Source code for sfepy.linalg.utils

from itertools import product

import numpy as nm
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
import numpy.linalg as nla
import scipy as sc

from sfepy.base.base import assert_, insert_method, output, Struct

[docs]def norm_l2_along_axis(ar, axis=1, n_item=None, squared=False): """Compute l2 norm of rows (axis=1) or columns (axis=0) of a 2D array. n_item ... use only the first n_item columns/rows squared ... if True, return the norm squared """ assert_(axis in [0, 1]) assert_(ar.ndim == 2) other = 1 - axis vec = nm.zeros((ar.shape[other],), dtype=nm.float64) if n_item is None: n_item = ar.shape[axis] else: n_item = min( n_item, ar.shape[axis] ) if axis == 1: for ii in range( n_item ): vec += ar[:,ii]**2 else: for ii in range( n_item ): vec += ar[ii,:]**2 if not squared: vec = nm.sqrt( vec ) return vec
[docs]def normalize_vectors(vecs, eps=1e-8): """ Normalize an array of vectors in place. Parameters ---------- vecs : array The 2D array of vectors in rows. eps : float The tolerance for considering a vector to have zero norm. Such vectors are left unchanged. """ norms = norm_l2_along_axis(vecs, axis=1) ii = norms > eps vecs[ii] = vecs[ii] / norms[ii][:, None]
[docs]def dets_fast(a): """ Fast determinant calculation of 3-dimensional array. Parameters ---------- a : array The input array with shape (m, n, n). Returns ------- out : array The output array with shape (m,): out[i] = det(a[i, :, :]). """ from packaging import version if version.parse(nm.__version__) >= version.parse('1.8'): return nm.linalg.det(a) else: from numpy.linalg import lapack_lite from numpy.core import intc a = a.copy() m = a.shape[0] n = a.shape[1] lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgetrf pivots = nm.zeros((m, n), intc) flags = nm.arange(1, n + 1).reshape(1, -1) for i in range(m): tmp = a[i] lapack_routine(n, n, tmp, n, pivots[i], 0) sign = 1. - 2. * (nm.add.reduce(pivots != flags, axis=1) % 2) idx = nm.arange(n) d = a[:, idx, idx] absd = nm.absolute(d) sign *= nm.multiply.reduce(d / absd, axis=1) nm.log(absd, absd) logdet = nm.add.reduce(absd, axis=-1) return sign * nm.exp(logdet)
[docs]def invs_fast(a, det=None): """ Fast inversion calculation of 4-dimensional array. Parameters ---------- a : array The input array with shape (c, q, n, n). det: array To speed up the calculation, enter the already calculated determinant. Returns ------- out : array The output array with shape (c, q, n, n): out[c, q] = inv(a[c, q, :, :]). """ ax = nm.einsum("ij...->...ij", a) dim = a.shape[-1] inv_ax = nm.empty_like(ax) if det is None: det_a = dets_fast(a)[..., None, None] else: det_a = det.reshape(a.shape[:2] + (1, 1)) if dim == 3: inv_ax[0, 0] = -ax[1, 2] * ax[2, 1] + ax[1, 1] * ax[2, 2] inv_ax[1, 0] = ax[1, 2] * ax[2, 0] - ax[1, 0] * ax[2, 2] inv_ax[2, 0] = -ax[1, 1] * ax[2, 0] + ax[1, 0] * ax[2, 1] inv_ax[0, 1] = ax[0, 2] * ax[2, 1] - ax[0, 1] * ax[2, 2] inv_ax[1, 1] = -ax[0, 2] * ax[2, 0] + ax[0, 0] * ax[2, 2] inv_ax[2, 1] = ax[0, 1] * ax[2, 0] - ax[0, 0] * ax[2, 1] inv_ax[0, 2] = -ax[0, 2] * ax[1, 1] + ax[0, 1] * ax[1, 2] inv_ax[1, 2] = ax[0, 2] * ax[1, 0] - ax[0, 0] * ax[1, 2] inv_ax[2, 2] = -ax[0, 1] * ax[1, 0] + ax[0, 0] * ax[1, 1] elif dim == 2: inv_ax[0, 0] = ax[1, 1] inv_ax[1, 0] = -ax[1, 0] inv_ax[0, 1] = -ax[0, 1] inv_ax[1, 1] = ax[0, 0] elif dim == 1: inv_ax[0, 0] = 1. else: raise NotImplementedError(f'matrix dimension {dim}x{dim}') return nm.einsum("...ij->ij...", inv_ax) / det_a
[docs]def get_blocks_stats(blocks, *args): """ Return statistics of array/matrix `blocks` defined by indices in `args`. Returns ------- stats: structured array The array with 'shape', 'min', 'mean' and 'max' fields at positions of each matrix block. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as nm >>> from sfepy.linalg.utils import get_blocks_stats >>> >>> A = nm.eye(3) >>> B = nm.full((3,2), 2) >>> C = nm.full((1,3), 3) >>> D = nm.full((1,2), 4) >>> M = nm.block([[A, B], [C, D]]) >>> >>> sr = [slice(0, 3), slice(3, 5)] >>> sc = [slice(0, 3), slice(3, 4)] >>> stats = get_blocks_stats(M, sr, sc) >>> >>> print(stats['shape']) [[(3, 3) (3, 1)] [(1, 3) (1, 1)]] >>> >>> print(stats['min']) [[0. 2.] [3. 4.]] """ bindices = args idim = len(args) bdim = blocks.ndim bshape = [len(indices) for indices in bindices] if idim == 1: bshape = bshape * blocks.ndim bindices *= blocks.ndim elif idim != bdim: raise ValueError('wrong number of dimensions of block indices!' f' (can be 1 or {bdim}, is {idim})') dt = blocks.dtype sizes = nm.empty(bshape, dtype=[('shape', tuple), ('min', dt), ('mean', dt), ('max', dt), ('maxabs', dt)]) for iflat, ii in enumerate(product(*bindices)): key = nm.unravel_index(iflat, bshape) block = blocks[ii] sizes[key] = ((block.shape, block.min(), block.mean(), block.max(), nm.abs(block).max())) return sizes
[docs]def output_array_stats(ar, name, verbose=True): ar = nm.asarray(ar) if not len(ar): output('%s: empty' % name) elif nm.isrealobj(ar): output('%s\nmin: % .6e mean: % .6e median: % .6e max: % .6e' % (name, ar.min(), ar.mean(), nm.median(ar), ar.max()), verbose=verbose) else: output_array_stats(ar.real, 'Re(%s)' % name , verbose=verbose) output_array_stats(ar.imag, 'Im(%s)' % name, verbose=verbose)
[docs]def max_diff_csr(mtx1, mtx2): aux = nm.abs((mtx1 - mtx2).data) return aux.max() if len(aux) else 0.0
## # 21.11.2005, c
[docs]def split_range( n_item, step ): num = n_item / step out = [step] * num aux = sum( out ) if aux < n_item: out.append( n_item - aux ) return out
## # Inspired on net (ASPN Recipec). # 14.12.2005, c
[docs]def permutations( seq ): ls = len( seq ) if ls <= 1: yield seq else: for ii in range( ls ): for perm in permutations( seq[:ii] + seq[ii+1:] ): yield [seq[ii]] + perm
## # 14.12.2005, c
[docs]def cycle( bounds ): """ Cycles through all combinations of bounds, returns a generator. More specifically, let bounds=[a, b, c, ...], so cycle returns all combinations of lists [0<=i<a, 0<=j<b, 0<=k<c, ...] for all i,j,k,... Examples: In [9]: list(cycle([3, 2])) Out[9]: [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [2, 0], [2, 1]] In [14]: list(cycle([3, 4])) [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3]] """ nb = len( bounds ) if nb == 1: for ii in range( bounds[0] ): yield [ii] else: for ii in range( bounds[0] ): for perm in cycle( bounds[1:] ): yield [ii] + perm
[docs]def combine( seqs ): """Same as cycle, but with general sequences. Example: In [19]: c = combine( [['a', 'x'], ['b', 'c'], ['dd']] ) In [20]: list(c) Out[20]: [['a', 'b', 'dd'], ['a', 'c', 'dd'], ['x', 'b', 'dd'], ['x', 'c', 'dd']] """ nb = len( seqs ) if nb == 1: for ii in seqs[0]: yield [ii] else: for ii in seqs[0]: for perm in combine( seqs[1:] ): yield [ii] + perm
[docs]def assemble1d(ar_out, indx, ar_in): """ Perform `ar_out[indx] += ar_in`, where items of `ar_in` corresponding to duplicate indices in `indx` are summed together. """ if len(indx) > 0: zz = nm.zeros_like(indx) aux = sc.sparse.coo_matrix((ar_in, (indx, zz)), dtype=ar_in.dtype) aux = aux.tocsr().tocoo() # This sums the duplicates. ar_out[aux.row] +=
[docs]def unique_rows(ar, return_index=False, return_inverse=False): """ Return unique rows of a two-dimensional array `ar`. The arguments follow `numpy.unique()`. """ ar = nm.ascontiguousarray(ar) # View the rows as a 1D structured array. arv = ar.view(ar.shape[1] * [('', ar.dtype)]) out = nm.unique(arv, return_index=return_index, return_inverse=return_inverse) if isinstance(out, tuple): uarv = out[0] else: uarv = out # Restore the original dimensions. uar = uarv.view(ar.dtype).reshape((-1, ar.shape[1])) if isinstance(out, tuple): out = (uar,) + out[1:] else: out = uar return out
[docs]def argsort_rows(seq): """ Returns an index array that sorts the sequence `seq`. Works along rows if `seq` is two-dimensional. """ seq = nm.asanyarray(seq) if seq.ndim == 1: ii = nm.argsort(seq) else: ii = nm.lexsort(seq.T[::-1]) return ii
[docs]def map_permutations(seq1, seq2, check_same_items=False): """ Returns an index array `imap` such that `seq1[imap] == seq2`, if both sequences have the same items - this is not checked by default! In other words, finds the indices of items of `seq2` in `seq1`. """ assert_(len(seq1) == len(seq2)) seq1 = nm.asanyarray(seq1) seq2 = nm.asanyarray(seq2) i1 = argsort_rows(seq1) i2 = argsort_rows(seq2) if check_same_items: assert_(seq1.shape == seq2.shape) assert_((seq1[i1] == seq2[i2]).all()) ii = nm.argsort(i2) imap = i1[ii] return imap
[docs]def mini_newton( fun, x0, dfun, i_max = 100, eps = 1e-8 ): x = x0 ii = 0 while ii < i_max: r = fun( x ) err = nla.norm( r ) ## print ii, x, r, err if err < eps: break mtx = dfun( x ) try: dx = nla.inv( mtx.T ), r ) except: break x = x - dx ii += 1 return x
[docs]def insert_strided_axis(ar, axis, length): """ Insert a new axis of given length into an array using numpy stride tricks, i.e. no copy is made. Parameters ---------- ar : array The input array. axis : int The axis before which the new axis will be inserted. length : int The length of the inserted axis. Returns ------- out : array The output array sharing data with `ar`. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as nm >>> from sfepy.linalg import insert_strided_axis >>> ar = nm.random.rand(2, 1, 2) >>> ar array([[[ 0.18905119, 0.44552425]], [[ 0.78593989, 0.71852473]]]) >>> ar.shape (2, 1, 2) >>> ar2 = insert_strided_axis(ar, 1, 3) >>> ar2 array([[[[ 0.18905119, 0.44552425]], [[ 0.18905119, 0.44552425]], [[ 0.18905119, 0.44552425]]], [[[ 0.78593989, 0.71852473]], [[ 0.78593989, 0.71852473]], [[ 0.78593989, 0.71852473]]]]) >>> ar2.shape (2, 3, 1, 2) """ shape = list(ar.shape) shape.insert(axis, length) strides = list(ar.strides) strides.insert(axis, 0) out = as_strided(ar, shape=shape, strides=strides) return out
[docs]def dot_sequences(mtx, vec, mode='AB'): """ Computes dot product for each pair of items in the two sequences. Equivalent to >>> out = nm.empty((vec.shape[0], mtx.shape[1], vec.shape[2]), >>> dtype=vec.dtype) >>> for ir in range(mtx.shape[0]): >>> out[ir] =[ir], vec[ir]) Parameters ---------- mtx : array The array of matrices with shape `(n_item, m, n)`. vec : array The array of vectors with shape `(n_item, a)` or matrices with shape `(n_item, a, b)`. mode : one of 'AB', 'ATB', 'ABT', 'ATBT' The mode of the dot product - the corresponding axes are dotted together: 'AB' : `a = n` 'ATB' : `a = m` 'ABT' : `b = n` (*) 'ATBT' : `b = m` (*) (*) The 'BT' part is ignored for the vector second argument. Returns ------- out : array The resulting array. Notes ----- Uses `numpy.matmul()` via the `@` operator. """ if vec.ndim == mtx.ndim: squeeze = False else: squeeze = True vec = vec[..., None] if 'BT' in mode: ax = list(range(vec.ndim)) vec = vec.transpose((ax[:-2]) + [ax[-1], ax[-2]]) if 'AT' in mode: ax = list(range(mtx.ndim)) mtx = mtx.transpose((ax[:-2]) + [ax[-1], ax[-2]]) out = mtx @ vec if squeeze: out = out[..., 0] return out
[docs]def apply_to_sequence(seq, fun, ndim, out_item_shape): """ Applies function `fun()` to each item of the sequence `seq`. An item corresponds to the last `ndim` dimensions of `seq`. Parameters ---------- seq : array The sequence array with shape `(n_1, ..., n_r, m_1, ..., m_{ndim})`. fun : function The function taking an array argument of shape of length `ndim`. ndim : int The number of dimensions of an item in `seq`. out_item_shape : tuple The shape an output item. Returns ------- out : array The resulting array of shape `(n_1, ..., n_r) + out_item_shape`. The `out_item_shape` must be compatible with the `fun`. """ n_seq =[0:-ndim], dtype=int) aux = nm.reshape(seq, (n_seq,) + seq.shape[-ndim:]) out = nm.empty((n_seq,) + out_item_shape, dtype=seq.dtype) for ii, item in enumerate(aux): out[ii,:] = fun(item) out = nm.reshape(out, seq.shape[0:-ndim] + out_item_shape) return out
## # 30.08.2007, c
[docs]class MatrixAction( Struct ): ## # 30.08.2007, c
[docs] def from_function( fun, expected_shape, dtype ): def call( self, vec ): aux = fun( vec ) assert_( aux.shape[0] == self.shape[0] ) return nm.asanyarray( aux, dtype = self.dtype ) obj = MatrixAction( shape = expected_shape, dtype = dtype, kind = 'function' ) insert_method( obj, call ) return obj
from_function = staticmethod( from_function ) ## # 30.08.2007, c
[docs] def from_array( arr ): def call( self, vec ): return nm.asarray( self.arr, vec ) ) obj = MatrixAction( shape = arr.shape, dtype = arr.dtype, arr = arr, kind = 'array' ) insert_method( obj, call ) return obj
from_array = staticmethod( from_array ) ## # 30.08.2007, c def __call__( self, vec ): return vec ) ## # 30.08.2007, c
[docs] def to_array( self ): if self.kind == 'array': return self.arr else: print('cannot make array from MatrixAction of kind %s!' % self.kind) raise ValueError