Source code for sfepy.tests.test_eigenvalue_solvers

import numpy as nm
import pytest

from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO
from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh
from sfepy.solvers import Solver
import sfepy.base.testing as tst

# Mesh dimensions.
dims = nm.array([1, 1])

# Mesh resolution.
shape = [21, 21]

[docs] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Generate the block mesh. """ if mode == 'read': mesh = gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, [0, 0], name='user_block', verbose=False) return mesh elif mode == 'write': pass
filename_mesh = UserMeshIO(mesh_hook) regions = { 'Omega' : 'all', 'Gamma' : ('vertices of surface', 'facet'), } fields = { 'temperature' : ('real', 1, 'Omega', 1), } variables = { 't' : ('unknown field', 'temperature', 0), 's' : ('test field', 'temperature', 't'), } ebcs = { 't' : ('Gamma', {'t.0' : 0.0}), } integrals = { 'i' : 2, } equations = { 'eq' : 'dw_laplace.i.Omega(s, t) = 0' } solvers = { 'evp0' : ('eig.scipy', { 'method' : 'eig', }), 'evp0h' : ('eig.scipy', { 'method' : 'eigh', }), 'evp0s' : ('eig.scipy', { 'method' : 'eigs', 'maxiter' : 100, }), 'evp0sh' : ('eig.scipy', { 'method' : 'eigsh', 'maxiter' : 100, }), 'evp1' : ('eig.sgscipy', {}), 'evp2' : ('eig.scipy_lobpcg', { 'i_max' : 100, 'largest' : False, }), 'evp4' : ('eig.slepc', { 'method' : 'arnoldi', 'problem' : 'hep', 'i_max' : 100, 'eps' : 1e-10, 'which' : 'smallest_real', }), 'evp5' : ('eig.matlab', { 'maxit' : 100, 'tol' : 1e-10, 'which' : 'sr', }), 'evp6' : ('eig.primme', { 'maxiter' : 200, 'tol' : 1e-10, 'which' : 'sa', }), 'evp7' : ('eig.octave', { 'maxit' : 100, 'tol' : 1e-10, 'which' : 'sm', }), } eigs_expected = [nm.array([0.04904454, 0.12170685, 0.12170685, 0.19257998, 0.24082108]), []] can_fail = ['eig.slepc', 'eig.matlab', 'eig.octave', 'eig.primme'] can_miss = ['evp0'] # Depending on scipy version, evp0 can miss an # eigenvalue.
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def data(): import sys from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf conf = ProblemConf.from_dict(globals(), sys.modules[__name__]) pb = Problem.from_conf(conf, init_solvers=False) pb.time_update() mtx = pb.equations.evaluate(mode='weak', dw_mode='matrix', asm_obj=pb.mtx_a) return Struct(conf=conf, mtx=mtx)
def _list_eigenvalue_solvers(confs): d = [] for key, val in confs.items(): if val.kind.find('eig.') == 0: d.append(val) d.sort(key=lambda a: return d
[docs] def test_eigenvalue_solvers(data): from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct eig_confs = _list_eigenvalue_solvers(data.conf.solvers) all_n_eigs = [5, 0] ok = True tt = [] for ii, n_eigs in enumerate(all_n_eigs): for eig_conf in eig_confs: try: eig_solver = Solver.any_from_conf(eig_conf) except (ValueError, ImportError): if eig_conf.kind in can_fail: continue else: raise status = IndexedStruct() try: eigs, vecs = eig_solver(data.mtx, n_eigs=n_eigs, eigenvectors=True, status=status) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: if eig_conf.kind in can_fail: continue else: raise tt.append([' '.join((, eig_conf.kind)), status.time, n_eigs]) _ok = nm.allclose(eigs.real, eigs_expected[ii], rtol=0.0, atol=1e-8) tt[-1].append(_ok) ok = ok and (_ok or (eig_conf.kind in can_fail) or ( in can_miss)) tt.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])'solution times:') for row in tt:'%.2f [s] : %s (%d) (ok: %s)' % (row[1], row[0], row[2], row[3])) assert ok