Source code for sfepy.homogenization.micmac

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import output, Struct
from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
from sfepy.homogenization.homogen_app import HomogenizationApp
from sfepy.homogenization.coefficients import Coefficients
import tables as pt
from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO
import sfepy.linalg as la
import sfepy.base.multiproc as multi
import os.path as op
import six

[docs] def get_homog_coefs_linear(ts, coor, mode, micro_filename=None, regenerate=False, coefs_filename=None, define_args=None, output_dir=None): oprefix = output.prefix output.prefix = 'micro:' required, other = get_standard_keywords() required.remove( 'equations' ) conf = ProblemConf.from_file(micro_filename, required, other, verbose=False, define_args=define_args) if output_dir is not None: conf.options.output_dir = output_dir if coefs_filename is None: coefs_filename = conf.options.get('coefs_filename', 'coefs') coefs_filename = op.join(conf.options.get('output_dir', '.'), coefs_filename) + '.h5' if not regenerate: if op.exists( coefs_filename ): if not pt.is_hdf5_file( coefs_filename ): regenerate = True else: regenerate = True if regenerate: options = Struct( output_filename_trunk = None ) app = HomogenizationApp( conf, options, 'micro:' ) coefs = app() if type(coefs) is tuple: coefs = coefs[0] coefs.to_file_hdf5( coefs_filename ) else: coefs = Coefficients.from_file_hdf5( coefs_filename ) out = {} if mode == None: for key, val in six.iteritems(coefs.__dict__): out[key] = val elif mode == 'qp': for key, val in six.iteritems(coefs.__dict__): if type( val ) == nm.ndarray or type(val) == nm.float64: out[key] = nm.tile( val, (coor.shape[0], 1, 1) ) elif type(val) == dict: for key2, val2 in six.iteritems(val): if type(val2) == nm.ndarray or type(val2) == nm.float64: out[key+'_'+key2] = \ nm.tile(val2, (coor.shape[0], 1, 1)) else: out = None output.prefix = oprefix return out
[docs] def get_homog_coefs_nonlinear(ts, coor, mode, macro_data=None, term=None, problem=None, iteration=None, define_args=None, output_dir=None, **kwargs): if not (mode == 'qp'): return oprefix = output.prefix output.prefix = 'micro:' if not hasattr(problem, 'homogen_app'): required, other = get_standard_keywords() required.remove('equations') micro_file = problem.conf.options.micro_filename conf = ProblemConf.from_file(micro_file, required, other, verbose=False, define_args=define_args) if output_dir is not None: conf.options.output_dir = output_dir options = Struct(output_filename_trunk=None) app = HomogenizationApp(conf, options, 'micro:', n_micro=coor.shape[0]) problem.homogen_app = app if hasattr(app.app_options, 'use_mpi') and app.app_options.use_mpi: multiproc, multiproc_mode = multi.get_multiproc(mpi=True) multi_mpi = multiproc if multiproc_mode == 'mpi' else None else: multi_mpi = None app.multi_mpi = multi_mpi if multi_mpi is not None: multi_mpi.master_send_task('init', (micro_file, coor.shape[0])) else: app = problem.homogen_app multi_mpi = app.multi_mpi if macro_data is not None: macro_data['macro_time_step'] = ts.step app.setup_macro_data(macro_data) if multi_mpi is not None: multi_mpi.master_send_task('calculate', (macro_data, ts, iteration)) coefs, deps = app(ret_all=True, itime=ts.step, iiter=iteration) if type(coefs) is tuple: coefs = coefs[0] out = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(coefs.__dict__): if isinstance(val, list): out[key] = nm.array(val) elif isinstance(val, dict): for key2, val2 in six.iteritems(val): out[key+'_'+key2] = nm.array(val2) for key in six.iterkeys(out): shape = out[key].shape if len(shape) == 1: out[key] = out[key].reshape(shape + (1, 1)) elif len(shape) == 2: out[key] = out[key].reshape(shape + (1,)) output.prefix = oprefix return out
[docs] def get_correctors_from_file_hdf5(coefs_filename='coefs.h5', dump_names=None): if dump_names == None: coefs = Coefficients.from_file_hdf5( coefs_filename ) if hasattr(coefs, 'save_names'): dump_names = coefs.save_names else: raise ValueError( ' "filenames" coefficient must be used!' ) out = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(dump_names): if type(val) in [tuple, list]: h5name, corr_name = val else: h5name, corr_name = val, op.split(val)[-1] io = HDF5MeshIO(h5name + '.h5') try: ts = io.read_time_stepper() except ValueError: ts = None if ts is None: data = io.read_data(0) dkeys = list(data.keys()) corr = {} for dk in dkeys: corr[dk] = data[dk].data.reshape(data[dk].shape) out[corr_name] = corr else: n_step = ts[3] out[corr_name] = [] for step in range(n_step): data = io.read_data(step) dkeys = list(data.keys()) corr = {} for dk in dkeys: corr[dk] = data[dk].data.reshape(data[dk].shape) out[corr_name].append(corr) out[corr_name + '_ts'] = ts return out