Source code for sfepy.terms.terms_hyperelastic_ul

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import Struct
from sfepy.terms.terms import terms
from sfepy.terms.terms_hyperelastic_base import\
    HyperElasticBase, HyperElasticFamilyData

_msg_missing_data = 'missing family data!'

[docs] class HyperElasticULFamilyData(HyperElasticFamilyData): """ Family data for UL formulation. """ family_function = staticmethod(terms.dq_finite_strain_ul) cache_name = 'ul_common' data_names = ('mtx_f', 'det_f', 'sym_b', 'tr_b', 'in2_b', 'green_strain')
[docs] class HyperElasticULBase(HyperElasticBase): """ Base class for all hyperelastic terms in UL formulation family. The subclasses should have the following static method attributes: - `stress_function()` (the stress) - `tan_mod_function()` (the tangent modulus) """ weak_function = staticmethod(terms.dw_he_rtm) hyperelastic_mode = 1 get_family_data = HyperElasticULFamilyData()
[docs] class NeoHookeanULTerm(HyperElasticULBase): r""" Hyperelastic neo-Hookean term. Effective stress :math:`\tau_{ij} = \mu J^{-\frac{2}{3}}(b_{ij} - \frac{1}{3}b_{kk}\delta_{ij})`. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} \mathcal{L}\tau_{ij}(\ul{u}) e_{ij}(\delta\ul{v})/J :Arguments: - material : :math:`\mu` - virtual : :math:`\ul{v}` - state : :math:`\ul{u}` """ name = 'dw_ul_he_neohook' family_data_names = ['det_f', 'tr_b', 'sym_b'] stress_function = staticmethod(terms.dq_ul_he_stress_neohook) tan_mod_function = staticmethod(terms.dq_ul_he_tan_mod_neohook)
[docs] class MooneyRivlinULTerm(HyperElasticULBase): r""" Hyperelastic Mooney-Rivlin term. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} \mathcal{L}\tau_{ij}(\ul{u}) e_{ij}(\delta\ul{v})/J :Arguments: - material : :math:`\kappa` - virtual : :math:`\ul{v}` - state : :math:`\ul{u}` """ name = 'dw_ul_he_mooney_rivlin' family_data_names = ['det_f', 'tr_b', 'sym_b', 'in2_b'] stress_function = staticmethod(terms.dq_ul_he_stress_mooney_rivlin) tan_mod_function = staticmethod(terms.dq_ul_he_tan_mod_mooney_rivlin)
[docs] class BulkPenaltyULTerm(HyperElasticULBase): r""" Hyperelastic bulk penalty term. Stress :math:`\tau_{ij} = K(J-1)\; J \delta_{ij}`. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} \mathcal{L}\tau_{ij}(\ul{u}) e_{ij}(\delta\ul{v})/J :Arguments: - material : :math:`K` - virtual : :math:`\ul{v}` - state : :math:`\ul{u}` """ name = 'dw_ul_bulk_penalty' family_data_names = ['det_f'] stress_function = staticmethod(terms.dq_ul_he_stress_bulk) tan_mod_function = staticmethod(terms.dq_ul_he_tan_mod_bulk)
[docs] class BulkPressureULTerm(HyperElasticULBase): r""" Hyperelastic bulk pressure term. Stress :math:`S_{ij} = -p J \delta_{ij}`. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} \mathcal{L}\tau_{ij}(\ul{u}) e_{ij}(\delta\ul{v})/J :Arguments: - virtual : :math:`\ul{v}` - state : :math:`\ul{u}` - state_p : :math:`p` """ name = 'dw_ul_bulk_pressure' arg_types = ('virtual', 'state', 'state_p') arg_geometry_types = {('state_p', None) : {'facet_extra' : 'facet'}} arg_shapes = {'virtual' : ('D', 'state'), 'state' : 'D', 'state_p' : 1} family_data_names = ['det_f', 'sym_b'] family_function = staticmethod(terms.dq_finite_strain_ul) weak_function = staticmethod(terms.dw_he_rtm) weak_dp_function = staticmethod(terms.dw_ul_volume) stress_function = staticmethod(terms.dq_ul_stress_bulk_pressure) tan_mod_u_function = staticmethod(terms.dq_ul_tan_mod_bulk_pressure_u)
[docs] def compute_data(self, family_data, mode, **kwargs): det_f, sym_b = family_data.det_f, family_data.sym_b p_qp = family_data.p_qp if mode == 0: out = nm.empty_like(sym_b) fun = self.stress_function elif mode == 1: shape = list(sym_b.shape) shape[-1] = shape[-2] out = nm.empty(shape, dtype=nm.float64) fun = self.tan_mod_u_function else: raise ValueError('bad mode! (%d)' % mode) fun(out, p_qp, det_f) return out
[docs] def get_fargs(self, virtual, state, state_p, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): vgv, _ = self.get_mapping(state) name = fd = self.get_family_data(state, self.region, self.integral, self.geometry_types[name], self.arg_steps[name], self.arg_derivatives[name]) fd.p_qp = self.get(state_p, 'val') if mode == 'weak': if diff_var != if diff_var is None: stress = self.compute_data(fd, 0, **kwargs) self.stress_cache = stress tan_mod = nm.array([0], ndmin=4, dtype=nm.float64) fmode = 0 else: stress = self.stress_cache if stress is None: stress = self.compute_data(fd, 0, **kwargs) tan_mod = self.compute_data(fd, 1, **kwargs) fmode = 1 fargs = (self.weak_function, stress, tan_mod, fd.mtx_f, fd.det_f, vgv, fmode, 1) else: vgs, _ = self.get_mapping(state_p) fargs = (self.weak_dp_function, fd.det_f, vgs, vgv, 1, -1) return fargs elif mode == 'el_avg': if term_mode == 'strain': out_qp = fd.green_strain elif term_mode == 'stress': out_qp = self.compute_data(fd, 0, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('unsupported term mode in %s! (%s)' % (, term_mode)) return self.integrate, out_qp, vgv, 1 else: raise ValueError('unsupported evaluation mode in %s! (%s)' % (, mode))
[docs] def get_eval_shape(self, virtual, state, state_p, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(state) sym = (dim + 1) * dim // 2 return (n_el, 1, sym, 1), state.dtype
[docs] class VolumeULTerm(HyperElasticULBase): r""" Volume term (weak form) in the updated Lagrangian formulation. :Definition: .. math:: \begin{array}{l} \int_{\Omega} q J(\ul{u}) \\ \mbox{volume mode: vector for } K \from \Ical_h: \int_{T_K} J(\ul{u}) \\ \mbox{rel\_volume mode: vector for } K \from \Ical_h: \int_{T_K} J(\ul{u}) / \int_{T_K} 1 \end{array} :Arguments: - virtual : :math:`q` - state : :math:`\ul{u}` """ name = 'dw_ul_volume' arg_types = ('virtual', 'state') arg_geometry_types = {('virtual', None) : {'facet_extra' : 'facet'}} arg_shapes = {'virtual' : (1, None), 'state' : 'D'} family_data_names = ['mtx_f', 'det_f'] function = staticmethod(terms.dw_ul_volume)
[docs] def get_fargs(self, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): vgs, _ = self.get_mapping(virtual) vgv, _ = self.get_mapping(state) name = fd = self.get_family_data(state, self.region, self.integral, self.geometry_types[name], self.arg_steps[name], self.arg_derivatives[name]) if mode == 'weak': if diff_var is None: fmode = 0 else: fmode = 1 elif mode == 'eval': if term_mode == 'volume': fmode = 2 elif term_mode == 'rel_volume': fmode = 3 else: raise ValueError('unsupported term evaluation mode in %s! (%s)' % (, term_mode)) else: raise ValueError('unsupported evaluation mode in %s! (%s)' % (, mode)) return fd.det_f, vgs, vgv, 0, fmode
[docs] def get_eval_shape(self, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(state) return (n_el, 1, 1, 1), state.dtype
[docs] class CompressibilityULTerm(HyperElasticULBase): r""" Compressibility term for the updated Lagrangian formulation :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} 1\over \gamma p \, q :Arguments: - material : :math:`\gamma` - virtual : :math:`q` - state : :math:`p` - parameter_u : :math:`\ul(u)` """ name = 'dw_ul_compressible' arg_types = ('material', 'virtual', 'state', 'parameter_u') arg_geometry_types = {('virtual', None) : {'facet_extra' : 'facet'}, ('state', None) : {'facet_extra' : 'facet'}} arg_shapes = {'material' : '1, 1', 'virtual' : (1, 'state'), 'state' : 1, 'parameter_u' : 'D'} family_data_names = ['mtx_f', 'det_f'] function = staticmethod(terms.dw_volume_dot_scalar)
[docs] def get_fargs(self, bulk, virtual, state, parameter_u, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): vgp, _ = self.get_mapping(virtual) vgs, _ = self.get_mapping(state) vgu, _ = self.get_mapping(parameter_u) name = fd = self.get_family_data(parameter_u, self.region, self.integral, self.geometry_types[name], self.arg_steps[name], self.arg_derivatives[name]) coef = nm.divide(bulk, fd.det_f) if mode == 'weak': if diff_var is None: val_qp = self.get(state, 'val') fmode = 0 else: val_qp = nm.array([0], ndmin=4, dtype=nm.float64) fmode = 1 return coef, val_qp, vgp, vgs, fmode else: raise ValueError('unsupported evaluation mode in %s! (%s)' % (, mode))