Source code for sfepy.base.plotutils

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as nm

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib as mpl
except (ImportError, RuntimeError):
    plt = mpl = None
    #print 'matplotlib import failed!'

from sfepy.base.base import output, pause

[docs]def spy(mtx, eps=None, color='b', **kwargs): """ Show sparsity structure of a `scipy.sparse` matrix. """ aux = mtx.tocoo() ij, val = nm.concatenate((aux.row[:,nm.newaxis], aux.col[:,nm.newaxis]), 1), n_item = aux.getnnz() n_row, n_col = aux.shape if eps is not None: output('using eps =', eps) ij = nm.compress(nm.absolute(val) > eps, ij, 0) n_item = ij.shape[0] else: output('showing all') output('n_item:', n_item) if n_item: args = {'marker' : '.'} args.update(kwargs) plt.plot(ij[:,1], ij[:,0], color, linestyle='None', **args) plt.axis('image') plt.axis([-0.5, n_row+0.5, -0.5, n_col+0.5]) plt.xlabel(r'%d x %d: %d nnz, %.2f%% fill' % (n_row, n_col, n_item, 100. * n_item / (float(n_row) * float(n_col)))) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1])
[docs]def spy_and_show(mtx, **kwargs): spy(mtx, **kwargs)
## # 13.12.2005, c ## # 13.12.2005, c # 14.12.2005 # 15.12.2005 # 18.07.2007
[docs]def plot_matrix_diff(mtx1, mtx2, delta, legend, mode): eps = 1e-16 print("min", legend[0] , legend[1], ":", nm.amin(, nm.amin( print("max", legend[0] , legend[1], ":", nm.amax(, nm.amax( mtx_da = mtx1.copy() # To preserve structure of mtx1.[:] = nm.abs( - mtx_dr = mtx_da.copy()[:] = -1 iin = nm.where(nm.abs( > eps)[0][iin] =[iin] / nm.abs([iin]) print("err abs min max:", nm.amin(, nm.amax( print("err rel min max:", nm.amin(, nm.amax( epsilon = max(1e-5, 10 * delta) print('epsilon:', epsilon) pause() ija = nm.where( > epsilon)[0] print_matrix_diff('--- absolute diff', legend, mtx1, mtx2, mtx_da, mtx_dr, ija) pause() iin = nm.where(nm.abs( > epsilon)[0] ij = nm.where(nm.abs([iin]) > epsilon)[0] ij = iin[ij] print_matrix_diff('--- relative diff', legend, mtx1, mtx2, mtx_da, mtx_dr, ij) pause() ijb = nm.intersect1d(ija, ij) print_matrix_diff('--- a-r', legend, mtx1, mtx2, mtx_da, mtx_dr, ijb) pause() ii = nm.argsort([ijb]) n_s = min(20, len(ii)) ijbs = ijb[ii[-1:-n_s-1:-1]] print_matrix_diff('--- a-r 20 biggest (by r)', legend, mtx1, mtx2, mtx_da, mtx_dr, ijbs) pause() if mode < 2: return h = 100 plt.figure(h); plt.clf() plt.axes([0.04, 0.6, 0.3, 0.3], frameon=True) spy(mtx_da, epsilon) plt.title('absolute diff') plt.axes([0.68, 0.6, 0.3, 0.3], frameon=True) iia = nm.where([0][nm.setdiff1d(iia, iin)] = 0.0 spy(mtx_dr, epsilon) plt.title('relative diff') plt.axes([0.36, 0.6, 0.3, 0.3], frameon=True) mtx = mtx_dr.copy()[:] = 0.0 ii = nm.intersect1d(nm.where( > epsilon)[0], nm.where( > epsilon)[0])[ii] = 1.0 spy(mtx, epsilon) plt.title('a-r intersection') plt.axes([0.04, 0.08, 0.42, 0.42], frameon=True) spy(mtx1, epsilon) plt.title(legend[0]) plt.axes([0.54, 0.08, 0.42, 0.42], frameon=True) spy(mtx2, epsilon) plt.title(legend[1])
## # 02.05.2006, c
[docs]def set_axes_font_size(ax, size): labels = ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels() for label in labels: label.set_size(size)
## # 27.09.2006, c
[docs]def font_size(size): return mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(size=size)
## # 28.08.2007, c
[docs]def iplot(*args, **kwargs): plt.ion() plt.plot(*args, **kwargs) plt.draw() plt.ioff() pause()