Source code for sfepy.discrete.materials

from __future__ import absolute_import

from sfepy.base.base import (Struct, Container, OneTypeList, assert_,
                             output, get_default, basestr)
from sfepy.base.timing import Timer
from .functions import ConstantFunction, ConstantFunctionByRegion
import six
import numpy as nm

[docs]class Materials(Container):
[docs] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, functions, wanted=None): """ Construct Materials instance from configuration. """ if wanted is None: wanted = list(conf.keys()) objs = OneTypeList(Material) for key, mc in six.iteritems(conf): if key not in wanted: continue mat = Material.from_conf(mc, functions) objs.append(mat) obj = Materials(objs) return obj
[docs] def reset(self): """Clear material data so that next materials.time_update() is performed even for stationary materials.""" for mat in self: mat.reset()
[docs] def time_update(self, ts, equations, mode='normal', problem=None, verbose=True): """ Update material parameters for given time, problem, and equations. Parameters ---------- ts : TimeStepper instance The time stepper. equations : Equations instance The equations using the materials. mode : 'normal', 'update' or 'force' The update mode, see :func:`Material.time_update()`. problem : Problem instance, optional The problem that can be passed to user functions as a context. verbose : bool If False, reduce verbosity. """ if verbose: output('updating materials...') timer = Timer(start=True) for mat in self: if verbose: output(' ', mat.time_update(ts, equations, mode=mode, problem=problem) if verbose: output('...done in %.2f s' % timer.stop())
[docs]class Material(Struct): """ A class holding constitutive and other material parameters. Example input:: material_2 = { 'name' : 'm', 'values' : {'E' : 1.0}, } Material parameters are passed to terms using the dot notation, i.e. 'm.E' in our example case. """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, functions): """ Construct Material instance from configuration. """ kind = conf.get('kind', 'time-dependent') flags = conf.get('flags', {}) function = conf.get('function', None) values = conf.get('values', None) if isinstance(function, basestr): function = functions[function] obj = Material(, kind, function, values, flags) return obj
[docs] def __init__(self, name, kind='time-dependent', function=None, values=None, flags=None, **kwargs): """ A material is defined either by a function, or by a set of constant values, potentially distinct per region. Therefore, either `function` must be specified, or a combination of `values` and `**kwargs`. For constant materials, `**kwargs` are simply combined with `values` into a dictionary mapping material parameter names to parameter values. The parameter values may either be specified as a constant value, or as another dictionary mapping region names to constant values (see :py:class:`sfepy.discrete.functions.ConstantFunctionByRegion`). Special material parameters, that are not evaluated in quadrature points - for example flags or geometry independent data - are denoted by parameter names starting with '.' - in this case the `values` argument need to be used, or a function that returns the parameters when ``mode == 'special'``. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the material. kind : 'time-dependent' or 'stationary' The kind of the material. function : function The function for setting up the material values. values : dict Constant material values. flags : dict, optional Special flags. **kwargs : keyword arguments, optional Constant material values passed by their names. """ Struct.__init__(self, name=name, kind=kind, is_constant=False) if kwargs: if values is None: values = kwargs else: values = dict(values) values.update(kwargs) if (function is not None) and (values is not None): raise ValueError( f'material {}: use either "function" or "values"' ' arguments but not both!' ) if (function is None) and (values is None): raise ValueError( f'material {}: neither "function" nor "values"' ' arguments (or keyword arguments) given!' ) self.flags = get_default(flags, {}) if function is not None: if not hasattr(function, '__call__'): raise TypeError( f'material {}: "function" needs to be callable!' ) self.function = function else: # => function is None assert_(all(isinstance(k, str) for k in values.keys())) isbyregion = list( (not k.startswith('.')) and isinstance(v, dict) for k,v in values.items() ) if all(isbyregion): self.function = ConstantFunctionByRegion(values) self.is_constant = True elif not any(isbyregion): self.function = ConstantFunction(values, no_tile=True) self.is_constant = True else: raise ValueError( f'material {}: Either all parameter values need to ' 'be specified by region, or none at all.' ) self.reset()
[docs] def iter_terms(self, equations, only_new=True): """ Iterate terms for which the material data should be evaluated. """ if equations is None: return for equation in equations: for term in equation.terms: names = [ii[0] for ii in term.names.material] if not in names: continue key = term.get_qp_key() if only_new and (key in self.datas): continue self.datas.setdefault(key, {}) yield key, term
[docs] def set_data(self, key, qps, data): """ Set the material data in quadrature points. Parameters ---------- key : tuple The (region_name, integral_name) data key. qps : Struct Information about the quadrature points. data : dict The material data. """ # Restore shape to (n_el, n_qp, ...) until the C # core is rewritten to work with a bunch of physical # point values only. new_data = {} if data is not None: for dkey, val in six.iteritems(data): if val.ndim != 3: raise ValueError('material parameter array must have' " three dimensions! ('%s' has %d)" % (dkey, val.ndim)) qps_shape = qps.get_shape(val.shape) if qps_shape[0] == 0: new_data[dkey] = nm.tile(val, (1, qps_shape[1], 1, 1)) else: new_data[dkey] = val.reshape(qps_shape) self.datas[key] = new_data
[docs] def update_data(self, key, ts, equations, term, problem=None): """ Update the material parameters in quadrature points. Parameters ---------- key : tuple The (region_name, integral_name) data key. ts : TimeStepper The time stepper. equations : Equations The equations for which the update occurs. term : Term The term for which the update occurs. problem : Problem, optional The problem definition for which the update occurs. """ self.datas.setdefault(key, {}) qps = term.get_physical_qps() coors = qps.values data = self.function(ts, coors, mode='qp', equations=equations, term=term, problem=problem, **self.extra_args) self.set_data(key, qps, data)
[docs] def update_special_data(self, ts, equations, problem=None): """ Update the special material parameters. Parameters ---------- ts : TimeStepper The time stepper. equations : Equations The equations for which the update occurs. problem : Problem, optional The problem definition for which the update occurs. """ if 'special' in self.datas: return # Special function values (e.g. flags). datas = self.function(ts, None, mode='special', problem=problem, equations=equations, **self.extra_args) if datas is not None: self.datas['special'] = datas self.special_names.update(list(datas.keys()))
[docs] def update_special_constant_data(self, equations=None, problem=None): """ Update the special constant material parameters. Parameters ---------- equations : Equations The equations for which the update occurs. problem : Problem, optional The problem definition for which the update occurs. """ if 'special_constant' in self.datas: return if not self.flags.get('special_constant'): return # Special constant values. datas = self.function(None, None, mode='special_constant', problem=problem, equations=equations) self.datas['special_constant'] = datas self.constant_names.update(list(datas.keys()))
[docs] def time_update(self, ts, equations, mode='normal', problem=None): """ Evaluate material parameters in physical quadrature points. Parameters ---------- ts : TimeStepper instance The time stepper. equations : Equations instance The equations using the materials. mode : 'normal', 'update' or 'force' The update mode. In 'force' mode, ``self.datas`` is cleared and all updates are redone. In 'update' mode, existing data are preserved and new can be added. The 'normal' mode depends on other attributes: for stationary (``self.kind == 'stationary'``) materials and materials in 'user' mode, nothing is done if ``self.datas`` is not empty. For time-dependent materials (``self.kind == 'time-dependent'``, the default) that are not constant, i.e., are given by a user function, 'normal' mode behaves like 'force' mode. For constant materials it behaves like 'update' mode - existing data are reused. problem : Problem instance, optional The problem that can be passed to user functions as a context. """ if mode == 'force': self.datas = {} elif self.datas: if mode == 'normal': if (self.mode == 'user') or (self.kind == 'stationary'): return elif not self.is_constant: self.datas = {} for key, term in self.iter_terms(equations): self.update_data(key, ts, equations, term, problem=problem) self.update_special_data(ts, equations, problem=problem) self.update_special_constant_data(equations, problem=problem)
[docs] def get_keys(self, region_name=None): """ Get all data keys. Parameters ---------- region_name : str If not None, only keys with this region are returned. """ if not self.datas: keys = None elif region_name is None: keys = list(self.datas.keys()) else: keys = [key for key in self.datas.keys() if (isinstance(key, tuple) and key[0] == region_name)] return keys
[docs] def set_all_data(self, datas): """ Use the provided data, set mode to 'user'. """ self.mode = 'user' self.datas = datas
[docs] def set_function(self, function): self.function = function self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Clear all data created by a call to ``time_update()``, set ``self.mode`` to ``None``. """ self.mode = None self.datas = {} self.special_names = set() self.constant_names = set() self.extra_args = {}
[docs] def set_extra_args(self, **extra_args): """Extra arguments passed tu the material function.""" self.extra_args = extra_args
[docs] def get_data(self, key, name): """`name` can be a dict - then a Struct instance with data as attributes named as the dict keys is returned.""" if isinstance(name, basestr): return self._get_data(key, name) else: out = Struct() for key, item in six.iteritems(name): setattr(out, key, self._get_data(key, item)) return out
def _get_data(self, key, name): if name is None: msg = 'material arguments must use the dot notation!\n'\ '(material: %s, key: %s)' % (, key) raise ValueError(msg) if not self.datas: raise ValueError('material data not set! (call time_update())') if name in self.special_names: # key ignored. return self.datas['special'][name] else: datas = self.datas[key] if isinstance(datas, Struct): return getattr(datas, name) elif datas: return datas[name]
[docs] def get_constant_data(self, name): """Get constant data by name.""" if name in self.constant_names: # no key. return self.datas['special_constant'][name] else: raise ValueError('material %s has no constant %s!' % (, name))
[docs] def reduce_on_datas(self, reduce_fun, init=0.0): """For non-special values only!""" out = {}.fromkeys(list(self.datas[list(self.datas.keys())[0]].keys()), init) for data in six.itervalues(self.datas): for key, val in six.iteritems(data): out[key] = reduce_fun(out[key], val) return out