Source code for sfepy.tests.test_splinebox

import numpy as nm
from sfepy import data_dir
from sfepy.mesh.splinebox import SplineBox, SplineRegion2D
from sfepy.mesh.bspline import BSpline
from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh
import sfepy.base.testing as tst

[docs] def tetravolume(cells, vertices): vol = 0.0 c1 = nm.ones((4,4), dtype=nm.float64) mul = 1.0 / 6.0 for ic in cells: c1[:,:3] = vertices[ic,:] vol += mul * nm.linalg.det(c1) return -vol
tolerance = 1e-6
[docs] def test_spbox_3d(): """ Check volume change of the mesh which is deformed using the SplineBox functions. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.mesh.splinebox import SplineBox mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cylinder.vtk') conn = mesh.get_conn('3_4') vol0 = tetravolume(conn, mesh.coors) bbox = nm.array(mesh.get_bounding_box()).T spbox = SplineBox(bbox, mesh.coors) cpoints0 = spbox.get_control_points(init=True) for ii in range(4): for jj in range(4): spbox.move_control_point((0, ii, jj), [-0.02, 0, 0]) coors = spbox.evaluate() vol1 = tetravolume(conn, coors) mesh.coors[:] = coors spbox.set_control_points(cpoints0) coors = spbox.evaluate() vol2 = tetravolume(conn, coors) ok = True actual_volumes = (vol0, vol1, vol2) expected_volumes = (1.22460186e-4, 1.46950423e-4, 1.22460186e-4) for ii in range(3): relerr = abs(actual_volumes[ii] - expected_volumes[ii])\ / expected_volumes[ii] ok = ok and (relerr < tolerance) if not ok:'expected volumes:')'actual volumes:') assert ok
[docs] def test_spbox_2d(): """ Check position of a given vertex in the deformed mesh. """ mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/square_tri1.mesh') spb = SplineBox([[-1, 1], [-1, 0.6]], mesh.coors, nsg=[2,1]) spb.move_control_point(1, [0.1, -0.2]) spb.move_control_point(2, [0.2, -0.3]) spb.move_control_point(3, [0.0, -0.1]) pt0 = mesh.coors[175,:].copy() mesh.cmesh.coors[:] = spb.evaluate() pt1 = mesh.coors[175,:] expected_distance = 0.165892726387 actual_distance = nm.linalg.norm(pt0 - pt1) ok = nm.fabs(actual_distance - expected_distance)\ / expected_distance < tolerance if not ok:'expected distance:')'actual distance:') assert ok
[docs] def test_spbox_field(): """ 'Field' vs. 'coors'. """ mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/its2D.mesh') coors = mesh.coors.copy() bbox = nm.vstack((nm.amin(coors, 0), nm.amax(coors, 0))).T coors_1 = coors.copy() alpha = coors[:, 0] spbox = SplineBox(bbox, coors, nsg=[1, 2], field=alpha) dv1 = spbox.evaluate_derivative(6, 1) spbox.move_control_point(6, -0.2) c1 = spbox.evaluate() coors_1[:, 0] = c1[:, 0] alpha = coors[:, 1] spbox = SplineBox(bbox, coors, nsg=[1, 2], field=alpha) dv2 = spbox.evaluate_derivative(6, 1) spbox.move_control_point(6, 0.2) c2 = spbox.evaluate() coors_1[:, 1] = c2[:, 0] spbox = SplineBox(bbox, coors, nsg=[1, 2]) dv = spbox.evaluate_derivative(6, [1, 1]) spbox.move_control_point(6, [-0.2, 0.2]) coors_2 = spbox.evaluate() rel_coor_dist = nm.linalg.norm(coors_2 - coors_1)\ / nm.linalg.norm(coors_2) ok = rel_coor_dist < tolerance rel_dvel_dist = nm.linalg.norm(dv - nm.hstack([dv1, dv2]))\ / nm.linalg.norm(dv) ok = ok and rel_dvel_dist < tolerance if not ok:'modified coordinates do not match, relative error:')'derivatives do not match, relative error:') assert ok
[docs] def test_spregion2d(): """ Check position of a given vertex in the deformed mesh. """ line_l = nm.array([[-1, 1], [-1, .5], [-1, 0], [-1, -.5]]) line_r = nm.array([[0, -.2], [.1, .2], [.3, .6], [.4, 1]]) sp_l = BSpline(3, is_cyclic=False) sp_l.approximate(line_l, ncp=4) kn_lr = sp_l.get_knot_vector() sp_r = BSpline(3, is_cyclic=False) sp_r.approximate(line_r, knots=kn_lr) line_b = nm.array([[-1, -.5], [-.8, -.6], [-.5, -.4], [-.2, -.2], [0, -.2]]) line_t = nm.array([[.4, 1], [0, 1], [-.2, 1], [-.6, 1], [-1, 1]]) sp_b = BSpline(3, is_cyclic=False) sp_b.approximate(line_b, ncp=5) kn_bt = sp_b.get_knot_vector() sp_t = BSpline(3, is_cyclic=False) sp_t.approximate(line_t, knots=kn_bt) mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/square_tri1.mesh') spb = SplineRegion2D([sp_b, sp_r, sp_t, sp_l], mesh.coors) spb.move_control_point(5, [-.2, .1]) spb.move_control_point(10, [-.3, .2]) spb.move_control_point(15, [-.1, .2]) pt0 = mesh.coors[145,:].copy() mesh.cmesh.coors[:] = spb.evaluate() pt1 = mesh.coors[145,:] expected_distance = 0.0908306614584 actual_distance = nm.linalg.norm(pt0 - pt1) ok = nm.fabs(actual_distance - expected_distance)\ / expected_distance < tolerance if not ok:'expected distance:')'actual distance:') assert ok