Source code for sfepy.solvers.semismooth_newton

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as nm
import numpy.linalg as nla
import scipy.sparse as sp

from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, debug
from sfepy.base.timing import Timer
from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton, conv_test
from sfepy.linalg import compose_sparse
import six
from six.moves import range

[docs]class SemismoothNewton(Newton): r""" The semi-smooth Newton method. This method is suitable for solving problems of the following structure: .. math:: \begin{split} & F(y) = 0 \\ & A(y) \ge 0 \;,\ B(y) \ge 0 \;,\ \langle A(y), B(y) \rangle = 0 \end{split} The function :math:`F(y)` represents the smooth part of the problem. Regular step: :math:`y \leftarrow y - J(y)^{-1} \Phi(y)` Steepest descent step: :math:`y \leftarrow y - \beta J(y) \Phi(y)` Although ``fun_smooth_grad()`` computes the gradient of the smooth part only, it should return the global matrix, where the non-smooth part is uninitialized, but pre-allocated. """ name = 'nls.semismooth_newton' _parameters = [ ('semismooth', 'bool', True, False, """If True, use the semi-smooth algorithm. Otherwise a non-smooth equation is assumed (use a brute force)."""), ('i_max', 'int', 1, False, 'The maximum number of iterations.'), ('eps_a', 'float', 1e-10, False, 'The absolute tolerance for the residual, i.e. :math:`||f(x^i)||`.'), ('eps_r', 'float', 1.0, False, """The relative tolerance for the residual, i.e. :math:`||f(x^i)|| / ||f(x^0)||`."""), ('macheps', 'float', nm.finfo(nm.float64).eps, False, 'The float considered to be machine "zero".'), ('lin_red', 'float', 1.0, False, """The linear system solution error should be smaller than (`eps_a` * `lin_red`), otherwise a warning is printed."""), ('ls_on', 'float', 0.99999, False, """Start the backtracking line-search by reducing the step, if :math:`||f(x^i)|| / ||f(x^{i-1})||` is larger than `ls_on`."""), ('ls_red', 'dict', {'regular' : 0.1, 'steepest_descent' : 0.01}, False, """The step reduction factor in case of correct residual assembling for regular and steepest descent modes."""), ('ls_red_warp', '0.0 < float < 1.0', 0.001, False, """The step reduction factor in case of failed residual assembling (e.g. the "warp violation" error caused by a negative volume element resulting from too large deformations)."""), ('ls_min', '0.0 < float < 1.0', 1e-5, False, 'The minimum step reduction factor.'), ] _colors = {'regular' : 'g', 'steepest_descent' : 'k'} def __call__(self, vec_x0, conf=None, fun_smooth=None, fun_smooth_grad=None, fun_a=None, fun_a_grad=None, fun_b=None, fun_b_grad=None, lin_solver=None, status=None): conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) fun_smooth = get_default(fun_smooth, self.fun_smooth) fun_smooth_grad = get_default(fun_smooth_grad, self.fun_smooth_grad) fun_a = get_default(fun_a, self.fun_a) fun_a_grad = get_default(fun_a_grad, self.fun_a_grad) fun_b = get_default(fun_b, self.fun_b) fun_b_grad = get_default(fun_b_grad, self.fun_b_grad) lin_solver = get_default(lin_solver, self.lin_solver) status = get_default(status, self.status) timer = Timer() time_stats = {} vec_x = vec_x0.copy() vec_x_last = vec_x0.copy() vec_dx = None if self.log is not None: self.log.plot_vlines(color='r', linewidth=1.0) err0 = -1.0 err_last = -1.0 it = 0 step_mode = 'regular' r_last = None reuse_matrix = False while 1: ls = 1.0 vec_dx0 = vec_dx; i_ls = 0 while 1: timer.start() try: vec_smooth_r = fun_smooth(vec_x) vec_a_r = fun_a(vec_x) vec_b_r = fun_b(vec_x) except ValueError: vec_smooth_r = vec_semismooth_r = None if (it == 0) or (ls < conf.ls_min): output('giving up!') raise else: ok = False else: if conf.semismooth: # Semi-smooth equation. vec_semismooth_r = (nm.sqrt(vec_a_r**2.0 + vec_b_r**2.0) - (vec_a_r + vec_b_r)) else: # Non-smooth equation (brute force). vec_semismooth_r = nm.where(vec_a_r < vec_b_r, vec_a_r, vec_b_r) r_last = (vec_smooth_r, vec_a_r, vec_b_r, vec_semismooth_r) ok = True time_stats['residual'] = timer.stop() if ok: vec_r = nm.r_[vec_smooth_r, vec_semismooth_r] try: err = nla.norm(vec_r) except: output('infs or nans in the residual:', vec_semismooth_r) output(nm.isfinite(vec_semismooth_r).all()) debug() if self.log is not None: self.log(err, it) if it == 0: err0 = err; break if err < (err_last * conf.ls_on): step_mode = 'regular' break else: output('%s step line search' % step_mode) red = conf.ls_red[step_mode]; output('iter %d, (%.5e < %.5e) (new ls: %e)'\ % (it, err, err_last * conf.ls_on, red * ls)) else: # Failed to compute residual. red = conf.ls_red_warp; output('residual computation failed for iter %d' ' (new ls: %e)!' % (it, red * ls)) if ls < conf.ls_min: if step_mode == 'regular': output('restore previous state') vec_x = vec_x_last.copy() (vec_smooth_r, vec_a_r, vec_b_r, vec_semismooth_r) = r_last err = err_last reuse_matrix = True step_mode = 'steepest_descent' else: output('linesearch failed, continuing anyway') break ls *= red; vec_dx = ls * vec_dx0; vec_x = vec_x_last.copy() - vec_dx i_ls += 1 # End residual loop. output('%s step' % step_mode) if self.log is not None: self.log.plot_vlines([1], color=self._colors[step_mode], linewidth=0.5) err_last = err; vec_x_last = vec_x.copy() condition = conv_test(conf, it, err, err0) if condition >= 0: break timer.start() if not reuse_matrix: mtx_jac = self.compute_jacobian(vec_x, fun_smooth_grad, fun_a_grad, fun_b_grad, vec_smooth_r, vec_a_r, vec_b_r) else: reuse_matrix = False time_stats['matrix'] = timer.stop() timer.start() if step_mode == 'regular': vec_dx = lin_solver(vec_r, mtx=mtx_jac) vec_e = mtx_jac * vec_dx - vec_r lerr = nla.norm(vec_e) if lerr > (conf.eps_a * conf.lin_red): output('linear system not solved! (err = %e)' % lerr) output('switching to steepest descent step') step_mode = 'steepest_descent' vec_dx = mtx_jac.T * vec_r else: vec_dx = mtx_jac.T * vec_r time_stats['solve'] = timer.stop() for kv in six.iteritems(time_stats): output('%10s: %7.2f [s]' % kv) vec_x -= vec_dx it += 1 if status is not None: status['time_stats'] = time_stats status['err0'] = err0 status['err'] = err status['condition'] = condition if conf.log.plot is not None: if self.log is not None: self.log(save_figure=conf.log.plot) return vec_x
[docs] def compute_jacobian(self, vec_x, fun_smooth_grad, fun_a_grad, fun_b_grad, vec_smooth_r, vec_a_r, vec_b_r): conf = self.conf mtx_s = fun_smooth_grad(vec_x) mtx_a = fun_a_grad(vec_x) mtx_b = fun_b_grad(vec_x) n_s = vec_smooth_r.shape[0] n_ns = vec_a_r.shape[0] if conf.semismooth: aa = nm.abs(vec_a_r) ab = nm.abs(vec_b_r) iz = nm.where((aa < (conf.macheps * max(aa.max(), 1.0))) & (ab < (conf.macheps * max(ab.max(), 1.0))))[0] inz = nm.setdiff1d(nm.arange(n_ns), iz) output('non_active/active: %d/%d' % (len(inz), len(iz))) mul_a = nm.empty_like(vec_a_r) mul_b = nm.empty_like(mul_a) # Non-active part of the jacobian. if len(inz) > 0: a_r_nz = vec_a_r[inz] b_r_nz = vec_b_r[inz] sqrt_ab = nm.sqrt(a_r_nz**2.0 + b_r_nz**2.0) mul_a[inz] = (a_r_nz / sqrt_ab) - 1.0 mul_b[inz] = (b_r_nz / sqrt_ab) - 1.0 # Active part of the jacobian. if len(iz) > 0: vec_z = nm.zeros_like(vec_x) vec_z[n_s+iz] = 1.0 mtx_a_z = mtx_a[iz] mtx_b_z = mtx_b[iz] sqrt_ab = nm.empty((iz.shape[0],), dtype=vec_a_r.dtype) for ir in range(len(iz)): row_a_z = mtx_a_z[ir] row_b_z = mtx_b_z[ir] sqrt_ab[ir] = nm.sqrt((row_a_z * row_a_z.T).todense() + (row_b_z * row_b_z.T).todense()) mul_a[iz] = ((mtx_a_z * vec_z) / sqrt_ab) - 1.0 mul_b[iz] = ((mtx_b_z * vec_z) / sqrt_ab) - 1.0 else: iz = nm.where(vec_a_r > vec_b_r)[0] mul_a = nm.zeros_like(vec_a_r) mul_b = nm.ones_like(mul_a) mul_a[iz] = 1.0 mul_b[iz] = 0.0 mtx_ns = sp.spdiags(mul_a, 0, n_ns, n_ns) * mtx_a \ + sp.spdiags(mul_b, 0, n_ns, n_ns) * mtx_b mtx_jac = compose_sparse([[mtx_s], [mtx_ns]]).tocsr() mtx_jac.sort_indices() return mtx_jac