Source code for sfepy.scripts.probe

#!/usr/bin/env python
# 12.01.2007, c
Probe finite element solutions in points defined by various geometrical probes.

In the examples below it is supposed that sfepy is installed. When using the
in-place build, replace ``sfepy-probe`` by ``python3 sfepy/scripts/``.

Generation mode
sfepy-probe [generation options] <input file> <results file>

Probe the data in the results file corresponding to the problem defined in the
input file. The input file options must contain 'gen_probes' and 'probe_hook'
keys, pointing to proper functions accessible from the input file scope.

For each probe returned by `gen_probes()` a data plot figure and a text
file with the data plotted are saved, see the options below.

Generation options
-o, --auto-dir, --same-dir, -f, --only-names, -s

Postprocessing mode
sfepy-probe [postprocessing options] <probe file> <figure file>

Read a previously probed data from the probe text file, re-plot them,
and integrate them along the probe.

Postprocessing options
--postprocess, --radial, --only-names

For extremely thin hexahedral elements the Newton's iteration for finding the
reference element coordinates might converge to a spurious solution outside
of the element. To obtain some values even in this case, try increasing the
--close-limit option value.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter

import numpy as nm

import sfepy
from sfepy.base.base import output, assert_
from sfepy.base.ioutils import edit_filename
from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
from sfepy.discrete import Problem
from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO
from sfepy.discrete.probes import write_results, read_results
import six

helps = {
    'automatically start debugger when an exception is raised',
    'filename' :
    'basename of output file(s) [default: <basename of input file>]',
    'output_format' :
    'output figure file format (supported by the matplotlib backend used) '\
    '[default: %(default)s]',
    'auto_dir' :
    'the directory of the results file is determined automatically using the '\
    '"output_dir" option in input file options',
    'same_dir' :
    'store the probe figures/data in the directory of the results file',
    'only_names' :
    'probe only named data',
    'step' :
    'probe the given time step',
    'close_limit' :
    'maximum limit distance of a point from the closest element allowed'
    ' for extrapolation. [default: %(default)s]',
    'postprocess' :
    'postprocessing mode',
    'radial' :
    'assume radial integration',

[docs] def generate_probes(filename_input, filename_results, options, conf=None, problem=None, probes=None, labels=None, probe_hooks=None): """ Generate probe figures and data files. """ if conf is None: required, other = get_standard_keywords() conf = ProblemConf.from_file(filename_input, required, other) opts = conf.options if options.auto_dir: output_dir = opts.get_('output_dir', '.') filename_results = os.path.join(output_dir, filename_results) output('results in: %s' % filename_results) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename_results) step = options.step if options.step >= 0 else io.read_last_step() all_data = io.read_data(step) output('loaded:', list(all_data.keys())) output('from step:', step) if options.only_names is None: data = all_data else: data = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(all_data): if key in options.only_names: data[key] = val if problem is None: problem = Problem.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False, init_solvers=False) if probes is None: gen_probes = conf.get_function(conf.options.gen_probes) probes, labels = gen_probes(problem) if probe_hooks is None: probe_hooks = {None : conf.get_function(conf.options.probe_hook)} if options.output_filename_trunk is None: options.output_filename_trunk = problem.ofn_trunk filename_template = options.output_filename_trunk \ + ('_%%d.%s' % options.output_format) if options.same_dir: filename_template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename_results), filename_template) output_dir = os.path.dirname(filename_results) for ip, probe in enumerate(probes): output(ip, probe.set_options(close_limit=options.close_limit) for key, probe_hook in six.iteritems(probe_hooks): out = probe_hook(data, probe, labels[ip], problem) if out is None: continue if isinstance(out, tuple): fig, results = out else: fig = out if key is not None: filename = filename_template % (key, ip) else: filename = filename_template % ip if fig is not None: if isinstance(fig, dict): for fig_name, fig_fig in six.iteritems(fig): fig_filename = edit_filename(filename, suffix='_' + fig_name) fig_fig.savefig(fig_filename) output('figure ->', os.path.normpath(fig_filename)) else: fig.savefig(filename) output('figure ->', os.path.normpath(filename)) if results is not None: txt_filename = edit_filename(filename, new_ext='.txt') write_results(txt_filename, probe, results) output('data ->', os.path.normpath(txt_filename))
[docs] def integrate_along_line(x, y, is_radial=False): """ Integrate numerically (trapezoidal rule) a function :math:`y=y(x)`. If is_radial is True, multiply each :math:`y` by :math:`4 \pi x^2`. """ dx = nm.diff(x) ay = 0.5 * (y[:-1] + y[1:]) if is_radial: ax = 0.5 * (x[:-1] + x[1:]) val = 4.0 * nm.pi * nm.sum(ay * dx * (ax**2)) else: val = nm.sum(ay * dx) return val
[docs] def postprocess(filename_input, filename_results, options): """ Postprocess probe data files - replot, integrate data. """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt header, results = read_results(filename_input, only_names=options.only_names) output(header) fig = plt.figure() for name, result in six.iteritems(results): pars, vals = result[:, 0], result[:, 1] ii = nm.where(nm.isfinite(vals))[0] # Nans only at the edges. assert_(nm.diff(ii).sum() == (len(ii)-1)) val = integrate_along_line(pars[ii], vals[ii], options.radial) label = r'%s: $\int\ %s' % (name, name) if options.radial: label += ' (r)' label += '$ = %.5e'% val plt.plot(pars, vals, label=label, lw=0.2, marker='+', ms=1) plt.ylabel('probed data') plt.xlabel('probe coordinate') output(label) plt.legend() fig.savefig(filename_results)
[docs] def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + sfepy.__version__) parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', default=False, help=helps['debug']) parser.add_argument('-o', metavar='filename', action='store', dest='output_filename_trunk', default=None, help=helps['filename']) parser.add_argument('--auto-dir', action='store_true', dest='auto_dir', default=False, help=helps['auto_dir']) parser.add_argument('--same-dir', action='store_true', dest='same_dir', default=False, help=helps['same_dir']) parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', metavar='format', action='store', dest='output_format', default='png', help=helps['output_format']) parser.add_argument('--only-names', metavar='list of names', action='store', dest='only_names', default=None, help=helps['only_names']) parser.add_argument('-s', '--step', type=int, metavar='step', action='store', dest='step', default=0, help=helps['step']) parser.add_argument('-c', '--close-limit', type=float, metavar='distance', action='store', dest='close_limit', default=0.1, help=helps['close_limit']) parser.add_argument('-p', '--postprocess', action='store_true', dest='postprocess', default=False, help=helps['postprocess']) parser.add_argument('--radial', action='store_true', dest='radial', default=False, help=helps['radial']) parser.add_argument('filename_in') parser.add_argument('filename_out') options = parser.parse_args() if options.debug: from sfepy.base.base import debug_on_error; debug_on_error() filename_input = options.filename_in filename_results = options.filename_out if options.only_names is not None: options.only_names = options.only_names.split(',') output.prefix = 'probe:' if options.postprocess: postprocess(filename_input, filename_results, options) else: generate_probes(filename_input, filename_results, options)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()