Source code for sfepy.terms.terms

import re
from copy import copy

import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import (as_float_or_complex, get_default, assert_,
                             Container, Struct, basestr, goptions)
from sfepy.base.compat import in1d

# Used for imports in term files.
from sfepy.terms.extmods import terms

_match_args = re.compile(r'^([^\(\}]*)\((.*)\)$').match
_match_virtual = re.compile('^virtual$').match
_match_state = re.compile('^state(_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$').match
_match_parameter = re.compile('^parameter(_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$').match
_match_material = re.compile('^material(_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$').match
_match_material_opt = re.compile('^opt_material(_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$').match
_match_material_root = re.compile(r'(.+)\.(.*)').match
_match_ts = re.compile('^ts$').match

[docs] def get_arg_kinds(arg_types): """ Translate `arg_types` of a Term to a canonical form. Parameters ---------- arg_types : tuple of strings The term argument types, as given in the `arg_types` attribute. Returns ------- arg_kinds : list of strings The argument kinds - one of 'virtual_variable', 'state_variable', 'parameter_variable', 'opt_material', 'ts', 'user'. """ arg_kinds = [] for ii, arg_type in enumerate(arg_types): if _match_virtual(arg_type): arg_kinds.append('virtual_variable') elif _match_state(arg_type): arg_kinds.append('state_variable') elif _match_parameter(arg_type): arg_kinds.append('parameter_variable') elif _match_material(arg_type): arg_kinds.append('material') elif _match_material_opt(arg_type): arg_kinds.append('opt_material') if ii > 0: msg = 'opt_material at position %d, must be at 0!' % ii raise ValueError(msg) elif _match_ts(arg_type): arg_kinds.append('ts') else: arg_kinds.append('user') return arg_kinds
[docs] def get_shape_kind(integration): """ Get data shape kind for given integration type. """ if integration in ('plate', 'facet_extra'): shape_kind = 'cell' elif integration in ('cell', 'facet', 'point'): shape_kind = integration else: raise NotImplementedError('unsupported term integration! (%s)' % integration) return shape_kind
[docs] def split_complex_args(args): """ Split complex arguments to real and imaginary parts. Returns ------- newargs : dictionary Dictionary with lists corresponding to `args` such that each argument of numpy.complex128 data type is split to its real and imaginary part. The output depends on the number of complex arguments in 'args': - 0: list (key 'r') identical to input one - 1: two lists with keys 'r', 'i' corresponding to real and imaginary parts - 2: output dictionary contains four lists: - 'r' - real(arg1), real(arg2) - 'i' - imag(arg1), imag(arg2) - 'ri' - real(arg1), imag(arg2) - 'ir' - imag(arg1), real(arg2) """ newargs = {} cai = [] for ii, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, nm.ndarray) and (arg.dtype == nm.complex128): cai.append(ii) if len(cai) > 0: newargs['r'] = list(args[:]) newargs['i'] = list(args[:]) arg1 = cai[0] newargs['r'][arg1] = args[arg1].real.copy() newargs['i'][arg1] = args[arg1].imag.copy() if len(cai) == 2: arg2 = cai[1] newargs['r'][arg2] = args[arg2].real.copy() newargs['i'][arg2] = args[arg2].imag.copy() newargs['ri'] = list(args[:]) newargs['ir'] = list(args[:]) newargs['ri'][arg1] = newargs['r'][arg1] newargs['ri'][arg2] = newargs['i'][arg2] newargs['ir'][arg1] = newargs['i'][arg1] newargs['ir'][arg2] = newargs['r'][arg2] elif len(cai) > 2: raise NotImplementedError('more than 2 complex arguments! (%d)' % len(cai)) else: newargs['r'] = args[:] return newargs
[docs] def create_arg_parser(allow_derivatives=False): from pyparsing import (Literal, Word, OneOrMore, delimitedList, Group, StringStart, StringEnd, Combine, Optional, nums, alphas, alphanums) ident = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_") inumber = Word("+-" + nums, nums) history = Optional(Literal('[').suppress() + inumber + Literal(']').suppress(), default=0)("history") history.setParseAction(lambda str, loc, toks: int(toks[0])) variable = Group(Word(alphas, alphanums + '._') + history) derivative = Group(Literal('d') + variable\ + Literal('/').suppress() + Literal('dt')) trace = Group(Literal('tr') + Literal('(').suppress() + Optional(ident + Literal(',').suppress(), default=None) + variable + Literal(')').suppress()) if allow_derivatives: derivative2 = Group(Combine(OneOrMore(Literal('d'))) + variable) generalized_var = derivative | derivative2 | trace | variable else: generalized_var = derivative | trace | variable args = StringStart() + delimitedList(generalized_var) + StringEnd() return args
[docs] class ConnInfo(Struct):
[docs] def get_region(self, can_trace=True): if self.trace_region is not None and can_trace: return self.region.get_mirror_region(self.trace_region) else: return self.region
[docs] def get_region_name(self, can_trace=True): reg = self.get_region(can_trace) if reg is not None: return else: return None
[docs] class Terms(Container):
[docs] @staticmethod def from_desc(term_descs, regions, integrals=None): """ Create terms, assign each term its region. """ from sfepy.terms import term_table terms = Terms() for td in term_descs: try: constructor = term_table[] except: msg = "term '%s' is not in %s" % (, sorted(term_table.keys())) raise ValueError(msg) try: region = regions[td.region] except IndexError: raise KeyError('region "%s" does not exist!' % td.region) term = Term.from_desc(constructor, td, region, integrals=integrals) terms.append(term) return terms
def __init__(self, objs=None): Container.__init__(self, objs=objs) self.update_expression()
[docs] def insert(self, ii, obj): Container.insert(self, ii, obj) self.update_expression()
[docs] def append(self, obj): Container.append(self, obj) self.update_expression()
[docs] def update_expression(self): self.expression = [] for term in self: aux = [term.sign,, term.arg_str, term.integral_name,] self.expression.append(aux)
def __mul__(self, other): out = Terms() for name, term in self.iteritems(): out.append(term * other) return out def __rmul__(self, other): return self * other def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Term): out = self.copy() out.append(other) elif isinstance(other, Terms): out = Terms(self._objs + other._objs) else: raise ValueError('cannot add Terms with %s!' % other) return out def __radd__(self, other): return self + other def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Term): out = self + (-other) elif isinstance(other, Terms): out = self + (-other) else: raise ValueError('cannot subtract Terms with %s!' % other) return out def __rsub__(self, other): return -self + other def __pos__(self): return self def __neg__(self): return -1.0 * self
[docs] def setup(self, **kwargs): for term in self: term.setup(**kwargs)
[docs] def assign_args(self, variables, materials, user=None): """ Assign all term arguments. """ for term in self: term.assign_args(variables, materials, user)
[docs] def get_variable_names(self): out = [] for term in self: out.extend(term.get_variable_names()) return list(set(out))
[docs] def get_material_names(self): out = [] for term in self: out.extend(term.get_material_names()) return list(set(out))
[docs] def get_user_names(self): out = [] for term in self: out.extend(term.get_user_names()) return list(set(out))
[docs] class Term(Struct): name = '' arg_types = () arg_geometry_types = {} arg_shapes = {} diff_info = {} integration = 'cell' integration_order = None # None = any geometries = ['1_2', '2_3', '2_4', '3_4', '3_8']
[docs] @staticmethod def new(name, integral, region, **kwargs): from sfepy.terms import term_table arg_str = _match_args(name) if arg_str is not None: name, arg_str = arg_str.groups() else: raise ValueError('bad term syntax! (%s)' % name) if name in term_table: constructor = term_table[name] else: msg = "term '%s' is not in %s" % (name, sorted(term_table.keys())) raise ValueError(msg) obj = constructor(name, arg_str, integral, region, **kwargs) return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def from_desc(constructor, desc, region, integrals=None): from sfepy.discrete import Integrals if integrals is None: integrals = Integrals() integral = integrals.get(desc.integral) obj = constructor(, desc.args, integral, region) obj.sign = desc.sign return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def tile_mat(mat, nel): if mat.shape[0] == 1 and nel > 1: return nm.tile(mat, (nel,) + (mat.ndim - 1) * (1,)) else: return mat
def __init__(self, name, arg_str, integral, region, **kwargs): = name self.arg_str = arg_str self.region = region self._kwargs = kwargs self.sign = 1.0 self.set_integral(integral) def __mul__(self, other): try: mul = as_float_or_complex(other) except ValueError: raise ValueError('cannot multiply Term with %s!' % other) out = self.copy( out.sign = mul * self.sign return out def __rmul__(self, other): return self * other def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Term): out = Terms([self, other]) else: out = NotImplemented return out def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Term): out = Terms([self, -1.0 * other]) else: out = NotImplemented return out def __pos__(self): return self def __neg__(self): out = -1.0 * self return out
[docs] def get_str(self): return '{:+} * {}.{}.{}({})'.format( self.sign,, self.integral.order,, self.arg_str)
[docs] def set_integral(self, integral): """ Set the term integral. """ if self.integration_order is not None: if integral.order != self.integration_order: raise ValueError( f'integral order for "{}" term must be' f' {self.integration_order}! (is {integral.order}' f' of integral "{}")' ) self.integral = integral if self.integral is not None: self.integral_name =
[docs] def setup(self, allow_derivatives=False): self.function = Struct.get(self, 'function', None) self.step = 0 self.dt = 1.0 self.is_quasistatic = False self.has_region = True self.setup_formal_args(allow_derivatives=allow_derivatives) if self._kwargs: self.setup_args(**self._kwargs) else: self.args = []
[docs] def setup_formal_args(self, allow_derivatives=False): self.arg_names = [] self.arg_steps = {} self.arg_derivatives = {} self.arg_traces = {} self.arg_trace_regions = {} parser = create_arg_parser(allow_derivatives=allow_derivatives) self.arg_desc = parser.parseString(self.arg_str) for arg in self.arg_desc: derivative = None trace = False trace_region = None if isinstance(arg[1], int): name, step = arg else: kind = arg[0] if 'd' in kind: if len(arg) == 3: name, step = arg[1] derivative = arg[2] else: name, step = arg[1] derivative = len(kind) elif kind == 'tr': trace = True trace_region = arg[1] name, step = arg[2] match = _match_material_root(name) if match: name = (, self.arg_names.append(name) self.arg_steps[name] = step self.arg_derivatives[name] = derivative self.arg_traces[name] = trace self.arg_trace_regions[name] = trace_region
[docs] def setup_args(self, **kwargs): self._kwargs = kwargs self.args = [] for arg_name in self.arg_names: if isinstance(arg_name, basestr): self.args.append(self._kwargs[arg_name]) else: self.args.append((self._kwargs[arg_name[0]], arg_name[1])) self.classify_args() self.check_args() self.setup_geometry_types()
[docs] def assign_args(self, variables, materials, user=None): """ Check term argument existence in variables, materials, user data and assign the arguments to terms. Also check compatibility of field and term regions. """ if user is None: user = {} user.setdefault('ts', Struct()) kwargs = {} for arg_name in self.arg_names: if isinstance(arg_name, basestr): if arg_name in variables.names: kwargs[arg_name] = variables[arg_name] elif arg_name in user: kwargs[arg_name] = user[arg_name] else: raise ValueError('argument %s not found!' % arg_name) else: arg_name = arg_name[0] if arg_name in materials.names: kwargs[arg_name] = materials[arg_name] else: raise ValueError('material argument %s not found!' % arg_name) self.setup_args(**kwargs)
[docs] def classify_args(self): """ Classify types of the term arguments and find matching call signature. A state variable can be in place of a parameter variable and vice versa. """ self.names = Struct(name='arg_names', material=[], variable=[], user=[], state=[], virtual=[], parameter=[]) # Prepare for 'opt_material' - just prepend a None argument if needed. if isinstance(self.arg_types[0], tuple): arg_types = self.arg_types[0] else: arg_types = self.arg_types if len(arg_types) == (len(self.args) + 1): self.args.insert(0, (None, None)) self.arg_names.insert(0, (None, None)) if isinstance(self.arg_types[0], tuple): assert_(len(self.modes) == len(self.arg_types)) # Find matching call signature using variable arguments - material # and user arguments are ignored! matched = [] for it, arg_types in enumerate(self.arg_types): arg_kinds = get_arg_kinds(arg_types) if self._check_variables(arg_kinds): matched.append((it, arg_kinds)) if len(matched) == 1: i_match, arg_kinds = matched[0] arg_types = self.arg_types[i_match] self.mode = self.modes[i_match] elif len(matched) == 0: msg = 'cannot match arguments! (%s)' % self.arg_names raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = 'ambiguous arguments! (%s)' % self.arg_names raise ValueError(msg) else: arg_types = self.arg_types arg_kinds = get_arg_kinds(self.arg_types) self.mode = Struct.get(self, 'mode', None) if not self._check_variables(arg_kinds): raise ValueError('cannot match variables! (%s)' % self.arg_names) # Set actual argument types. self.ats = list(arg_types) for ii, arg_kind in enumerate(arg_kinds): name = self.arg_names[ii] if arg_kind.endswith('variable'): names = self.names.variable if arg_kind == 'virtual_variable': self.names.virtual.append(name) elif arg_kind == 'state_variable': self.names.state.append(name) elif arg_kind == 'parameter_variable': self.names.parameter.append(name) elif arg_kind.endswith('material'): # This should be better checked already in create_arg_parser(). if not isinstance(name, tuple): raise ValueError('wrong material argument %s of term %s!' % (name, self.get_str())) names = self.names.material else: names = self.names.user names.append(name) self.n_virtual = len(self.names.virtual) if self.n_virtual > 1: raise ValueError('at most one virtual variable is allowed! (%d)' % self.n_virtual) self.set_arg_types() self.setup_integration()
def _check_variables(self, arg_kinds): for ii, arg_kind in enumerate(arg_kinds): if arg_kind.endswith('variable'): var = self.args[ii] check = {'virtual_variable' : var.is_virtual, 'state_variable' : var.is_state_or_parameter, 'parameter_variable' : var.is_state_or_parameter} if not check[arg_kind](): return False else: return True
[docs] def set_arg_types(self): pass
[docs] def check_args(self): """ Common checking to all terms. Check compatibility of field and term regions. """ vns = self.get_variable_names() for name in vns: field = self._kwargs[name].get_field() if field is None: continue region = self.region if self.arg_traces[name]: mreg_name = self.arg_trace_regions[name] if mreg_name is None: mreg_name = region.setup_mirror_region(mreg_name, ret_name=True) self.arg_trace_regions[name] = mreg_name else: region.setup_mirror_region(mreg_name) region = region.get_mirror_region(mreg_name) if not nm.all(in1d(region.vertices, field.region.vertices)): msg = ('%s: incompatible regions: (self, field %s)' + '(%s in %s)') %\ (,, self.region.vertices, field.region.vertices) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def get_variable_names(self): return self.names.variable
[docs] def get_material_names(self, part=0): out = [] for aux in self.names.material: if aux[0] is not None: out.append(aux[part]) return out
[docs] def get_user_names(self): return self.names.user
[docs] def get_virtual_name(self): if not self.names.virtual: return None var = self.get_virtual_variable() return
[docs] def get_state_names(self): """ If variables are given, return only true unknowns whose data are of the current time step (0). """ variables = self.get_state_variables() return [ for var in variables]
[docs] def get_parameter_names(self): return copy(self.names.parameter)
[docs] def get_conn_key(self): """The key to be used in DOF connectivity information.""" key = (,) + tuple(self.arg_names) arg_traces = [k for k, v in self.arg_traces.items() if v] if len(arg_traces) > 0: atr = arg_traces[-1] trace = self.arg_trace_regions[atr], atr else: trace = None, None key += (self.integral_name, + trace return key
[docs] def get_conn_info(self): vvar = self.get_virtual_variable() svars = self.get_state_variables() pvars = self.get_parameter_variables() all_vars = self.get_variables() dof_conn_types = {} for var in all_vars: aux = var.get_primary() pvar = aux if aux is not None else var dof_conn_types[] = self.get_dof_conn_type( if vvar is None: # No virtual variable -> all unknowns are in fact known parameters. pvars += svars svars = [] region = self.get_region() if region is not None: arg_traces = [k for k, v in self.arg_traces.items() if v] if len(arg_traces) > 0: aname = arg_traces[-1] mreg_name = self.arg_trace_regions[aname] if mreg_name is None: mreg_name = region.setup_mirror_region(mreg_name, ret_name=True) self.arg_trace_regions[aname] = mreg_name else: region.setup_mirror_region(mreg_name) vals = [] aux_pvars = [] for svar in svars: # Allow only true state variables. if not svar.is_state(): aux_pvars.append(svar) continue field = svar.get_field() trace_region = self.arg_trace_regions[] val = ConnInfo(virtual=vvar, state=svar, primary=svar, has_virtual=True, has_state=True, trace_region=trace_region, dof_conn_types=dof_conn_types, region=region, all_vars=all_vars) vals.append(val) pvars += aux_pvars for pvar in pvars: field = pvar.get_field() trace_region = self.arg_trace_regions[] val = ConnInfo(virtual=vvar, state=None, primary=pvar.get_primary(), has_virtual=vvar is not None, has_state=False, trace_region=trace_region, dof_conn_types=dof_conn_types, region=region, all_vars=all_vars) vals.append(val) if vvar and (len(vals) == 0): # No state, parameter variables, just the virtual one. val = ConnInfo(virtual=vvar, state=vvar.get_primary(), primary=vvar.get_primary(), has_virtual=True, has_state=False, trace_region=None, dof_conn_types=dof_conn_types, region=region, all_vars=all_vars) vals.append(val) return vals
[docs] def get_args_by_name(self, arg_names): """ Return arguments by name. """ out = [] for name in arg_names: try: ii = self.arg_names.index(name) except ValueError: raise ValueError('non-existing argument! (%s)' % name) out.append(self.args[ii]) return out
[docs] def get_args(self, arg_types=None, **kwargs): """ Return arguments by type as specified in arg_types (or self.ats). Arguments in **kwargs can override the ones assigned at the term construction - this is useful for passing user data. """ ats = self.ats if arg_types is None: arg_types = ats args = [] region_name, iorder =, self.integral.order for at in arg_types: ii = ats.index(at) arg_name = self.arg_names[ii] if isinstance(arg_name, basestr): if arg_name in kwargs: args.append(kwargs[arg_name]) else: args.append(self.args[ii]) else: mat, par_name = self.args[ii] if mat is not None: mat_data = mat.get_data((region_name, iorder), par_name) else: mat_data = None args.append(mat_data) return args
[docs] def get_kwargs(self, keys, **kwargs): """Extract arguments from **kwargs listed in keys (default is None).""" return [kwargs.get(name) for name in keys]
[docs] def get_arg_name(self, arg_type, full=False, join=None): """ Get the name of the argument specified by `arg_type.` Parameters ---------- arg_type : str The argument type string. full : bool If True, return the full name. For example, if the name of a variable argument is 'u' and its time derivative is requested, the full name is 'du/dt'. join : str, optional Optionally, the material argument name tuple can be joined to a single string using the `join` string. Returns ------- name : str The argument name. """ try: ii = self.ats.index(arg_type) except ValueError: return None name = self.arg_names[ii] if full: # Include derivatives. if self.arg_derivatives[name]: name = 'd%s/%s' % (name, self.arg_derivatives[name]) if (join is not None) and isinstance(name, tuple): name = join.join(name) return name
[docs] def setup_geometry_types(self): self.geometry_types = {} for var in self.get_variables(): mreg_name = self.arg_trace_regions[] if mreg_name is not None: reg = self.region.get_mirror_region(mreg_name) else: reg = self.region if isinstance(self.integration, tuple): if reg.kind in self.integration: integration = reg.kind elif reg.kind == 'facet' and 'facet_extra' in self.integration: integration = 'facet_extra' else: raise ValueError(f'region "{}" cannot be used as ' f'"{}" term integration domain!') else: integration = self.integration if self.arg_geometry_types: ii = self.arg_names.index( agt = self.arg_geometry_types.get((self.ats[ii], self.mode)) if agt is not None: integration = agt.get(integration, integration) self.geometry_types[] = integration, reg.tdim
[docs] def setup_integration(self): self.has_geometry = True reg = self.region if isinstance(self.integration, tuple): if reg.kind in self.integration: integration = reg.kind elif reg.kind == 'facet' and 'facet_extra' in self.integration: integration = 'facet_extra' else: raise ValueError(f'region "{}" cannot be used as ' f'"{}" term integration domain!') else: integration = self.integration self.act_integration = integration
[docs] def get_region(self): return self.region
[docs] def get_assembling_cells(self, shape=None): """ Return the assembling cell indices into a DOF connectivity. """ cells = nm.arange(shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) return cells
[docs] def time_update(self, ts): if ts is not None: self.step = ts.step self.dt = ts.dt self.is_quasistatic = ts.is_quasistatic if 'ts' in self._kwargs: self._kwargs['ts'].update(ts)
[docs] def advance(self, ts): """ Advance to the next time step. Implemented in subclasses. """
[docs] def get_vector(self, variable): """Get the vector stored in `variable` according to self.arg_steps and self.arg_derivatives. Supports only the backward difference w.r.t. time.""" name = return variable(step=self.arg_steps[name], derivative=self.arg_derivatives[name])
[docs] def get_variables(self, as_list=True): if as_list: variables = self.get_args_by_name(self.names.variable) else: variables = {} for var in self.get_args_by_name(self.names.variable): variables[] = var return variables
[docs] def get_virtual_variable(self): aux = self.get_args_by_name(self.names.virtual) if len(aux) == 1: var = aux[0] else: var = None return var
[docs] def get_state_variables(self, unknown_only=False): variables = self.get_args_by_name(self.names.state) if unknown_only: variables = [var for var in variables if (var.kind == 'unknown') and (self.arg_steps[] == 0)] return variables
[docs] def get_parameter_variables(self): return self.get_args_by_name(self.names.parameter)
[docs] def get_materials(self, join=False): materials = self.get_args_by_name(self.names.material) for mat in materials: if mat[0] is None: materials.remove(mat) if join: materials = list(set(mat[0] for mat in materials)) return materials
[docs] def get_qp_key(self): """ Return a key identifying uniquely the term quadrature points. """ return (, self.integral.order)
[docs] def get_physical_qps(self): """ Get physical quadrature points corresponding to the term region and integral. """ from sfepy.discrete.common.mappings import get_physical_qps, PhysicalQPs if self.act_integration == 'point': phys_qps = PhysicalQPs() else: phys_qps = get_physical_qps(self.region, self.integral) return phys_qps
[docs] def get_mapping(self, variable, get_saved=False, return_key=False): """ Get the reference mapping from a variable. Notes ----- This is a convenience wrapper of Field.get_mapping() that initializes the arguments using the term data. """ integration, _ = self.geometry_types[] mreg_name = self.arg_trace_regions[] if mreg_name is not None: region = self.region.get_mirror_region(mreg_name) else: region = self.region out = variable.field.get_mapping(region, self.integral, integration, get_saved=get_saved, return_key=return_key) return out
[docs] def get_data_shape(self, variable): """ Get data shape information from variable. Notes ----- This is a convenience wrapper of FieldVariable.get_data_shape() that initializes the arguments using the term data. """ integration, _ = self.geometry_types[] mreg_name = self.arg_trace_regions[] if mreg_name is not None: region = self.region.get_mirror_region(mreg_name) else: region = self.region out = variable.get_data_shape(self.integral, integration, return out
[docs] def get(self, variable, quantity_name, bf=None, integration=None, step=None, time_derivative=None): """ Get the named quantity related to the variable. Notes ----- This is a convenience wrapper of Variable.evaluate() that initializes the arguments using the term data. """ name = step = get_default(step, self.arg_steps[name]) time_derivative = get_default(time_derivative, self.arg_derivatives[name]) integration = get_default(integration, self.geometry_types[name][0]) data = variable.evaluate(mode=quantity_name, region=self.region, integral=self.integral, integration=integration, step=step, time_derivative=time_derivative, trace_region=self.arg_trace_regions[name], bf=bf) return data
[docs] def check_shapes(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Check term argument shapes at run-time. """ from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.mechanics.tensors import dim2sym dim = self.region.field_dim if hasattr(self.region, 'field_dim')\ else self.region.dim sym = dim2sym(dim) def _parse_scalar_shape(sh): if isinstance(sh, basestr): if sh == 'D': return dim elif sh == 'D2': return dim**2 elif sh == 'S': return sym elif sh == 'SD': return sym * dim elif sh == 'N': # General number. return nm.inf elif sh == 'str': return 'str' else: return int(sh) else: return sh def _parse_tuple_shape(sh): if isinstance(sh, basestr): return tuple((_parse_scalar_shape(ii.strip()) for ii in sh.split(','))) else: return (int(sh),) arg_kinds = get_arg_kinds(self.ats) if hasattr(self, 'arg_shapes_dict') and \ isinstance(self.arg_shapes_dict, dict): integration = self.act_integration.split('_')[0] arg_shapes_list = self.arg_shapes_dict[integration] else: arg_shapes_list = self.arg_shapes if not isinstance(arg_shapes_list, list): arg_shapes_list = [arg_shapes_list] # Loop allowed shapes until a match is found, else error. allowed_shapes = [] prev_shapes = {} actual_shapes = {} for _arg_shapes in arg_shapes_list: # Unset shapes are taken from the previous iteration. arg_shapes = copy(prev_shapes) arg_shapes.update(_arg_shapes) prev_shapes = arg_shapes allowed_shapes.append(arg_shapes) n_ok = 0 for ii, arg_kind in enumerate(arg_kinds): if arg_kind in ('user', 'ts'): n_ok += 1 continue arg = args[ii] key = '%s:%s' % (self.ats[ii], self.arg_names[ii]) if self.mode is not None: extended_ats = self.ats[ii] + ('/%s' % self.mode) else: extended_ats = self.ats[ii] try: sh = arg_shapes[self.ats[ii]] except KeyError: sh = arg_shapes[extended_ats] if arg_kind.endswith('variable'): n_el, n_qp, _dim, n_en, n_c = self.get_data_shape(arg) actual_shapes[key] = (n_c,) shape = _parse_scalar_shape(sh[0] if isinstance(sh, tuple) else sh) if nm.isinf(shape): n_ok += 1 else: n_ok += shape == n_c elif arg_kind.endswith('material'): if arg is None: # Switched-off opt_material. n_ok += sh is None continue if sh is None: continue prefix = '' if isinstance(sh, basestr): aux = tuple(ii.strip() for ii in sh.split(':')) if len(aux) == 2: prefix, sh = aux if sh == 'str': n_ok += isinstance(arg, basestr) continue shape = _parse_tuple_shape(sh) ls = len(shape) aarg = nm.array(arg, ndmin=1) actual_shapes[key] = aarg.shape # Substiture general dimension 'N' with actual value. iinfs = nm.where(nm.isinf(shape))[0] if len(iinfs): shape = list(shape) for iinf in iinfs: shape[iinf] = aarg.shape[-ls+iinf] shape = tuple(shape) if (ls > 1) or (shape[0] > 1): # Array. n_ok += shape == aarg.shape[-ls:] actual_shapes[key] = aarg.shape[-ls:] elif (ls == 1) and (shape[0] == 1): # Scalar constant or callable as term argument from numbers import Number n_ok += isinstance(arg, Number) or callable(arg) else: n_ok += 1 if n_ok == len(arg_kinds): break else: term_str = self.get_str() output('allowed argument shapes for term "%s":' % term_str) output(allowed_shapes) output('actual argument shapes:') output(actual_shapes) raise ValueError('wrong arguments shapes for "%s" term! (see above)' % term_str)
[docs] def standalone_setup(self): from sfepy.discrete import create_adof_conns, Variables conn_info = {'aux' : self.get_conn_info()} adcs = create_adof_conns(conn_info, None) variables = Variables(self.get_variables()) variables.set_adof_conns(adcs) materials = self.get_materials(join=True) for mat in materials: mat.time_update(None, [Struct(terms=[self])])
[docs] def call_get_fargs(self, args, kwargs): try: fargs = self.get_fargs(*args, **kwargs) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): terms.errclear() raise return fargs
[docs] @staticmethod def translate_fargs_mapping(function, fargs, force=False): key0 = 'builtin_function_or_method' # cython < 3 key1 = 'cython_function_or_method' # cython >= 3 fs = [k.__class__.__name__ for k in fargs] is_tr = lambda key: (key in function.__class__.__name__ or key in fs) if is_tr(key0) or is_tr(key1) or force: for ii, k in enumerate(fs): if k == 'PyCMapping': fargs[ii] = fargs[ii].cmap return fargs
[docs] def call_function(self, out, fargs): fargs = self.translate_fargs_mapping(self.function, list(fargs)) try: status = self.function(out, *fargs) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): terms.errclear() raise if status: terms.errclear() raise ValueError('term evaluation failed! (%s)' % return status
[docs] def eval_real(self, shape, fargs, mode='eval', term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): out = nm.empty(shape, dtype=nm.float64) if mode == 'eval': status = self.call_function(out, fargs) # Sum over elements but not over components. out1 = nm.sum(out, 0).squeeze() return out1, status else: status = self.call_function(out, fargs) return out, status
[docs] def eval_complex(self, shape, fargs, mode='eval', term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): rout = nm.empty(shape, dtype=nm.float64) fargsd = split_complex_args(fargs) rstatus = self.call_function(rout, fargsd['r']) if len(fargsd) >= 2: iout = nm.empty(shape, dtype=nm.float64) istatus = self.call_function(iout, fargsd['i']) if len(fargsd) >= 4: irout = nm.empty(shape, dtype=nm.float64) irstatus = self.call_function(irout, fargsd['ir']) riout = nm.empty(shape, dtype=nm.float64) ristatus = self.call_function(riout, fargsd['ri']) out = (rout - iout) + (riout + irout) * 1j status = rstatus or istatus or ristatus or irstatus else: out = rout + 1j * iout status = rstatus or istatus else: out, status = rout + 0j, rstatus if mode == 'eval': out1 = nm.sum(out, 0).squeeze() return out1, status else: return out, status
[docs] def evaluate(self, mode='eval', diff_var=None, standalone=True, ret_status=False, **kwargs): """ Evaluate the term. Parameters ---------- mode : 'eval' (default), or 'weak' The term evaluation mode. Returns ------- val : float or array In 'eval' mode, the term returns a single value (the integral, it does not need to be a scalar), while in 'weak' mode it returns an array for each element. status : int, optional The flag indicating evaluation success (0) or failure (nonzero). Only provided if `ret_status` is True. iels : array of ints, optional The local elements indices in 'weak' mode. Only provided in non-'eval' modes. """ if (mode == 'eval') and not (hasattr(self, 'get_eval_shape')): raise ValueError( f'term "{}" cannot be evaluated in "eval" mode!' ) if standalone: self.standalone_setup() kwargs = kwargs.copy() term_mode = kwargs.pop('term_mode', None) if mode in ('eval', 'el_eval', 'el_avg', 'qp'): args = self.get_args(**kwargs) self.check_shapes(*args) emode = 'eval' if mode == 'el_eval' else mode _args = tuple(args) + (emode, term_mode, diff_var) shape, dtype = self.get_eval_shape(*_args, **kwargs) if shape[0] == 0: val = nm.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) status = 0 else: fargs = self.call_get_fargs(_args, kwargs) if dtype == nm.float64: val, status = self.eval_real(shape, fargs, mode, term_mode, **kwargs) elif dtype == nm.complex128: val, status = self.eval_complex(shape, fargs, mode, term_mode, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('unsupported term dtype! (%s)' % dtype) val *= self.sign out = (val,) elif mode == 'weak': varr = self.get_virtual_variable() if varr is None: raise ValueError('no virtual variable in weak mode! (in "%s")' % self.get_str()) if diff_var is not None: tvariables = self.get_variables(as_list=False) if diff_var in tvariables: varc = tvariables[diff_var] elif diff_var in self.get_material_names(part=1): varc = None ii = self.get_material_names(part=1).index(diff_var) diff_var = self.ats[ii] else: raise ValueError(f'variable "{diff_var}" is neither in' ' term variables nor in term.diff_info!') args = self.get_args(**kwargs) self.check_shapes(*args) n_elr, n_qpr, dim, n_enr, n_cr = self.get_data_shape(varr) n_row = n_cr * n_enr if diff_var is None: shape = (n_elr, 1, n_row, 1) else: if varc is not None: n_elc, n_qpc, dim, n_enc, n_cc = self.get_data_shape(varc) n_col = n_cc * n_enc else: n_col = self.diff_info[diff_var] shape = (n_elr, 1, n_row, n_col) if shape[0] == 0: vals = nm.zeros(shape, dtype=varr.dtype) status = 0 else: _args = tuple(args) + (mode, term_mode, diff_var) fargs = self.call_get_fargs(_args, kwargs) if varr.dtype == nm.float64: vals, status = self.eval_real(shape, fargs, mode, term_mode, diff_var, **kwargs) elif varr.dtype == nm.complex128: vals, status = self.eval_complex(shape, fargs, mode, term_mode, diff_var, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('unsupported term dtype! (%s)' % varr.dtype) if not isinstance(vals, tuple): vals *= self.sign iels = self.get_assembling_cells(vals.shape) else: vals = (self.sign * vals[0],) + vals[1:] iels = None out = (vals, iels) if goptions['check_term_finiteness']: assert_(nm.isfinite(out[0]).all(), msg='"%s" term values not finite!' % self.get_str()) if ret_status: out = out + (status,) if len(out) == 1: out = out[0] return out
[docs] def get_dof_conn_type(self, var_name): dct = self.geometry_types[var_name] if dct[0] == 'facet_extra': return ('cell', dct[1]) else: return dct
[docs] def assemble_to(self, asm_obj, val, iels, mode='vector', diff_var=None): """ Assemble the results of term evaluation. For standard terms, assemble the values in `val` corresponding to elements/cells `iels` into a vector or a CSR sparse matrix `asm_obj`, depending on `mode`. For terms with a dynamic connectivity (e.g. contact terms), in `'matrix'` mode, return the extra COO sparse matrix instead. The extra matrix has to be added to the global matrix by the caller. By default, this is done in :func:`Equations.evaluate() <sfepy.discrete.equations.Equations.evaluate()>`. """ import sfepy.discrete.common.extmods.assemble as asm vvar = self.get_virtual_variable() rname = extra = None rdct = self.get_dof_conn_type( if mode == 'vector': if asm_obj.dtype == nm.float64: assemble = asm.assemble_vector else: assert_(asm_obj.dtype == nm.complex128) assemble = asm.assemble_vector_complex for ii in range(len(val)): if not(val[ii].dtype == nm.complex128): val[ii] = nm.complex128(val[ii]) if not isinstance(val, tuple): dc = vvar.get_dof_conn(rname, rdct) assert_(val.shape[2] == dc.shape[1]) assemble(asm_obj, val, iels, 1.0, dc) else: vals, rows, var = val if var.eq_map is not None: eq = var.eq_map.eq rows = eq[rows] active = (rows >= 0) vals, rows = vals[active], rows[active] # Assumes no repeated indices in rows! asm_obj[rows] += vals elif mode == 'matrix': if asm_obj.dtype == nm.float64: assemble = asm.assemble_matrix else: assert_(asm_obj.dtype == nm.complex128) assemble = asm.assemble_matrix_complex svar = diff_var tmd = (, asm_obj.indptr, asm_obj.indices) if ((asm_obj.dtype == nm.complex128) and (val.dtype == nm.float64)): val = val.astype(nm.complex128) sign = 1.0 if self.arg_derivatives[] == 'dt': if not self.is_quasistatic or (self.step > 0): sign *= 1.0 / self.dt else: sign = 0.0 if not isinstance(val, tuple): rdc = vvar.get_dof_conn(rname, rdct) trace_region = self.arg_trace_regions[] cdct = self.get_dof_conn_type( cdc = svar.get_dof_conn(rname, cdct, trace_region) assert_(val.shape[2:] == (rdc.shape[1], cdc.shape[1])) assemble(tmd[0], tmd[1], tmd[2], val, iels, sign, rdc, cdc) else: from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix vals, rows, cols, rvar, cvar = val if rvar.eq_map is not None: req, ceq = rvar.eq_map.eq, cvar.eq_map.eq rows, cols = req[rows], ceq[cols] active = (rows >= 0) & (cols >= 0) vals, rows, cols = vals[active], rows[active], cols[active] extra = coo_matrix((sign * vals, (rows, cols)), shape=asm_obj.shape) else: raise ValueError('unknown assembling mode! (%s)' % mode) return extra