.. _dg-burgers_2D: dg/burgers_2D.py ================ **Description** Burgers equation in 2D solved using discontinous Galerkin method .. math:: \frac{dp}{dt} + div\,f(p) - div(grad\,p) = 0 Based on Kučera, V. (n.d.). Higher order methods for the solution of compressible flows. Charles University. p. 21 eq. (1.39) Usage Examples -------------- Run:: sfepy-run sfepy/examples/dg/burgers_2D.py Results are saved to output/dg/burgers_2D folder by default as ``.msh`` files, the best way to view them is through GMSH (http://gmsh.info/) version 4.6 or newer. Start GMSH and use ``File | Open`` menu or Crtl + O shortcut, navigate to the output folder, select all ``.msh`` files and hit Open, all files should load as one item in Post-processing named p_cell_nodes. GMSH is capable of rendering high order approximations in individual elements, to modify fidelity of rendering, double click the displayed mesh, quick options menu should pop up, click on ``All view options...``. This brings up the Options window with ``View [0]`` selected in left column. Under the tab ``General`` ensure that ``Adapt visualization grid`` is ticked, then you can adjust ``Maximum recursion depth`` and ```Target visualization error`` to tune the visualization. To see visualization elements (as opposed to mesh elements) go to ``Visibility`` tab and tick ``Draw element outlines``, this option is also available from quick options menu as ``View element outlines`` or under shortcut ``Alt+E``. In the quick options menu, you can also modify normal raise by clicking ``View Normal Raise`` to see solution rendered as surface above the mesh. Note that for triangular meshes normal raise -1 produces expected raise above the mesh. This is due to the opposite orientation of the reference elements in GMSH and Sfepy and might get patched in the future. :download:`source code ` .. literalinclude:: /../sfepy/examples/dg/burgers_2D.py