Source code for sfepy.scripts.resview

#!/usr/bin/env python

This is a script for quick VTK-based visualizations of finite element
computations results.

In the examples below it is supposed that sfepy is installed. When using the
in-place build, replace ``sfepy-view`` by ``python3 sfepy/scripts/``.

The examples assume that
``python -c "import sfepy; sfepy.test('--output-dir=output-tests')"``
has been run successfully and the resulting data files are present.

- View data in output-tests/test_navier_stokes.vtk::

    sfepy-view output-tests/navier_stokes-navier_stokes.vtk

- Customize the above output:
  plot0: field "p", switch on edges,
  plot1: field "u", surface with opacity 0.4, glyphs scaled by factor 2e-2::

    sfepy-view output-tests/navier_stokes-navier_stokes.vtk -f p:e:p0 u:o.4:p1 u:g:f2e-2:p1

- As above, but glyphs are scaled by the factor determined automatically as
  20% of the minimum bounding box size::

    sfepy-view output-tests/navier_stokes-navier_stokes.vtk -f p:e:p0 u:o.4:p1 u:g:f10%:p1

- View data and take a screenshot::

    sfepy-view output-tests/diffusion-poisson.vtk -o image.png

- Take a screenshot without a window popping up::

    sfepy-view output-tests/diffusion-poisson.vtk -o image.png --off-screen

- Create animation from output-tests/diffusion-time_poisson.*.vtk::

    sfepy-view output-tests/diffusion-time_poisson.*.vtk -a mov.mp4

- Create animation from output-tests/test_hyperelastic.*.vtk,
  set frame rate to 3, plot displacements and mooney_rivlin_stress::

    sfepy-view output-tests/test_hyperelastic_TL.*.vtk -f u:wu:e:p0 mooney_rivlin_stress:p1 -a mov.mp4 -r 3
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Action, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
from ast import literal_eval
import numpy as nm
import os.path as osp

import pyvista as pv
from vtk.util.numpy_support import numpy_to_vtk

cache = {}

[docs] def get_camera_position(bounds, azimuth, elevation, distance=None, zoom=1.): phi, psi = nm.deg2rad(azimuth), nm.deg2rad(elevation) bounds = nm.asarray(bounds) if distance is not None: r = distance / zoom else: r = max(bounds[1::2] - bounds[::2]) * 2.0 / zoom center = (bounds[1::2] + bounds[::2]) * 0.5 # camera position position = (r * nm.cos(phi) * nm.sin(psi), r * nm.sin(phi) * nm.sin(psi), r * nm.cos(psi)) # view up view_up = (0, 0, 1) if abs(elevation) < 5. or abs(elevation) > 175.: view_up = (nm.sin(phi), nm.cos(phi), 0) return [position, tuple(center), view_up]
[docs] def parse_options(opts, separator=':'): out = {} if opts is None: return out for v in opts.split(separator): if len(v) < 2: val = True elif v[1:].isalpha(): val = v[1:] elif v[-1] == '%': val = ('%', float(v[1:-1])) else: try: val = literal_eval(v[1:]) except ValueError: val = v[1:] out[v[0]] = val return out
[docs] def make_title(filenames): title = ', '.join(filenames) title = title if len(title) < 80 else title[:77] + '...' return title
[docs] def make_cells_from_conn(conns, convert_to_vtk_type): cells, cell_type, offset = [], [], [] _offset = 0 for ctype, conn in conns.items(): nc, np = conn.shape aux = nm.empty((nc, np + 1), dtype=int) aux[:, 0] = np aux[:, 1:] = conn cells.append(aux.ravel()) cell_type.append(nm.full(nc, convert_to_vtk_type[ctype])) offset.append(nm.arange(nc) * (np + 1) + _offset) _offset += nc cells = nm.concatenate(cells) cell_type = nm.concatenate(cell_type) offset = nm.concatenate(offset) return cells, cell_type, offset
[docs] def add_mat_id_to_grid(grid, cell_groups): val = numpy_to_vtk(cell_groups) val.SetName('mat_id') grid.GetCellData().AddArray(val) return grid
vtk_cell_types = {'1_1': 1, '1_2': 3, '2_2': 3, '3_2': 3, '2_3': 5, '2_4': 9, '3_4': 10, '3_8': 12}
[docs] def make_grid_from_mesh(mesh, add_mat_id=False): desc = mesh.descs[0] nv, dim = mesh.coors.shape points = nm.c_[mesh.coors, nm.zeros((nv, 3 - dim))] cells, cell_type, offset = make_cells_from_conn( {desc: mesh.get_conn(desc)}, vtk_cell_types, ) try: grid = pv.UnstructuredGrid(offset, cells, cell_type, points) except TypeError: # Pyvista >= 0.39.0 grid = pv.UnstructuredGrid(cells, cell_type, points) if add_mat_id: add_mat_id_to_grid(grid, mesh.cmesh.cell_groups) return grid
[docs] def read_mesh(filenames, step=None, print_info=True, ret_n_steps=False, use_cache=True): _, ext = osp.splitext(filenames[0]) if ext in ['.vtk', '.vtu']: fstep = 0 if step is None else step fname = filenames[fstep] key = (fname, fstep) if key not in cache or not use_cache: cache[key] = ((fstep, float(fstep)), pv.UnstructuredGrid(fname)) ftime, mesh = cache[key] cache['n_steps'] = len(filenames) elif ext in ['.xdmf', '.xdmf3']: import meshio try: from meshio._common import meshio_to_vtk_type except ImportError: from meshio._vtk_common import meshio_to_vtk_type fname = filenames[0] key = (fname, step) if key not in cache: reader = meshio.xdmf.TimeSeriesReader(fname) points, _cells = reader.read_points_cells() points = nm.asarray(points) if points.shape[1] < 3: points = nm.pad(points, [(0, 0), (0, 3 - points.shape[1])]) _dcells = {ct.type: for ct in _cells} cells, cell_type, offset = make_cells_from_conn( _dcells, meshio_to_vtk_type, ) if not reader.num_steps: grid = pv.UnstructuredGrid(offset, cells, cell_type, points) add_mat_id_to_grid(grid, mesh.cmesh.cell_groups) cache[(fname, 0)] = (0.0, grid) grids = {} time = [] for _step in range(reader.num_steps): grid = pv.UnstructuredGrid(offset, cells, cell_type, points) t, pd, cd = reader.read_data(_step) for dk, dv in pd.items(): val = numpy_to_vtk(dv) val.SetName(dk) grid.GetPointData().AddArray(val) for dk, dv in cd.items(): val = numpy_to_vtk(nm.vstack(dv).squeeze()) val.SetName(dk) grid.GetCellData().AddArray(val) grids[t] = grid time.append(t) time.sort() for _step, t in enumerate(time): cache[(fname, _step)] = ((_step, t), grids[t]) cache[(fname, None)] = cache[(fname, 0)] cache['n_steps'] = reader.num_steps ftime, mesh = cache[key] elif ext in ['.h5', '.h5x']: # Custom sfepy format. fname = filenames[0] if 'io' not in cache: from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import MeshIO io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(fname) smesh = cache['steps'], cache['times'], _ = io.read_times() if not len(cache['steps']): grid0 = make_grid_from_mesh(smesh, add_mat_id=True) cache[(fname, 0)] = ((0, 0.0), grid0) else: grid0 = make_grid_from_mesh(smesh, add_mat_id=False) cache['io'] = io cache['grid0'] = grid0 cache['n_steps'] = len(cache['steps']) if step is None: step = 0 key = (fname, step) if key not in cache: io = cache['io'] grid = cache['grid0'].copy() _step = cache['steps'][step] datas = io.read_data(_step) for dk, data in datas.items(): vval = if 1 < len(data.dofs) < 3: vval = nm.c_[vval, nm.zeros((len(vval), 3 - len(data.dofs)))] if data.mode == 'vertex': val = numpy_to_vtk(vval) val.SetName(dk) grid.GetPointData().AddArray(val) else: val = numpy_to_vtk(vval[:, 0, :, 0]) val.SetName(dk) grid.GetCellData().AddArray(val) cache[(fname, step)] = ((_step, cache['times'][step]), grid) ftime, mesh = cache[key] else: fname = filenames[0] key = (fname, step) if key not in cache: from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import MeshIO from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(fname) smesh = Mesh(fname) smesh = grid = make_grid_from_mesh(smesh, add_mat_id=True) cache[(fname, 0)] = ((0, 0.0), grid) cache['n_steps'] = len(filenames) ftime, mesh = cache[key] if print_info: arrs = {'s': [], 'v': [], 'o': []} for aname in mesh.array_names: if len(mesh[aname].shape) == 1 or mesh[aname].shape[1] == 1: arrs['s'].append(aname) elif mesh[aname].shape[1] == 3: arrs['v'].append(aname) else: arrs['o'].append(aname + '(%d)' % mesh[aname].shape[1]) step_info = ' (step %d)' % step if step else '' print('mesh from %s%s:' % (fname, step_info)) print(' points: %d' % mesh.n_points) print(' cells: %d' % mesh.n_cells) print(' bounds: %s' % list(zip(nm.min(mesh.points, axis=0), nm.max(mesh.points, axis=0)))) if len(arrs['s']) > 0: print(' scalars: %s' % ', '.join(arrs['s'])) if len(arrs['v']) > 0: print(' vectors: %s' % ', '.join(arrs['v'])) if len(arrs['o']) > 0: print(' others: %s' % ', '.join(arrs['o'])) print(' steps: %d' % cache['n_steps']) if ret_n_steps: return ftime, mesh, cache['n_steps'] else: return ftime, mesh
[docs] def ensure3d(arr): arr = nm.asanyarray(arr) return nm.pad(arr, (arr.ndim - 1) * [(0, 0)] + [(0, 3 - arr.shape[-1])])
[docs] def read_probes_as_annotations(filenames, add_label=True): from sfepy.discrete.probes import read_results from sfepy.linalg.geometry import get_perpendiculars annotations = [] for filename in filenames: header, results = read_results(filename) data = header.details if header.probe_class == 'PointsProbe': data = ensure3d(data) ann = [('points', data)] tcoors = data.mean(axis=0) elif header.probe_class == 'LineProbe': data = ensure3d(data) ann = [('line', data[0], data[1])] tcoors = data.mean(axis=0) elif header.probe_class == 'RayProbe': data[:2] = ensure3d(data[:2]) ann = [('arrow', data[0], data[1])] if data[2]: ann += [('arrow', data[0], -data[1])] tcoors = data[0] elif header.probe_class == 'CircleProbe': data[:2] = ensure3d(data[:2]) ann = [('disc', data[0], data[1], data[2])] vec = get_perpendiculars(data[1])[0] tcoors = data[0] + data[2] * vec else: raise ValueError(f'unknown probe kind! {header.probe_class}') if add_label: ann += [('text', [tcoors], [osp.splitext(osp.basename(filename))[0]])] annotations.extend(ann) return annotations
[docs] def pv_plot(filenames, options, plotter=None, step=None, annotations=None, scalar_bar_limits=None, ret_scalar_bar_limits=False, step_inc=None, use_cache=True): fstep = (step if step is not None else options.step) if step_inc is not None: fstep += step_inc if fstep < 0: return if hasattr(plotter, 'resview_n_steps'): # Works for None as well. if fstep >= plotter.resview_n_steps: return plots = {} color = None if plotter is None: plotter = pv.Plotter(title=make_title(filenames)) if step_inc is not None: plotter.clear() ftime, mesh, n_steps = read_mesh(filenames, fstep, ret_n_steps=True, use_cache=use_cache) steps = {fstep: mesh} ftimes = {fstep: ftime} bbox_sizes = nm.diff(nm.reshape(mesh.bounds, (-1, 2)), axis=1) dim = len(bbox_sizes) ii = nm.where(bbox_sizes > 0)[0] tdim = len(ii) if tdim == 0: ipv2, ipv = 1, 2 print('WARNING: zero size mesh!') elif tdim > 1: ipv2, ipv = ii[-2:] else: ipv2, ipv = 0, 1 if options.grid_vector1 is None: options.grid_vector1 = [0, 0, 0] options.grid_vector1[ipv] = 1.6 if options.grid_vector2 is None: options.grid_vector2 = [0, 0, 0] options.grid_vector2[ipv2] = 1.6 plotter.resview_step, plotter.resview_n_steps = fstep, n_steps fields_map = {} if len(options.fields_map) > 0: for cg, fields in options.fields_map: for field in fields.split(','): fields_map[field.strip()] = int(cg) if len(options.fields) == 0: fields = [] position = 0 for field in steps[fstep].array_names: if field in ['node_groups', 'mat_id']: continue fval = steps[fstep][field] bnds = steps[fstep].bounds mesh_size = (nm.array(bnds[1::2]) - nm.array(bnds[::2])).max() is_vector_field = (len(fval.shape) == 2) and (fval.shape[1] == dim) is_point_field = fval.shape[0] == steps[fstep].n_points if is_vector_field and is_point_field: scale = mesh_size * 0.15 / nm.linalg.norm(fval, axis=1).max() if not nm.isfinite(scale): scale = 1.0 fields.append((field, 'vs:o.4:p%d' % position)) fields.append((field, 'g:f%e:p%d' % (scale, position))) else: fields.append((field, 'p%d' % position)) position += 1 if (len(fields) == 0): if 'mat_id' in mesh.array_names: fields.append(('mat_id', 'p0')) else: fields.append(('0', 'p0')) else: fields = options.fields plot_id = 0 scalar_bars = {} for field, fopts in fields: opts = parse_options(fopts) plot_info = [] if field == '0': field = None color = 'white' if field == '1': field = None color = 'black' if 's' in opts and step is None: # plot data from a given step fstep = opts['s'] if fstep not in steps: ftimes[fstep], steps[fstep] = read_mesh(filenames, step=fstep, use_cache=use_cache) pipe = [steps[fstep].copy()] pos_bnds = pipe[0].bounds if field in fields_map: # subregion mat_val = fields_map[field] elif 'm' in opts: mat_val = opts['m'] else: mat_val = None if mat_val: if isinstance(mat_val, int): mat_val = [mat_val, mat_val] pipe.append(pipe[-1].threshold(value=mat_val, scalars='mat_id', preference='cell')) if 'r' in opts: # recalculate cell data to point data pipe.append(pipe[-1].cell_data_to_point_data()) opacity = opts.get('o', options.opacity) # mesh opacity show_edges = opts.get('e', options.show_edges) # edge visibility style = {'s': 'surface', 'w': 'wireframe', 'p': 'points'}[opts.get('v', 's')] # set style warp = opts.get('w', options.warp) # warp mesh factor = opts.get('f', options.factor) if isinstance(factor, tuple): ws = nm.diff(nm.reshape(pipe[-1].bounds, (-1, 2)), axis=1) size = ws[ws > 0.0].min() factor_field = warp if warp is not None else field fmax = nm.abs(pipe[-1][factor_field]).max() factor = 0.01 * float(factor[1]) * size / fmax if warp: field_data = pipe[-1][warp] if field_data.ndim == 1: field_data.shape = (-1, 1) nc = field_data.shape[1] if nc == 1: # Warp by scalar. pipe.append(pipe[-1].copy()) pipe[-1].points[:, 2] += field_data[:, 0] * factor elif nc == 3: pipe.append(pipe[-1].copy()) pipe[-1].points += field_data * factor else: raise ValueError('warp mesh: scalar or vector field required!') plot_info.append('warp=%s, factor=%.2e' % (warp, factor)) position = opts.get('p', 0) # determine plotting slot if 'p' in opts: size = nm.array(pos_bnds[1::2]) - nm.array(pos_bnds[::2]) size = nm.maximum(size, 1e-2 * size.max()) pipe.append(pipe[-1].copy()) pos1 = position % options.max_plots pos2 = position // options.max_plots shift = pos1 * size * nm.array(options.grid_vector1) shift += pos2 * size * nm.array(options.grid_vector2) pipe[-1].translate(shift, inplace=True) if opts.get('l', options.outline): # outline plotter.add_mesh(pipe[-1].outline(), color='k') scalar = field scalar_label = scalar is_vector_field = ((field is not None) and (len(pipe[-1][field].shape) > 1) and (pipe[-1][field].shape[1] == dim)) is_point_field = (field is not None and pipe[-1][field].shape[0] == pipe[-1].n_points) if is_vector_field: field_data = pipe[-1][field] scalar = field + '_magnitude' scalar_label = f'|{field}|' pipe[-1][scalar] = nm.linalg.norm(field_data, axis=1) if 'g' in opts and is_vector_field and is_point_field: # glyphs pipe[-1][field] *= factor pipe[-1].set_active_vectors(field) pipe.append(pipe[-1].arrows) show_edges = False plot_info.append('glyphs=%s, factor=%.2e' % (field, factor)) elif 'c' in opts and is_vector_field: # select field component comp = opts['c'] scalar = field + '_%d' % comp pipe[-1][scalar] = field_data[:, comp] elif 't' in opts: # streamlines npts = opts.get('t') if npts is True: npts = 20 if is_vector_field: sl_vector = field sl_pipe = pipe[-1] else: sl_vector = 'gradient' sl_pipe = pipe[-1].compute_derivative(scalars=field) cmin, cmax = sl_pipe.bounds[::2], sl_pipe.bounds[1::2] if tdim == 2: streamlines = sl_pipe.streamlines(vectors=sl_vector, pointa=cmin, pointb=cmax, n_points=npts, max_time=1e12) else: radius = 0.5 * nm.linalg.norm(nm.array(cmax) - nm.array(cmin)) streamlines = sl_pipe.streamlines(vectors=sl_vector, source_radius=radius, n_points=npts, max_time=1e12) pipe.append(streamlines) isosurfaces = int(opts.get('i', options.isosurfaces)) if isosurfaces > 0: # iso-surfaces pipe[-1].set_active_scalars(scalar) field_data = pipe[-1][scalar] pars = (nm.min(field_data), nm.max(field_data), isosurfaces + 1) pipe.append(pipe[-1].contour(nm.linspace(*pars))) plotter.add_mesh(pipe[-1], scalars=scalar, color=color, style=style, show_edges=show_edges, opacity=opacity, cmap=options.color_map, show_scalar_bar=False, label=scalar_label) bnds = pipe[-1].bounds if position not in plots: plots[position] = [] plot_info = ':' + ','.join(plot_info) if len(plot_info) > 0 else '' plot_info = '%s(step %d)%s' % (scalar, fstep, plot_info) plots[position].append(((bnds[::2], bnds[1::2]), plot_info)) if options.show_scalar_bars and scalar: if scalar not in scalar_bars: scalar_bars[scalar_label] = [] field_data = pipe[-1][scalar] limits = (nm.min(field_data), nm.max(field_data)) scalar_bars[scalar_label].append((limits, plotter.mapper, position)) plot_id += 1 if options.show_scalar_bars: if scalar_bar_limits is None: scalar_bar_limits = {} width, height = options.scalar_bar_size position_x, position_y, shift_x, shift_y = options.scalar_bar_position nslots = len(scalar_bars) for k, vs in scalar_bars.items(): clim = scalar_bar_limits.get(k, (None, None)) if clim[0] is None: clim = (nm.min([v[0] for v, _, _ in vs]), clim[1]) if clim[1] is None: clim = (clim[0], nm.max([v[1] for v, _, _ in vs])) for _, mapper, _ in vs: mapper.scalar_range = clim _, mapper, slot = vs[0] slot_x = (nslots - slot - 1) if shift_x < 0 else slot x_pos = position_x + slot_x * width * shift_x slot_y = (nslots - slot - 1) if shift_y < 0 else slot y_pos = position_y + slot_y * height * shift_y plotter.add_scalar_bar(title=k, position_x=x_pos, position_y=y_pos, width=width, height=height, n_labels=2, mapper=mapper) if annotations is not None: for ann in annotations: kind, data = ann[0], ann[1:] if kind == 'points': pdata = pv.PolyData(data[0]) elif kind == 'line': pdata = pv.Line(*data) elif kind == 'arrow': # Scale arrows by bbox. vec = data[1] maxs = bbox_sizes.max() vec *= 0.1 * maxs / nm.linalg.norm(vec) pdata = pv.Arrow(data[0], vec, scale='auto') elif kind == 'disc': pdata = pv.Disc(data[0], inner=0.99 * data[2], outer=1.01 * data[2], normal=data[1], c_res=20) elif kind == 'text': plotter.add_point_labels(data[0], data[1], always_visible=True) else: raise ValueError(f'unknown annotation! {kind}') plotter.add_mesh(pdata, opacity=opacity, color='black', line_width=5, render_lines_as_tubes=True, point_size=10, render_points_as_spheres=True, show_scalar_bar=False) if options.show_labels and len(plots) > 1: labels, points = [], [] for k, v in plots.items(): bnds = (nm.min(nm.array([iv[0][0] for iv in v]), axis=0), nm.max(nm.array([iv[0][1] for iv in v]), axis=0)) labels.append('plot:%d' % k) size = bnds[1] - bnds[0] olpos = options.label_position points.append(bnds[0] + nm.array(olpos[:3]) * size * olpos[3]) plotter.add_point_labels(nm.array(points), labels) if options.show_step_time: _step, _time = ftimes[fstep] step_info = f'{_step:6d}: {_time:.8e}' if len(filenames) > 1: step_info += ': ' + osp.splitext(osp.basename(filenames[fstep]))[0] plotter.add_text(step_info, font='courier', font_size=10) for k, v in plots.items(): print('plot %d: %s' % (k, '; '.join(iv[1] for iv in v))) if ret_scalar_bar_limits: return plotter, scalar_bar_limits else: return plotter
def _get_cpos(plotter, options, camera_default=(225, 75, 0.9)): """ Uses `plotter.bounds`, so call only after adding all meshes to the plotter. """ if options.camera_position is not None: cpos = nm.array(options.camera_position) cpos = cpos.reshape((3, 3)) elif zoom =[2] if len( > 2 else 1. cpos = get_camera_position(plotter.bounds,[0],[1], zoom=zoom) elif options.view_2d: cpos = None else: cpos = get_camera_position(plotter.bounds, camera_default[0], camera_default[1], zoom=camera_default[2]) return cpos
[docs] class OptsToListAction(Action): separator = '=' def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): out = [] for item in values: s = item.split(self.separator, 1) out.append((s[0].strip(), s[1].strip() if len(s) > 1 else None)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, out)
[docs] class FieldOptsToListAction(OptsToListAction): separator = ':'
[docs] class StoreNumberAction(Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, literal_eval(values))
helps = { 'fields': 'fields to plot, options separated by ":" are possible:\n' '"cX" - plot only Xth field component; ' '"e" - print edges; ' '"fX" - scale factor for warp/glyphs, see --factor option; ' '"g - glyphs (for vector fields only), scale by factor; ' '"iX" - plot X isosurfaces; ' '"tX" - plot X streamlines, gradient employed for scalar fields; ' '"mX" - plot cells with mat_id=X; ' '"oX" - set opacity to X; ' '"pX" - plot in slot X; ' '"r" - recalculate cell data to point data; ' '"sX" - plot data in step X; ' '"vX" - plotting style: s=surface, w=wireframe, p=points; ' '"wX" - warp mesh by vector field X, scale by factor', 'fields_map': 'map fields and cell groups, e.g. 1:u1,p1 2:u2,p2', 'outline': 'plot mesh outline', 'warp': 'warp mesh by vector field', 'factor': 'scaling factor for mesh warp and glyphs.' ' Append "%%" to scale relatively to the minimum bounding box size.', 'edges': 'plot cell edges', 'isosurfaces': 'plot isosurfaces [default: %(default)s]', 'opacity': 'set opacity [default: %(default)s]', 'color_map': 'set color_map, e.g. hot, cool, bone, etc. [default: %(default)s]', 'axes_options': 'options for directional axes, e.g. xlabel="z1" ylabel="z2",' ' zlabel="z3"', 'no_axes': 'hide orientation axes', 'no_scalar_bars': 'hide scalar bars', 'grid_vector1': 'define positions of plots along grid axis 1 [default: "0, 0, 1.6"]', 'grid_vector2': 'define positions of plots along grid axis 2 [default: "0, 1.6, 0"]', 'max_plots': 'maximum number of plots along grid axis 1' ' [default: 4]', 'view': 'camera azimuth, elevation angles, and optionally zoom factor' ' [default: "225,75,0.9"]', 'camera_position': 'define camera position', 'window_size': 'define size of plotting window', 'animation': 'create animation, mp4 file type supported', 'framerate': 'set framerate for animation', 'screenshot': 'save screenshot to file', 'off_screen': 'off screen plots, e.g. when screenshotting', 'no_labels': 'hide plot labels', 'label_position': 'define position of plot labels [default: "-1, -1, 0, 0.2"]', 'scalar_bar_size': 'define size of scalar bars [default: "0.15, 0.05"]', 'scalar_bar_position': 'define position of scalar bars [default: "0.8, 0.02, 0, 1.5"]', 'step': 'select data in a given time step', '2d_view': '2d view of XY plane', 'probes': 'visualize probes in the given files', 'no_probe_labels': 'hide probe labels', 'no_step_time': 'hide current step and time', }
[docs] def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-f', '--fields', metavar='field_spec', action=FieldOptsToListAction, nargs="+", dest='fields', default=[], help=helps['fields']) parser.add_argument('--fields-map', metavar='map', action=FieldOptsToListAction, nargs="+", dest='fields_map', default=[], help=helps['fields_map']) parser.add_argument('-s', '--step', metavar='step', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='step', default=0, help=helps['step']) parser.add_argument('-l', '--outline', action='store_true', dest='outline', default=False, help=helps['outline']) parser.add_argument('-i', '--isosurfaces', action='store', dest='isosurfaces', default=0, help=helps['isosurfaces']) parser.add_argument('-e', '--edges', action='store_true', dest='show_edges', default=False, help=helps['edges']) parser.add_argument('-w', '--warp', metavar='field', action='store', dest='warp', default=None, help=helps['warp']) parser.add_argument('--factor', metavar='factor', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='factor', default=1., help=helps['factor']) parser.add_argument('--opacity', metavar='opacity', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='opacity', default=1., help=helps['opacity']) parser.add_argument('--color-map', metavar='cmap', action='store', dest='color_map', default='viridis', help=helps['color_map']) parser.add_argument('--axes-options', metavar='options', action=OptsToListAction, nargs="+", dest='axes_options', default=[], help=helps['axes_options']) parser.add_argument('--no-axes', action='store_false', dest='axes_visibility', default=True, help=helps['no_axes']) parser.add_argument('--grid-vector1', metavar='grid_vector1', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='grid_vector1', default=None, help=helps['grid_vector1']) parser.add_argument('--grid-vector2', metavar='grid_vector2', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='grid_vector2', default=None, help=helps['grid_vector2']) parser.add_argument('--max-plots', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='max_plots', default=4, help=helps['max_plots']) parser.add_argument('--no-labels', action='store_false', dest='show_labels', default=True, help=helps['no_labels']) parser.add_argument('--label-position', metavar='position', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='label_position', default=[-1, -1, 0, 0.2], help=helps['label_position']) parser.add_argument('--no-scalar-bars', action='store_false', dest='show_scalar_bars', default=True, help=helps['no_scalar_bars']) parser.add_argument('--scalar-bar-size', metavar='size', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='scalar_bar_size', default=[0.15, 0.05], help=helps['scalar_bar_size']) parser.add_argument('--scalar-bar-position', metavar='position', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='scalar_bar_position', default=[0.8, 0.02, 0, 1.5], help=helps['scalar_bar_position']) parser.add_argument('-v', '--view', metavar='position', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='camera', default=None, help=helps['view']) parser.add_argument('--camera-position', metavar='camera_position', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='camera_position', default=None, help=helps['camera_position']) parser.add_argument('--window-size', metavar='window_size', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='window_size', default=pv.global_theme.window_size, help=helps['window_size']) parser.add_argument('-a', '--animation', metavar='output_file', action='store', dest='anim_output_file', default=None, help=helps['animation']) parser.add_argument('-r', '--frame-rate', metavar='rate', action=StoreNumberAction, dest='framerate', default=2.5, help=helps['framerate']) parser.add_argument('-o', '--screenshot', metavar='output_file', action='store', dest='screenshot', default=None, help=helps['screenshot']) parser.add_argument('--off-screen', action='store_true', dest='off_screen', default=False, help=helps['off_screen']) parser.add_argument('-2', '--2d-view', action='store_true', dest='view_2d', default=False, help=helps['2d_view']) parser.add_argument('--probes', metavar='filename', nargs='+', dest='probes', default=None, help=helps['probes']) parser.add_argument('--no-probe-labels', action='store_false', dest='show_probe_labels', default=True, help=helps['no_probe_labels']) parser.add_argument('--no-step-time', action='store_false', dest='show_step_time', default=True, help=helps['no_step_time']) parser.add_argument('filenames', nargs='+') options = parser.parse_args() if options.probes is not None: annotations = read_probes_as_annotations(options.probes, options.show_probe_labels) else: annotations = None anim_filename = options.anim_output_file if anim_filename: if anim_filename.endswith('.png') or anim_filename.endswith('.mp4'): options.off_screen = True pv.set_plot_theme("document") plotter = pv.Plotter(off_screen=options.off_screen, title=make_title(options.filenames)) if options.anim_output_file: _, _, n_steps = read_mesh(options.filenames, ret_n_steps=True) # dry run scalar_bar_limits = None if options.axes_visibility: plotter.add_axes(**dict(options.axes_options)) for step in range(n_steps): plotter.clear() plotter, sb_limits = pv_plot(options.filenames, options, plotter=plotter, step=step, annotations=annotations, ret_scalar_bar_limits=True) if scalar_bar_limits is None: scalar_bar_limits = {k: [] for k in sb_limits.keys()} for k, v in sb_limits.items(): scalar_bar_limits[k].append(v) cpos = _get_cpos(plotter, options) if cpos is not None: plotter.camera_position = cpos elif options.view_2d: plotter.view_xy() if anim_filename.endswith('.png'): from sfepy.base.ioutils import edit_filename fig_name = edit_filename(anim_filename, suffix='{step:05d}') elif anim_filename.endswith('.gif'): from sfepy.base.ioutils import edit_filename fig_name = None plotter.open_gif(anim_filename) else: fig_name = None plotter.open_movie(anim_filename, options.framerate) for k in scalar_bar_limits.keys(): lims = scalar_bar_limits[k] clim = (nm.min([v[0] for v in lims]), nm.max([v[1] for v in lims])) scalar_bar_limits[k] = clim # plot frames for step in range(n_steps): plotter.clear() plotter = pv_plot(options.filenames, options, plotter=plotter, step=step, annotations=annotations, scalar_bar_limits=scalar_bar_limits) if options.axes_visibility: plotter.add_axes(**dict(options.axes_options)) if fig_name is None: plotter.write_frame() else: plotter.screenshot(fig_name.format(step=step), return_img=False) plotter.close() else: plotter = pv_plot(options.filenames, options, plotter=plotter, annotations=annotations) if options.axes_visibility: plotter.add_axes(**dict(options.axes_options)) plotter.add_key_event( 'Prior', lambda: pv_plot(options.filenames, options, step=plotter.resview_step, step_inc=-1, annotations=annotations, plotter=plotter) ) plotter.add_key_event( 'Next', lambda: pv_plot(options.filenames, options, step=plotter.resview_step, step_inc=1, annotations=annotations, plotter=plotter) ) # Does not work for meshes with no z component. plotter.add_key_event( 'c', lambda: print_camera_position(plotter) ) cpos = _get_cpos(plotter, options) if (cpos is None) and options.view_2d: plotter.view_xy(), screenshot=options.screenshot, window_size=options.window_size) if options.screenshot is not None and osp.exists(options.screenshot): print(f'saved: {options.screenshot}')
if __name__ == '__main__': main()