Source code for sfepy.solvers.ts_controllers

Time step controllers.
import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import Struct
from sfepy.solvers.solvers import TimeStepController

[docs] class FixedTSC(TimeStepController): """ Fixed (do-nothing) time step controller. """ name = 'tsc.fixed'
[docs] class TimesSequenceTSC(TimeStepController): """ Given times sequence time step controller. """ name = 'tsc.time_sequence' _parameters = [ ('times', 'iterable', range(1, 6), True, 'A sequence of times to generate.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): TimeStepController.__init__(self, conf=conf, **kwargs) self.iter_times = iter(self.conf.times)
[docs] def get_initial_dt(self, ts, vec, **kwargs): # This cannot be called repeatedly! self.t0 = ts.t0 return next(self.iter_times) - self.t0
def __call__(self, ts, vec0, vec1, **kwargs): self.t0 = ts.time try: t1 = next(self.iter_times) except StopIteration: t1 = ts.t1 new_dt = t1 - self.t0 if new_dt == 0.0: new_dt = 1.0 status = Struct(u_err=None, v_err=None, emax=None, result='accept') return new_dt, status
[docs] def eval_scaled_norm(terr, eps_a, eps_r): return nm.sqrt( 1 / len(terr) * nm.sum((terr / (eps_r * nm.abs(terr) + eps_a))**2) )
[docs] class ElastodynamicsBasicTSC(TimeStepController): """ Adaptive time step I-controller for elastodynamics. The implementation is based on [1]. The default parameters correspond to the PID-Controller as implemented in ``tsc.ed_pid`` with P=D=0, I=1. [1] Grafenhorst, Matthias, Joachim Rang, and Stefan Hartmann. “Time-Adaptive Finite Element Simulations of Dynamical Problems for Temperature-Dependent Materials.” Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 12, no. 1 (November 26, 2016): 57–91. """ name = 'tsc.ed_basic' _parameters = [ ('eps_r', 'list of floats or float', None, True, 'Relative tolerance(s).'), ('eps_a', 'list of floats or float', None, True, 'Absolute tolerance(s).'), ('fmin', 'float', 0.3, False, 'Minimum step size change factor on step rejection.'), ('fmax', 'float', 2.5, False, 'Maximum step size change factor on step acceptance.'), ('fsafety', 'float', 0.8, False, 'Step size change safety factor.'), ('error_order', 'float', 2, False, 'The order of the solver error estimate.'), ('guess_dt0', 'bool', False, False, 'Guess a good initial step size from initial conditions.'), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_scaled_errors(dt, vec0, vec1, eps_as, eps_rs, unpack): u_eps_a, v_eps_a = eps_as u_eps_r, v_eps_r = eps_rs aux = unpack(vec0) u0, v0, a0 = aux if unpack.n_arg == 3 else (aux[0], aux[2], aux[3]) aux = unpack(vec1) u1, v1, a1 = aux if unpack.n_arg == 3 else (aux[0], aux[2], aux[3]) # Backward Euler step. u1_be = u0 + dt * v1 v1_be = v0 + dt * a1 # Truncation error estimates. u_terr = u1 - u1_be v_terr = v1 - v1_be u_err = eval_scaled_norm(u_terr, u_eps_a, u_eps_r) v_err = eval_scaled_norm(v_terr, v_eps_a, v_eps_r) return u_err, v_err
[docs] def get_initial_dt(self, ts, vec, unpack, **kwargs): """ Adapted from [1] for second order ODEs. [1] Hairer, Ernst, Gerhard Wanner, and Syvert P. Nørsett. Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I: Nonstiff Problems. Vol. 8. Springer Series in Computational Mathematics. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 1993. """ conf = self.conf if not conf.guess_dt0: return ts.dt error_order = conf.error_order eps_a = min(*conf.eps_a) eps_r = min(*conf.eps_r) aux = unpack(vec0) u0, v0, a0 = aux if unpack.n_arg == 3 else (aux[0], aux[2], aux[3]) d0 = eval_scaled_norm(u0, eps_a, eps_r) d1 = eval_scaled_norm(v0, eps_a, eps_r) d2 = eval_scaled_norm(a0, eps_a, eps_r) md1d2 = max(d1, d2) h0 = 1e-6 if (d0 < 1e-5) or (d1 < 1e-5) else 0.01 * (d0 / d1) h1 = (max(1e-6, h0 * 1e-3) if md1d2 < 1e-15 else (0.01 / md1d2) ** (1 / error_order)) dt0 = min(100 * h0, h1) return dt0
def __call__(self, ts, vec0, vec1, unpack, **kwargs): conf = self.conf dt = ts.dt fmin, fmax, fsafety, error_order = ( conf.fmin, conf.fmax, conf.fsafety, conf.error_order, ) aux = unpack(vec0) u0, v0, a0 = aux if unpack.n_arg == 3 else (aux[0], aux[2], aux[3]) aux = unpack(vec1) u1, v1, a1 = aux if unpack.n_arg == 3 else (aux[0], aux[2], aux[3]) u_err, v_err = self.get_scaled_errors( dt, vec0, vec1, conf.eps_a, conf.eps_r, unpack, ) emax = max(u_err, v_err) status = Struct(u_err=u_err, v_err=v_err, emax=emax) if emax <= 1: # Step accepted. new_dt = dt * min(fmax, fsafety / emax**(1.0 / error_order)) status.result = 'accept' else: new_dt = dt * max(fmin, fsafety / emax**(1.0 / error_order)) status.result = 'reject' return new_dt, status
[docs] class ElastodynamicsPIDTSC(ElastodynamicsBasicTSC): """ Adaptive time step PID controller for elastodynamics. The implementation is based on [1], [2] (PI Controller) and [3] (PID). The default parameters correspond to the I-Controller as implemented in ``tsc.ed_basic``. [1] Grafenhorst, Matthias, Joachim Rang, and Stefan Hartmann. “Time-Adaptive Finite Element Simulations of Dynamical Problems for Temperature-Dependent Materials.” Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 12, no. 1 (November 26, 2016): 57–91. [2] Hairer, Ernst, Syvert Paul Nørsett, and Gerhard Wanner. Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II: Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems. Springer Science & Business Media, 1993. [3] Söderlind, Gustaf. “Digital Filters in Adaptive Time-Stepping.” ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 29, no. 1 (March 1, 2003): 1–26. """ name = 'tsc.ed_pid' _parameters = ElastodynamicsBasicTSC._parameters + [ ('pcoef', 'float', 0.0, False, 'Proportional (P) coefficient of the step size control.'), ('icoef', 'float', 1.0, False, 'Intregral (I) coefficient of the step size control.'), ('dcoef', 'float', 0.0, False, 'Derivative (D) coefficient of the step size control.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ElastodynamicsBasicTSC.__init__(self, conf=conf, **kwargs) self.emax0 = 1.0 self.emax00 = 1.0 def __call__(self, ts, vec0, vec1, unpack, **kwargs): conf = self.conf dt = ts.dt fmin, fmax, fsafety, pcoef, icoef, dcoef, error_order = ( conf.fmin, conf.fmax, conf.fsafety, conf.pcoef, conf.icoef, conf.dcoef, conf.error_order, ) b1 = -(pcoef + icoef + dcoef) / error_order b2 = (pcoef + 2 * dcoef) / error_order b3 = -dcoef / error_order u_err, v_err = self.get_scaled_errors( dt, vec0, vec1, conf.eps_a, conf.eps_r, unpack, ) emax = max(u_err, v_err) c1 = 1 if b1 == 0 else emax**b1 c2 = 1 if b2 == 0 else self.emax0**b2 c3 = 1 if b3 == 0 else self.emax00**b3 new_dt = dt * min(fmax, max(fmin, fsafety * c1 * c2 * c3)) status = Struct(u_err=u_err, v_err=v_err, emax=emax) status.result = 'accept' if emax <= 1 else 'reject' self.emax00 = self.emax0 self.emax0 = emax return new_dt, status
[docs] class ElastodynamicsLinearTSC(ElastodynamicsBasicTSC): """ Adaptive time step controller for elastodynamics and linear problems. Simple heuristics around :class:`ElastodynamicsBasicTSC` that increases the step size only after a sufficient number of accepted iterations passed and the increase is large enough. In particular: - Let new_dt be the step size proposed by `tsc.ed_basic` and dt the current step size. - If the current step is rejected, the count attribute is reset to zero and fred * new_dt is returned. - If the current step is accepted: - If the count is lower than inc_wait, it is incremented and dt is returned. - Otherwise, if (new_dt / dt) >= min_finc (>= 1), the count is reset to zero and new_dt is returned. - Else, if (new_dt / dt) < min_finc, dt is returned. """ name = 'tsc.ed_linear' _parameters = ElastodynamicsBasicTSC._parameters + [ ('fred', 'float', 1.0, False, 'Additional step size reduction factor w.r.t. `tsc.ed_basic`.'), ('inc_wait', 'int', 10, False, """The number of consecutive accepted steps to wait before increasing the step size."""), ('min_finc', 'float >= 1', 1.5, False, 'Minimum step size increase factor.'), ] def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs): ElastodynamicsBasicTSC.__init__(self, conf=conf, **kwargs) if self.conf.min_finc < 1.0: raise ValueError( f'min_finc must be >= 1! (is {conf.min_finc})' ) self.count = 0 def __call__(self, ts, vec0, vec1, unpack, **kwargs): conf = self.conf dt = ts.dt new_dt, status = ElastodynamicsBasicTSC.__call__( self, ts, vec0, vec1, unpack, **kwargs ) if status.result == 'reject': self.count = 0 new_dt *= conf.fred else: # accept if self.count >= conf.inc_wait: if (new_dt / dt) >= conf.min_finc: self.count = 0 else: new_dt = dt else: self.count += 1 new_dt = dt return new_dt, status