.. _miscellaneous-refine_evp: miscellaneous/refine_evp.py =========================== **Description** Plot the convergence of eigenvalues (or corresponding frequencies) of an eigenvalue problem to an analytical solution, when applying the uniform mesh refinement. Uses the PRIMME eigenvalue solver by default (``pip install primme``). Usage Examples -------------- - Run without the convergence analysis, use the spectral element method (SEM) basis of order 5:: sfepy-run sfepy/examples/miscellaneous/refine_evp.py -d order=5,basis=sem - Get help:: python3 sfepy/examples/miscellaneous/refine_evp.py -h - Plot the convergence of the smallest eigenvalue of the Laplace Dirichlet problem:: python3 sfepy/examples/miscellaneous/refine_evp.py --max-order=5 --max-refine=2 - Plot the convergence of the smallest frequency of the 1D elastic bar vibration problem, show relative errors:: python3 sfepy/examples/miscellaneous/refine_evp.py --max-order=5 --max-refine=2 --kind=elasticity --transform=freqs --relative - Using the 1D elastic bar vibration problem, compare the SEM results with the FEM + row-sum mass matrix lumping. Plot also the sparsity patterns of the mass (M) and stiffness (K) matrices:: python3 sfepy/examples/miscellaneous/refine_evp.py --max-order=5 --max-refine=2 --evps=primme --kind=elasticity-lumping --transform=freqs --relative --beta=1 --mass-lumping='row_sum' --sparsity python3 sfepy/examples/miscellaneous/refine_evp.py --max-order=5 --max-refine=2 --evps=primme --kind=elasticity --basis=sem --transform=freqs --relative --beta=0 --mass-lumping='none' --sparsity .. image:: /../doc/images/gallery/miscellaneous-refine_evp-h-refinement-0-laplace-lagrange-primme-none-a.png :download:`source code ` .. literalinclude:: /../sfepy/examples/miscellaneous/refine_evp.py