2D/3D compression test¶
We consider the rectangular domain 10x10m and following boundary conditions: ux=0 at left and right edges, uy=0 at the bottom edge; left, right and bottom edges are assumed to be impermeable. The permeable upper boundary is loaded by boundary traction h(t) and p=0.

The pore pressure and seepage velocity at times t=0.03s and t=0.13s are presented in the following figures.

The input file for 2D example is porodynhe_example2d_simple.py. The input file for the similar simulation in 3D is porodynhe_example3d_simple.py.
2D partial compression test¶
In this example, we consider the square-shaped domain 10x10m. The boundary conditions are shown in the figure bellow and are as follows: ux = 0 at left and right edges, uy=0 at the bottom edge; left, right and bottom edges are assumed to be impermeable. The upper boundary is loaded by boundary traction h(t) on its right half which is also non-permeable. The fluid can evacuate through its left upper part, where p=0 is prescribed.

The pore pressure and seepage velocity at times t=0.03s and t=0.13s are presented in the following figures.

The time responses of the linear and non-linear models under partial compression at two mesh nodes L and R are compared here:

The example definition file: porodynhe_example2d.py.
3D torsion test¶
The cylinder sample is fully fixed at the bottom surface and twisted at the top surface. The fluid can evacuate only through the bottom part, all other sides are non-permeable. The pore pressure and seepage velocity at a given time are dispalyed in the figure below.

The example definition file: porodynhe_example3d.py.