import _get_axes dim = coors.shape[1] ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) for gdof in dofs: cd = coors[gdof] ax.text(*cd.T, s='%d' % gdof, color=colors[gdof], fontsize=12, weight='bold') return ax
[docs]def plot_partitioning(axs, field, cell_tasks, gfd, output_dir, size): """ Plot the partitioning of the domain and field DOFs. """ mesh = field.domain.mesh ax = pc.plot_wireframe(axs[0], mesh.cmesh) coors = field.get_coor() econn = field.econn ax = pd.plot_global_dofs(ax, coors, econn) ax.set_title('global DOFs') ax.figure.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'global_dofs.png'), bbox_inches='tight') ax = pc.plot_wireframe(axs[1], mesh.cmesh) fig = ax.figure coors = field.get_coor() econn = field.econn id_map = gfd.id_map colors = nm.zeros((field.n_nod, 4)) for ir, dof_map in ordered_iteritems(gfd.dof_maps): aux = id_map[dof_map[0]] colors[aux] = [0, 0, float(ir + 1) / size, 0.6] for aux in dof_map[1]: colors[id_map[aux]] = [0, 0, float(ir + 1) / size, 0.9] from sfepy.discrete.fem.utils import prepare_translate aux = prepare_translate(id_map[econn], econn) ax = label_dofs(ax, coors[aux], id_map, colors) mark_subdomains(ax, mesh.cmesh, cell_tasks, size, 0, 0.7) ax.set_title('subdomains of tasks and PETSc DOFs') fig.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'petsc_dofs.png'), bbox_inches='tight') ax.set_title('') axis = ax.axis() for ir, ocells in enumerate(gfd.overlap_cells): aux = nm.zeros_like(cell_tasks) aux[ocells] = 10 aux[gfd.cell_parts[ir]] = 1 ax = fig.add_axes(ax.get_position(), frameon=False, label='aux') mark_subdomains(ax, mesh.cmesh, aux, 11, 1, 0.3, True) ax.axis(axis) ax.set_title('overlap cells on task %d' % ir) fig.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'petsc_overlaps_%02d.png' % ir), bbox_inches='tight') fig.delaxes(ax)
[docs]def plot_local_dofs(axs, field, field_i, omega_gi, output_dir, rank): """ Plot the local ang global field DOFs local to the subdomain on the task with the given `rank`. """ mesh = field.domain.mesh ax = pc.plot_wireframe(axs[0], mesh.cmesh) coors = field_i.get_coor() econn = field_i.econn ax = pd.plot_global_dofs(ax, coors, econn) ax.set_title('local DOFs on task %d' % rank) ax.figure.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'local_dofs_%02d.png' % rank), bbox_inches='tight') ax = pc.plot_wireframe(axs[1], mesh.cmesh) coors = field.get_coor() econn = field.get_econn(('cell', omega_gi.tdim), omega_gi, 0) ax = pd.plot_global_dofs(ax, coors, econn) ax.set_title('global DOFs on task %d' % rank) ax.figure.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'local_global_%02d.png' % rank), bbox_inches='tight')