Source code for sfepy.tests.test_functions

import numpy as nm
import pytest

from sfepy import data_dir
from sfepy.base.base import assert_
import sfepy.base.testing as tst

filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/2d/square_unit_tri.mesh'

[docs] def get_pars(ts, coors, mode=None, extra_arg=None, equations=None, term=None, problem=None, **kwargs): if mode == 'special': if extra_arg == 'hello!': ic = 0 else: ic = 1 coors = problem.get_mesh_coors() return {('x_%s' % ic) : coors[:,ic]} elif mode == 'qp': return {'a' : nm.tile(-2 + 1j, (coors.shape[0], 1, 1))}
[docs] def get_p_edge(ts, coors, bc=None, **kwargs): if == 'p_left': return nm.sin(nm.pi * coors[:,1]) else: return nm.cos(nm.pi * coors[:,1])
[docs] def get_u_edge(ts, coors, bc=None, **kwargs): out = nm.zeros_like(coors) out[:, 1] = nm.arange(out.shape[0]) + 1.0 return out
[docs] def get_circle(coors, domain=None): r = nm.sqrt(coors[:,0]**2.0 + coors[:,1]**2.0) return nm.where(r < 0.2)[0]
functions = { 'get_pars' : (get_pars,), 'get_pars1' : (lambda ts, coors, mode=None, **kwargs: get_pars(ts, coors, mode, extra_arg='hello!', **kwargs),), 'get_p_edge' : (get_p_edge,), 'get_u_edge' : (get_u_edge,), 'get_circle' : (get_circle,), } # Just another way of adding a function, besides 'functions' keyword. function_1 = { 'name' : 'get_pars2', 'function' : lambda ts, coors, mode=None, **kwargs: get_pars(ts, coors, mode, extra_arg='hi!', **kwargs), } materials = { 'mf1' : (None, 'get_pars1'), 'mf2' : 'get_pars2', # Dot denotes a special value, that is not propagated to all QP. 'mf3' : ({'a' : 10.0, 'b' : 2.0, '.c' : 'ahoj'},), # Complex values. 'mf4' : 'get_pars', 'mf5' : ({'a' : -2 - 1j},), 'mf6' : ({'a' : {'Circle' : 1 + 1j, 'Rest' : 3j}},), } fields = { 'pressure' : (nm.float64, 1, 'Omega', 2), 'displacement' : (nm.float64, 2, 'Omega', 2), 'complex' : (nm.complex128, 1, 'Omega', 2), } variables = { 'p' : ('unknown field', 'pressure', 0), 'q' : ('test field', 'pressure', 'p'), 'u' : ('unknown field', 'displacement', 1), 'v' : ('test field', 'displacement', 'u'), } wx = 0.499 regions = { 'Omega' : 'all', 'Left' : ('vertices in (x < -%.3f)' % wx, 'facet'), 'Right' : ('vertices in (x > %.3f)' % wx, 'facet'), 'Circle' : 'vertices by get_circle', 'Rest' : 'r.Omega -c r.Circle', } ebcs = { 'p_left' : ('Left', {'p.all' : 'get_p_edge'}), 'p_right' : ('Right', {'p.all' : 'get_p_edge'}), 'u_right' : ('Right', {'u.all' : 'get_u_edge'}), } equations = { 'e1' : """dw_laplace.2.Omega( mf3.a, q, p ) = 0""", 'e2' : """dw_div_grad.2.Omega( mf3.b, v, u ) = 0""", } variables2 = { 'r' : ('unknown field', 'complex', 2), 's' : ('test field', 'complex', 'r'), } equations2 = { 'e3' : """dw_laplace.2.Omega(mf4.a, s, r) = 0""", 'e4' : """dw_laplace.2.Omega(mf5.a, s, r) = 0""", 'e5' : """dw_laplace.2.Circle(mf6.a, s, r) + dw_laplace.2.Rest(mf6.a, s, r) = 0""", } solver_0 = { 'name' : 'ls', 'kind' : 'ls.scipy_direct', } solver_1 = { 'name' : 'newton', 'kind' : 'nls.newton', }
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def problem(): import sys from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf conf = ProblemConf.from_dict(globals(), sys.modules[__name__]) problem = Problem.from_conf(conf) return problem
[docs] def test_material_functions(problem): from sfepy.discrete import Material from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables conf = problem.conf ts = problem.get_default_ts(step=0) conf_mat1 = conf.get_item_by_name('materials', 'mf1') mat1 = Material.from_conf(conf_mat1, problem.functions) mat1.time_update(ts, None, mode='normal', problem=problem) coors = problem.domain.get_mesh_coors() assert_(nm.all(coors[:,0] == mat1.get_data(None, 'x_0'))) conf_mat2 = conf.get_item_by_name('materials', 'mf2') mat2 = Material.from_conf(conf_mat2, problem.functions) mat2.time_update(ts, None, mode='normal', problem=problem) assert_(nm.all(coors[:,1] == mat2.get_data(None, 'x_1'))) materials = problem.get_materials() materials.time_update(ts, problem.equations, mode='normal', problem=problem) mat3 = materials['mf3'] key = mat3.get_keys(region_name='Omega')[0] assert_(nm.all(mat3.get_data(key, 'a') == 10.0)) assert_(nm.all(mat3.get_data(key, 'b') == 2.0)) assert_(mat3.get_data(None, 'c') == 'ahoj') pb = problem.copy() pb.set_variables(transform_variables(conf.variables2)) pb.set_equations(conf.equations2) materials = pb.get_materials() materials.time_update(ts, pb.equations, mode='normal', problem=pb) mat4 = materials['mf4'] key = mat4.get_keys(region_name='Omega')[0] assert_(nm.all(mat4.get_data(key, 'a') == -2 + 1j)) mat5 = materials['mf5'] key = mat5.get_keys(region_name='Omega')[0] assert_(nm.all(mat5.get_data(key, 'a') == -2 - 1j)) mat6 = materials['mf6'] key = mat6.get_keys(region_name='Circle')[0] assert_(nm.all(mat6.get_data(key, 'a') == 1 + 1j)) key = mat6.get_keys(region_name='Rest')[0] assert_(nm.all(mat6.get_data(key, 'a') == 3j))
[docs] def test_ebc_functions(problem, output_dir): import os.path as op problem.set_equations(problem.conf.equations) problem.time_update() state = problem.solve(save_results=False) name = op.join(output_dir, 'test_ebc_functions.vtk') problem.save_state(name, state) ok = True domain = problem.domain vecs = state.get_state_parts() vec = vecs['p'] iv = domain.regions['Left'].vertices coors = domain.get_mesh_coors()[iv] _ok = tst.compare_vectors(vec[iv], nm.sin(nm.pi * coors[:,1]), label1='p_state_left', label2='p_bc_left') ok = _ok and ok iv = domain.regions['Right'].vertices coors = domain.get_mesh_coors()[iv] _ok = tst.compare_vectors(vec[iv], nm.cos(nm.pi * coors[:,1]), label1='p_state_right', label2='p_bc_right') ok = _ok and ok vec = vecs['u'] vec.shape = (-1, 2) ok = tst.compare_vectors(vec[iv, 0], nm.zeros(len(iv)), label1='u_0_state_right', label2='u_0_bc_right') ok = _ok and ok ok = tst.compare_vectors(vec[iv, 1], nm.arange(len(iv)) + 1.0, label1='u_1_state_right', label2='u_1_bc_right') ok = _ok and ok assert ok
[docs] def test_region_functions(problem, output_dir): import os.path as op name = op.join(output_dir, 'test_region_functions.vtk') problem.save_regions_as_groups(name, ['Circle'])