Source code for sfepy.discrete.fem.refine_hanging

Functions for a mesh refinement with hanging nodes.

Using LCBCs with hanging nodes is not supported.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from six.moves import range, zip

import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import assert_
from sfepy.discrete import Functions, Function
from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain

# Rows = facets of reference cell, columns = [sub_cell_i, local facet_i]
refine_edges_2_4 = nm.array([[[0, 0], [1, 3]],
                             [[1, 0], [2, 3]],
                             [[2, 0], [3, 3]],
                             [[3, 0], [0, 3]]])

refine_faces_3_8 = nm.array([[[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [3, 0]],
                             [[0, 1], [3, 2], [4, 2], [7, 1]],
                             [[0, 2], [1, 1], [4, 1], [5, 2]],
                             [[4, 0], [5, 0], [6, 0], [7, 0]],
                             [[1, 2], [2, 1], [5, 1], [6, 2]],
                             [[2, 2], [3, 1], [6, 1], [7, 2]]])

refine_edges_3_8 = nm.array([[[0, 0], [1, 3]],
                             [[1, 0], [2, 3]],
                             [[2, 0], [3, 3]],
                             [[3, 0], [0, 3]],
                             [[4, 3], [5, 0]],
                             [[5, 3], [6, 0]],
                             [[6, 3], [7, 0]],
                             [[7, 3], [4, 0]],
                             [[0, 8], [4, 8]],
                             [[1, 8], [5, 8]],
                             [[2, 8], [6, 8]],
                             [[3, 8], [7, 8]]])

[docs]def find_level_interface(domain, refine_flag): """ Find facets of the coarse mesh that are on the coarse-refined cell boundary. ids w.r.t. current mesh: - facets: global, local w.r.t. cells[:, 0], local w.r.t. cells[:, 1] - interface cells: - cells[:, 0] - cells to refine - cells[:, 1] - their facet sharing neighbors (w.r.t. both meshes) - cells[:, 2] - facet kind: 0 = face, 1 = edge """ if not refine_flag.any(): facets = nm.zeros((0, 3), dtype=nm.uint32) cells = nm.zeros((0, 3), dtype=nm.uint32) return facets, cells, 0, None, None def _get_refine(coors, domain=None): return nm.nonzero(refine_flag)[0] def _get_coarse(coors, domain=None): return nm.nonzero(1 - refine_flag)[0] get_refine = Function('get_refine', _get_refine) get_coarse = Function('get_coarse', _get_coarse) functions = Functions([get_refine, get_coarse]) region0 = domain.create_region('coarse', 'cells by get_coarse', functions=functions, add_to_regions=False, allow_empty=True) region1 = domain.create_region('refine', 'cells by get_refine', functions=functions, add_to_regions=False) cmesh = domain.mesh.cmesh dim = cmesh.dim if dim == 2: oe = 0 facets = nm.intersect1d(region0.facets, region1.facets) cmesh.setup_connectivity(dim - 1, dim) cells, offs = cmesh.get_incident(dim, facets, dim - 1, ret_offsets=True) assert_((nm.diff(offs) == 2).all()) ii = cmesh.get_local_ids(facets, dim - 1, cells, offs, dim) ii = ii.reshape((-1, 2)) cells = cells.reshape((-1, 2)) ii = nm.where(refine_flag[cells], ii[:, :1], ii[:, 1:]) cells = nm.where(refine_flag[cells], cells[:, :1], cells[:, 1:]) facets = nm.c_[facets, ii] cells = nm.c_[cells, nm.zeros_like(cells[:, 1])] else: # if dim == 3: gel = domain.geom_els['3_8'] epf = gel.get_edges_per_face() cmesh.setup_connectivity(dim, dim) fc, coffs = cmesh.get_incident(dim, region1.cells, dim, ret_offsets=True) cc = nm.repeat(region1.cells, nm.diff(coffs)) aux = nm.c_[cc, fc] """ nnn[:, 0] cells to refine, nnn[:, 1] non-refined neighbours, nnn[:, 2] neighbour kind : 0 face, 1 edge. """ nn = aux[refine_flag[fc] == 0] cf = nn[:, 0].copy().astype(nm.uint32) cc = nn[:, 1].copy().astype(nm.uint32) vc, vco = cmesh.get_incident(0, cc, dim, ret_offsets=True) vf, vfo = cmesh.get_incident(0, cf, dim, ret_offsets=True) vc = vc.reshape((-1, 8)) vf = vf.reshape((-1, 8)) nnn = [] oe = 0 ov = nn.shape[0] for ii in range(vc.shape[0]): aux = set(vc[ii]).intersection(vf[ii]) nc = len(aux) if nc == 1: nnn.append((0, 0, 2)) ov -= 1 elif nc == 4: nnn.append((nn[ii, 0], nn[ii, 1], 0)) oe += 1 else: nnn.append((nn[ii, 0], nn[ii, 1], 1)) nnn = nm.array(nnn) if nnn.shape[0] == 0: facets = nm.zeros((0, 3), dtype=nm.uint32) cells = nm.zeros((0, 4), dtype=nm.uint32) return facets, cells, 0, region0, region1 # Sort by neighbour kind, skip vertex-only neighbours. ii = nm.argsort(nnn[:, 2]) nnn = nnn[ii][:ov] cf = cf[ii][:ov] cc = cc[ii][:ov] ec, eco = cmesh.get_incident(1, cc, dim, ret_offsets=True) ef, efo = cmesh.get_incident(1, cf, dim, ret_offsets=True) ec = ec.reshape((-1, 12)) ef = ef.reshape((-1, 12)) fc, fco = cmesh.get_incident(2, cc, dim, ret_offsets=True) ff, ffo = cmesh.get_incident(2, cf, dim, ret_offsets=True) fc = fc.reshape((-1, 6)) ff = ff.reshape((-1, 6)) emask = nm.zeros((domain.shape.n_el, 12), dtype=bool) ffs = [] for ii in range(oe): facet = nm.intersect1d(fc[ii], ff[ii])[0] i1 = nm.where(ff[ii] == facet)[0][0] i0 = nm.where(fc[ii] == facet)[0][0] ffs.append((facet, i1, i0)) emask[nnn[ii, 0], epf[i1]] = True for ii in range(oe, nnn.shape[0]): facet = nm.intersect1d(ec[ii], ef[ii])[0] i1 = nm.where(ef[ii] == facet)[0][0] i0 = nm.where(ec[ii] == facet)[0][0] ffs.append((facet, i1, i0)) ffs = nm.array(ffs) ie = nm.where(nnn[:, 2] == 1)[0] ennn = nnn[ie] effs = ffs[ie] omit = ie[emask[ennn[:, 0], effs[:, 1]]] valid = nm.ones(nnn.shape[0], dtype=bool) valid[omit] = False cells = nnn[valid] facets = ffs[valid] return facets, cells, oe, region0, region1
[docs]def refine_region(domain0, region0, region1): """ Coarse cell sub_cells[ii, 0] in mesh0 is split into sub_cells[ii, 1:] in mesh1. The new fine cells are interleaved among the original coarse cells so that the indices of the coarse cells do not change. The cell groups are preserved. The vertex groups are preserved only in the coarse (non-refined) cells. """ if region1 is None: return domain0, None mesh0 = domain0.mesh mesh1 = Mesh.from_region(region1, mesh0) domain1 = FEDomain('d', mesh1) domain1r = domain1.refine() mesh1r = domain1r.mesh n_cell = region1.shape.n_cell n_sub = 4 if mesh0.cmesh.tdim == 2 else 8 sub_cells = nm.empty((n_cell, n_sub + 1), dtype=nm.uint32) sub_cells[:, 0] = region1.cells sub_cells[:, 1] = region1.cells aux = nm.arange((n_sub - 1) * n_cell, dtype=nm.uint32) sub_cells[:, 2:] = mesh0.n_el + aux.reshape((n_cell, -1)) coors0, vgs0, conns0, mat_ids0, descs0 = mesh0._get_io_data() coors, vgs, _conns, _mat_ids, descs = mesh1r._get_io_data() # Preserve vertex groups of non-refined cells. vgs[:len(vgs0)] = vgs0 def _interleave_refined(c0, c1): if c1.ndim == 1: c0 = c0[:, None] c1 = c1[:, None] n_row, n_col = c1.shape n_new = region0.shape.n_cell + n_row out = nm.empty((n_new, n_col), dtype=c0.dtype) out[region0.cells] = c0[region0.cells] out[region1.cells] = c1[::n_sub] aux = c1.reshape((-1, n_col * n_sub)) out[mesh0.n_el:] = aux[:, n_col:].reshape((-1, n_col)) return out conn = _interleave_refined(conns0[0], _conns[0]) mat_id = _interleave_refined(mat_ids0[0], _mat_ids[0]).squeeze() mesh = Mesh.from_data('a', coors, vgs, [conn], [mat_id], descs) domain = FEDomain('d', mesh) return domain, sub_cells
[docs]def find_facet_substitutions(facets, cells, sub_cells, refine_facets): """ Find facet substitutions in connectivity. sub = [coarse cell, coarse facet, fine1 cell, fine1 facet, fine2 cell, fine2 facet] """ subs = [] for ii, fac in enumerate(facets): fine = cells[ii, 0] coarse = cells[ii, 1] isub = nm.searchsorted(sub_cells[:, 0], fine) refined = sub_cells[isub, 1:] rf = refine_facets[fac[1]] used = refined[rf[:, 0]] fused = rf[:, 1] master = [coarse, fac[2]] slave = list(zip(used, fused)) sub = nm.r_[[master], slave].ravel() subs.append(sub) subs = nm.array(subs) return subs
[docs]def refine(domain0, refine, subs=None, ret_sub_cells=False): desc = domain0.mesh.descs[0] assert_(desc in ['2_4', '3_8']) facets, cells, oe, region0, region1 = find_level_interface(domain0, refine) if region1 is None: return domain0, None domain, sub_cells = refine_region(domain0, region0, region1) if facets.shape[0] > 0: desc = domain0.mesh.descs[0] conn0 = domain0.mesh.get_conn(desc) conn1 = domain.mesh.get_conn(desc) assert_((conn0[cells[:, 1]] == conn1[cells[:, 1]]).all()) desc = domain0.mesh.descs[0] if desc == '2_4': subs1 = find_facet_substitutions(facets, cells, sub_cells, refine_edges_2_4) if subs is None: subs = subs1 if len(subs1) else None elif len(subs1): subs = nm.r_[subs, subs1] else: subs1f = find_facet_substitutions(facets[:oe], cells[:oe], sub_cells, refine_faces_3_8) subs1e = find_facet_substitutions(facets[oe:], cells[oe:], sub_cells, refine_edges_3_8) if subs is None: subs = (subs1f if len(subs1f) else None, subs1e if len(subs1f) else None) # !!! elif len(subs1f): subsf, subse = subs subsf = nm.r_[subsf, subs1f] if len(subse): if len(subs1e): subse = nm.r_[subse, subs1e] subs = (subsf, subse) if (isinstance(subs, tuple) and (subs[0] is None) and (subs[1] is None)): subs = None out = (domain, subs) if ret_sub_cells: out += (sub_cells,) return out