Source code for gen_term_table

#!/usr/bin/env python
Generate the table of all terms for the sphinx documentation.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
from sfepy.base.base import dict_from_keys_init
from sfepy.discrete.equations import parse_definition
from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords
from sfepy.base.ioutils import locate_files
from sfepy import get_paths
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import pyparsing as pp

import numpy as nm
import six

import sfepy.discrete.fem # Hack: fix circular dependency, as terms.pyx imports
                          # from sfepy.discrete.fem
from sfepy.terms import term_table

[docs]def set_section(sec): def action(str, loc, toks): if toks: sec[0] = toks[0][1:-1] return toks return action
[docs]def to_list(slist, sec): def action(str, loc, toks): if toks: slist.append((sec[0], toks[0])) return toks return action
[docs]def create_parser(slist, current_section): colon = pp.Literal(':') section = pp.Combine(colon + pp.Word(pp.alphas, pp.alphanums + '_ ') + colon) section.setParseAction(set_section(current_section)) section.setName('section') text = pp.SkipTo(section | pp.StringEnd()) text.setParseAction(to_list(slist, current_section)) text.setName('text') doc = pp.StringStart()\ + pp.Optional(text) + pp.ZeroOrMore(section + text)\ + pp.StringEnd() return doc
newpage = r""" .. raw:: latex \newpage """ header = """ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.15\linewidth}|p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.6\linewidth}|p{0.15\linewidth}| .. list-table:: %s terms :widths: 15 10 60 15 :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable * - name/class - arguments - definition - examples """ table_row = """ * - %s :class:`%s <%s.%s>` - %s - %s - %s """
[docs]def format_next(text, new_text, pos, can_newline, width, ispaces): new_len = len(new_text) if (pos + new_len > width) and can_newline: text += '\n' + ispaces + new_text pos = new_len can_newline = False else: if pos > 0: text += ' ' + new_text pos += new_len + 1 else: text += new_text pos += new_len can_newline = True return text, pos, can_newline
[docs]def typeset_to_indent(txt, indent0, indent, width): if not len(txt): return txt txt_lines = txt.strip().split('\n') ispaces = ' ' * indent text = (' ' * indent0) + txt_lines[0] + '\n' + ispaces can_newline = False pos = indent0 for line in txt_lines[1:]: for word in line.split(): text, pos, can_newline = format_next(text, word, pos, can_newline, width, ispaces) return text
[docs]def typeset_term_syntax(term_class): if ((len(term_class.arg_types) >= 1) and not isinstance(term_class.arg_types[0], str)): is_param = len([arg for arg in term_class.arg_types[-1] if arg.startswith('parameter')]) > 0 is_vs = len([arg for arg in term_class.arg_types[0] if arg in ['virtual', 'state']]) > 0 arg_types_ = [list(k) for k in term_class.arg_types] if is_param and is_vs: at0 = arg_types_[0] at1 = arg_types_[-1] for k in range(len(at0)): if (at0[k] in ['virtual', 'state'] and at1[k].startswith('parameter')): aux = at1[k].replace('parameter', 'param') at0[k] = at0[k] + '/' + aux arg_types_ = arg_types_[:-1] arg_types = [', '.join(['``<%s>``' % arg for arg in arg_type]) for arg_type in arg_types_] text = '\n\n '.join(arg_types) else: text = ', '.join(['``<%s>``' % arg for arg in term_class.arg_types]) return text
link_example = ':ref:`%s <%s>`' omits = [ '', '', '', '', ]
[docs]def typeset_examples(term_class, term_use): # e.g. fem-time_advection_diffusion -> tim.adv.dif. to_shorter_name = lambda st: '.'.join( [s[:3] for s in st.split('-')[-1].split('_')]) link_list = [(link_example % (to_shorter_name(exmpl), exmpl)) for exmpl in term_use[]] return ', '.join(link_list)
[docs]def get_examples(table): term_use = dict_from_keys_init(table.keys(), set) required, other = get_standard_keywords() for filename in locate_files('*py', get_paths('sfepy/examples/')[0]): try: conf = ProblemConf.from_file(filename, required, other, verbose=False) except: continue ebase = filename.split('examples/')[1] lbase = os.path.splitext(ebase)[0] label = lbase.replace('/', '-') pyfile_name = ebase.split('/')[1] if pyfile_name in omits: continue use = conf.options.get('use_equations', 'equations') eqs_conf = getattr(conf, use) for key, eq_conf in six.iteritems(eqs_conf): term_descs = parse_definition(eq_conf) for td in term_descs: term_use[].add(label) return term_use
[docs]def typeset_term_table(fd, keys, table, title): """Terms are sorted by name without the d*_ prefix.""" sec_list = [] current_section = [''] parser = create_parser(sec_list, current_section) fd.write('.. _term_table_%s:\n' % title) label = 'Table of %s terms' % title fd.write(''.join([newpage, label, '\n', '"' * len(label), '\n'])) fd.write(header % (title[0].upper() + title[1:])) term_use = get_examples(table) sort_keys = [key[key.find('_'):] for key in keys] iis = nm.argsort(sort_keys) for ii in iis: key = keys[ii] item_class = table[key] doc = item_class.__doc__ if doc is not None: sec_list[:] = [] current_section[0] = '' parser.parseString(doc) dd = [x[1] for x in sec_list if x[0].lower() == 'definition'] if len(dd): dd = dd[0] else: dd = '' dds = dd.strip().split('\n\n') definition = '\n\n'.join(typeset_to_indent(dd, 7, 11, 65) for dd in dds)[7:] fd.write(table_row % (, item_class.__name__, item_class.__module__, item_class.__name__, typeset_term_syntax(item_class), definition, typeset_examples(item_class, term_use))) fd.write('\n')
[docs]def typeset_term_tables(fd, table): """Generate tables: basic, sensitivity, special.""" scattab = [ ('_st_', 2), ('_sd_', 0), ('_adj_', 0), ('_tl_', 1), ('_ul_', 1), ('_th', 2), ('_eth', 2), ('_of_', 2), ('de_', 3)] new_tabs = [[],[],[],[]] for term_name in six.iterkeys(table): for term_tag, tab_id in scattab: if term_tag in term_name: new_tabs[tab_id].append(term_name) break basic_keys = list(set(table.keys()) - set(new_tabs[0]) - set(new_tabs[1]) - set(new_tabs[2]) - set(new_tabs[3])) typeset_term_table(fd, basic_keys, table, 'basic') typeset_term_table(fd, new_tabs[0], table, 'sensitivity') typeset_term_table(fd, new_tabs[1], table, 'large deformation') typeset_term_table(fd, new_tabs[2], table, 'special') typeset_term_table(fd, new_tabs[3], table, 'multi-linear') fd.write(newpage)
[docs]def typeset(filename): """Utility function called by sphinx. """ fd = open(filename, 'w') typeset_term_tables(fd, term_table) fd.close()
[docs]def gen_term_table(app): typeset(os.path.join(app.builder.srcdir, 'term_table.rst'))
[docs]def setup(app): app.connect('builder-inited', gen_term_table)
helps = { 'output_filename' : 'output file name', }
[docs]def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", metavar='output_filename', action="store", dest="output_filename", default="term_table.rst", help=helps['output_filename']) options = parser.parse_args() typeset(options.output_filename)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()