Source code for sfepy.discrete.probes

"""Classes for probing values of Variables, for example, along a line."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import hashlib

from ast import literal_eval

import numpy as nm
import numpy.linalg as nla

from sfepy.base.base import assert_, basestr, Struct
from sfepy.linalg import make_axis_rotation_matrix, norm_l2_along_axis
import six

[docs] def write_results(filename, probe, results): """ Write probing results into a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file object The output file name. probe : Probe subclass instance The probe used to obtain the results. results : dict The dictionary of probing results. Keys are data names, values are the probed values. """ fd = open(filename, 'w') if isinstance(filename, basestr) else filename fd.write('\n'.join( + '\n') for key, result in six.iteritems(results): pars, vals = result vals = vals.reshape(pars.shape[0], -1) fd.write('\n# %s %d\n' % (key, vals.shape[-1])) aux = nm.concatenate((pars[:, None], vals), axis=1) nm.savetxt(fd, aux) if isinstance(filename, basestr): fd.close()
[docs] def read_results(filename, only_names=None): """ Read probing results from a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file object The probe results file name. Returns ------- header : Struct instance The probe data header. results : dict The dictionary of probing results. Keys are data names, values are the probed values. """ from sfepy.base.ioutils import read_array is_only_names = only_names is not None fd = open(filename, 'r') if isinstance(filename, basestr) else filename header = read_header(fd) results = {} for name, nc in get_data_name(fd): if is_only_names and (name not in only_names): continue result = read_array(fd, header.n_point, nc + 1, nm.float64) results[name] = result return header, results
[docs] def read_header(fd): """ Read the probe data header from file descriptor fd. Returns ------- header : Struct instance The probe data header. """ header = Struct(name='probe_data_header') header.probe_class = fd.readline().strip() aux = fd.readline().strip().split(':')[1] header.n_point = int(aux.strip().split()[0]) details = [] while 1: line = fd.readline().strip() if line == '-----': break else: details.append(line) cls = globals()[header.probe_class] header.details = cls.parse_report(details) return header
[docs] def get_data_name(fd): """ Try to read next data name in file fd. Returns ------- name : str The data name. nc : int The number of data columns. """ name = None while 1: try: line = fd.readline() if (len(line) == 0): break if len(line) == 1: continue except: return line = line.strip().split() if (len(line) == 3) and (line[0] == '#'): name = line[1] nc = int(line[2]) yield name, nc
[docs] def parse_vector(line): svec = line.split(':')[1].strip('[] ') vec = nm.fromstring(svec, dtype=nm.float64, sep=' ') return vec
[docs] def parse_scalar(line): sval = line.split(':')[1].strip('[] ') val = literal_eval(sval) return val
[docs] class Probe(Struct): """ Base class for all point probes. Enforces two points minimum. """ cache = Struct(name='probe_shared_evaluate_cache') is_cyclic = False def __init__(self, name, share_geometry=True, n_point=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- name : str The probe name, set automatically by the subclasses. share_geometry : bool Set to True to indicate that all the probes will work on the same domain. Certain data are then computed only for the first probe and cached. n_point : int The (fixed) number of probe points, when positive. When non-positive, the number of points is adaptively increased starting from -n_point, until the neighboring point distance is less than the diameter of the elements enclosing the points. When None, it is set to -10. For additional parameters see the __init__() docstrings of the subclasses. """ Struct.__init__(self, name=name, share_geometry=share_geometry, **kwargs) self.set_n_point(n_point) self.options = Struct(close_limit=0.1, size_hint=None) self.cache = Struct(name='probe_local_evaluate_cache') self.acache = Struct(name='probe_actual_evaluate_cache', pars_digest='') self.is_refined = False
[docs] def get_evaluate_cache(self): """ Return the evaluate cache for domain-related data given by `self.share_geometry`. """ return Probe.cache if self.share_geometry else self.cache
[docs] def get_actual_cache(self, pars, cache, hash_chunk_size=100000): """ Return the actual evaluate cache, which is a combination of the (mesh-based) evaluate cache and probe-specific data, like the reference element coordinates. The reference element coordinates are reused, if the sha1 hash of the probe parameter vector does not change. """ self.acache += cache def _gen_array_chunks(arr): ii = 0 while len(arr[ii:]): yield arr[ii:ii+hash_chunk_size].tobytes() ii += hash_chunk_size sha1 = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in _gen_array_chunks(pars): sha1.update(chunk) digest = sha1.hexdigest() if digest != self.acache.pars_digest: self.acache.pars_digest = digest self.acache.ref_coors = None self.acache.cells = None self.acache.status = None return self.acache
[docs] def set_n_point(self, n_point): """ Set the number of probe points. Parameters ---------- n_point : int The (fixed) number of probe points, when positive. When non-positive, the number of points is adaptively increased starting from -n_point, until the neighboring point distance is less than the diameter of the elements enclosing the points. When None, it is set to -10. """ if n_point is None: n_point = -10 if n_point <= 0: n_point = max(-n_point, 2) self.n_point_required = -1 else: n_point = max(n_point, 2) self.n_point_required = n_point self.n_point0 = self.n_point = n_point
[docs] def set_options(self, close_limit=None, size_hint=None): """ Set the probe options. Parameters ---------- close_limit : float The maximum limit distance of a point from the closest element allowed for extrapolation. size_hint : float Element size hint for the refinement of probe parametrization. """ if close_limit is not None: self.options.close_limit = close_limit if size_hint is not None: self.options.size_hint = size_hint
[docs] def report(self): """Report the probe parameters.""" out = [self.__class__.__name__] if self.n_point_required == -1: aux = 'adaptive' else: aux = 'fixed' out.append('number of points: %s (%s)' % (self.n_point, aux)) return out
def __call__(self, variable, **kwargs): """ Probe the given variable. The actual implementation is in self.probe(), so that it can be overridden in subclasses. Parameters ---------- variable : Variable instance The variable to be sampled along the probe. **kwargs : additional arguments See :func:`Probe.probe()`. """ return self.probe(variable, **kwargs)
[docs] def probe(self, variable, mode='val', ret_points=False): """ Probe the given variable. Parameters ---------- variable : Variable instance The variable to be sampled along the probe. mode : {'val', 'grad'}, optional The evaluation mode: the variable value (default) or the variable value gradient. ret_points : bool If True, return also the probe points. Returns ------- pars : array The parametrization of the probe points. points : array, optional If `ret_points` is True, the coordinates of points corresponding to `pars`, where the `variable` is evaluated. vals : array The probed values. """ refine_flag = None ev = variable.evaluate_at field = variable.field cache = field.get_evaluate_cache(cache=self.get_evaluate_cache(), share_geometry=self.share_geometry) self.reset_refinement() while True: pars, points = self.get_points(refine_flag) if not nm.isfinite(points).all(): raise ValueError('Inf/nan in probe points!') acache = self.get_actual_cache(pars, cache) vals, ref_coors, cells, status = ev( points, mode=mode, strategy='general', close_limit=self.options.close_limit, cache=acache, ret_ref_coors=True, ret_status=True, ret_cells=True) acache.ref_coors = ref_coors acache.cells = cells acache.status = status if self.is_refined: break else: refine_flag = self.refine_points(variable, points, cells) if (refine_flag == False).all(): break self.is_refined = True if ret_points: return pars, points, vals else: return pars, vals
[docs] def reset_refinement(self): """ Reset the probe refinement state. """ self.is_refined = False self.n_point = self.n_point0
[docs] def refine_points(self, variable, points, cells): """ Mark intervals between points for a refinement, based on element sizes at those points. Assumes the points to be ordered. Returns ------- refine_flag : bool array True at places corresponding to intervals between subsequent points that need to be refined. """ if self.n_point_required == self.n_point: refine_flag = nm.array([False]) else: if self.options.size_hint is None: ed = variable.get_element_diameters(cells, 0) pd = 0.5 * (ed[1:] + ed[:-1]) else: pd = self.options.size_hint dist = norm_l2_along_axis(points[1:] - points[:-1]) refine_flag = dist > pd if self.is_cyclic: pd1 = 0.5 * (ed[0] + ed[-1]) dist1 = nla.norm(points[0] - points[-1]) refine_flag = nm.r_[refine_flag, dist1 > pd1] return refine_flag
[docs] @staticmethod def refine_pars(pars, refine_flag, cyclic_val=None): """ Refine the probe parametrization based on the refine_flag. """ ii = nm.where(refine_flag)[0] ip = ii + 1 if cyclic_val is not None: cpars = nm.r_[pars, cyclic_val] pp = 0.5 * (cpars[ip] + cpars[ii]) else: pp = 0.5 * (pars[ip] + pars[ii]) pars = nm.insert(pars, ip, pp) return pars
[docs] class PointsProbe(Probe): """ Probe variables in given points. """ def __init__(self, points, share_geometry=True): """ Parameters ---------- points : array_like The coordinates of the points. """ points = nm.array(points, dtype=nm.float64, order='C') if points.ndim == 1: points.shape = points.shape + (1,) n_point = points.shape[0] name = 'points %d' % n_point Probe.__init__(self, name=name, share_geometry=share_geometry, points=points, n_point=n_point) self.n_point_single = n_point
[docs] def report(self): """Report the probe parameters.""" out = for ii, point in enumerate(self.points): out.append('point %d: %s' % (ii, point)) out.append('-----') return out
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_report(lines): """ Parse report lines to get the probe parameters. """ out = [parse_vector(line) for line in lines] return out
[docs] def refine_points(self, variable, points, cache): """No refinement for this probe.""" refine_flag = nm.array([False]) return refine_flag
[docs] def get_points(self, refine_flag=None): """ Get the probe points. Returns ------- pars : array_like The independent coordinate of the probe. points : array_like The probe points, parametrized by pars. """ pars = nm.arange(self.n_point, dtype=nm.float64) return pars, self.points
[docs] class LineProbe(Probe): """ Probe variables along a line. If n_point is positive, that number of evenly spaced points is used. If n_point is None or non-positive, an adaptive refinement based on element diameters is used and the number of points and their spacing are determined automatically. If it is negative, -n_point is used as an initial guess. """ def __init__(self, p0, p1, n_point, share_geometry=True): """ Parameters ---------- p0 : array_like The coordinates of the start point. p1 : array_like The coordinates of the end point. """ p0 = nm.array(p0, dtype=nm.float64) p1 = nm.array(p1, dtype=nm.float64) name = 'line [%s, %s]' % (p0, p1) Probe.__init__(self, name=name, share_geometry=share_geometry, p0=p0, p1=p1, n_point=n_point) dirvec = self.p1 - self.p0 self.length = nm.linalg.norm(dirvec) self.dirvec = dirvec / self.length
[docs] def report(self): """Report the probe parameters.""" out = out.append('point 0: %s' % self.p0) out.append('point 1: %s' % self.p1) out.append('-----') return out
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_report(lines): """ Parse report lines to get the probe parameters. """ out = [parse_vector(line) for line in lines] assert_(len(out) == 2) return out
[docs] def get_points(self, refine_flag=None): """ Get the probe points. Returns ------- pars : array_like The independent coordinate of the probe. points : array_like The probe points, parametrized by pars. """ if self.is_refined: return, self.points if refine_flag is None: pars = nm.linspace(0, self.length, self.n_point) else: pars = Probe.refine_pars(, refine_flag) self.n_point = pars.shape[0] = pars self.points = self.p0 + self.dirvec * pars[:,None] return pars, self.points
[docs] class RayProbe(Probe): """ Probe variables along a ray. The points are parametrized by a function of radial coordinates from a given point in a given direction. """ def __init__(self, p0, dirvec, p_fun, n_point, both_dirs, share_geometry=True): """ Parameters ---------- p0 : array_like The coordinates of the start point. dirvec : array_like The probe direction vector. p_fun : function The function returning the probe parametrization along the dirvec direction. both_dirs : bool If True, the probe works, starting at p0, symmetrically in both dirvec and -dirvec directions. """ p0 = nm.array(p0, dtype=nm.float64) dirvec = nm.array(dirvec, dtype=nm.float64) dirvec /= nla.norm(dirvec) name = 'ray %s [%s, %s]' % (p_fun.__name__, p0, dirvec) if both_dirs: n_point_true = 2 * n_point else: n_point_true = n_point Probe.__init__(self, name=name, share_geometry=share_geometry, p0=p0, dirvec=dirvec, p_fun=p_fun, n_point=n_point_true, both_dirs=both_dirs) self.n_point_single = n_point
[docs] def report(self): """Report the probe parameters.""" out = out.append('point 0: %s' % self.p0) out.append('direction vector: %s' % self.dirvec) out.append('both directions: %s' % self.both_dirs) out.append('distribution function: %s' % self.p_fun.__name__) out.append('-----') return out
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_report(lines): """ Parse report lines to get the probe parameters. """ out = [parse_vector(lines[0]), parse_vector(lines[1]), parse_scalar(lines[2]), lines[3]] return out
[docs] def refine_points(self, variable, points, cache): """No refinement for this probe.""" refine_flag = nm.array([False]) return refine_flag
[docs] def gen_points(self, sign): """Generate the probe points and their parametrization.""" pars = self.p_fun(nm.arange(self.n_point_single, dtype=nm.float64)) points = self.p0 + sign * self.dirvec * pars[:,None] return pars, points
[docs] def get_points(self, refine_flag=None): """ Get the probe points. Returns ------- pars : array_like The independent coordinate of the probe. points : array_like The probe points, parametrized by pars. """ pars, points = self.gen_points(1.0) if self.both_dirs: pars0, points0 = self.gen_points(-1.0) pars = nm.concatenate((-pars0[::-1], pars)) points = nm.concatenate((points0[::-1], points)) return pars, points
[docs] class CircleProbe(Probe): """ Probe variables along a circle. If n_point is positive, that number of evenly spaced points is used. If n_point is None or non-positive, an adaptive refinement based on element diameters is used and the number of points and their spacing are determined automatically. If it is negative, -n_point is used as an initial guess. """ is_cyclic = True def __init__(self, centre, normal, radius, n_point, share_geometry=True): """ Parameters ---------- centre : array_like The coordinates of the circle centre. normal : array_like The normal vector perpendicular to the circle plane. radius : float The radius of the circle. """ centre = nm.array(centre, dtype=nm.float64) normal = nm.array(normal, dtype=nm.float64) normal /= nla.norm(normal) name = 'circle [%s, %s, %s]' % (centre, normal, radius) Probe.__init__(self, name=name, share_geometry=share_geometry, centre=centre, normal=normal, radius=radius, n_point=n_point)
[docs] def report(self): """Report the probe parameters.""" out = out.append('centre: %s' % self.centre) out.append('normal: %s' % self.normal) out.append('radius: %s' % self.radius) out.append('-----') return out
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_report(lines): """ Parse report lines to get the probe parameters. """ out = [parse_vector(lines[0]), parse_vector(lines[1]), parse_scalar(lines[2])] return out
[docs] def get_points(self, refine_flag=None): """ Get the probe points. Returns ------- pars : array_like The independent coordinate of the probe. points : array_like The probe points, parametrized by pars. """ # Vector of angles. if self.is_refined: return, self.points if refine_flag is None: pars = nm.linspace(0.0, 2.0*nm.pi, self.n_point + 1)[:-1] else: pars = Probe.refine_pars(, refine_flag, cyclic_val=2.0 * nm.pi) self.n_point = pars.shape[0] = pars # Create the points in xy plane, centered at the origin. x = self.radius * nm.cos(pars[:,None]) y = self.radius * nm.sin(pars[:,None]) if len(self.centre) == 3: z = nm.zeros((self.n_point, 1), dtype=nm.float64) points = nm.c_[x, y, z] # Rotate to satisfy the normal, shift to the centre. n1 = nm.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype=nm.float64) axis = nm.cross(n1, self.normal) angle = nm.arccos(, self.normal)) if nla.norm(axis) < 0.1: # n1 == self.normal rot_mtx = nm.eye(3, dtype=nm.float64) else: rot_mtx = make_axis_rotation_matrix(axis, angle) points =, rot_mtx) else: points = nm.c_[x, y] points += self.centre self.points = points return pars, points
[docs] class IntegralProbe(Struct): """Evaluate integral expressions.""" def __init__(self, name, problem, expressions, labels): Struct.__init__(self, name=name, problem=problem, expressions=expressions, labels=labels) def __call__(self, ip, state=None, **kwargs): return self.problem.evaluate(self.expressions[ip], state, **kwargs)