Multiprocessing functions - using multiprocessing (process based) module.
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Manager, Queue, Lock,\
managers, Process, Pool
use_multiprocessing = cpu_count() > 1
use_multiprocessing = False
managers = None
import queue
except ImportError:
import Queue as queue
global_multiproc_dict = {}
class MyQueue(object):
def __init__(self):
self.queue = Queue()
def get(self):
name = self.queue.get(False, 0.01) # get (or wait for) a task
return name
except queue.Empty:
return None
def put(self, value):
def get_manager():
Get the multiprocessing manager. If not in the global cache,
create a new instance.
manager : manager
The multiprocessing manager.
if use_multiprocessing and 'manager' not in global_multiproc_dict:
global_multiproc_dict['manager'] = Manager()
return global_multiproc_dict['manager']
def get_mpdict_value(mode, key, clear=False):
Get the item from the global multiprocessing cache.
mode : str
The type of the required object.
key : immutable type
The key of the required object.
clear : bool
If True, clear the dictionary or list (for modes 'dict' and 'list').
value : remote object
The remote object.
m = get_manager()
if key in global_multiproc_dict:
if clear:
if mode == 'dict':
elif mode == 'list':
del global_multiproc_dict[key][:]
if mode == 'dict':
global_multiproc_dict[key] = m.dict()
elif mode == 'list':
global_multiproc_dict[key] = m.list()
elif mode == 'ivalue':
global_multiproc_dict[key] = m.Value('i', 0)
elif mode == 'queue':
global_multiproc_dict[key] = MyQueue()
elif mode == 'lock':
global_multiproc_dict[key] = Lock()
return global_multiproc_dict[key]
def get_dict(name, clear=False, **kwargs):
"""Get the remote dictionary."""
return get_mpdict_value('dict', 'd_' + name, clear=clear)
def get_list(name, clear=False):
"""Get the remote list."""
return get_mpdict_value('list', 'l_' + name, clear=clear)
def get_int_value(name, val0=0):
"""Get the remote integer value."""
out = get_mpdict_value('ivalue', 'iv_' + name)
out.value = val0
return out
def get_queue(name):
"""Get the global queue."""
return get_mpdict_value('queue', 'queue_' + name)
def get_lock(name):
"""Get the global lock."""
return get_mpdict_value('lock', 'lock_' + name)
def is_remote_dict(d):
"""Return True if 'd' is instance."""
return isinstance(d, managers.DictProxy)