Source code for sfepy.terms.terms_dot

import numpy as nm

from sfepy.linalg import dot_sequences
from sfepy.terms.terms import Term, terms
from sfepy.terms.terms_th import THTerm, ETHTerm

[docs] class DotProductTerm(Term): r""" Volume and surface :math:`L^2()` weighted dot product for both scalar and vector fields. If the region is a surface and either virtual or state variable is a vector, the orientation of the normal vectors is outwards to the parent region of the virtual variable. Can be evaluated. Can use derivatives. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\cal{D}} q p \mbox{ , } \int_{\cal{D}} \ul{v} \cdot \ul{u}\\ \int_\Gamma \ul{v} \cdot \ul{n} p \mbox{ , } \int_\Gamma q \ul{n} \cdot \ul{u} \mbox{ , }\\ \int_{\cal{D}} c q p \mbox{ , } \int_{\cal{D}} c \ul{v} \cdot \ul{u} \mbox{ , } \int_{\cal{D}} \ul{v} \cdot \ull{c} \cdot \ul{u} :Arguments: - material: :math:`c` or :math:`\ull{c}` (optional) - virtual/parameter_1: :math:`q` or :math:`\ul{v}` - state/parameter_2: :math:`p` or :math:`\ul{u}` """ name = 'dw_dot' arg_types = (('opt_material', 'virtual', 'state'), ('opt_material', 'parameter_1', 'parameter_2')) arg_shapes_dict = { 'cell': [{'opt_material' : '1, 1', 'virtual' : (1, 'state'), 'state' : 1, 'parameter_1' : 1, 'parameter_2' : 1}, {'opt_material' : None}, {'opt_material' : '1, 1', 'virtual' : ('D', 'state'), 'state' : 'D', 'parameter_1' : 'D', 'parameter_2' : 'D'}, {'opt_material' : 'D, D'}, {'opt_material' : None}], 'facet': [{'opt_material' : '1, 1', 'virtual' : (1, 'state'), 'state' : 1, 'parameter_1' : 1, 'parameter_2' : 1}, {'opt_material' : None}, {'opt_material' : '1, 1', 'virtual' : (1, None), 'state' : 'D'}, {'opt_material' : None}, {'opt_material' : '1, 1', 'virtual' : ('D', None), 'state' : 1}, {'opt_material' : None}, {'opt_material' : '1, 1', 'virtual' : ('D', 'state'), 'state' : 'D', 'parameter_1' : 'D', 'parameter_2' : 'D'}, {'opt_material' : 'D, D'}, {'opt_material' : None}] } modes = ('weak', 'eval') integration = ('cell', 'facet')
[docs] @staticmethod def dw_dot(out, mat, val_qp, vgeo, sgeo, fun, fmode): status = fun(out, mat, val_qp, vgeo, sgeo, fmode) return status
[docs] @staticmethod def d_dot(out, mat, val1_qp, val2_qp, geo): if mat is None: if val1_qp.shape[2] > 1: if val2_qp.shape[2] == 1: aux = dot_sequences(val1_qp, geo.normal, mode='ATB') vec = dot_sequences(aux, val2_qp, mode='AB') else: vec = dot_sequences(val1_qp, val2_qp, mode='ATB') else: vec = val1_qp * val2_qp elif mat.shape[-1] == 1: if val1_qp.shape[2] > 1: vec = mat * dot_sequences(val1_qp, val2_qp, mode='ATB') else: vec = mat * val1_qp * val2_qp else: aux = dot_sequences(mat, val2_qp, mode='AB') vec = dot_sequences(val1_qp, aux, mode='ATB') status = geo.integrate(out, vec) return status
[docs] def get_fargs(self, mat, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): vgeo, _ = self.get_mapping(virtual) if mode == 'weak': if mat is None: n_cell, n_qp, dim, n_n, n_c = self.get_data_shape(state) mat = nm.ones((1, n_qp, 1, 1), dtype=nm.float64) sgeo, _ = self.get_mapping(state) if diff_var is None: val_qp = self.get(state, 'val') fmode = 0 else: val_qp = nm.array([0], ndmin=4, dtype=nm.float64) fmode = 1 if state.n_components > 1: if ((self.act_integration == 'cell') or (virtual.n_components > 1)): fun = terms.dw_volume_dot_vector else: fun = terms.dw_surface_s_v_dot_n else: if ((self.act_integration == 'cell') or (virtual.n_components == 1)): fun = terms.dw_volume_dot_scalar else: fun = terms.dw_surface_v_dot_n_s return mat, val_qp, vgeo, sgeo, fun, fmode elif mode == 'eval': val1_qp = self.get(virtual, 'val') val2_qp = self.get(state, 'val') return mat, val1_qp, val2_qp, vgeo else: raise ValueError('unsupported evaluation mode in %s! (%s)' % (, mode))
[docs] def get_eval_shape(self, mat, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): n_cell, n_qp, dim, n_n, n_c = self.get_data_shape(state) return (n_cell, 1, 1, 1), state.dtype
[docs] def set_arg_types(self): if self.mode == 'weak': self.function = self.dw_dot else: self.function = self.d_dot
[docs] class BCNewtonTerm(DotProductTerm): r""" Newton boundary condition term. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Gamma} \alpha q (p - p_{\rm outer}) :Arguments: - material_1 : :math:`\alpha` - material_2 : :math:`p_{\rm outer}` - virtual : :math:`q` - state : :math:`p` """ name = 'dw_bc_newton' arg_types = ('material_1', 'material_2', 'virtual', 'state') arg_shapes = {'material_1' : '1, 1', 'material_2' : '1, 1', 'virtual' : (1, 'state'), 'state' : 1} mode = 'weak' integration = 'facet' arg_shapes_dict = None
[docs] def get_fargs(self, alpha, p_outer, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): fargs = DotProductTerm.get_fargs(self, alpha, virtual, state, mode, term_mode, diff_var, **kwargs) fargs = fargs[:1] + (fargs[1] - p_outer,) + fargs[2:] return fargs
[docs] class DotSProductVolumeOperatorWTHTerm(THTerm): r""" Fading memory volume :math:`L^2(\Omega)` weighted dot product for scalar fields. Can use derivatives. :Definition: .. math:: \int_\Omega \left [\int_0^t \Gcal(t-\tau) p(\tau) \difd{\tau} \right] q :Arguments: - ts : :class:`TimeStepper` instance - material : :math:`\Gcal(\tau)` - virtual : :math:`q` - state : :math:`p` """ name = 'dw_volume_dot_w_scalar_th' arg_types = ('ts', 'material', 'virtual', 'state') arg_shapes = {'material' : '.: N, 1, 1', 'virtual' : (1, 'state'), 'state' : 1} function = staticmethod(terms.dw_volume_dot_scalar)
[docs] def get_fargs(self, ts, mats, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): vg, _ = self.get_mapping(state) n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(state) if diff_var is None: def iter_kernel(): for ii, mat in enumerate(mats): val_qp = self.get(state, 'val', step=-ii) mat = nm.tile(mat, (n_el, n_qp, 1, 1)) yield ii, (ts.dt * mat, val_qp, vg, vg, 0) fargs = iter_kernel else: val_qp = nm.array([0], ndmin=4, dtype=nm.float64) mat = nm.tile(mats[0], (n_el, n_qp, 1, 1)) fargs = ts.dt * mat, val_qp, vg, vg, 1 return fargs
[docs] class DotSProductVolumeOperatorWETHTerm(ETHTerm): r""" Fading memory volume :math:`L^2(\Omega)` weighted dot product for scalar fields. This term has the same definition as dw_volume_dot_w_scalar_th, but assumes an exponential approximation of the convolution kernel resulting in much higher efficiency. Can use derivatives. :Definition: .. math:: \int_\Omega \left [\int_0^t \Gcal(t-\tau) p(\tau) \difd{\tau} \right] q :Arguments: - ts : :class:`TimeStepper` instance - material_0 : :math:`\Gcal(0)` - material_1 : :math:`\exp(-\lambda \Delta t)` (decay at :math:`t_1`) - virtual : :math:`q` - state : :math:`p` """ name = 'dw_volume_dot_w_scalar_eth' arg_types = ('ts', 'material_0', 'material_1', 'virtual', 'state') arg_shapes = {'material_0' : '1, 1', 'material_1' : '1, 1', 'virtual' : (1, 'state'), 'state' : 1} function = staticmethod(terms.dw_volume_dot_scalar)
[docs] def get_fargs(self, ts, mat0, mat1, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): vg, _, key = self.get_mapping(state, return_key=True) if diff_var is None: val_qp = self.get(state, 'val') key += tuple(self.arg_names[ii] for ii in [1, 2, 4]) data = self.get_eth_data(key, state, mat1, val_qp) fargs = (ts.dt * mat0, data.history + data.values, vg, vg, 0) else: aux = nm.array([0], ndmin=4, dtype=nm.float64) fargs = ts.dt * mat0, aux, vg, vg, 1 return fargs
[docs] class VectorDotGradScalarTerm(Term): r""" Volume dot product of a vector and a gradient of scalar. Can be evaluated. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} \ul{v} \cdot \nabla p \mbox{ , } \int_{\Omega} \ul{u} \cdot \nabla q \\ \int_{\Omega} c \ul{v} \cdot \nabla p \mbox{ , } \int_{\Omega} c \ul{u} \cdot \nabla q \\ \int_{\Omega} \ul{v} \cdot (\ull{c} \nabla p) \mbox{ , } \int_{\Omega} \ul{u} \cdot (\ull{c} \nabla q) :Arguments 1: - material: :math:`c` or :math:`\ull{c}` (optional) - virtual/parameter_v: :math:`\ul{v}` - state/parameter_s: :math:`p` :Arguments 2: - material : :math:`c` or :math:`\ull{c}` (optional) - state : :math:`\ul{u}` - virtual : :math:`q` """ name = 'dw_v_dot_grad_s' arg_types = (('opt_material', 'virtual', 'state'), ('opt_material', 'state', 'virtual'), ('opt_material', 'parameter_v', 'parameter_s')) arg_shapes = [{'opt_material' : '1, 1', 'virtual/v_weak' : ('D', None), 'state/v_weak' : 1, 'virtual/s_weak' : (1, None), 'state/s_weak' : 'D', 'parameter_v' : 'D', 'parameter_s' : 1}, {'opt_material' : 'D, D'}, {'opt_material' : None}] modes = ('v_weak', 's_weak', 'eval')
[docs] def get_fargs(self, coef, vvar, svar, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(vvar) if coef is None: coef = nm.ones((1, n_qp, 1, 1), dtype=nm.float64) if mode == 'weak': if self.mode == 'v_weak': qp_var, qp_name = svar, 'grad' else: qp_var, qp_name = vvar, 'val' vvg, _ = self.get_mapping(vvar) svg, _ = self.get_mapping(svar) if diff_var is None: val_qp = self.get(qp_var, qp_name) fmode = 0 else: val_qp = nm.array([0], ndmin=4, dtype=nm.float64) fmode = 1 return coef, val_qp, vvg, svg, fmode elif mode == 'eval': vvg, _ = self.get_mapping(vvar) grad = self.get(svar, 'grad') val = self.get(vvar, 'val') return coef, grad, val, vvg else: raise ValueError('unsupported evaluation mode in %s! (%s)' % (, mode))
[docs] def get_eval_shape(self, coef, vvar, svar, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(vvar) return (n_el, 1, 1, 1), vvar.dtype
[docs] def set_arg_types(self): self.function = { 'v_weak' : terms.dw_v_dot_grad_s_vw, 's_weak' : terms.dw_v_dot_grad_s_sw, 'eval' : DotProductTerm.d_dot, }[self.mode]
[docs] class VectorDotScalarTerm(Term): r""" Volume dot product of a vector and a scalar. Can be evaluated. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} \ul{v} \cdot \ul{c} p \mbox{ , } \int_{\Omega} \ul{u} \cdot \ul{c} q\\ :Arguments 1: - material : :math:`\ul{c}` - virtual/parameter_v: :math:`\ul{v}` - state/parameter_s: :math:`p` :Arguments 2: - material : :math:`\ul{c}` - state : :math:`\ul{u}` - virtual : :math:`q` """ name = 'dw_vm_dot_s' arg_types = (('material', 'virtual', 'state'), ('material', 'state', 'virtual'), ('material', 'parameter_v', 'parameter_s')) arg_shapes = [{'material' : 'D, 1', 'virtual/v_weak' : ('D', None), 'state/v_weak' : 1, 'virtual/s_weak' : (1, None), 'state/s_weak' : 'D', 'parameter_v' : 'D', 'parameter_s' : 1}] modes = ('v_weak', 's_weak', 'eval')
[docs] @staticmethod def dw_dot(out, mat, val_qp, bfve, bfsc, geo, fmode): nel, nqp, dim, nc = mat.shape nen = bfve.shape[3] status1 = 0 if fmode in [0, 1, 3]: aux = nm.zeros((nel, nqp, dim * nen, nc), dtype=nm.float64) status1 = terms.actBfT(aux, bfve, mat) if fmode == 0: status2 = terms.mulAB_integrate(out, aux, val_qp, geo.cmap, 'AB') if fmode == 1: status2 = terms.mulAB_integrate(out, aux, bfsc, geo.cmap, 'AB') if fmode == 2: aux = (bfsc * dot_sequences(mat, val_qp, mode='ATB')).transpose((0,1,3,2)) status2 = geo.integrate(out, nm.ascontiguousarray(aux)) if fmode == 3: status2 = terms.mulAB_integrate(out, bfsc, aux, geo.cmap, 'ATBT') return status1 and status2
[docs] @staticmethod def d_dot(out, mat, val1_qp, val2_qp, geo): v1, v2 = (val1_qp, val2_qp) if val1_qp.shape[2] > 1 \ else (val2_qp, val1_qp) aux = dot_sequences(v1, mat, mode='ATB') vec = dot_sequences(aux, v2, mode='AB') status = geo.integrate(out, vec) return status
[docs] def get_fargs(self, coef, vvar, svar, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(vvar) coef = coef.reshape(coef.shape[:2] + (dim, 1)) if mode == 'weak': vgv, _ = self.get_mapping(vvar) vgs, _ = self.get_mapping(svar) bfve = bfsc = if self.mode == 'v_weak': qp_var, geo, fmode = svar, vgv, 0 else: qp_var, geo, fmode = vvar, vgs, 2 if diff_var is None: val_qp = self.get(qp_var, 'val') else: val_qp = (nm.array([0], ndmin=4, dtype=nm.float64), 1) fmode += 1 return coef, val_qp, bfve, bfsc, geo, fmode elif mode == 'eval': vvg, _ = self.get_mapping(vvar) vals = self.get(svar, 'val') valv = self.get(vvar, 'val') return coef, vals, valv, vvg else: raise ValueError('unsupported evaluation mode in %s! (%s)' % (, mode))
[docs] def get_eval_shape(self, coef, vvar, svar, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): n_el, n_qp, dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(vvar) return (n_el, 1, 1, 1), vvar.dtype
[docs] def set_arg_types(self): self.function = { 'v_weak' : self.dw_dot, 's_weak' : self.dw_dot, 'eval' : self.d_dot, }[self.mode]
[docs] class ScalarDotGradIScalarTerm(Term): r""" Dot product of a scalar and the :math:`i`-th component of gradient of a scalar. The index should be given as a 'special_constant' material parameter. :Definition: .. math:: Z^i = \int_{\Omega} q \nabla_i p :Arguments: - material : :math:`i` - virtual : :math:`q` - state : :math:`p` """ name = 'dw_s_dot_grad_i_s' arg_types = ('material', 'virtual', 'state') arg_shapes = {'material' : '.: 1, 1', 'virtual' : (1, 'state'), 'state' : 1}
[docs] @staticmethod def dw_fun(out, bf, vg, grad, idx, fmode): cc = nm.ascontiguousarray bft = cc(nm.tile(bf, (out.shape[0], 1, 1, 1))) if fmode == 0: status = terms.mulAB_integrate(out, bft, cc(grad[..., idx:idx+1, :]), vg.cmap, mode='ATB') else: status = terms.mulAB_integrate(out, bft, cc(vg.bfg[:,:,idx:(idx + 1),:]), vg.cmap, mode='ATB') return status
[docs] def get_fargs(self, material, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): if mode == 'weak': if diff_var is None: grad = self.get(state, 'grad') fmode = 0 else: grad = nm.array([0], ndmin=4, dtype=nm.float64) fmode = 1 vg, _ = self.get_mapping(virtual) vgs, _ = self.get_mapping(state) idx = int(material[0, 0]) return, vg, grad, idx, fmode else: raise ValueError('unsupported evaluation mode in %s! (%s)' % (, mode))
[docs] def set_arg_types(self): self.function = self.dw_fun
[docs] class ScalarDotMGradScalarTerm(Term): r""" Volume dot product of a scalar gradient dotted with a material vector with a scalar. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} q \ul{y} \cdot \nabla p \mbox{ , } \int_{\Omega} p \ul{y} \cdot \nabla q :Arguments 1: - material : :math:`\ul{y}` - virtual : :math:`q` - state : :math:`p` :Arguments 2: - material : :math:`\ul{y}` - state : :math:`p` - virtual : :math:`q` """ name = 'dw_s_dot_mgrad_s' arg_types = (('material', 'virtual', 'state'), ('material', 'state', 'virtual')) arg_shapes = [{'material' : 'D, 1', 'virtual/grad_state' : (1, None), 'state/grad_state' : 1, 'virtual/grad_virtual' : (1, None), 'state/grad_virtual' : 1}] modes = ('grad_state', 'grad_virtual')
[docs] @staticmethod def function(out, out_qp, geo, fmode): status = geo.integrate(out, out_qp) return status
[docs] def get_fargs(self, mat, var1, var2, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): vg1, _ = self.get_mapping(var1) vg2, _ = self.get_mapping(var2) if diff_var is None: if self.mode == 'grad_state': geo = vg1 bf_t =, 1, 3, 2)) val_qp = self.get(var2, 'grad') out_qp = bf_t * dot_sequences(mat, val_qp, 'ATB') else: geo = vg2 val_qp = self.get(var1, 'val') out_qp = dot_sequences(vg2.bfg, mat, 'ATB') * val_qp fmode = 0 else: if self.mode == 'grad_state': geo = vg1 bf_t =, 1, 3, 2)) out_qp = bf_t * dot_sequences(mat, vg2.bfg, 'ATB') else: geo = vg2 out_qp = dot_sequences(vg2.bfg, mat, 'ATB') * fmode = 1 return out_qp, geo, fmode